// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/gfx/jpeg_codec.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/archived_database.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/expire_history_backend.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_database.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/text_database_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h" #include "chrome/tools/profiles/thumbnail-inl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "SkBitmap.h" using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; // Filename constants. static const FilePath::CharType kTestDir[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("ExpireTest"); static const FilePath::CharType kHistoryFile[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("History"); static const FilePath::CharType kArchivedHistoryFile[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Archived History"); static const FilePath::CharType kThumbnailFile[] = FILE_PATH_LITERAL("Thumbnails"); // The test must be in the history namespace for the gtest forward declarations // to work. It also eliminates a bunch of ugly "history::". namespace history { // ExpireHistoryTest ----------------------------------------------------------- class ExpireHistoryTest : public testing::Test, public BroadcastNotificationDelegate { public: ExpireHistoryTest() : bookmark_model_(NULL), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(expirer_(this, &bookmark_model_)), now_(Time::Now()) { } protected: // Called by individual tests when they want data populated. void AddExampleData(URLID url_ids[3], Time visit_times[4]); // Returns true if the given favicon/thumanil has an entry in the DB. bool HasFavIcon(FavIconID favicon_id); bool HasThumbnail(URLID url_id); // Returns the number of text matches for the given URL in the example data // added by AddExampleData. int CountTextMatchesForURL(const GURL& url); // EXPECTs that each URL-specific history thing (basically, everything but // favicons) is gone. void EnsureURLInfoGone(const URLRow& row); // Clears the list of notifications received. void ClearLastNotifications() { for (size_t i = 0; i < notifications_.size(); i++) delete notifications_[i].second; notifications_.clear(); } void StarURL(const GURL& url) { bookmark_model_.AddURL( bookmark_model_.GetBookmarkBarNode(), 0, std::wstring(), url); } static bool IsStringInFile(const FilePath& filename, const char* str); BookmarkModel bookmark_model_; MessageLoop message_loop_; ExpireHistoryBackend expirer_; scoped_ptr main_db_; scoped_ptr archived_db_; scoped_ptr thumb_db_; scoped_ptr text_db_; // Time at the beginning of the test, so everybody agrees what "now" is. const Time now_; // Notifications intended to be broadcast, we can check these values to make // sure that the deletor is doing the correct broadcasts. We own the details // pointers. typedef std::vector< std::pair > NotificationList; NotificationList notifications_; // Directory for the history files. FilePath dir_; private: void SetUp() { FilePath temp_dir; PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &temp_dir); dir_ = temp_dir.Append(kTestDir); file_util::Delete(dir_, true); file_util::CreateDirectory(dir_); FilePath history_name = dir_.Append(kHistoryFile); main_db_.reset(new HistoryDatabase); if (main_db_->Init(history_name, FilePath()) != INIT_OK) main_db_.reset(); FilePath archived_name = dir_.Append(kArchivedHistoryFile); archived_db_.reset(new ArchivedDatabase); if (!archived_db_->Init(archived_name)) archived_db_.reset(); FilePath thumb_name = dir_.Append(kThumbnailFile); thumb_db_.reset(new ThumbnailDatabase); if (thumb_db_->Init(thumb_name, NULL) != INIT_OK) thumb_db_.reset(); text_db_.reset(new TextDatabaseManager(dir_, main_db_.get(), main_db_.get())); if (!text_db_->Init(NULL)) text_db_.reset(); expirer_.SetDatabases(main_db_.get(), archived_db_.get(), thumb_db_.get(), text_db_.get()); } void TearDown() { ClearLastNotifications(); expirer_.SetDatabases(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); main_db_.reset(); archived_db_.reset(); thumb_db_.reset(); text_db_.reset(); file_util::Delete(dir_, true); } // BroadcastNotificationDelegate implementation. void BroadcastNotifications(NotificationType type, HistoryDetails* details_deleted) { // This gets called when there are notifications to broadcast. Instead, we // store them so we can tell that the correct notifications were sent. notifications_.push_back(std::make_pair(type, details_deleted)); } }; // The example data consists of 4 visits. The middle two visits are to the // same URL, while the first and last are for unique ones. This allows a test // for the oldest or newest to include both a URL that should get totally // deleted (the one on the end) with one that should only get a visit deleted // (with the one in the middle) when it picks the proper threshold time. // // Each visit has indexed data, each URL has thumbnail. The first two URLs will // share the same favicon, while the last one will have a unique favicon. The // second visit for the middle URL is typed. // // The IDs of the added