// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/history/thumbnail_database.h" #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted_memory.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_tokenizer.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/diagnostics/sqlite_diagnostics.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_publisher.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h" #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "sql/transaction.h" #include "ui/gfx/image/image_util.h" #if defined(OS_MACOSX) #include "base/mac/mac_util.h" #endif // Description of database tables: // // icon_mapping // id Unique ID. // page_url Page URL which has one or more associated favicons. // icon_id The ID of favicon that this mapping maps to. // // favicons This table associates a row to each favicon for a // |page_url| in the |icon_mapping| table. This is the // default favicon |page_url|/favicon.ico plus any favicons // associated via . // The |id| matches the |icon_id| field in the appropriate // row in the icon_mapping table. // // id Unique ID. // url The URL at which the favicon file is located. // icon_type The type of the favicon specified in the rel attribute of // the link tag. The FAVICON type is used for the default // favicon.ico favicon. // sizes Sizes is a listing of all the sizes at which the favicon // at |url| is available from the web. Note that this may // include sizes for which a bitmap is not stored in the // favicon_bitmaps table. Each widthxheight pair is // separated by a space. Width and height are separated by // a space as well. For instance, if |icon_id| represents a // .ico file containing 16x16 and 32x32 bitmaps, |sizes| // would be "16 16 32 32". // // favicon_bitmaps This table contains the PNG encoded bitmap data of the // favicons. There is a separate row for every size in a // multi resolution bitmap. The bitmap data is associated // to the favicon via the |icon_id| field which matches // the |id| field in the appropriate row in the |favicons| // table. There is not necessarily a row for each size // specified in the sizes attribute. // // id Unique ID. // icon_id The ID of the favicon that the bitmap is associated to. // last_updated The time at which this favicon was inserted into the // table. This is used to determine if it needs to be // redownloaded from the web. // image_data PNG encoded data of the favicon. // width Pixel width of |image_data|. // height Pixel height of |image_data|. static void FillIconMapping(const sql::Statement& statement, const GURL& page_url, history::IconMapping* icon_mapping) { icon_mapping->mapping_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0); icon_mapping->icon_id = statement.ColumnInt64(1); icon_mapping->icon_type = static_cast(statement.ColumnInt(2)); icon_mapping->icon_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(3)); icon_mapping->page_url = page_url; } namespace history { // Version number of the database. static const int kCurrentVersionNumber = 6; static const int kCompatibleVersionNumber = 6; // Use 90 quality (out of 100) which is pretty high, because we're very // sensitive to artifacts for these small sized, highly detailed images. static const int kImageQuality = 90; ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::IconMappingEnumerator() { } ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::~IconMappingEnumerator() { } bool ThumbnailDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator::GetNextIconMapping( IconMapping* icon_mapping) { if (!statement_.Step()) return false; FillIconMapping(statement_, GURL(statement_.ColumnString(4)), icon_mapping); return true; } ThumbnailDatabase::ThumbnailDatabase() : history_publisher_(NULL), use_top_sites_(false) { } sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::CantUpgradeToVersion(int cur_version) { LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to update to thumbnail database to version " << cur_version << "."; db_.Close(); return sql::INIT_FAILURE; } ThumbnailDatabase::~ThumbnailDatabase() { // The DBCloseScoper will delete the DB and the cache. } sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::Init( const FilePath& db_name, const HistoryPublisher* history_publisher, URLDatabase* url_db) { history_publisher_ = history_publisher; sql::InitStatus status = OpenDatabase(&db_, db_name); if (status != sql::INIT_OK) return status; // Scope initialization in a transaction so we can't be partially initialized. sql::Transaction transaction(&db_); transaction.Begin(); #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Exclude the thumbnails file from backups. base::mac::SetFileBackupExclusion(db_name); #endif // Create the tables. if (!meta_table_.Init(&db_, kCurrentVersionNumber, kCompatibleVersionNumber) || !InitThumbnailTable() || !InitFaviconBitmapsTable(&db_, false) || !InitFaviconBitmapsIndex() || !InitFaviconsTable(&db_, false) || !InitFaviconsIndex() || !InitIconMappingTable(&db_, false) || !InitIconMappingIndex()) { db_.Close(); return