// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/history_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/bookmarks/bookmark_model.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" using base::Time; // The max number of results to retrieve when browsing user's history. static const int kMaxBrowseResults = 800; // The max number of search results to retrieve. static const int kMaxSearchResults = 100; HistoryModel::HistoryModel(Profile* profile, const std::wstring& search_text) : BaseHistoryModel(profile), search_text_(search_text), search_depth_(0) { // Register for notifications about URL starredness changing on this profile. NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED, Source<Profile>(profile->GetOriginalProfile())); NotificationService::current()-> AddObserver(this, NOTIFY_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED, Source<Profile>(profile->GetOriginalProfile())); } HistoryModel::~HistoryModel() { // Unregister for notifications about URL starredness. NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED, Source<Profile>(profile_->GetOriginalProfile())); NotificationService::current()-> RemoveObserver(this, NOTIFY_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED, Source<Profile>(profile_->GetOriginalProfile())); } int HistoryModel::GetItemCount() { return static_cast<int>(results_.size()); } Time HistoryModel::GetVisitTime(int index) { #ifndef NDEBUG DCHECK(IsValidIndex(index)); #endif return results_[index].visit_time(); } const std::wstring& HistoryModel::GetTitle(int index) { return results_[index].title(); } const GURL& HistoryModel::GetURL(int index) { return results_[index].url(); } history::URLID HistoryModel::GetURLID(int index) { return results_[index].id(); } bool HistoryModel::IsStarred(int index) { if (star_state_[index] == UNKNOWN) { bool is_starred = profile_->GetBookmarkModel()->IsBookmarked(GetURL(index)); star_state_[index] = is_starred ? STARRED : NOT_STARRED; } return (star_state_[index] == STARRED); } const Snippet& HistoryModel::GetSnippet(int index) { return results_[index].snippet(); } void HistoryModel::RemoveFromModel(int start, int length) { DCHECK(start >= 0 && start + length <= GetItemCount()); results_.DeleteRange(start, start + length); if (observer_) observer_->ModelChanged(true); } void HistoryModel::SetSearchText(const std::wstring& search_text) { if (search_text == search_text_) return; search_text_ = search_text; search_depth_ = 0; Refresh(); } void HistoryModel::InitVisitRequest(int depth) { HistoryService* history_service = profile_->GetHistoryService(Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (!history_service) return; AboutToScheduleRequest(); history::QueryOptions options; // Limit our search so that it doesn't return more than the maximum required // number of results. int max_total_results = search_text_.empty() ? kMaxBrowseResults : kMaxSearchResults; if (depth == 0) { // Set the end time of this first search to null (which will // show results from the future, should the user's clock have // been set incorrectly). options.end_time = Time(); search_start_ = Time::Now(); // Configure the begin point of the search to the start of the // current month. Time::Exploded start_exploded; search_start_.LocalMidnight().LocalExplode(&start_exploded); start_exploded.day_of_month = 1; options.begin_time = Time::FromLocalExploded(start_exploded); options.max_count = max_total_results; } else { Time::Exploded exploded; search_start_.LocalMidnight().LocalExplode(&exploded); exploded.day_of_month = 1; // Set the end-time of this search to the end of the month that is // |depth| months before the search end point. The end time is not // inclusive, so we should feel free to set it to midnight on the // first day of the following month. exploded.month -= depth - 1; while (exploded.month < 1) { exploded.month += 12; exploded.year--; } options.end_time = Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded); // Set the begin-time of the search to the start of the month // that is |depth| months prior to search_start_. if (exploded.month > 1) { exploded.month--; } else { exploded.month = 12; exploded.year--; } options.begin_time = Time::FromLocalExploded(exploded); // Subtract off the number of pages we already got. options.max_count = max_total_results - static_cast<int>(results_.size()); } // This will make us