// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites.h" #include #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/md5.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/dom_ui/most_visited_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/extensions/extensions_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/google_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_notifications.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/page_usage_data.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/top_sites_database.h" #include "chrome/browser/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_controller.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "chrome/common/thumbnail_score.h" #include "gfx/codec/jpeg_codec.h" #include "grit/chromium_strings.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "grit/locale_settings.h" #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h" namespace history { // How many top sites to store in the cache. static const size_t kTopSitesNumber = 20; static const size_t kTopSitesShown = 8; static const int kDaysOfHistory = 90; // Time from startup to first HistoryService query. static const int64 kUpdateIntervalSecs = 15; // Intervals between requests to HistoryService. static const int64 kMinUpdateIntervalMinutes = 1; static const int64 kMaxUpdateIntervalMinutes = 60; TopSites::TopSites(Profile* profile) : profile_(profile), mock_history_service_(NULL), last_num_urls_changed_(0), migration_in_progress_(false), waiting_for_results_(true), blacklist_(NULL), pinned_urls_(NULL) { if (!profile_) return; if (NotificationService::current()) { registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::HISTORY_URLS_DELETED, Source(profile_)); registrar_.Add(this, NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED, NotificationService::AllSources()); } blacklist_ = profile_->GetPrefs()-> GetMutableDictionary(prefs::kNTPMostVisitedURLsBlacklist); pinned_urls_ = profile_->GetPrefs()-> GetMutableDictionary(prefs::kNTPMostVisitedPinnedURLs); } TopSites::~TopSites() { timer_.Stop(); } void TopSites::Init(const FilePath& db_name) { db_path_ = db_name; db_.reset(new TopSitesDatabaseImpl()); if (!db_->Init(db_name)) { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to initialize database."; return; } ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::DB, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TopSites::ReadDatabase)); // Start the one-shot timer. timer_.Start(base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kUpdateIntervalSecs), this, &TopSites::StartQueryForMostVisited); } void TopSites::ReadDatabase() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::DB)); std::map thumbnails; DCHECK(db_.get()); MostVisitedURLList top_urls; db_->GetPageThumbnails(&top_urls, &thumbnails); MostVisitedURLList copy(top_urls); // StoreMostVisited destroys the list. StoreMostVisited(&top_urls); if (AddPrepopulatedPages(©)) UpdateMostVisited(copy); AutoLock lock(lock_); for (size_t i = 0; i < top_sites_.size(); i++) { GURL url = top_sites_[i].url; Images thumbnail = thumbnails[url]; if (!thumbnail.thumbnail.get() || !thumbnail.thumbnail->size()) { LOG(INFO) << "No thumbnail for " << url.spec(); } else { SetPageThumbnailNoDB(url, thumbnail.thumbnail, thumbnail.thumbnail_score); } } } // Public function that encodes the bitmap into RefCountedBytes and // updates the database. bool TopSites::SetPageThumbnail(const GURL& url, const SkBitmap& thumbnail, const ThumbnailScore& score) { AutoLock lock(lock_); bool add_temp_thumbnail = false; if (canonical_urls_.find(url) == canonical_urls_.end()) { if (top_sites_.size() < kTopSitesNumber) { add_temp_thumbnail = true; } else { return false; // This URL is not known to us. } } if (!HistoryService::CanAddURL(url)) return false; // It's not a real webpage. scoped_refptr thumbnail_data = new RefCountedBytes; SkAutoLockPixels thumbnail_lock(thumbnail); bool encoded = gfx::JPEGCodec::Encode( reinterpret_cast(thumbnail.getAddr32(0, 0)), gfx::JPEGCodec::FORMAT_BGRA, thumbnail.width(), thumbnail.height(), static_cast(thumbnail.rowBytes()), 90, &thumbnail_data->data); if (!encoded) return false; if (add_temp_thumbnail) { AddTemporaryThumbnail(url, thumbnail_data, score); return true; } return SetPageThumbnailEncoded(url, thumbnail_data, score); } bool TopSites::SetPageThumbnailEncoded(const GURL& url, const RefCountedBytes* thumbnail, const ThumbnailScore& score) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); if (!SetPageThumbnailNoDB(url, thumbnail, score)) return