sql::INIT_FAILURE; } // Version check. We should not encounter a database too old for us to handle // in the wild, so we try to continue in that case. if (meta_table_.GetCompatibleVersionNumber() > kCurrentVersionNumber) { LOG(WARNING) << "Thumbnail database is too new."; return sql::INIT_TOO_NEW; } int cur_version = meta_table_.GetVersionNumber(); if (cur_version == 2) { ++cur_version; if (!UpgradeToVersion3()) return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version); } if (cur_version == 3) { ++cur_version; if (!UpgradeToVersion4() || !MigrateIconMappingData(url_db)) return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version); } if (cur_version == 4) { ++cur_version; if (!UpgradeToVersion5()) return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version); } if (cur_version == 5) { ++cur_version; if (!UpgradeToVersion6()) return CantUpgradeToVersion(cur_version); } LOG_IF(WARNING, cur_version < kCurrentVersionNumber) << "Thumbnail database version " << cur_version << " is too old to handle."; // Initialization is complete. if (!transaction.Commit()) { db_.Close(); return sql::INIT_FAILURE; } // Raze the database if the structure of the favicons database is not what // it should be. This error cannot be detected via the SQL error code because // the error code for running SQL statements against a database with missing // columns is SQLITE_ERROR which is not unique enough to act upon. // TODO(pkotwicz): Revisit this in M27 and see if the razing can be removed. // (crbug.com/166453) if (IsFaviconDBStructureIncorrect()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Raze thumbnail database because of invalid favicon db" << "structure."; UMA_HISTOGRAM_BOOLEAN("History.InvalidFaviconsDBStructure", true); db_.Raze(); db_.Close(); return sql::INIT_FAILURE; } return sql::INIT_OK; } sql::InitStatus ThumbnailDatabase::OpenDatabase(sql::Connection* db, const FilePath& db_name) { db->set_error_histogram_name("Sqlite.Thumbnail.Error"); // Thumbnails db now only stores favicons, so we don't need that big a page // size or cache. db->set_page_size(2048); db->set_cache_size(32); // Run the database in exclusive mode. Nobody else should be accessing the // database while we're running, and this will give somewhat improved perf. db->set_exclusive_locking(); if (!db->Open(db_name)) return sql::INIT_FAILURE; return sql::INIT_OK; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitThumbnailTable() { if (!db_.DoesTableExist("thumbnails")) { use_top_sites_ = true; } return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion3() { if (use_top_sites_) { meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(3); meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber( std::min(3, kCompatibleVersionNumber)); return true; // Not needed after migration to TopSites. } // sqlite doesn't like the "ALTER TABLE xxx ADD (column_one, two, // three)" syntax, so list out the commands we need to execute: const char* alterations[] = { "ALTER TABLE thumbnails ADD boring_score DOUBLE DEFAULT 1.0", "ALTER TABLE thumbnails ADD good_clipping INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "ALTER TABLE thumbnails ADD at_top INTEGER DEFAULT 0", "ALTER TABLE thumbnails ADD last_updated INTEGER DEFAULT 0", NULL }; for (int i = 0; alterations[i] != NULL; ++i) { if (!db_.Execute(alterations[i])) { return false; } } meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(3); meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(3, kCompatibleVersionNumber)); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::RecreateThumbnailTable() { if (use_top_sites_) return true; // Not needed after migration to TopSites. if (!db_.Execute("DROP TABLE thumbnails")) return false; return InitThumbnailTable(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitFaviconsTable(sql::Connection* db, bool is_temporary) { // Note: if you update the schema, don't forget to update // CopyFaviconAndFaviconBitmapsToTemporaryTables as well. const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_favicons" : "favicons"; if (!db->DoesTableExist(name)) { std::string sql; sql.append("CREATE TABLE "); sql.append(name); sql.append("(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL," // Set the default icon_type as FAVICON to be consistent with // table upgrade in UpgradeToVersion4(). "icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1," "sizes LONGVARCHAR)"); if (!db->Execute(sql.c_str())) return false; } return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitFaviconsIndex() { // Add an index on the url column. return db_.Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS favicons_url ON favicons(url)"); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitFaviconBitmapsTable(sql::Connection* db, bool is_temporary) { // Note: if you update the schema, don't forget to update // CopyFaviconAndFaviconBitmapsToTemporaryTables as well. const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_favicon_bitmaps" : "favicon_bitmaps"; if (!db->DoesTableExist(name)) { std::string sql; sql.append("CREATE TABLE "); sql.append(name); sql.append("(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "icon_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "last_updated INTEGER DEFAULT 0," "image_data BLOB," "width INTEGER DEFAULT 0," "height INTEGER DEFAULT 0)"); if (!db->Execute(sql.c_str())) return false; } return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitFaviconBitmapsIndex() { // Add an index on the icon_id column. return db_.Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS favicon_bitmaps_icon_id ON " "favicon_bitmaps(icon_id)"); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::IsFaviconDBStructureIncorrect() { return !db_.IsSQLValid("SELECT id, url, icon_type, sizes FROM favicons"); } void ThumbnailDatabase::BeginTransaction() { db_.BeginTransaction(); } void ThumbnailDatabase::CommitTransaction() { db_.CommitTransaction(); } void ThumbnailDatabase::RollbackTransaction() { db_.RollbackTransaction(); } void ThumbnailDatabase::Vacuum() { DCHECK(db_.transaction_nesting() == 0) << "Can not have a transaction when vacuuming."; ignore_result(db_.Execute("VACUUM")); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetPageThumbnail( const GURL& url, URLID id, const gfx::Image* thumbnail, const ThumbnailScore& score, base::Time time) { if (use_top_sites_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Use TopSites instead."; return false; // Not possible after migration to TopSites. } if (!thumbnail) return DeleteThumbnail(id); bool add_thumbnail = true; ThumbnailScore current_score; if (ThumbnailScoreForId(id, ¤t_score)) { add_thumbnail = ShouldReplaceThumbnailWith(current_score, score); } if (!add_thumbnail) return true; std::vector jpeg_data; bool encoded = gfx::JPEG1xEncodedDataFromImage( *thumbnail, kImageQuality, &jpeg_data); if (encoded) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO thumbnails " "(url_id, boring_score, good_clipping, at_top, last_updated, data) " "VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); statement.BindDouble(1, score.boring_score); statement.BindBool(2, score.good_clipping); statement.BindBool(3, score.at_top); statement.BindInt64(4, score.time_at_snapshot.ToInternalValue()); statement.BindBlob(5, &jpeg_data[0], static_cast(jpeg_data.size())); if (!statement.Run()) return false; } // Publish the thumbnail to any indexers listening to us. // The tests may send an invalid url. Hence avoid publishing those. if (url.is_valid() && history_publisher_ != NULL) history_publisher_->PublishPageThumbnail(jpeg_data, url, time); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetPageThumbnail(URLID id, std::vector* data) { if (use_top_sites_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Use TopSites instead."; return false; // Not possible after migration to TopSites. } sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT data FROM thumbnails WHERE url_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); if (!statement.Step()) return false; // don't have a thumbnail for this ID statement.ColumnBlobAsVector(0, data); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteThumbnail(URLID id) { if (use_top_sites_) { return true; // Not possible after migration to TopSites. } sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM thumbnails WHERE url_id = ?")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::ThumbnailScoreForId(URLID id, ThumbnailScore* score) { DCHECK(score); if (use_top_sites_) { LOG(WARNING) << "Use TopSites instead."; return false; // Not possible after migration to TopSites. } // Fetch the current thumbnail's information to make sure we // aren't replacing a good thumbnail with one that's worse. sql::Statement select_statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT boring_score, good_clipping, at_top, last_updated " "FROM thumbnails WHERE url_id=?")); select_statement.BindInt64(0, id); if (!select_statement.Step()) return false; double current_boring_score = select_statement.ColumnDouble(0); bool current_clipping = select_statement.ColumnBool(1); bool current_at_top = select_statement.ColumnBool(2); base::Time last_updated = base::Time::FromInternalValue(select_statement.ColumnInt64(3)); *score = ThumbnailScore(current_boring_score, current_clipping, current_at_top, last_updated); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmapIDSizes( FaviconID icon_id, std::vector* bitmap_id_sizes) { DCHECK(icon_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); bool result = false; while (statement.Step()) { result = true; if (!bitmap_id_sizes) return result; FaviconBitmapIDSize