// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "chrome/browser/native_ui_contents.h"

class BaseHistoryModel;
class HistoryView;

// HistoryTabUI -------------------------------------------------------------

// HistoryTabUI provides the glue to make HistoryView available in
// NativeUIContents.

class HistoryTabUI : public NativeUI,
                     public SearchableUIContainer::Delegate {
  // Creates the HistoryTabUI. You must invoke Init to finish initialization.
  HistoryTabUI(NativeUIContents* contents);
  virtual ~HistoryTabUI() {}

  // Creates the model and view.
  void Init();

  virtual const std::wstring GetTitle() const;
  virtual const int GetFavIconID() const;
  virtual const int GetSectionIconID() const;
  virtual const std::wstring GetSearchButtonText() const;
  virtual views::View* GetView();
  virtual void WillBecomeVisible(NativeUIContents* parent);
  virtual void WillBecomeInvisible(NativeUIContents* parent);
  virtual void Navigate(const PageState& state);
  virtual bool SetInitialFocus();

  // Return the URL that can be used to show this view in a NativeUIContents.
  static GURL GetURL();

  // Return the NativeUIFactory object for application views. This object is
  // owned by the caller.
  static NativeUIFactory* GetNativeUIFactory();

  // Returns a URL that shows history tab ui with the search text set to
  // text.
  static const GURL GetHistoryURLWithSearchText(const std::wstring& text);

  // Returns the model.
  BaseHistoryModel* model() const { return model_; }

  // Returns the NativeUIContents we're contained in.
  NativeUIContents* contents() const { return contents_; }

  // Returns the SearchableUIContainer that contains the HistoryView.
  SearchableUIContainer* searchable_container() {
    return &searchable_container_;

  // Creates the HistoryModel.
  virtual BaseHistoryModel* CreateModel();

  // Creates the HistoryView.
  virtual HistoryView* CreateHistoryView();

  // Invoked after refreshing the model, or resetting the search text.
  // This implementation updates whether the delete controls should be shown
  // as well as sending UMA metrics.
  virtual void ChangedModel();

  // Updates the query text of the model.
  virtual void DoSearch(const std::wstring& text);

  // Our host.
  NativeUIContents* contents_;

  // The view we return from GetView. The contents of this is the
  // bookmarks_view_
  SearchableUIContainer searchable_container_;

  // The model. This is deleted by the HistoryView we create.
  BaseHistoryModel* model_;
