// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/gfx/jpeg_codec.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_backend.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_history_backend.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/in_memory_database.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h" #include "chrome/tools/profiles/thumbnail-inl.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using base::Time; // This file only tests functionality where it is most convenient to call the // backend directly. Most of the history backend functions are tested by the // history unit test. Because of the elaborate callbacks involved, this is no // harder than calling it directly for many things. namespace history { class HistoryBackendTest; // This must be a separate object since HistoryBackend manages its lifetime. // This just forwards the messages we're interested in to the test object. class HistoryBackendTestDelegate : public HistoryBackend::Delegate { public: explicit HistoryBackendTestDelegate(HistoryBackendTest* test) : test_(test) { } virtual void NotifyTooNew() { } virtual void SetInMemoryBackend(InMemoryHistoryBackend* backend); virtual void BroadcastNotifications(NotificationType type, HistoryDetails* details); virtual void DBLoaded(); private: // Not owned by us. HistoryBackendTest* test_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(HistoryBackendTestDelegate); }; class HistoryBackendTest : public testing::Test { public: HistoryBackendTest() : bookmark_model_(NULL), loaded_(false) {} virtual ~HistoryBackendTest() { } protected: scoped_refptr backend_; // Will be NULL on init failure. scoped_ptr mem_backend_; void AddRedirectChain(const char* sequence[], int page_id) { HistoryService::RedirectList redirects; for (int i = 0; sequence[i] != NULL; ++i) redirects.push_back(GURL(sequence[i])); int int_scope = 1; void* scope = 0; memcpy(&scope, &int_scope, sizeof(int_scope)); scoped_refptr request( new history::HistoryAddPageArgs( redirects.back(), Time::Now(), scope, page_id, GURL(), redirects, PageTransition::LINK)); backend_->AddPage(request); } BookmarkModel bookmark_model_; protected: bool loaded_; private: friend class HistoryBackendTestDelegate; // testing::Test virtual void SetUp() { if (!file_util::CreateNewTempDirectory(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("BackendTest"), &test_dir_)) return; backend_ = new HistoryBackend(test_dir_, new HistoryBackendTestDelegate(this), &bookmark_model_); backend_->Init(); } virtual void TearDown() { backend_->Closing(); backend_ = NULL; mem_backend_.reset(); file_util::Delete(test_dir_, true); } void SetInMemoryBackend(InMemoryHistoryBackend* backend) { mem_backend_.reset(backend); } void BroadcastNotifications(NotificationType type, HistoryDetails* details) { // Send the notifications directly to the in-memory database. Details det(details); mem_backend_->Observe(type, Source(NULL), det); // The backend passes ownership of the details pointer to us. delete details; } MessageLoop message_loop_; FilePath test_dir_; }; void HistoryBackendTestDelegate::SetInMemoryBackend( InMemoryHistoryBackend* backend) { test_->SetInMemoryBackend(backend); } void HistoryBackendTestDelegate::BroadcastNotifications( NotificationType type, HistoryDetails* details) { test_->BroadcastNotifications(type, details); } void HistoryBackendTestDelegate::DBLoaded() { test_->loaded_ = true; } TEST_F(HistoryBackendTest, Loaded) { ASSERT_TRUE(backend_.get()); ASSERT_TRUE(loaded_); } TEST_F(HistoryBackendTest, DeleteAll) { ASSERT_TRUE(backend_.get()); // Add two favicons, use the characters '1' and '2' for the image data. Note // that we do these in the opposite order. This is so the first one gets ID // 2 autoassigned to the database, which will change when the other one is // deleted. This way we can test that updating works properly. GURL favicon_url1("http://www.google.com/favicon.ico"); GURL favicon_url2("http://news.google.com/favicon.ico"); FavIconID favicon2 = backend_->thumbnail_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url2); FavIconID favicon1 = backend_->thumbnail_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url1); std::vector data; data.push_back('1'); EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetFavIcon( favicon1, data, Time::Now())); data[0] = '2'; EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetFavIcon( favicon2, data, Time::Now())); // First visit two URLs. URLRow row1(GURL("http://www.google.com/")); row1.set_visit_count(2); row1.set_typed_count(1); row1.set_last_visit(Time::Now()); row1.set_favicon_id(favicon1); URLRow row2(GURL("http://news.google.com/")); row2.set_visit_count(1); row2.set_last_visit(Time::Now()); row2.set_favicon_id(favicon2); std::vector