bitmap_id_size; bitmap_id_size.bitmap_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0); bitmap_id_size.pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(1), statement.ColumnInt(2)); bitmap_id_sizes->push_back(bitmap_id_size); } return result; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmaps( FaviconID icon_id, std::vector* favicon_bitmaps) { DCHECK(icon_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id, last_updated, image_data, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps " "WHERE icon_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); bool result = false; while (statement.Step()) { result = true; if (!favicon_bitmaps) return result; FaviconBitmap favicon_bitmap; favicon_bitmap.bitmap_id = statement.ColumnInt64(0); favicon_bitmap.icon_id = icon_id; favicon_bitmap.last_updated = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(1)); if (statement.ColumnByteLength(2) > 0) { scoped_refptr data(new base::RefCountedBytes()); statement.ColumnBlobAsVector(2, &data->data()); favicon_bitmap.bitmap_data = data; } favicon_bitmap.pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(3), statement.ColumnInt(4)); favicon_bitmaps->push_back(favicon_bitmap); } return result; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconBitmap( FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id, base::Time* last_updated, scoped_refptr* png_icon_data, gfx::Size* pixel_size) { DCHECK(bitmap_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT last_updated, image_data, width, height FROM favicon_bitmaps " "WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, bitmap_id); if (!statement.Step()) return false; if (last_updated) *last_updated = base::Time::FromInternalValue(statement.ColumnInt64(0)); if (png_icon_data && statement.ColumnByteLength(1) > 0) { scoped_refptr data(new base::RefCountedBytes()); statement.ColumnBlobAsVector(1, &data->data()); *png_icon_data = data; } if (pixel_size) { *pixel_size = gfx::Size(statement.ColumnInt(2), statement.ColumnInt(3)); } return true; } FaviconBitmapID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFaviconBitmap( FaviconID icon_id, const scoped_refptr& icon_data, base::Time time, const gfx::Size& pixel_size) { DCHECK(icon_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO favicon_bitmaps (icon_id, image_data, last_updated, width, " "height) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); if (icon_data.get() && icon_data->size()) { statement.BindBlob(1, icon_data->front(), static_cast(icon_data->size())); } else { statement.BindNull(1); } statement.BindInt64(2, time.ToInternalValue()); statement.BindInt(3, pixel_size.width()); statement.BindInt(4, pixel_size.height()); if (!statement.Run()) return 0; return db_.GetLastInsertRowId(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconBitmap( FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id, scoped_refptr bitmap_data, base::Time time) { DCHECK(bitmap_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET image_data=?, last_updated=? WHERE id=?")); if (bitmap_data.get() && bitmap_data->size()) { statement.BindBlob(0, bitmap_data->front(), static_cast(bitmap_data->size())); } else { statement.BindNull(0); } statement.BindInt64(1, time.ToInternalValue()); statement.BindInt64(2, bitmap_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconBitmapLastUpdateTime( FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id, base::Time time) { DCHECK(bitmap_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET last_updated=? WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, time.ToInternalValue()); statement.BindInt64(1, bitmap_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteFaviconBitmapsForFavicon(FaviconID icon_id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteFaviconBitmap(FaviconBitmapID bitmap_id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, bitmap_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconSizes(FaviconID icon_id, const FaviconSizes& favicon_sizes) { std::string favicon_sizes_as_string; FaviconSizesToDatabaseString(favicon_sizes, &favicon_sizes_as_string); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE favicons SET sizes=? WHERE id=?")); statement.BindString(0, favicon_sizes_as_string); statement.BindInt64(1, icon_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::SetFaviconOutOfDate(FaviconID icon_id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE favicon_bitmaps SET last_updated=? WHERE icon_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, 0); statement.BindInt64(1, icon_id); return statement.Run(); } FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconIDForFaviconURL(const GURL& icon_url, int required_icon_type, IconType* icon_type) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id, icon_type FROM favicons WHERE url=? AND (icon_type & ? > 0) " "ORDER BY icon_type DESC")); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(icon_url)); statement.BindInt(1, required_icon_type); if (!statement.Step()) return 0; // not cached if (icon_type) *icon_type = static_cast(statement.ColumnInt(1)); return statement.ColumnInt64(0); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetFaviconHeader( FaviconID icon_id, GURL* icon_url, IconType* icon_type, FaviconSizes* favicon_sizes) { DCHECK(icon_id); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT url, icon_type, sizes FROM favicons WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); if (!statement.Step()) return false; // No entry for the id. if (icon_url) *icon_url = GURL(statement.ColumnString(0)); if (icon_type) *icon_type = static_cast(statement.ColumnInt(1)); if (favicon_sizes) DatabaseStringToFaviconSizes(statement.ColumnString(2), favicon_sizes); return true; } FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFavicon(const GURL& icon_url, IconType icon_type, const FaviconSizes& favicon_sizes) { std::string favicon_sizes_as_string; FaviconSizesToDatabaseString(favicon_sizes, &favicon_sizes_as_string); sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO favicons (url, icon_type, sizes) VALUES (?, ?, ?)")); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(icon_url)); statement.BindInt(1, icon_type); statement.BindString(2, favicon_sizes_as_string); if (!statement.Run()) return 0; return db_.GetLastInsertRowId(); } FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::AddFavicon( const GURL& icon_url, IconType icon_type, const FaviconSizes& favicon_sizes, const scoped_refptr& icon_data, base::Time time, const gfx::Size& pixel_size) { FaviconID icon_id = AddFavicon(icon_url, icon_type, favicon_sizes); if (!icon_id || !AddFaviconBitmap(icon_id, icon_data, time, pixel_size)) return 0; return icon_id; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteFavicon(FaviconID id) { sql::Statement statement; statement.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM favicons WHERE id = ?")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); if (!statement.Run()) return false; statement.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id = ?")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetIconMappingsForPageURL( const GURL& page_url, int required_icon_types, std::vector* filtered_mapping_data) { std::vector mapping_data; if (!GetIconMappingsForPageURL(page_url, &mapping_data)) return false; bool result = false; for (std::vector::iterator m = mapping_data.begin(); m != mapping_data.end(); ++m) { if (m->icon_type & required_icon_types) { result = true; if (!filtered_mapping_data) return result; // Restrict icon type of subsequent matches to |m->icon_type|. // |m->icon_type| is the largest IconType in |mapping_data| because // |mapping_data| is sorted in descending order of IconType. required_icon_types = m->icon_type; filtered_mapping_data->push_back(*m); } } return result; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::GetIconMappingsForPageURL( const GURL& page_url, std::vector* mapping_data) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT icon_mapping.id, icon_mapping.icon_id, favicons.icon_type, " "favicons.url " "FROM icon_mapping " "INNER JOIN favicons " "ON icon_mapping.icon_id = favicons.id " "WHERE icon_mapping.page_url=? " "ORDER BY favicons.icon_type DESC")); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url)); bool result = false; while (statement.Step()) { result = true; if (!mapping_data) return result; IconMapping icon_mapping; FillIconMapping(statement, page_url, &icon_mapping); mapping_data->push_back(icon_mapping); } return result; } IconMappingID ThumbnailDatabase::AddIconMapping(const GURL& page_url, FaviconID icon_id) { return AddIconMapping(page_url, icon_id, false); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpdateIconMapping(IconMappingID mapping_id, FaviconID icon_id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "UPDATE icon_mapping SET icon_id=? WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, icon_id); statement.BindInt64(1, mapping_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteIconMappings(const GURL& page_url) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM icon_mapping WHERE page_url = ?")); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url)); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::DeleteIconMapping(IconMappingID mapping_id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "DELETE FROM icon_mapping WHERE id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, mapping_id); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::HasMappingFor(FaviconID id) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT id FROM icon_mapping " "WHERE icon_id=?")); statement.BindInt64(0, id); return statement.Step(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::CloneIconMappings(const GURL& old_page_url, const GURL& new_page_url) { sql::Statement statement(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT icon_id FROM icon_mapping " "WHERE page_url=?")); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; // Do nothing if there are existing bindings statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(new_page_url)); if (statement.Step()) return true; statement.