// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/history/visitsegment_database.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/page_usage_data.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_compiled_statement.h" #include "chrome/common/sqlite_utils.h" using base::Time; // The following tables are used to store url segment information. // // segments // id Primary key // name A unique string to represent that segment. (URL derived) // url_id ID of the url currently used to represent this segment. // pres_index index used to store a fixed presentation position. // // segment_usage // id Primary key // segment_id Corresponding segment id // time_slot time stamp identifying for what day this entry is about // visit_count Number of visit in the segment // namespace history { VisitSegmentDatabase::VisitSegmentDatabase() { } VisitSegmentDatabase::~VisitSegmentDatabase() { } bool VisitSegmentDatabase::InitSegmentTables() { // Segments table. if (!DoesSqliteTableExist(GetDB(), "segments")) { if (sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE TABLE segments (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "name VARCHAR," "url_id INTEGER NON NULL," "pres_index INTEGER DEFAULT -1 NOT NULL)", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE INDEX segments_name ON segments(name)", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } // This was added later, so we need to try to create it even if the table // already exists. sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE INDEX segments_url_id ON segments(url_id)", NULL, NULL, NULL); // Segment usage table. if (!DoesSqliteTableExist(GetDB(), "segment_usage")) { if (sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE TABLE segment_usage (" "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "segment_id INTEGER NOT NULL," "time_slot INTEGER NOT NULL," "visit_count INTEGER DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL)", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } if (sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE INDEX segment_usage_time_slot_segment_id ON " "segment_usage(time_slot, segment_id)", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) { NOTREACHED(); return false; } } // Added in a later version, so we always need to try to creat this index. sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE INDEX segments_usage_seg_id " "ON segment_usage(segment_id)", NULL, NULL, NULL); // Presentation index table. // // Important note: // Right now, this table is only used to store the presentation index. // If you need to add more columns, keep in mind that rows are currently // deleted when the presentation index is changed to -1. // See SetPagePresentationIndex() in this file if (!DoesSqliteTableExist(GetDB(), "presentation")) { if (sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "CREATE TABLE presentation(" "url_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY," "pres_index INTEGER NOT NULL)", NULL, NULL, NULL) != SQLITE_OK) return false; } return true; } bool VisitSegmentDatabase::DropSegmentTables() { // Dropping the tables will implicitly delete the indices. return sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "DROP TABLE segments", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK && sqlite3_exec(GetDB(), "DROP TABLE segment_usage", NULL, NULL, NULL) == SQLITE_OK; } // Note: the segment name is derived from the URL but is not a URL. It is // a string that can be easily recreated from various URLS. Maybe this should // be an MD5 to limit the length. // // static std::string VisitSegmentDatabase::ComputeSegmentName(const GURL& url) { // TODO(brettw) this should probably use the registry controlled // domains service. GURL::Replacements r; const char kWWWDot[] = "www."; const int kWWWDotLen = arraysize(kWWWDot) - 1; std::string host = url.host(); const char* host_c = host.c_str(); // Remove www. to avoid some dups. if (static_cast<int>(host.size()) > kWWWDotLen && LowerCaseEqualsASCII(host_c, host_c + kWWWDotLen, kWWWDot)) { r.SetHost(host.c_str(), url_parse::Component(kWWWDotLen, static_cast<int>(host.size()) - kWWWDotLen)); } // Remove other stuff we don't want. r.ClearUsername(); r.ClearPassword(); r.ClearQuery(); r.ClearRef(); r.ClearPort(); return url.ReplaceComponents(r).spec(); } SegmentID VisitSegmentDatabase::GetSegmentNamed( const std::string& segment_name) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT id FROM segments WHERE name = ?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return 0; statement->bind_string(0, segment_name); if (statement->step() == SQLITE_ROW) return statement->column_int64(0); return 0; } bool VisitSegmentDatabase::UpdateSegmentRepresentationURL(SegmentID segment_id, URLID url_id) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "UPDATE segments SET url_id = ? WHERE id = ?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; statement->bind_int64(0, url_id); statement->bind_int64(1, segment_id); return statement->step() == SQLITE_DONE; } URLID VisitSegmentDatabase::GetSegmentRepresentationURL(SegmentID segment_id) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT url_id FROM segments WHERE id = ?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return 0; statement->bind_int64(0, segment_id); if (statement->step() == SQLITE_ROW) return statement->column_int64(0); return 0; } SegmentID VisitSegmentDatabase::CreateSegment(URLID url_id, const std::string& segment_name) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "INSERT INTO segments (name, url_id) VALUES (?,?)"