rows; rows.push_back(row2); // Reversed order for the same reason as favicons. rows.push_back(row1); backend_->AddPagesWithDetails(rows); URLID row1_id = backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row1.url(), NULL); URLID row2_id = backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row2.url(), NULL); // Get the two visits for the URLs we just added. VisitVector visits; backend_->db_->GetVisitsForURL(row1_id, &visits); ASSERT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); VisitID visit1_id = visits[0].visit_id; visits.clear(); backend_->db_->GetVisitsForURL(row2_id, &visits); ASSERT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); VisitID visit2_id = visits[0].visit_id; // The in-memory backend should have been set and it should have gotten the // typed URL. ASSERT_TRUE(mem_backend_.get()); URLRow outrow1; EXPECT_TRUE(mem_backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row1.url(), NULL)); // Add thumbnails for each page. ThumbnailScore score(0.25, true, true); scoped_ptr google_bitmap( JPEGCodec::Decode(kGoogleThumbnail, sizeof(kGoogleThumbnail))); Time time; GURL gurl; backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetPageThumbnail(gurl, row1_id, *google_bitmap, score, time); scoped_ptr weewar_bitmap( JPEGCodec::Decode(kWeewarThumbnail, sizeof(kWeewarThumbnail))); backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetPageThumbnail(gurl, row2_id, *weewar_bitmap, score, time); // Star row1. bookmark_model_.AddURL( bookmark_model_.GetBookmarkBarNode(), 0, std::wstring(), row1.url()); // Set full text index for each one. backend_->text_database_->AddPageData(row1.url(), row1_id, visit1_id, row1.last_visit(), L"Title 1", L"Body 1"); backend_->text_database_->AddPageData(row2.url(), row2_id, visit2_id, row2.last_visit(), L"Title 2", L"Body 2"); // Now finally clear all history. backend_->DeleteAllHistory(); // The first URL should be preserved but the time should be cleared. EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row1.url(), &outrow1)); EXPECT_EQ(0, outrow1.visit_count()); EXPECT_EQ(0, outrow1.typed_count()); EXPECT_TRUE(Time() == outrow1.last_visit()); // The second row should be deleted. URLRow outrow2; EXPECT_FALSE(backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row2.url(), &outrow2)); // All visits should be deleted for both URLs. VisitVector all_visits; backend_->db_->GetAllVisitsInRange(Time(), Time(), 0, &all_visits); ASSERT_EQ(0U, all_visits.size()); // All thumbnails should be deleted. std::vector out_data; EXPECT_FALSE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->GetPageThumbnail(outrow1.id(), &out_data)); EXPECT_FALSE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->GetPageThumbnail(row2_id, &out_data)); // We should have a favicon for the first URL only. We look them up by favicon // URL since the IDs may hav changed. FavIconID out_favicon1 = backend_->thumbnail_db_-> GetFavIconIDForFavIconURL(favicon_url1); EXPECT_TRUE(out_favicon1); FavIconID out_favicon2 = backend_->thumbnail_db_-> GetFavIconIDForFavIconURL(favicon_url2); EXPECT_FALSE(out_favicon2) << "Favicon not deleted"; // The remaining URL should still reference the same favicon, even if its // ID has changed. EXPECT_EQ(out_favicon1, outrow1.favicon_id()); // The first URL should still be bookmarked. EXPECT_TRUE(bookmark_model_.IsBookmarked(row1.url())); // The full text database should have no data. std::vector text_matches; Time first_time_searched; backend_->text_database_->GetTextMatches(L"Body", QueryOptions(), &text_matches, &first_time_searched); EXPECT_EQ(0U, text_matches.size()); } TEST_F(HistoryBackendTest, URLsNoLongerBookmarked) { GURL favicon_url1("http://www.google.com/favicon.ico"); GURL favicon_url2("http://news.google.com/favicon.ico"); FavIconID favicon2 = backend_->thumbnail_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url2); FavIconID favicon1 = backend_->thumbnail_db_->AddFavIcon(favicon_url1); std::vector data; data.push_back('1'); EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetFavIcon( favicon1, data, Time::Now())); data[0] = '2'; EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->thumbnail_db_->SetFavIcon( favicon2, data, Time::Now())); // First visit two URLs. URLRow row1(GURL("http://www.google.com/")); row1.set_visit_count(2); row1.set_typed_count(1); row1.set_last_visit(Time::Now()); row1.set_favicon_id(favicon1); URLRow row2(GURL("http://news.google.com/")); row2.set_visit_count(1); row2.set_last_visit(Time::Now()); row2.set_favicon_id(favicon2); std::vector rows; rows.push_back(row2); // Reversed order for the same reason as favicons. rows.push_back(row1); backend_->AddPagesWithDetails(rows); URLID row1_id = backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row1.url(), NULL); URLID row2_id = backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row2.url(), NULL); // Star the two URLs. bookmark_model_.SetURLStarred(row1.url(), std::wstring(), true); bookmark_model_.SetURLStarred(row2.url(), std::wstring(), true); // Delete url 2. Because url 2 is starred this won't delete the URL, only // the visits. backend_->expirer_.DeleteURL(row2.url()); // Make sure url 2 is still valid, but has no visits. URLRow tmp_url_row; EXPECT_EQ(row2_id, backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row2.url(), NULL)); VisitVector visits; backend_->db_->GetVisitsForURL(row2_id, &visits); EXPECT_EQ(0U, visits.size()); // The favicon should still be valid. EXPECT_EQ(favicon2, backend_->thumbnail_db_->GetFavIconIDForFavIconURL(favicon_url2)); // Unstar row2. bookmark_model_.SetURLStarred(row2.url(), std::wstring(), false); // Tell the backend it was unstarred. We have to explicitly do this as // BookmarkModel isn't wired up to the backend during testing. std::set unstarred_urls; unstarred_urls.insert(row2.url()); backend_->URLsNoLongerBookmarked(unstarred_urls); // The URL should no longer exist. EXPECT_FALSE(backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row2.url(), &tmp_url_row)); // And the favicon should be deleted. EXPECT_EQ(0, backend_->thumbnail_db_->GetFavIconIDForFavIconURL(favicon_url2)); // Unstar row 1. bookmark_model_.SetURLStarred(row1.url(), std::wstring(), false); // Tell the backend it was unstarred. We have to explicitly do this as // BookmarkModel isn't wired up to the backend during testing. unstarred_urls.clear(); unstarred_urls.insert(row1.url()); backend_->URLsNoLongerBookmarked(unstarred_urls); // The URL should still exist (because there were visits). EXPECT_EQ(row1_id, backend_->db_->GetRowForURL(row1.url(), NULL)); // There should still be visits. visits.clear(); backend_->db_->GetVisitsForURL(row1_id, &visits); EXPECT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); // The favicon should still be valid. EXPECT_EQ(favicon1, backend_->thumbnail_db_->GetFavIconIDForFavIconURL(favicon_url1)); } TEST_F(HistoryBackendTest, GetPageThumbnailAfterRedirects) { ASSERT_TRUE(backend_.get()); const char* base_url = "http://mail"; const char* thumbnail_url = "http://mail.google.com"; const char* first_chain[] = { base_url, thumbnail_url, NULL }; AddRedirectChain(first_chain, 0); // Add a thumbnail for the end of that redirect chain. scoped_ptr thumbnail( JPEGCodec::Decode(kGoogleThumbnail, sizeof(kGoogleThumbnail))); backend_->SetPageThumbnail(GURL(thumbnail_url), *thumbnail, ThumbnailScore(0.25, true, true)); // Write a second URL chain so that if you were to simply check what // "http://mail" redirects to, you wouldn't see the URL that has // contains the thumbnail. const char* second_chain[] = { base_url, "http://mail.google.com/somewhere/else", NULL }; AddRedirectChain(second_chain, 1); // Now try to get the thumbnail for the base url. It shouldn't be // distracted by the second chain and should return the thumbnail // attached to thumbnail_url_. scoped_refptr data; backend_->GetPageThumbnailDirectly(GURL(base_url), &data); EXPECT_TRUE(data.get()); } // Tests a handful of assertions for a navigation with a type of // KEYWORD_GENERATED. TEST_F(HistoryBackendTest, KeywordGenerated) { ASSERT_TRUE(backend_.get()); GURL url("http://google.com"); Time visit_time = Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1); scoped_refptr request( new HistoryAddPageArgs(url, visit_time, NULL, 0, GURL(), HistoryService::RedirectList(), PageTransition::KEYWORD_GENERATED)); backend_->AddPage(request); // A row should have been added for the url. URLRow row; URLID url_id = backend_->db()->GetRowForURL(url, &row); ASSERT_NE(0, url_id); // The typed count should be 1. ASSERT_EQ(1, row.typed_count()); // KEYWORD_GENERATED urls should not be added to the segment db. std::string segment_name = VisitSegmentDatabase::ComputeSegmentName(url); EXPECT_EQ(0, backend_->db()->GetSegmentNamed(segment_name)); // One visit should be added. VisitVector visits; EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->db()->GetVisitsForURL(url_id, &visits)); EXPECT_EQ(1U, visits.size()); // But no visible visits. visits.clear(); backend_->db()->GetVisibleVisitsInRange( base::Time(), base::Time(), false, 1, &visits); EXPECT_TRUE(visits.empty()); // Expire the visits. backend_->expire_backend()->ExpireHistoryBetween(visit_time, Time::Now()); // The visit should have been nuked. visits.clear(); EXPECT_TRUE(backend_->db()->GetVisitsForURL(url_id, &visits)); EXPECT_TRUE(visits.empty()); // As well as the url. ASSERT_EQ(0, backend_->db()->GetRowForURL(url, &row)); } } // namespace history