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO icon_mapping (page_url, icon_id) " "SELECT ?, icon_id FROM icon_mapping " "WHERE page_url = ?")); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(new_page_url)); statement.BindString(1, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(old_page_url)); return statement.Run(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitIconMappingEnumerator( IconType type, IconMappingEnumerator* enumerator) { DCHECK(!enumerator->statement_.is_valid()); enumerator->statement_.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement( SQL_FROM_HERE, "SELECT icon_mapping.id, icon_mapping.icon_id, favicons.icon_type, " "favicons.url, icon_mapping.page_url " "FROM icon_mapping JOIN favicons ON (" "icon_mapping.icon_id = favicons.id) " "WHERE favicons.icon_type = ?")); enumerator->statement_.BindInt(0, type); return enumerator->statement_.is_valid(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::MigrateIconMappingData(URLDatabase* url_db) { URLDatabase::IconMappingEnumerator e; if (!url_db->InitIconMappingEnumeratorForEverything(&e)) return false; IconMapping info; while (e.GetNextIconMapping(&info)) { // TODO: Using bulk insert to improve the performance. if (!AddIconMapping(info.page_url, info.icon_id)) return false; } return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitTemporaryTables() { return InitIconMappingTable(&db_, true) && InitFaviconsTable(&db_, true) && InitFaviconBitmapsTable(&db_, true); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::CommitTemporaryTables() { const char* main_tables[] = { "icon_mapping", "favicons", "favicon_bitmaps" }; const char* temporary_tables[] = { "temp_icon_mapping", "temp_favicons", "temp_favicon_bitmaps" }; DCHECK_EQ(arraysize(main_tables), arraysize(temporary_tables)); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(main_tables); ++i) { // Delete the main table. std::string sql; sql.append("DROP TABLE "); sql.append(main_tables[i]); if (!db_.Execute(sql.c_str())) return false; // Rename the temporary table. sql.clear(); sql.append("ALTER TABLE "); sql.append(temporary_tables[i]); sql.append(" RENAME TO "); sql.append(main_tables[i]); if (!db_.Execute(sql.c_str())) return false; } // The renamed tables needs indices (the temporary tables don't have any). return InitIconMappingIndex() && InitFaviconsIndex() && InitFaviconBitmapsIndex(); } IconMappingID ThumbnailDatabase::AddToTemporaryIconMappingTable( const GURL& page_url, const FaviconID icon_id) { return AddIconMapping(page_url, icon_id, true); } FaviconID ThumbnailDatabase::CopyFaviconAndFaviconBitmapsToTemporaryTables( FaviconID source) { sql::Statement statement; statement.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO temp_favicons (url, icon_type, sizes) " "SELECT url, icon_type, sizes FROM favicons WHERE id = ?")); statement.BindInt64(0, source); if (!statement.Run()) return 0; FaviconID new_favicon_id = db_.GetLastInsertRowId(); statement.Assign(db_.GetCachedStatement(SQL_FROM_HERE, "INSERT INTO temp_favicon_bitmaps (icon_id, last_updated, image_data, " "width, height) " "SELECT ?, last_updated, image_data, width, height " "FROM favicon_bitmaps WHERE icon_id = ?")); statement.BindInt64(0, new_favicon_id); statement.BindInt64(1, source); if (!statement.Run()) return 0; return new_favicon_id; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::NeedsMigrationToTopSites() { return !use_top_sites_; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::RenameAndDropThumbnails(const FilePath& old_db_file, const FilePath& new_db_file) { // Init favicons tables - same schema as the thumbnails. sql::Connection favicons; if (OpenDatabase(&favicons, new_db_file) != sql::INIT_OK) return false; if (!InitFaviconBitmapsTable(&favicons, false) || !InitFaviconsTable(&favicons, false) || !InitIconMappingTable(&favicons, false)) { favicons.Close(); return false; } favicons.Close(); // Can't attach within a transaction. if (transaction_nesting()) CommitTransaction(); // Attach new DB. { // This block is needed because otherwise the attach statement is // never cleared from cache and we can't close the DB :P sql::Statement attach(db_.GetUniqueStatement("ATTACH ? AS new_favicons")); if (!attach.is_valid()) { // Keep the transaction open, even though we failed. BeginTransaction(); return false; } #if defined(OS_POSIX) attach.BindString(0, new_db_file.value()); #else attach.BindString(0, WideToUTF8(new_db_file.value())); #endif if (!attach.Run()) { BeginTransaction(); return false; } } // Move favicons and favicon_bitmaps to new DB. bool successfully_moved_data = db_.