URLs, and the times of the four added visits will be // added to the given arrays. void ExpireHistoryTest::AddExampleData(URLID url_ids[3], Time visit_times[4]) { if (!main_db_.get() || !text_db_.get()) return; // Four times for each visit. visit_times[3] = Time::Now(); visit_times[2] = visit_times[3] - TimeDelta::FromDays(1); visit_times[1] = visit_times[3] - TimeDelta::FromDays(2); visit_times[0] = visit_times[3] - TimeDelta::FromDays(3); // Two favicons. The first two URLs will share the same one, while the last // one will have a unique favicon. FavIconID favicon1 = thumb_db_->AddFavIcon(GURL("http://favicon/url1")); FavIconID favicon2 = thumb_db_->AddFavIcon(GURL("http://favicon/url2")); // Three URLs. URLRow url_row1(GURL("http://www.google.com/1")); url_row1.set_last_visit(visit_times[0]); url_row1.set_favicon_id(favicon1); url_row1.set_visit_count(1); url_ids[0] = main_db_->AddURL(url_row1); URLRow url_row2(GURL("http://www.google.com/2")); url_row2.set_last_visit(visit_times[2]); url_row2.set_favicon_id(favicon1); url_row2.set_visit_count(2); url_row2.set_typed_count(1); url_ids[1] = main_db_->AddURL(url_row2); URLRow url_row3(GURL("http://www.google.com/3")); url_row3.set_last_visit(visit_times[3]); url_row3.set_favicon_id(favicon2); url_row3.set_visit_count(1); url_ids[2] = main_db_->AddURL(url_row3); // Thumbnails for each URL. scoped_ptr thumbnail( JPEGCodec::Decode(kGoogleThumbnail, sizeof(kGoogleThumbnail))); ThumbnailScore score(0.25, true, true, Time::Now()); Time time; GURL gurl; thumb_db_->SetPageThumbnail(gurl, url_ids[0], *thumbnail, score, time); thumb_db_->SetPageThumbnail(gurl, url_ids[1], *thumbnail, score, time); thumb_db_->SetPageThumbnail(gurl, url_ids[2], *thumbnail, score, time); // Four visits. VisitRow visit_row1; visit_row1.url_id = url_ids[0]; visit_row1.visit_time = visit_times[0]; visit_row1.is_indexed = true; main_db_->AddVisit(&visit_row1); VisitRow visit_row2; visit_row2.url_id = url_ids[1]; visit_row2.visit_time = visit_times[1]; visit_row2.is_indexed = true; main_db_->AddVisit(&visit_row2); VisitRow visit_row3; visit_row3.url_id = url_ids[1]; visit_row3.visit_time = visit_times[2]; visit_row3.is_indexed = true; visit_row3.transition = PageTransition::TYPED; main_db_->AddVisit(&visit_row3); VisitRow visit_row4; visit_row4.url_id = url_ids[2]; visit_row4.visit_time = visit_times[3]; visit_row4.is_indexed = true; main_db_->AddVisit(&visit_row4); // Full text index for each visit. text_db_->AddPageData(url_row1.url(), visit_row1.url_id, visit_row1.visit_id, visit_row1.visit_time, L"title", L"body"); text_db_->AddPageData(url_row2.url(), visit_row2.url_id, visit_row2.visit_id, visit_row2.visit_time, L"title", L"body"); text_db_->AddPageData(url_row2.url(), visit_row3.url_id, visit_row3.visit_id, visit_row3.visit_time, L"title", L"body"); // Note the special text in this URL. We'll search the file for this string // to make sure it doesn't hang around after the delete. text_db_->AddPageData(url_row3.url(), visit_row4.url_id, visit_row4.visit_id, visit_row4.visit_time, L"title", L"goats body"); } bool ExpireHistoryTest::HasFavIcon(FavIconID favicon_id) { if (!thumb_db_.get()) return false; Time last_updated; std::vector icon_data_unused; GURL icon_url; return thumb_db_->GetFavIcon(favicon_id, &last_updated, &icon_data_unused, &icon_url); } bool ExpireHistoryTest::HasThumbnail(URLID url_id) { std::vector temp_data; return thumb_db_->GetPageThumbnail(url_id, &temp_data); } int ExpireHistoryTest::CountTextMatchesForURL(const GURL& url) { if (!text_db_.get()) return 0; // "body" should match all pagesx in the example data. std::vector results; QueryOptions options; options.most_recent_visit_only = false; Time first_time; text_db_->GetTextMatches(L"body", options, &results, &first_time); int count = 0; for (size_t i = 0; i < results.size(); i++) { if (results[i].url == url) count++; } return count; } void ExpireHistoryTest::EnsureURLInfoGone(const URLRow& row) { // Verify the URL no longer exists. URLRow temp_row; EXPECT_FALSE(main_db_->GetURLRow(row.id(), &temp_row)); // The indexed data should be gone. EXPECT_EQ(0, CountTextMatchesForURL(row.url())); // There should be no visits. VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(row.id(), &visits); EXPECT_EQ(0U, visits.size()); // Thumbnail should be gone. EXPECT_FALSE(HasThumbnail(row.id())); // Check the notifications. There should be a delete notification with this // URL in it. There should also be a "typed URL changed" notification if the // row is marked typed. bool found_delete_notification = false; bool found_typed_changed_notification = false; for (size_t i = 0; i < notifications_.size(); i++) { if (notifications_[i].first == NotificationType::HISTORY_URLS_DELETED) { const URLsDeletedDetails* deleted_details = reinterpret_cast(notifications_[i].second); if (deleted_details->urls.find(row.url()) != deleted_details->urls.end()) { found_delete_notification = true; } } else if (notifications_[i].first == NotificationType::HISTORY_TYPED_URLS_MODIFIED) { // See if we got a typed URL changed notification. const URLsModifiedDetails* modified_details = reinterpret_cast(notifications_[i].second); for (size_t cur_url = 0; cur_url < modified_details->changed_urls.size(); cur_url++) { if (modified_details->changed_urls[cur_url].url() == row.url()) found_typed_changed_notification = true; } } else if (notifications_[i].first == NotificationType::HISTORY_URL_VISITED) { // See if we got a visited URL notification. const URLVisitedDetails* visited_details = reinterpret_cast(notifications_[i].second); if (visited_details->row.url() == row.url()) found_typed_changed_notification = true; } } EXPECT_TRUE(found_delete_notification); EXPECT_EQ(row.typed_count() > 0, found_typed_changed_notification); } TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, DeleteFaviconsIfPossible) { // Add a favicon record. const GURL favicon_url("http://www.google.com/favicon.ico"); FavIconID icon_id = thumb_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url); EXPECT_TRUE(icon_id); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(icon_id)); // The favicon should be deletable with no users. std::set favicon_set; favicon_set.insert(icon_id); expirer_.DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(favicon_set); EXPECT_FALSE(HasFavIcon(icon_id)); // Add back the favicon. icon_id = thumb_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url); EXPECT_TRUE(icon_id); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(icon_id)); // Add a page that references the favicon. URLRow row(GURL("http://www.google.com/2")); row.set_visit_count(1); row.set_favicon_id(icon_id); EXPECT_TRUE(main_db_->AddURL(row)); // Favicon should not be deletable. favicon_set.clear(); favicon_set.insert(icon_id); expirer_.DeleteFaviconsIfPossible(favicon_set); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(icon_id)); } // static bool ExpireHistoryTest::IsStringInFile(const FilePath& filename, const char* str) { std::string contents; EXPECT_TRUE(file_util::ReadFileToString(filename, &contents)); return contents.find(str) != std::string::npos; } // Deletes a URL with a favicon that it is the last referencer of, so that it // should also get deleted. TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, DISABLED_DeleteURLAndFavicon) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); // Verify things are the way we expect with a URL row, favicon, thumbnail. URLRow last_row; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &last_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(last_row.favicon_id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(url_ids[2])); VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_ids[2], &visits); ASSERT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, CountTextMatchesForURL(last_row.url())); // In this test we also make sure that any pending entries in the text // database manager are removed. text_db_->AddPageURL(last_row.url(), last_row.id(), visits[0].visit_id, visits[0].visit_time); // Compute the text DB filename. FilePath fts_filename = dir_.Append( TextDatabase::IDToFileName(text_db_->TimeToID(visit_times[3]))); // When checking the file, the database must be closed. We then re-initialize // it just like the test set-up did. text_db_.reset(); EXPECT_TRUE(IsStringInFile(fts_filename, "goats")); text_db_.reset(new TextDatabaseManager(dir_, main_db_.get(), main_db_.get())); ASSERT_TRUE(text_db_->Init(NULL)); expirer_.SetDatabases(main_db_.get(), archived_db_.get(), thumb_db_.get(), text_db_.get()); // Delete the URL and its dependencies. expirer_.DeleteURL(last_row.url()); // The string should be removed from the file. FTS can mark it as gone but // doesn't remove it from the file, we want to be sure we're doing the latter. text_db_.reset(); EXPECT_FALSE(IsStringInFile(fts_filename, "goats")); text_db_.reset(new TextDatabaseManager(dir_, main_db_.get(), main_db_.get())); ASSERT_TRUE(text_db_->Init(NULL)); expirer_.SetDatabases(main_db_.get(), archived_db_.get(), thumb_db_.get(), text_db_.get()); // Run the text database expirer. This will flush any pending entries so we // can check that nothing was committed. We use a time far in the future so // that anything added recently will get flushed. TimeTicks expiration_time = TimeTicks::Now() + TimeDelta::FromDays(1); text_db_->FlushOldChangesForTime(expiration_time); // All the normal data + the favicon should be gone. EnsureURLInfoGone(last_row); EXPECT_FALSE(HasFavIcon(last_row.favicon_id())); } // Deletes a URL with a favicon that other URLs reference, so that the favicon // should not get deleted. This also tests deleting more than one visit. TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, DeleteURLWithoutFavicon) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); // Verify things are the way we expect with a URL row, favicon, thumbnail. URLRow last_row; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &last_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(last_row.favicon_id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(url_ids[1])); VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_ids[1], &visits); EXPECT_EQ(2U, visits.size()); EXPECT_EQ(1, CountTextMatchesForURL(last_row.url())); // Delete the