false; // Update the database. if (!db_.get()) return true; std::map::iterator found = canonical_urls_.find(url); if (found == canonical_urls_.end()) return false; size_t index = found->second; MostVisitedURL& most_visited = top_sites_[index]; ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::DB, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TopSites::WriteThumbnailToDB, most_visited, index, top_images_[most_visited.url])); return true; } void TopSites::WriteThumbnailToDB(const MostVisitedURL& url, int url_rank, const Images& thumbnail) { DCHECK(db_.get()); DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::DB)); db_->SetPageThumbnail(url, url_rank, thumbnail); } // private bool TopSites::SetPageThumbnailNoDB(const GURL& url, const RefCountedBytes* thumbnail_data, const ThumbnailScore& score) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); std::map::iterator found = canonical_urls_.find(url); if (found == canonical_urls_.end()) { if (top_sites_.size() >= kTopSitesNumber) return false; // This URL is not known to us. // We don't have enough Top Sites - add this one too. MostVisitedURL mv; mv.url = url; mv.redirects.push_back(url); top_sites_.push_back(mv); size_t index = top_sites_.size() - 1; StoreRedirectChain(top_sites_[index].redirects, index); found = canonical_urls_.find(url); } MostVisitedURL& most_visited = top_sites_[found->second]; Images& image = top_images_[most_visited.url]; // When comparing the thumbnail scores, we need to take into account the // redirect hops, which are not generated when the thumbnail is because the // redirects weren't known. We fill that in here since we know the redirects. ThumbnailScore new_score_with_redirects(score); new_score_with_redirects.redirect_hops_from_dest = GetRedirectDistanceForURL(most_visited, url); if (!ShouldReplaceThumbnailWith(image.thumbnail_score, new_score_with_redirects) && image.thumbnail.get()) return false; // The one we already have is better. // Take ownership of the thumbnail data. image.thumbnail = const_cast(thumbnail_data); image.thumbnail_score = new_score_with_redirects; return true; } void TopSites::GetMostVisitedURLs(CancelableRequestConsumer* consumer, GetTopSitesCallback* callback) { scoped_refptr > request( new CancelableRequest(callback)); // This ensures cancelation of requests when either the consumer or the // provider is deleted. Deletion of requests is also guaranteed. AddRequest(request, consumer); MostVisitedURLList filtered_urls; { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (waiting_for_results_) { // A request came in before we have any top sites. // We have to keep track of the requests ourselves. pending_callbacks_.insert(request); return; } if (request->canceled()) return; ApplyBlacklistAndPinnedURLs(top_sites_, &filtered_urls); } request->ForwardResult(GetTopSitesCallback::TupleType(filtered_urls)); } bool TopSites::GetPageThumbnail(const GURL& url, RefCountedBytes** data) const { AutoLock lock(lock_); std::map::const_iterator found = top_images_.find(url); if (found == top_images_.end()) { found = temp_thumbnails_map_.find(url); if (found == temp_thumbnails_map_.end()) return false; // No thumbnail for this URL. } Images image = found->second; *data = image.thumbnail.get(); return true; } static int IndexOf(const MostVisitedURLList& urls, const GURL& url) { for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) { if (urls[i].url == url) return i; } return -1; } int TopSites::GetIndexForChromeStore(const MostVisitedURLList& urls) { GURL store_url = MostVisitedHandler::GetChromeStoreURLWithLocale(); { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (IsBlacklisted(store_url)) return -1; } if (IndexOf(urls, store_url) != -1) return -1; // It's already there, no need to add. // Should replace the first filler. int first_filler = IndexOf(urls, GURL()); if (first_filler != -1) return first_filler; if (urls.size() < kTopSitesShown) return urls.size(); // Should replace the last non-pinned url. for (size_t i = kTopSitesShown - 1; i < urls.size(); i--) { if (!IsURLPinned(urls[i].url)) return i; } // All urls are pinned. return -1; } bool TopSites::AddChromeStore(MostVisitedURLList* urls) { if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch(switches::kDisableApps)) return false; if (!profile_) return false; ExtensionsService* service = profile_->GetExtensionsService(); if (!service || service->HasApps()) return false; int index = GetIndexForChromeStore(*urls); if (index == -1) return false; if (static_cast(index) >= urls->size()) urls->resize(index + 