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO new_favicons.favicon_bitmaps " "SELECT * FROM favicon_bitmaps") && db_.Execute("INSERT OR REPLACE INTO new_favicons.favicons " "SELECT * FROM favicons"); if (!successfully_moved_data) { DLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to copy favicons and favicon_bitmaps."; BeginTransaction(); return false; } if (!db_.Execute("DETACH new_favicons")) { DLOG(FATAL) << "Unable to detach database."; BeginTransaction(); return false; } db_.Close(); // Reset the DB to point to new file. if (OpenDatabase(&db_, new_db_file) != sql::INIT_OK) return false; file_util::Delete(old_db_file, false); meta_table_.Reset(); if (!meta_table_.Init(&db_, kCurrentVersionNumber, kCompatibleVersionNumber)) return false; if (!InitFaviconBitmapsIndex() || !InitFaviconsIndex()) return false; // Reopen the transaction. BeginTransaction(); use_top_sites_ = true; return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitIconMappingTable(sql::Connection* db, bool is_temporary) { const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_icon_mapping" : "icon_mapping"; if (!db->DoesTableExist(name)) { std::string sql; sql.append("CREATE TABLE "); sql.append(name); sql.append("(" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "page_url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL," "icon_id INTEGER)"); if (!db->Execute(sql.c_str())) return false; } return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::InitIconMappingIndex() { // Add an index on the url column. return db_.Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS icon_mapping_page_url_idx" " ON icon_mapping(page_url)") && db_.Execute("CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS icon_mapping_icon_id_idx" " ON icon_mapping(icon_id)"); } IconMappingID ThumbnailDatabase::AddIconMapping(const GURL& page_url, FaviconID icon_id, bool is_temporary) { const char* name = is_temporary ? "temp_icon_mapping" : "icon_mapping"; const char* statement_name = is_temporary ? "add_temp_icon_mapping" : "add_icon_mapping"; std::string sql; sql.append("INSERT INTO "); sql.append(name); sql.append("(page_url, icon_id) VALUES (?, ?)"); sql::Statement statement( db_.GetCachedStatement(sql::StatementID(statement_name), sql.c_str())); statement.BindString(0, URLDatabase::GURLToDatabaseURL(page_url)); statement.BindInt64(1, icon_id); if (!statement.Run()) return 0; return db_.GetLastInsertRowId(); } bool ThumbnailDatabase::IsLatestVersion() { return meta_table_.GetVersionNumber() == kCurrentVersionNumber; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion4() { // Set the default icon type as favicon, so the current data are set // correctly. if (!db_.Execute("ALTER TABLE favicons ADD icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1")) { return false; } meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(4); meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(4, kCompatibleVersionNumber)); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion5() { if (!db_.Execute("ALTER TABLE favicons ADD sizes LONGVARCHAR")) { return false; } meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(5); meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(5, kCompatibleVersionNumber)); return true; } bool ThumbnailDatabase::UpgradeToVersion6() { bool success = db_.Execute("INSERT INTO favicon_bitmaps (icon_id, last_updated, " "image_data, width, height)" "SELECT id, last_updated, image_data, 0, 0 FROM favicons") && db_.Execute("CREATE TABLE temp_favicons (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "url LONGVARCHAR NOT NULL," "icon_type INTEGER DEFAULT 1," // Set the default icon_type as FAVICON to be consistent with // table upgrade in UpgradeToVersion4(). "sizes LONGVARCHAR)") && db_.Execute("INSERT INTO temp_favicons (id, url, icon_type) " "SELECT id, url, icon_type FROM favicons") && db_.Execute("DROP TABLE favicons") && db_.Execute("ALTER TABLE temp_favicons RENAME TO favicons"); if (!success) return false; meta_table_.SetVersionNumber(6); meta_table_.SetCompatibleVersionNumber(std::min(6, kCompatibleVersionNumber)); return true; } // static void ThumbnailDatabase::FaviconSizesToDatabaseString( const FaviconSizes& favicon_sizes, std::string* favicon_sizes_string) { std::vector parts; for (FaviconSizes::const_iterator it = favicon_sizes.begin(); it != favicon_sizes.end(); ++it) { parts.push_back(base::IntToString(it->width())); parts.push_back(base::IntToString(it->height())); } *favicon_sizes_string = JoinString(parts, ' '); } // static void ThumbnailDatabase::DatabaseStringToFaviconSizes( const std::string& favicon_sizes_string, FaviconSizes* favicon_sizes) { bool parsing_errors = false; StringTokenizer t(favicon_sizes_string, " "); while (t.GetNext() && !parsing_errors) { int width, height = 0; parsing_errors |= !base::StringToInt(t.token(), &width); if (!t.GetNext()) { parsing_errors = true; break; } parsing_errors |= !base::StringToInt(t.token(), &height); favicon_sizes->push_back(gfx::Size(width, height)); } if (parsing_errors) favicon_sizes->clear(); } } // namespace history