// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/instant/instant_controller.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/i18n/case_conversion.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/autocomplete_provider.h" #include "chrome/browser/favicon/favicon_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/history/history_tab_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/instant/instant_controller_delegate.h" #include "chrome/browser/instant/instant_loader.h" #include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/search_engines/template_url_service_factory.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/search/search.h" #include "chrome/browser/ui/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "content/public/browser/favicon_status.h" #include "content/public/browser/navigation_entry.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_service.h" #include "content/public/browser/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) #include "ui/views/widget/widget.h" #endif namespace { enum PreviewUsageType { PREVIEW_CREATED = 0, PREVIEW_DELETED, PREVIEW_LOADED, PREVIEW_SHOWED, PREVIEW_COMMITTED, PREVIEW_NUM_TYPES, }; // An artificial delay (in milliseconds) we introduce before telling the Instant // page about the new omnibox bounds, in cases where the bounds shrink. This is // to avoid the page jumping up/down very fast in response to bounds changes. const int kUpdateBoundsDelayMS = 1000; // The maximum number of times we'll load a non-Instant-supporting search engine // before we give up and blacklist it for the rest of the browsing session. const int kMaxInstantSupportFailures = 10; // If an Instant page has not been used in these many milliseconds, it is // reloaded so that the page does not become stale. const int kStaleLoaderTimeoutMS = 3 * 3600 * 1000; std::string ModeToString(InstantController::Mode mode) { switch (mode) { case InstantController::EXTENDED: return "_Extended"; case InstantController::INSTANT: return "_Instant"; case InstantController::SUGGEST: return "_Suggest"; case InstantController::HIDDEN: return "_Hidden"; case InstantController::SILENT: return "_Silent"; case InstantController::DISABLED: return "_Disabled"; } NOTREACHED(); return std::string(); } void AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(InstantController::Mode mode, PreviewUsageType usage) { DCHECK(0 <= usage && usage < PREVIEW_NUM_TYPES) << usage; base::Histogram* histogram = base::LinearHistogram::FactoryGet( "Instant.Previews" + ModeToString(mode), 1, PREVIEW_NUM_TYPES, PREVIEW_NUM_TYPES + 1, base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); histogram->Add(usage); } void AddSessionStorageHistogram(InstantController::Mode mode, const TabContents* tab1, const TabContents* tab2) { base::Histogram* histogram = base::BooleanHistogram::FactoryGet( "Instant.SessionStorageNamespace" + ModeToString(mode), base::Histogram::kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); const content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_map1 = tab1->web_contents()->GetController().GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap(); const content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap& session_storage_map2 = tab2->web_contents()->GetController().GetSessionStorageNamespaceMap(); bool is_session_storage_the_same = session_storage_map1.size() == session_storage_map2.size(); if (is_session_storage_the_same) { // The size is the same, so let's check that all entries match. for (content::SessionStorageNamespaceMap::const_iterator it1 = session_storage_map1.begin(), it2 = session_storage_map2.begin(); it1 != session_storage_map1.end() && it2 != session_storage_map2.end(); ++it1, ++it2) { if (it1->first != it2->first || it1->second != it2->second) { is_session_storage_the_same = false; break; } } } histogram->AddBoolean(is_session_storage_the_same); } InstantController::Mode GetModeForProfile(Profile* profile) { if (!profile || profile->IsOffTheRecord() || !profile->GetPrefs() || !profile->GetPrefs()->GetBoolean(prefs::kInstantEnabled)) return InstantController::DISABLED; return chrome::search::IsInstantExtendedAPIEnabled(profile) ? InstantController::EXTENDED : InstantController::INSTANT; } } // namespace InstantController::~InstantController() { if (GetPreviewContents()) AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_DELETED); } // static InstantController* InstantController::CreateInstant( Profile* profile, InstantControllerDelegate* delegate) { const Mode mode = GetModeForProfile(profile); return mode == DISABLED ? NULL : new InstantController(delegate, mode); } // static bool InstantController::IsExtendedAPIEnabled(Profile* profile) { return GetModeForProfile(profile) == EXTENDED; } // static bool InstantController::IsInstantEnabled(Profile* profile) { const Mode mode = GetModeForProfile(profile); return mode == EXTENDED || mode == INSTANT; } // static bool InstantController::IsSuggestEnabled(Profile* profile) { const Mode mode = GetModeForProfile(profile); return mode == EXTENDED || mode == INSTANT || mode == SUGGEST; } // static void InstantController::RegisterUserPrefs(PrefService* prefs) { prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kInstantConfirmDialogShown, false, PrefService::SYNCABLE_PREF); prefs->RegisterBooleanPref(prefs::kInstantEnabled, false, PrefService::SYNCABLE_PREF); // TODO(jamescook): Move