1); // Chrome App store may replace an existing non-pinned thumbnail. MostVisitedURL& url = (*urls)[index]; url.url = MostVisitedHandler::GetChromeStoreURLWithLocale(); url.title = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_EXTENSION_WEB_STORE_TITLE); url.favicon_url = GURL("chrome://theme/IDR_NEWTAB_CHROME_STORE_PAGE_FAVICON"); url.redirects.push_back(url.url); return true; } bool TopSites::AddPrepopulatedPages(MostVisitedURLList* urls) { // TODO(arv): This needs to get the data from some configurable place. // http://crbug.com/17630 bool added = false; GURL welcome_url(l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_CHROME_WELCOME_URL)); if (urls->size() < kTopSitesNumber && IndexOf(*urls, welcome_url) == -1) { MostVisitedURL url = { welcome_url, GURL("chrome://theme/IDR_NEWTAB_CHROME_WELCOME_PAGE_FAVICON"), l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_TAB_CHROME_WELCOME_PAGE_TITLE) }; url.redirects.push_back(welcome_url); urls->push_back(url); added = true; } GURL themes_url(l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_THEMES_GALLERY_URL)); if (urls->size() < kTopSitesNumber && IndexOf(*urls, themes_url) == -1) { MostVisitedURL url = { themes_url, GURL("chrome://theme/IDR_NEWTAB_THEMES_GALLERY_FAVICON"), l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(IDS_NEW_TAB_THEMES_GALLERY_PAGE_TITLE) }; url.redirects.push_back(themes_url); urls->push_back(url); added = true; } if (AddChromeStore(urls)) added = true; return added; } void TopSites::MigratePinnedURLs() { std::map tmp_map; for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator it = pinned_urls_->begin_keys(); it != pinned_urls_->end_keys(); ++it) { Value* value; if (!pinned_urls_->GetWithoutPathExpansion(*it, &value)) continue; if (value->IsType(DictionaryValue::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { DictionaryValue* dict = static_cast(value); std::string url_string; int index; if (dict->GetString("url", &url_string) && dict->GetInteger("index", &index)) tmp_map[GURL(url_string)] = index; } } pinned_urls_->Clear(); for (std::map::iterator it = tmp_map.begin(); it != tmp_map.end(); ++it) AddPinnedURL(it->first, it->second); } void TopSites::ApplyBlacklistAndPinnedURLs(const MostVisitedURLList& urls, MostVisitedURLList* out) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); MostVisitedURLList urls_copy; for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.size(); i++) { if (!IsBlacklisted(urls[i].url)) urls_copy.push_back(urls[i]); } for (size_t pinned_index = 0; pinned_index < kTopSitesShown; pinned_index++) { GURL url; bool found = GetPinnedURLAtIndex(pinned_index, &url); if (!found) continue; DCHECK(!url.is_empty()); int cur_index = IndexOf(urls_copy, url); MostVisitedURL tmp; if (cur_index < 0) { // Pinned URL not in urls. tmp.url = url; } else { tmp = urls_copy[cur_index]; urls_copy.erase(urls_copy.begin() + cur_index); } if (pinned_index > out->size()) out->resize(pinned_index); // Add empty URLs as fillers. out->insert(out->begin() + pinned_index, tmp); } // Add non-pinned URLs in the empty spots. size_t current_url = 0; // Index into the remaining URLs in urls_copy. for (size_t i = 0; i < kTopSitesShown && current_url < urls_copy.size(); i++) { if (i == out->size()) { out->push_back(urls_copy[current_url]); current_url++; } else if (i < out->size()) { if ((*out)[i].url.is_empty()) { // Replace the filler (*out)[i] = urls_copy[current_url]; current_url++; } } else { NOTREACHED(); } } } std::string TopSites::GetURLString(const GURL& url) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); return GetCanonicalURL(url).spec(); } std::string TopSites::GetURLHash(const GURL& url) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); return MD5String(GetCanonicalURL(url).spec()); } void TopSites::UpdateMostVisited(MostVisitedURLList most_visited) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::DB)); std::vector added; // Indices into most_visited. std::vector deleted; // Indices into top_sites_. std::vector moved; // Indices into most_visited. DiffMostVisited(top_sites_, most_visited, &added, &deleted, &moved); // #added == #deleted; #added + #moved = total. last_num_urls_changed_ = added.size() + moved.size(); { AutoLock lock(lock_); // Process the diff: delete from images and disk, add to disk. // Delete all the thumbnails associated with URLs that were deleted. for (size_t i = 0; i < deleted.