URL and its dependencies. expirer_.DeleteURL(last_row.url()); // All the normal data + the favicon should be gone. EnsureURLInfoGone(last_row); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(last_row.favicon_id())); } // DeleteURL should not delete starred urls. TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, DontDeleteStarredURL) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); URLRow url_row; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &url_row)); // Star the last URL. StarURL(url_row.url()); // Attempt to delete the url. expirer_.DeleteURL(url_row.url()); // Because the url is starred, it shouldn't be deleted. GURL url = url_row.url(); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetRowForURL(url, &url_row)); // And the favicon should exist. EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(url_row.favicon_id())); // But there should be no fts. ASSERT_EQ(0, CountTextMatchesForURL(url_row.url())); // And no visits. VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_row.id(), &visits); ASSERT_EQ(0U, visits.size()); // Should still have the thumbnail. ASSERT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(url_row.id())); // Unstar the URL and delete again. bookmark_model_.SetURLStarred(url, std::wstring(), false); expirer_.DeleteURL(url); // Now it should be completely deleted. EnsureURLInfoGone(url_row); } // Expires all URLs more recent than a given time, with no starred items. // Our time threshold is such that one URL should be updated (we delete one of // the two visits) and one is deleted. TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, FlushRecentURLsUnstarred) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); URLRow url_row1, url_row2; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &url_row1)); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &url_row2)); // In this test we also make sure that any pending entries in the text // database manager are removed. VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_ids[2], &visits); ASSERT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); text_db_->AddPageURL(url_row2.url(), url_row2.id(), visits[0].visit_id, visits[0].visit_time); // This should delete the last two visits. expirer_.ExpireHistoryBetween(visit_times[2], Time()); // Run the text database expirer. This will flush any pending entries so we // can check that nothing was committed. We use a time far in the future so // that anything added recently will get flushed. TimeTicks expiration_time = TimeTicks::Now() + TimeDelta::FromDays(1); text_db_->FlushOldChangesForTime(expiration_time); // Verify that the middle URL had its last visit deleted only. visits.clear(); main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(url_ids[1], &visits); EXPECT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); EXPECT_EQ(0, CountTextMatchesForURL(url_row1.url())); // Verify that the middle URL visit time and visit counts were updated. URLRow temp_row; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &temp_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(visit_times[2] == url_row1.last_visit()); // Previous value. EXPECT_TRUE(visit_times[1] == temp_row.last_visit()); // New value. EXPECT_EQ(2, url_row1.visit_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, temp_row.visit_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, url_row1.typed_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, temp_row.typed_count()); // Verify that the middle URL's favicon and thumbnail is still there. EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(url_row1.favicon_id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(url_row1.id())); // Verify that the last URL was deleted. EnsureURLInfoGone(url_row2); EXPECT_FALSE(HasFavIcon(url_row2.favicon_id())); } // Expire a starred URL, it shouldn't get deleted TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, FlushRecentURLsStarred) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); URLRow url_row1, url_row2; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &url_row1)); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &url_row2)); // Star the last two URLs. StarURL(url_row1.url()); StarURL(url_row2.url()); // This should delete the last two visits. expirer_.ExpireHistoryBetween(visit_times[2], Time()); // The URL rows should still exist. URLRow new_url_row1, new_url_row2; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &new_url_row1)); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &new_url_row2)); // The visit times should be updated. EXPECT_TRUE(new_url_row1.last_visit() == visit_times[1]); EXPECT_TRUE(new_url_row2.last_visit().is_null()); // No last visit time. // Visit/typed count should not be updated for bookmarks. EXPECT_EQ(0, new_url_row1.typed_count()); EXPECT_EQ(1, new_url_row1.visit_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, new_url_row2.typed_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, new_url_row2.visit_count()); // Thumbnails and favicons should still exist. Note that we keep thumbnails // that may have been updated since the time threshold. Since the URL