// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/importer/firefox3_importer.h" #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_types.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/firefox2_importer.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/firefox_importer_utils.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_bridge.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/importer_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/importer/nss_decryptor.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url.h" #include "chrome/common/time_format.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" #include "sql/connection.h" #include "sql/statement.h" #include "webkit/glue/password_form.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace { // Original definition is in http://mxr.mozilla.org/firefox/source/toolkit/ // components/places/public/nsINavBookmarksService.idl enum BookmarkItemType { TYPE_BOOKMARK = 1, TYPE_FOLDER = 2, TYPE_SEPARATOR = 3, TYPE_DYNAMIC_CONTAINER = 4 }; } // namespace struct Firefox3Importer::BookmarkItem { int parent; int id; GURL url; string16 title; BookmarkItemType type; std::string keyword; base::Time date_added; int64 favicon; bool empty_folder; }; Firefox3Importer::Firefox3Importer() { #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); locale_ = g_browser_process->GetApplicationLocale(); #endif } Firefox3Importer::~Firefox3Importer() { } void Firefox3Importer::StartImport( const importer::SourceProfile& source_profile, uint16 items, ImporterBridge* bridge) { #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); #endif bridge_ = bridge; source_path_ = source_profile.source_path; app_path_ = source_profile.app_path; // The order here is important! bridge_->NotifyStarted(); if ((items & importer::HOME_PAGE) && !cancelled()) ImportHomepage(); // Doesn't have a UI item. // Note history should be imported before bookmarks because bookmark import // will also import favicons and we store favicon for a URL only if the URL // exist in history or bookmarks. if ((items & importer::HISTORY) && !cancelled()) { bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::HISTORY); ImportHistory(); bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::HISTORY); } if ((items & importer::FAVORITES) && !cancelled()) { bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::FAVORITES); ImportBookmarks(); bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::FAVORITES); } if ((items & importer::SEARCH_ENGINES) && !cancelled()) { bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::SEARCH_ENGINES); ImportSearchEngines(); bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::SEARCH_ENGINES); } if ((items & importer::PASSWORDS) && !cancelled()) { bridge_->NotifyItemStarted(importer::PASSWORDS); ImportPasswords(); bridge_->NotifyItemEnded(importer::PASSWORDS); } bridge_->NotifyEnded(); } void Firefox3Importer::ImportHistory() { FilePath file = source_path_.AppendASCII("places.sqlite"); if (!file_util::PathExists(file)) return; sql::Connection db; if (!db.Open(file)) return; // |visit_type| represent the transition type of URLs (typed, click, // redirect, bookmark, etc.) We eliminate some URLs like sub-frames and // redirects, since we don't want them to appear in history. // Firefox transition types are defined in: // toolkit/components/places/public/nsINavHistoryService.idl const char* query = "SELECT h.url, h.title, h.visit_count, " "h.hidden, h.typed, v.visit_date " "FROM moz_places h JOIN moz_historyvisits v " "ON h.id = v.place_id " "WHERE v.visit_type <= 3"; sql::Statement s(db.GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; std::vector rows; while (s.Step() && !cancelled()) { GURL url(s.ColumnString(0)); // Filter out unwanted URLs. if (!CanImportURL(url)) continue; history::URLRow row(url); row.set_title(s.ColumnString16(1)); row.set_visit_count(s.ColumnInt(2)); row.set_hidden(s.ColumnInt(3) == 1); row.set_typed_count(s.ColumnInt(4)); row.set_last_visit(base::Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(5)/1000000)); rows.push_back(row); } if (!rows.empty() && !cancelled()) bridge_->SetHistoryItems(rows, history::SOURCE_FIREFOX_IMPORTED); } void Firefox3Importer::ImportBookmarks() { FilePath file = source_path_.AppendASCII("places.sqlite"); if (!file_util::PathExists(file)) return; sql::Connection db; if (!db.Open(file)) return; // Get the bookmark folders that we are interested in. int toolbar_folder_id = -1; int menu_folder_id = -1; int unsorted_folder_id = -1; LoadRootNodeID(&db, &toolbar_folder_id, &menu_folder_id, &unsorted_folder_id); // Load livemark IDs. std::set livemark_id; LoadLivemarkIDs(&db, &livemark_id); // Load the default bookmarks. Its storage is the same as Firefox 2. std::set default_urls; Firefox2Importer::LoadDefaultBookmarks(app_path_, &default_urls); BookmarkList list; GetTopBookmarkFolder(&db, toolbar_folder_id, &list); GetTopBookmarkFolder(&db, menu_folder_id, &list); GetTopBookmarkFolder(&db, unsorted_folder_id, &list); size_t count = list.size(); for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) GetWholeBookmarkFolder(&db, &list, i, NULL); std::vector bookmarks; std::vector template_urls; FaviconMap favicon_map; // TODO(jcampan): http://b/issue?id=1196285 we do not support POST based // keywords yet. We won't include them in the list. std::set post_keyword_ids; const char* query = "SELECT b.id FROM moz_bookmarks b " "INNER JOIN moz_items_annos ia ON ia.item_id = b.id " "INNER JOIN moz_anno_attributes aa ON ia.anno_attribute_id = aa.id " "WHERE aa.name = 'bookmarkProperties/POSTData'"; sql::Statement s(db.GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (s) { while (s.Step() && !cancelled()) post_keyword_ids.insert(s.ColumnInt(0)); } else { NOTREACHED(); return; } for (size_t i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { BookmarkItem* item = list[i]; if (item->type == TYPE_FOLDER) { // Folders are added implicitly on adding children, so we only explicitly // add empty folders. if (!item->empty_folder) continue; } else if (item->type == TYPE_BOOKMARK) { // Import only valid bookmarks if (!CanImportURL(item->url)) continue; } else { continue; } // Skip the default bookmarks and unwanted URLs. if (default_urls.find(item->url) != default_urls.end() || post_keyword_ids.find(item->id) != post_keyword_ids.end()) continue; // Find the bookmark path by tracing their links to parent folders. std::vector path; BookmarkItem* child = item; bool found_path = false; bool is_in_toolbar = false; while (child->parent >= 0) { BookmarkItem* parent = list[child->parent]; if (livemark_id.find(parent->id) != livemark_id.end()) { // Don't import live bookmarks. break; } if (parent->id != menu_folder_id) { // To avoid excessive nesting, omit the name for the bookmarks menu // folder. path.insert(path.begin(), parent->title); } if (parent->id == toolbar_folder_id) is_in_toolbar = true; if (parent->id == toolbar_folder_id || parent->id == menu_folder_id || parent->id == unsorted_folder_id) { // We've reached a root node, hooray! found_path = true; break; } child = parent; } if (!found_path) continue; ProfileWriter::BookmarkEntry entry; entry.creation_time = item->date_added; entry.title = item->title; entry.url = item->url; entry.path = path; entry.in_toolbar = is_in_toolbar; entry.is_folder = item->type == TYPE_FOLDER; bookmarks.push_back(entry); if (item->type == TYPE_BOOKMARK) { if (item->favicon) favicon_map[item->favicon].insert(item->url); // This bookmark has a keyword, we import it to our TemplateURL model. TemplateURL* t_url = Firefox2Importer::CreateTemplateURL( item->title, UTF8ToUTF16(item->keyword), item->url); if (t_url) template_urls.push_back(t_url); } } STLDeleteContainerPointers(list.begin(), list.end()); // Write into profile. if (!bookmarks.empty() && !cancelled()) { const string16& first_folder_name = bridge_->GetLocalizedString(IDS_BOOKMARK_GROUP_FROM_FIREFOX); bridge_->AddBookmarks(bookmarks, first_folder_name); } if (!template_urls.empty() && !cancelled()) { bridge_->SetKeywords(template_urls, -1, false); } else { STLDeleteContainerPointers(template_urls.begin(), template_urls.end()); } if (!favicon_map.empty() && !cancelled()) { std::vector favicons; LoadFavicons(&db, favicon_map, &favicons); bridge_->SetFavicons(favicons); } } void Firefox3Importer::ImportPasswords() { // Initializes NSS3. NSSDecryptor decryptor; if (!decryptor.Init(source_path_, source_path_) && !decryptor.Init(app_path_, source_path_)) { return; } std::vector forms; FilePath source_path = source_path_; FilePath file = source_path.AppendASCII("signons.sqlite"); if (file_util::PathExists(file)) { // Since Firefox 3.1, passwords are in signons.sqlite db. decryptor.ReadAndParseSignons(file, &forms); } else { // Firefox 3.0 uses signons3.txt to store the passwords. file = source_path.AppendASCII("signons3.txt"); if (!file_util::PathExists(file)) file = source_path.AppendASCII("signons2.txt"); std::string content; file_util::ReadFileToString(file, &content); decryptor.ParseSignons(content, &forms); } if (!cancelled()) { for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { bridge_->SetPasswordForm(forms[i]); } } } void Firefox3Importer::ImportSearchEngines() { std::vector files; GetSearchEnginesXMLFiles(&files); std::vector search_engines; ParseSearchEnginesFromXMLFiles(files, &search_engines); int default_index = GetFirefoxDefaultSearchEngineIndex(search_engines, source_path_); bridge_->SetKeywords(search_engines, default_index, true); } void Firefox3Importer::ImportHomepage() { GURL home_page = GetHomepage(source_path_); if (home_page.is_valid() && !IsDefaultHomepage(home_page, app_path_)) { bridge_->AddHomePage(home_page); } } void Firefox3Importer::GetSearchEnginesXMLFiles( std::vector* files) { FilePath file = source_path_.AppendASCII("search.sqlite"); if (!file_util::PathExists(file)) return; sql::Connection db; if (!db.Open(file)) return; const char* query = "SELECT engineid FROM engine_data " "WHERE engineid NOT IN " "(SELECT engineid FROM engine_data " "WHERE name='hidden') " "ORDER BY value ASC"; sql::Statement s(db.GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; FilePath app_path = app_path_.AppendASCII("searchplugins"); FilePath profile_path = source_path_.AppendASCII("searchplugins"); // Firefox doesn't store a search engine in its sqlite database unless the // user has added a engine. So we get search engines from sqlite db as well // as from the file system. if (s.Step()) { const std::string kAppPrefix("[app]/"); const std::string kProfilePrefix("[profile]/"); do { FilePath file; std::string engine(s.ColumnString(0)); // The string contains [app]/.xml or [profile]/.xml where // the [app] and [profile] need to be replaced with the actual app or // profile path. size_t index = engine.find(kAppPrefix); if (index != std::string::npos) { // Remove '[app]/'. file = app_path.AppendASCII(engine.substr(index + kAppPrefix.length())); } else if ((index = engine.find(kProfilePrefix)) != std::string::npos) { // Remove '[profile]/'. file = profile_path.AppendASCII( engine.substr(index + kProfilePrefix.length())); } else { // Looks like absolute path to the file. #if defined(OS_WIN) file = FilePath(UTF8ToWide(engine)); #else file = FilePath(engine); #endif } files->push_back(file); } while (s.Step() && !cancelled()); } #if defined(OS_POSIX) && !defined(OS_MACOSX) // Ubuntu-flavored Firefox3 supports locale-specific search engines via // locale-named subdirectories. They fall back to en-US. // See http://crbug.com/53899 // TODO(jshin): we need to make sure our locale code matches that of // Firefox. FilePath locale_app_path = app_path.AppendASCII(locale_); FilePath default_locale_app_path = app_path.AppendASCII("en-US"); if (file_util::DirectoryExists(locale_app_path)) app_path = locale_app_path; else if (file_util::DirectoryExists(default_locale_app_path)) app_path = default_locale_app_path; #endif // Get search engine definition from file system. file_util::FileEnumerator engines(app_path, false, file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); for (FilePath