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& deleted_url = top_sites_[deleted[i]]; std::map::iterator found = top_images_.find(deleted_url.url); if (found != top_images_.end()) top_images_.erase(found); } } // Write the updates to the DB. if (db_.get()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < deleted.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& deleted_url = top_sites_[deleted[i]]; if (db_.get()) db_->RemoveURL(deleted_url); } for (size_t i = 0; i < added.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& added_url = most_visited[added[i]]; db_->SetPageThumbnail(added_url, added[i], Images()); } for (size_t i = 0; i < moved.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& moved_url = most_visited[moved[i]]; db_->UpdatePageRank(moved_url, moved[i]); } } StoreMostVisited(&most_visited); if (migration_in_progress_) { // Copy all thumnbails from the history service. for (size_t i = 0; i < top_sites_.size(); i++) { GURL& url = top_sites_[i].url; Images& img = top_images_[url]; if (!img.thumbnail.get() || !img.thumbnail->size()) { StartQueryForThumbnail(i); } } } // If we are not expecting any thumbnails, migration is done. if (migration_in_progress_ && migration_pending_urls_.empty()) OnMigrationDone(); timer_.Stop(); timer_.Start(GetUpdateDelay(), this, &TopSites::StartQueryForMostVisited); } void TopSites::OnMigrationDone() { migration_in_progress_ = false; if (!profile_) return; HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); // |hs| may be null during unit tests. if (!hs) return; hs->OnTopSitesReady(); } void TopSites::AddTemporaryThumbnail(const GURL& url, const RefCountedBytes* thumbnail, const ThumbnailScore& score) { Images& img = temp_thumbnails_map_[url]; img.thumbnail = const_cast(thumbnail); img.thumbnail_score = score; } void TopSites::StartQueryForThumbnail(size_t index) { DCHECK(migration_in_progress_); if (top_sites_[index].url.spec() == l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_CHROME_WELCOME_URL) || top_sites_[index].url.spec() == l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_THEMES_GALLERY_URL)) return; // Don't need thumbnails for prepopulated URLs. migration_pending_urls_.insert(top_sites_[index].url); if (mock_history_service_) { // Testing with a mockup. // QueryMostVisitedURLs is not virtual, so we have to duplicate the code. // This calls SetClientData. mock_history_service_->GetPageThumbnail( top_sites_[index].url, &cancelable_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &TopSites::OnThumbnailAvailable), index); return; } if (!profile_) return; HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); // |hs| may be null during unit tests. if (!hs) return; HistoryService::Handle handle = hs->GetPageThumbnail(top_sites_[index].url, &cancelable_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &TopSites::OnThumbnailAvailable)); cancelable_consumer_.SetClientData(hs, handle, index); } void TopSites::GenerateCanonicalURLs() { lock_.AssertAcquired(); canonical_urls_.clear(); for (size_t i = 0; i < top_sites_.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& mv = top_sites_[i]; StoreRedirectChain(mv.redirects, i); } } void TopSites::StoreMostVisited(MostVisitedURLList* most_visited) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::DB)); MostVisitedURLList filtered_urls; PendingCallbackSet callbacks; { AutoLock lock(lock_); top_sites_.clear(); // Take ownership of the most visited data. top_sites_.swap(*most_visited); waiting_for_results_ = false; // Save the redirect information for quickly mapping to the canonical URLs. GenerateCanonicalURLs(); for (size_t i = 0; i < top_sites_.size(); i++) { const MostVisitedURL& mv = top_sites_[i]; std::map::iterator it = temp_thumbnails_map_.begin(); GURL canonical_url = GetCanonicalURL(mv.url); for (; it != temp_thumbnails_map_.end(); it++) { // Must map all temp URLs to canonical ones. // temp_thumbnails_map_ contains non-canonical URLs, because // when we add a temp thumbnail, redirect chain is not known. // This is slow, but temp_thumbnails_map_ should have very few URLs. if (canonical_url == GetCanonicalURL(it->first)) { SetPageThumbnailEncoded(mv.url, it->second.thumbnail, it->second.thumbnail_score); temp_thumbnails_map_.erase(it); break; } } } if (top_sites_.size() >= kTopSitesNumber) temp_thumbnails_map_.clear(); if (pending_callbacks_.empty()) return; ApplyBlacklistAndPinnedURLs(top_sites_, &filtered_urls); callbacks.swap(pending_callbacks_); } // lock_ is released. // Process callbacks outside the lock - ForwardResults may cause // thread switches. ProcessPendingCallbacks(callbacks, filtered_urls); } void TopSites::StoreRedirectChain(const RedirectList& redirects, size_t