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return false; statement->bind_string(0, segment_name); statement->bind_int64(1, url_id); if (statement->step() == SQLITE_DONE) return sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(GetDB()); return false; } bool VisitSegmentDatabase::IncreaseSegmentVisitCount(SegmentID segment_id, const Time& ts, int amount) { Time t = ts.LocalMidnight(); SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(select, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT id, visit_count FROM segment_usage " "WHERE time_slot = ? AND segment_id = ?"); if (!select.is_valid()) return false; select->bind_int64(0, t.ToInternalValue()); select->bind_int64(1, segment_id); if (select->step() == SQLITE_ROW) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(update, GetStatementCache(), "UPDATE segment_usage SET visit_count = ? WHERE id = ?"); if (!update.is_valid()) return false; update->bind_int64(0, select->column_int64(1) + static_cast<int64>(amount)); update->bind_int64(1, select->column_int64(0)); return update->step() == SQLITE_DONE; } else { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(insert, GetStatementCache(), "INSERT INTO segment_usage " "(segment_id, time_slot, visit_count) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); if (!insert.is_valid()) return false; insert->bind_int64(0, segment_id); insert->bind_int64(1, t.ToInternalValue()); insert->bind_int64(2, static_cast<int64>(amount)); return insert->step() == SQLITE_DONE; } } void VisitSegmentDatabase::QuerySegmentUsage( const Time& from_time, std::vector<PageUsageData*>* results) { // This function gathers the highest-ranked segments in two queries. // The first gathers scores for all segments. // The second gathers segment data (url, title, etc.) for the highest-ranked // segments. // TODO(evanm): this disregards the "presentation index", which was what was // used to lock results into position. But the rest of our code currently // does as well. // How many results we return, as promised in the header file. const size_t kResultCount = 9; // Gather all the segment scores: SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT segment_id, time_slot, visit_count " "FROM segment_usage WHERE time_slot >= ? " "ORDER BY segment_id"); if (!statement.is_valid()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } Time ts = from_time.LocalMidnight(); statement->bind_int64(0, ts.ToInternalValue()); const Time now = Time::Now(); SegmentID last_segment_id = 0; PageUsageData* pud = NULL; float score = 0; while (statement->step() == SQLITE_ROW) { SegmentID segment_id = statement->column_int64(0); if (segment_id != last_segment_id) { if (last_segment_id != 0) { pud->SetScore(score); results->push_back(pud); } pud = new PageUsageData(segment_id); score = 0; last_segment_id = segment_id; } const Time timeslot = Time::FromInternalValue(statement->column_int64(1)); const int visit_count = statement->column_int(2); int days_ago = (now - timeslot).InDays(); // Score for this day in isolation. float day_visits_score = 1.0f + log(static_cast<float>(visit_count)); // Recent visits count more than historical ones, so we multiply in a boost // related to how long ago this day was. // This boost is a curve that smoothly goes through these values: // Today gets 3x, a week ago 2x, three weeks ago 1.5x, falling off to 1x // at the limit of how far we reach into the past. float recency_boost = 1.0f + (2.0f * (1.0f / (1.0f + days_ago/7.0f))); score += recency_boost * day_visits_score; } if (last_segment_id != 0) { pud->SetScore(score); results->push_back(pud); } // Limit to the top kResultCount results. sort(results->begin(), results->end(), PageUsageData::Predicate); if (results->size() > kResultCount) results->resize(kResultCount); // Now fetch the details about the entries we care about. SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement2, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT urls.url, urls.title FROM urls " "JOIN segments ON segments.url_id = urls.id " "WHERE segments.id = ?"); if (!statement2.is_valid()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < results->size(); ++i) { PageUsageData* pud = (*results)[i]; statement2->bind_int64(0, pud->GetID()); if (statement2->step() == SQLITE_ROW) { std::string url; std::wstring title; statement2->column_string(0, &url); statement2->column_string16(1, &title); pud->SetURL(GURL(url)); pud->SetTitle(title); } statement2->reset(); } } void VisitSegmentDatabase::DeleteSegmentData(const Time& older_than) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "DELETE FROM segment_usage WHERE time_slot < ?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return; statement->bind_int64(0, older_than.LocalMidnight().ToInternalValue()); if (statement->step() != SQLITE_DONE) NOTREACHED(); } void VisitSegmentDatabase::SetSegmentPresentationIndex(SegmentID segment_id, int index) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(statement, GetStatementCache(), "UPDATE segments SET pres_index = ? WHERE id = ?"); if (!statement.is_valid()) return; statement->bind_int(0, index); statement->bind_int64(1, segment_id); if (statement->step() != SQLITE_DONE) NOTREACHED(); } bool VisitSegmentDatabase::DeleteSegmentForURL(URLID url_id) { SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(select, GetStatementCache(), "SELECT id FROM segments WHERE url_id = ?"); if (!select.is_valid()) return false; SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(delete_seg, GetStatementCache(), "DELETE FROM segments WHERE id = ?"); if (!delete_seg.is_valid()) return false; SQLITE_UNIQUE_STATEMENT(delete_usage, GetStatementCache(), "DELETE FROM segment_usage WHERE segment_id = ?"); if (!delete_usage.is_valid()) return false; bool r = true; select->bind_int64(0, url_id); // In theory there could not be more than one segment using that URL but we // loop anyway to cleanup any inconsistency. while (select->step() == SQLITE_ROW) { SegmentID segment_id = select->column_int64(0); delete_usage->bind_int64(0, segment_id); if (delete_usage->step() != SQLITE_DONE) { NOTREACHED(); r = false; } delete_seg->bind_int64(0, segment_id); if (delete_seg->step() != SQLITE_DONE) { NOTREACHED(); r = false; } delete_usage->reset(); delete_seg->reset(); } return r; } } // namespace history