get only one entry for each page. This is definitely // correct for "starred only" queries, but more debatable for regular // history queries. We might want to get all of them but then remove adjacent // duplicates like Mozilla. // // We'll still get duplicates across month boundaries, which is probably fine. options.most_recent_visit_only = true; HistoryService::QueryHistoryCallback* callback = NewCallback(this, &HistoryModel::VisitedPagesQueryComplete); history_service->QueryHistory(search_text_, options, &cancelable_consumer_, callback); } void HistoryModel::SetPageStarred(int index, bool state) { const history::URLResult& result = results_[index]; if (!UpdateStarredStateOfURL(result.url(), state)) return; // Nothing was changed. if (observer_) observer_->ModelChanged(false); BookmarkModel* bb_model = profile_->GetBookmarkModel(); if (bb_model) bb_model->SetURLStarred(result.url(), result.title(), state); } void HistoryModel::Refresh() { cancelable_consumer_.CancelAllRequests(); if (observer_) observer_->ModelEndWork(); search_depth_ = 0; InitVisitRequest(search_depth_); if (results_.size() > 0) { // There are results and we've been asked to reload. If we don't swap out // the results now, the view is left holding indices that are going to // change as soon as the load completes, which poses problems for deletion. // In particular, if the user deletes a range, then clicks on delete again // a modal dialog is shown. If during the time the modal dialog is shown // and the user clicks ok the load completes, the index passed to delete is // no longer valid. To avoid this we empty out the results immediately. history::QueryResults empty_results; results_.Swap(&empty_results); if (observer_) observer_->ModelChanged(true); } } void HistoryModel::Observe(NotificationType type, const NotificationSource& source, const NotificationDetails& details) { switch (type) { case NOTIFY_URLS_STARRED: { // Somewhere, a URL has been starred. Details<history::URLsStarredDetails> starred_state(details); // In the degenerate case when there are a lot of pages starred, this may // be unacceptably slow. std::set<GURL>::const_iterator i; bool changed = false; for (i = starred_state->changed_urls.begin(); i != starred_state->changed_urls.end(); ++i) { changed |= UpdateStarredStateOfURL(*i, starred_state->starred); } if (changed && observer_) observer_->ModelChanged(false); break; } case NOTIFY_HISTORY_URLS_DELETED: // TODO(brettw) bug 1140015: This should actually update the current query // rather than re-querying. This should be much more efficient and // user-friendly. // // Note that we can special case when the "all_history" flag is set to just // clear the view. Refresh(); break; // TODO(brettw) bug 1140015, 1140017, 1140020: Add a more observers to catch // title changes, new additions, etc.. Also, URLS_ADDED when that // notification exists. default: NOTREACHED(); break; } } void HistoryModel::VisitedPagesQueryComplete( HistoryService::Handle request_handle, history::QueryResults* results) { bool changed = (results->size() > 0); if (search_depth_ == 0) { if (results_.size() > 0) changed = true; results_.Swap(results); } else { results_.AppendResultsBySwapping(results, true); } is_search_results_ = !search_text_.empty(); if (changed) { star_state_.reset(new StarState[results_.size()]); memset(star_state_.get(), 0, sizeof(StarState) * results_.size()); if (observer_) observer_->ModelChanged(true); } search_depth_++; int max_results = search_text_.empty() ? kMaxBrowseResults : kMaxSearchResults; // TODO(glen/brettw): bug 1203052 - Need to detect if we've reached the // end of the user's history. if (search_depth_ < kHistoryScopeMonths && static_cast<int>(results_.size()) < max_results) { InitVisitRequest(search_depth_); } else { RequestCompleted(); } } bool HistoryModel::UpdateStarredStateOfURL(const GURL& url, bool is_starred) { bool changed = false; // See if we've got any of the changed URLs in our results. There may be // more than once instance of the URL, and we have to update them all. size_t num_matches; const size_t* match_indices = results_.MatchesForURL(url, &num_matches); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_matches; i++) { if (IsStarred(static_cast<int>(match_indices[i])) != is_starred) { star_state_[match_indices[i]] = is_starred ? STARRED : NOT_STARRED; changed = true; } } return changed; }