destination) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); if (redirects.empty()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } // Map all the redirected URLs to the destination. for (size_t i = 0; i < redirects.size(); i++) canonical_urls_[redirects[i]] = destination; } GURL TopSites::GetCanonicalURL(const GURL& url) const { lock_.AssertAcquired(); std::map::const_iterator found = canonical_urls_.find(url); if (found == canonical_urls_.end()) return url; // Unknown URL - return unchanged. return top_sites_[found->second].url; } // static int TopSites::GetRedirectDistanceForURL(const MostVisitedURL& most_visited, const GURL& url) { for (size_t i = 0; i < most_visited.redirects.size(); i++) { if (most_visited.redirects[i] == url) return static_cast(most_visited.redirects.size() - i - 1); } NOTREACHED() << "URL should always be found."; return 0; } // static void TopSites::DiffMostVisited(const MostVisitedURLList& old_list, const MostVisitedURLList& new_list, std::vector* added_urls, std::vector* deleted_urls, std::vector* moved_urls) { added_urls->clear(); deleted_urls->clear(); moved_urls->clear(); // Add all the old URLs for quick lookup. This maps URLs to the corresponding // index in the input. std::map all_old_urls; for (size_t i = 0; i < old_list.size(); i++) all_old_urls[old_list[i].url] = i; // Check all the URLs in the new set to see which ones are new or just moved. // When we find a match in the old set, we'll reset its index to our special // marker. This allows us to quickly identify the deleted ones in a later // pass. const size_t kAlreadyFoundMarker = static_cast(-1); for (size_t i = 0; i < new_list.size(); i++) { std::map::iterator found = all_old_urls.find(new_list[i].url); if (found == all_old_urls.end()) { added_urls->push_back(i); } else { if (found->second != i) moved_urls->push_back(i); found->second = kAlreadyFoundMarker; } } // Any member without the special marker in the all_old_urls list means that // there wasn't a "new" URL that mapped to it, so it was deleted. for (std::map::const_iterator i = all_old_urls.begin(); i != all_old_urls.end(); ++i) { if (i->second != kAlreadyFoundMarker) deleted_urls->push_back(i->second); } } void TopSites::StartQueryForMostVisited() { if (mock_history_service_) { // Testing with a mockup. // QueryMostVisitedURLs is not virtual, so we have to duplicate the code. mock_history_service_->QueryMostVisitedURLs( kTopSitesNumber, kDaysOfHistory, &cancelable_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &TopSites::OnTopSitesAvailable)); } else { if (!profile_) return; HistoryService* hs = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); // |hs| may be null during unit tests. if (hs) { hs->QueryMostVisitedURLs( kTopSitesNumber, kDaysOfHistory, &cancelable_consumer_, NewCallback(this, &TopSites::OnTopSitesAvailable)); } else { LOG(INFO) << "History Service not available."; } } } void TopSites::StartMigration() { LOG(INFO) << "Starting migration to TopSites."; migration_in_progress_ = true; StartQueryForMostVisited(); MigratePinnedURLs(); } void TopSites::AddBlacklistedURL(const GURL& url) { AutoLock lock(lock_); RemovePinnedURLLocked(url); Value* dummy = Value::CreateNullValue(); blacklist_->SetWithoutPathExpansion(GetURLHash(url), dummy); } bool TopSites::IsBlacklisted(const GURL& url) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); bool result = blacklist_->HasKey(GetURLHash(url)); return result; } void TopSites::RemoveBlacklistedURL(const GURL& url) { AutoLock lock(lock_); blacklist_->RemoveWithoutPathExpansion(GetURLHash(url), NULL); } void TopSites::ClearBlacklistedURLs() { blacklist_->Clear(); } void TopSites::AddPinnedURL(const GURL& url, size_t pinned_index) { GURL old; if (GetPinnedURLAtIndex(pinned_index, &old)) { RemovePinnedURL(old); } if (IsURLPinned(url)) { RemovePinnedURL(url); } Value* index = Value::CreateIntegerValue(pinned_index); AutoLock lock(lock_); pinned_urls_->SetWithoutPathExpansion(GetURLString(url), index); } void TopSites::RemovePinnedURL(const GURL& url) { AutoLock lock(lock_); RemovePinnedURLLocked(url); } void TopSites::RemovePinnedURLLocked(const GURL& url) { lock_.AssertAcquired(); pinned_urls_->RemoveWithoutPathExpansion(GetURLString(url), NULL); } bool TopSites::IsURLPinned(const GURL& url) { AutoLock lock(lock_); int tmp; bool result = pinned_urls_->GetIntegerWithoutPathExpansion( GetURLString(url), &tmp); return result; } bool TopSites::GetPinnedURLAtIndex(size_t index, GURL* url) { for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator it = pinned_urls_->begin_keys(); it != pinned_urls_->end_keys(); ++it) { int current_index; if (pinned_urls_->GetIntegerWithoutPathExpansion(*it, ¤t_index)) { if (static_cast(current_index) == index) { *url = GURL(*it); return true; } } } return false; } // static void TopSites::DeleteTopSites(scoped_refptr& ptr) { if (!ptr.get() || !MessageLoop::current()) return; if (ChromeThread::IsWellKnownThread(ChromeThread::UI)) { ptr = NULL; } else { // Need to roll our own UI thread. ChromeThread ui_loop(ChromeThread::UI, MessageLoop::current()); ptr = NULL; MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); } } void TopSites::ClearProfile() { profile_ = NULL; } base::TimeDelta TopSites::GetUpdateDelay() { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (top_sites_.size() == 0) return base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(30); int64 range = kMaxUpdateIntervalMinutes - kMinUpdateIntervalMinutes; int64 minutes = kMaxUpdateIntervalMinutes - last_num_urls_changed_ * range / top_sites_.size(); return base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(minutes); } void TopSites::OnTopSitesAvailable( CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle, MostVisitedURLList pages) { AddPrepopulatedPages(&pages); ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::DB, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &TopSites::UpdateMostVisited, pages)); } // static void TopSites::ProcessPendingCallbacks(PendingCallbackSet pending_callbacks, const MostVisitedURLList& urls) { PendingCallbackSet::iterator i; for (i = pending_callbacks.begin(); i != pending_callbacks.end(); ++i) { scoped_refptr > request = *i; if (!request->canceled()) request->ForwardResult(GetTopSitesCallback::TupleType(urls)); } pending_callbacks.clear(); } void TopSites::OnThumbnailAvailable(CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle, scoped_refptr thumbnail) { size_t index; if (mock_history_service_) { index = handle; } else { if (!profile_) return; HistoryService* hs = profile_ ->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (!hs) return; index = cancelable_consumer_.GetClientData(hs, handle); } DCHECK(static_cast(index) < top_sites_.size()); if (migration_in_progress_) migration_pending_urls_.erase(top_sites_[index].url); if (thumbnail.get() && thumbnail->size()) { const MostVisitedURL& url = top_sites_[index]; AutoLock lock(lock_); SetPageThumbnailEncoded(url.url, thumbnail, ThumbnailScore()); } if (migration_in_progress_ && migration_pending_urls_.empty() && !mock_history_service_) OnMigrationDone(); } void TopSites::SetMockHistoryService(MockHistoryService* mhs) { mock_history_service_ = mhs; } void TopSites::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { AutoLock lock(lock_); if (type == NotificationType::HISTORY_URLS_DELETED) { Details deleted_details(details); if (deleted_details->all_history) { top_sites_.clear(); ChromeThread::PostTask(ChromeThread::DB, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &TopSites::ResetDatabase)); } else { std::set indices_to_delete; // Indices into top_sites_. std::set::iterator it; for (it = deleted_details->urls.begin(); it != deleted_details->urls.end(); ++it) { std::map::const_iterator found = canonical_urls_.find(*it); if (found != canonical_urls_.end()) indices_to_delete.insert(found->second); } for (std::set::reverse_iterator i = indices_to_delete.rbegin(); i != indices_to_delete.rend(); i++) { size_t index = *i; RemovePinnedURLLocked(top_sites_[index].url); top_sites_.erase(top_sites_.begin() + index); } } // Canonical URLs are not valid any more. GenerateCanonicalURLs(); StartQueryForMostVisited(); } else if (type == NotificationType::NAV_ENTRY_COMMITTED) { if (top_sites_.size() < kTopSitesNumber) { NavigationController::LoadCommittedDetails* load_details = Details(details).ptr(); if (!load_details) return; GURL url = load_details->entry->url(); if (canonical_urls_.find(url) == canonical_urls_.end() && HistoryService::CanAddURL(url)) { // Add this page to the known pages in case the thumbnail comes // in before we get the results. MostVisitedURL mv; mv.url = url; mv.redirects.push_back(url); top_sites_.push_back(mv); size_t index = top_sites_.size() - 1; StoreRedirectChain(top_sites_[index].redirects, index); } StartQueryForMostVisited(); } } } void TopSites::ResetDatabase() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::DB)); db_.reset(new TopSitesDatabaseImpl()); file_util::Delete(db_path_, false); if (!db_->Init(db_path_)) { NOTREACHED() << "Failed to initialize database."; return; } } } // namespace history