// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/path_service.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/url_database.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_compiled_statement.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_utils.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; namespace history { namespace { bool IsURLRowEqual(const URLRow& a, const URLRow& b) { // TODO(brettw) when the database stores an actual Time value rather than // a time_t, do a reaul comparison. Instead, we have to do a more rough // comparison since the conversion reduces the precision. return a.title() == b.title() && a.visit_count() == b.visit_count() && a.typed_count() == b.typed_count() && a.last_visit() - b.last_visit() <= TimeDelta::FromSeconds(1) && a.hidden() == b.hidden(); } } // namespace class URLDatabaseTest : public testing::Test, public URLDatabase { public: URLDatabaseTest() : db_(NULL), statement_cache_(NULL) { } private: // Test setup. void SetUp() { FilePath temp_dir; PathService::Get(base::DIR_TEMP, &temp_dir); db_file_ = temp_dir.AppendASCII("URLTest.db"); EXPECT_EQ(SQLITE_OK, OpenSqliteDb(db_file_, &db_)); statement_cache_ = new SqliteStatementCache(db_); // Initialize the tables for this test. CreateURLTable(false); CreateMainURLIndex(); CreateSupplimentaryURLIndices(); InitKeywordSearchTermsTable(); } void TearDown() { delete statement_cache_; sqlite3_close(db_); file_util::Delete(db_file_, false); } // Provided for URL/VisitDatabase. virtual sqlite3* GetDB() { return db_; } virtual SqliteStatementCache& GetStatementCache() { return *statement_cache_; } FilePath db_file_; sqlite3* db_; SqliteStatementCache* statement_cache_; }; // Test add and query for the URL table in the HistoryDatabase TEST_F(URLDatabaseTest, AddURL) { // first, add two URLs const GURL url1("http://www.google.com/"); URLRow url_info1(url1); url_info1.set_title(L"Google"); url_info1.set_visit_count(4); url_info1.set_typed_count(2); url_info1.set_last_visit(Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(1)); url_info1.set_hidden(false); EXPECT_TRUE(AddURL(url_info1)); const GURL url2("http://mail.google.com/"); URLRow url_info2(url2); url_info2.set_title(L"Google Mail"); url_info2.set_visit_count(3); url_info2.set_typed_count(0); url_info2.set_last_visit(Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(2)); url_info2.set_hidden(true); EXPECT_TRUE(AddURL(url_info2)); // query both of them URLRow info; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRowForURL(url1, &info)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsURLRowEqual(url_info1, info)); URLID id2 = GetRowForURL(url2, &info); EXPECT_TRUE(id2); EXPECT_TRUE(IsURLRowEqual(url_info2, info)); // update the second url_info2.set_title(L"Google Mail Too"); url_info2.set_visit_count(4); url_info2.set_typed_count(1); url_info2.set_typed_count(91011); url_info2.set_hidden(false); EXPECT_TRUE(UpdateURLRow(id2, url_info2)); // make sure it got updated URLRow info2; EXPECT_TRUE(GetRowForURL(url2, &info2)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsURLRowEqual(url_info2, info2)); // query a nonexistant URL EXPECT_EQ(0, GetRowForURL(GURL("http://news.google.com/"), &info)); // Delete all urls in the domain // FIXME(ACW) test the new url based delete domain //EXPECT_TRUE(db.DeleteDomain(kDomainID)); // Make sure the urls have been properly removed // FIXME(ACW) commented out because remove no longer works. //EXPECT_TRUE(db.GetURLInfo(url1, NULL) == NULL); //EXPECT_TRUE(db.GetURLInfo(url2, NULL) == NULL); } // Tests adding, querying and deleting keyword visits. TEST_F(URLDatabaseTest, KeywordSearchTermVisit) { const GURL url1("http://www.google.com/"); URLRow url_info1(url1); url_info1.set_title(L"Google"); url_info1.set_visit_count(4); url_info1.set_typed_count(2); url_info1.set_last_visit(Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(1)); url_info1.set_hidden(false); URLID url_id = AddURL(url_info1); ASSERT_TRUE(url_id != 0); // Add a keyword visit. ASSERT_TRUE(SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(url_id, 1, L"visit")); // Make sure we get it back. std::vector<KeywordSearchTermVisit> matches; GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(1, L"visit", 10, &matches); ASSERT_EQ(1U, matches.size()); ASSERT_EQ(L"visit", matches[0].term); // Delete the keyword visit. DeleteAllSearchTermsForKeyword(1); // Make sure we don't get it back when querying. matches.clear(); GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(1, L"visit", 10, &matches); ASSERT_EQ(0U, matches.size()); } // Make sure deleting a URL also deletes a keyword visit. TEST_F(URLDatabaseTest, DeleteURLDeletesKeywordSearchTermVisit) { const GURL url1("http://www.google.com/"); URLRow url_info1(url1); url_info1.set_title(L"Google"); url_info1.set_visit_count(4); url_info1.set_typed_count(2); url_info1.set_last_visit(Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromDays(1)); url_info1.set_hidden(false); URLID url_id = AddURL(url_info1); ASSERT_TRUE(url_id != 0); // Add a keyword visit. ASSERT_TRUE(SetKeywordSearchTermsForURL(url_id, 1, L"visit")); // Delete the url. ASSERT_TRUE(DeleteURLRow(url_id)); // Make sure the keyword visit was deleted. std::vector<KeywordSearchTermVisit> matches; GetMostRecentKeywordSearchTerms(1, L"visit", 10, &matches); ASSERT_EQ(0U, matches.size()); } } // namespace history