engine_path = engines.Next(); !engine_path.value().empty(); engine_path = engines.Next()) { files->push_back(engine_path); } } void Firefox3Importer::LoadRootNodeID(sql::Connection* db, int* toolbar_folder_id, int* menu_folder_id, int* unsorted_folder_id) { static const char* kToolbarFolderName = "toolbar"; static const char* kMenuFolderName = "menu"; static const char* kUnsortedFolderName = "unfiled"; const char* query = "SELECT root_name, folder_id FROM moz_bookmarks_roots"; sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; while (s.Step()) { std::string folder = s.ColumnString(0); int id = s.ColumnInt(1); if (folder == kToolbarFolderName) *toolbar_folder_id = id; else if (folder == kMenuFolderName) *menu_folder_id = id; else if (folder == kUnsortedFolderName) *unsorted_folder_id = id; } } void Firefox3Importer::LoadLivemarkIDs(sql::Connection* db, std::set* livemark) { static const char* kFeedAnnotation = "livemark/feedURI"; livemark->clear(); const char* query = "SELECT b.item_id " "FROM moz_anno_attributes a " "JOIN moz_items_annos b ON a.id = b.anno_attribute_id " "WHERE a.name = ? "; sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; s.BindString(0, kFeedAnnotation); while (s.Step() && !cancelled()) livemark->insert(s.ColumnInt(0)); } void Firefox3Importer::GetTopBookmarkFolder(sql::Connection* db, int folder_id, BookmarkList* list) { const char* query = "SELECT b.title " "FROM moz_bookmarks b " "WHERE b.type = 2 AND b.id = ? " "ORDER BY b.position"; sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; s.BindInt(0, folder_id); if (s.Step()) { BookmarkItem* item = new BookmarkItem; item->parent = -1; // The top level folder has no parent. item->id = folder_id; item->title = s.ColumnString16(0); item->type = TYPE_FOLDER; item->favicon = 0; item->empty_folder = true; list->push_back(item); } } void Firefox3Importer::GetWholeBookmarkFolder(sql::Connection* db, BookmarkList* list, size_t position, bool* empty_folder) { if (position >= list->size()) { NOTREACHED(); return; } const char* query = "SELECT b.id, h.url, COALESCE(b.title, h.title), " "b.type, k.keyword, b.dateAdded, h.favicon_id " "FROM moz_bookmarks b " "LEFT JOIN moz_places h ON b.fk = h.id " "LEFT JOIN moz_keywords k ON k.id = b.keyword_id " "WHERE b.type IN (1,2) AND b.parent = ? " "ORDER BY b.position"; sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; s.BindInt(0, (*list)[position]->id); BookmarkList temp_list; while (s.Step()) { BookmarkItem* item = new BookmarkItem; item->parent = static_cast(position); item->id = s.ColumnInt(0); item->url = GURL(s.ColumnString(1)); item->title = s.ColumnString16(2); item->type = static_cast(s.ColumnInt(3)); item->keyword = s.ColumnString(4); item->date_added = base::Time::FromTimeT(s.ColumnInt64(5)/1000000); item->favicon = s.ColumnInt64(6); item->empty_folder = true; temp_list.push_back(item); if (empty_folder != NULL) *empty_folder = false; } // Appends all items to the list. for (BookmarkList::iterator i = temp_list.begin(); i != temp_list.end(); ++i) { list->push_back(*i); // Recursive add bookmarks in sub-folders. if ((*i)->type == TYPE_FOLDER) GetWholeBookmarkFolder(db, list, list->size() - 1, &(*i)->empty_folder); } } void Firefox3Importer::LoadFavicons( sql::Connection* db, const FaviconMap& favicon_map, std::vector* favicons) { const char* query = "SELECT url, data FROM moz_favicons WHERE id=?"; sql::Statement s(db->GetUniqueStatement(query)); if (!s) return; for (FaviconMap::const_iterator i = favicon_map.begin(); i != favicon_map.end(); ++i) { s.BindInt64(0, i->first); if (s.Step()) { history::ImportedFaviconUsage usage; usage.favicon_url = GURL(s.ColumnString(0)); if (!usage.favicon_url.is_valid()) continue; // Don't bother importing favicons with invalid URLs. std::vector data; s.ColumnBlobAsVector(1, &data); if (data.empty()) continue; // Data definitely invalid. if (!importer::ReencodeFavicon(&data[0], data.size(), &usage.png_data)) continue; // Unable to decode. usage.urls = i->second; favicons->push_back(usage); } s.Reset(); } }