still // exists in history, this should not be a privacy problem, we only update // the visit counts in this case for consistency anyway. EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(new_url_row1.favicon_id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(new_url_row1.id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasFavIcon(new_url_row2.favicon_id())); EXPECT_TRUE(HasThumbnail(new_url_row2.id())); } TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, ArchiveHistoryBeforeUnstarred) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); URLRow url_row1, url_row2; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &url_row1)); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &url_row2)); // Archive the oldest two visits. This will actually result in deleting them // since their transition types are empty (not important). expirer_.ArchiveHistoryBefore(visit_times[1]); // The first URL should be deleted, the second should not be affected. URLRow temp_row; EXPECT_FALSE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[0], &temp_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &temp_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &temp_row)); // Make sure the archived database has nothing in it. EXPECT_FALSE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(url_row1.url(), NULL)); EXPECT_FALSE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(url_row2.url(), NULL)); // Now archive one more visit so that the middle URL should be removed. This // one will actually be archived instead of deleted. expirer_.ArchiveHistoryBefore(visit_times[2]); EXPECT_FALSE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &temp_row)); EXPECT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &temp_row)); // Make sure the archived database has an entry for the second URL. URLRow archived_row; // Note that the ID is different in the archived DB, so look up by URL. EXPECT_TRUE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(url_row1.url(), &archived_row)); VisitVector archived_visits; archived_db_->GetVisitsForURL(archived_row.id(), &archived_visits); EXPECT_EQ(1U, archived_visits.size()); } TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, ArchiveHistoryBeforeStarred) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); URLRow url_row0, url_row1; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[0], &url_row0)); ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &url_row1)); // Star the URLs. StarURL(url_row0.url()); StarURL(url_row1.url()); // Now archive the first three visits (first two URLs). The first two visits // should be, the third deleted, but the URL records should not. expirer_.ArchiveHistoryBefore(visit_times[2]); // The first URL should have its visit deleted, but it should still be present // in the main DB and not in the archived one since it is starred. URLRow temp_row; ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[0], &temp_row)); // Note that the ID is different in the archived DB, so look up by URL. EXPECT_FALSE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(temp_row.url(), NULL)); VisitVector visits; main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(temp_row.id(), &visits); EXPECT_EQ(0U, visits.size()); // The second URL should have its first visit deleted and its second visit // archived. It should be present in both the main DB (because it's starred) // and the archived DB (for the archived visit). ASSERT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[1], &temp_row)); main_db_->GetVisitsForURL(temp_row.id(), &visits); EXPECT_EQ(0U, visits.size()); // Note that the ID is different in the archived DB, so look up by URL. ASSERT_TRUE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(temp_row.url(), &temp_row)); archived_db_->GetVisitsForURL(temp_row.id(), &visits); ASSERT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(visit_times[2] == visits[0].visit_time); // The third URL should be unchanged. EXPECT_TRUE(main_db_->GetURLRow(url_ids[2], &temp_row)); EXPECT_FALSE(archived_db_->GetRowForURL(temp_row.url(), NULL)); } // Tests the return values from ArchiveSomeOldHistory. The rest of the // functionality of this function is tested by the ArchiveHistoryBefore* // tests which use this function internally. TEST_F(ExpireHistoryTest, ArchiveSomeOldHistory) { URLID url_ids[3]; Time visit_times[4]; AddExampleData(url_ids, visit_times); // Deleting a time range with no URLs should return false (nothing found). EXPECT_FALSE(expirer_.ArchiveSomeOldHistory( visit_times[0] - TimeDelta::FromDays(100), 1)); // Deleting a time range with not up the the max results should also return // false (there will only be one visit deleted in this range). EXPECT_FALSE(expirer_.ArchiveSomeOldHistory(visit_times[0], 2)); // Deleting a time range with the max number of results should return true // (max deleted). EXPECT_TRUE(expirer_.ArchiveSomeOldHistory(visit_times[2], 1)); } // TODO(brettw) add some visits with no URL to make sure everything is updated // properly. Have the visits also refer to nonexistant FTS rows. // // Maybe also refer to invalid favicons. } // namespace history