this to search controller. prefs->RegisterDoublePref(prefs::kInstantAnimationScaleFactor, 1.0, PrefService::UNSYNCABLE_PREF); } bool InstantController::Update(const AutocompleteMatch& match, const string16& user_text, const string16& full_text, bool verbatim) { const TabContents* active_tab = delegate_->GetActiveTabContents(); // We could get here with no active tab if the Browser is closing. if (!active_tab) { Hide(); return false; } std::string instant_url; Profile* profile = active_tab->profile(); // If the match's TemplateURL is valid, it's a search query; use it. If it's // not valid, it's likely a URL; in EXTENDED mode, try using the default // search engine's TemplateURL instead. const GURL& tab_url = active_tab->web_contents()->GetURL(); if (GetInstantURL(match.GetTemplateURL(profile), tab_url, &instant_url)) { ResetLoader(instant_url, active_tab); } else if (mode_ != EXTENDED || !CreateDefaultLoader()) { Hide(); return false; } if (full_text.empty()) { Hide(); return false; } // Track the non-Instant search URL for this query. url_for_history_ = match.destination_url; last_transition_type_ = match.transition; last_active_tab_ = active_tab; last_match_was_search_ = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match.type); // In EXTENDED mode, we send only |user_text| as the query text. In all other // modes, we use the entire |full_text|. const string16& query_text = mode_ == EXTENDED ? user_text : full_text; string16 last_query_text = mode_ == EXTENDED ? last_user_text_ : last_full_text_; last_user_text_ = user_text; last_full_text_ = full_text; // Don't send an update to the loader if the query text hasn't changed. if (query_text == last_query_text && verbatim == last_verbatim_) { // Reuse the last suggestion, as it's still valid. delegate_->SetSuggestedText(last_suggestion_.text, last_suggestion_.behavior); // We need to call Show() here because of this: // 1. User has typed a query (say Q). Instant overlay is showing results. // 2. User arrows-down to a URL entry or erases all omnibox text. Both of // these cause the overlay to Hide(). // 3. User arrows-up to Q or types Q again. The last text we processed is // still Q, so we don't Update() the loader, but we do need to Show(). if (loader_processed_last_update_ && (mode_ == INSTANT || mode_ == EXTENDED)) Show(100, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT); return true; } last_verbatim_ = verbatim; loader_processed_last_update_ = false; last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion(); if (mode_ != SILENT) { loader_->Update(query_text, verbatim); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_CONTROLLER_UPDATED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } // We don't have suggestions yet, but need to reset any existing "gray text". delegate_->SetSuggestedText(string16(), INSTANT_COMPLETE_NOW); // Though we may have handled a URL match above, we return false here, so that // omnibox prerendering can kick in. TODO(sreeram): Remove this (and always // return true) once we are able to commit URLs as well. return last_match_was_search_; } // TODO(tonyg): This method only fires when the omnibox bounds change. It also // needs to fire when the preview bounds change (e.g.: open/close info bar). void InstantController::SetOmniboxBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { if (omnibox_bounds_ == bounds || (mode_ != INSTANT && mode_ != EXTENDED)) return; omnibox_bounds_ = bounds; if (omnibox_bounds_.height() > last_omnibox_bounds_.height()) { update_bounds_timer_.Stop(); SendBoundsToPage(); } else if (!update_bounds_timer_.IsRunning()) { update_bounds_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kUpdateBoundsDelayMS), this, &InstantController::SendBoundsToPage); } } void InstantController::HandleAutocompleteResults( const std::vector& providers) { if (mode_ != EXTENDED || !GetPreviewContents()) return; std::vector results; for (ACProviders::const_iterator provider = providers.begin(); provider != providers.end(); ++provider) { for (ACMatches::const_iterator match = (*provider)->matches().begin(); match != (*provider)->matches().end(); ++match) { InstantAutocompleteResult result; result.provider = UTF8ToUTF16((*provider)->GetName()); result.is_search = AutocompleteMatch::IsSearchType(match->type); result.contents = match->description; result.destination_url = match->destination_url; result.relevance = match->relevance; results.push_back(result); } } loader_->SendAutocompleteResults(results); } bool InstantController::OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(int count) { if (mode_ != EXTENDED || !GetPreviewContents()) return false; loader_->OnUpOrDownKeyPressed(count); return true; } TabContents* InstantController::GetPreviewContents() const { return loader_.get() ? loader_->preview_contents() : NULL; } void InstantController::Hide() { last_active_tab_ = NULL; if (is_showing_) { is_showing_ = false; delegate_->HideInstant(); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_CONTROLLER_HIDDEN, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } if (GetPreviewContents() && !last_full_text_.empty()) { // Send a blank query to ask the preview to clear out old results. last_full_text_.clear(); last_user_text_.clear(); loader_->Update(last_full_text_, true); } } bool InstantController::IsCurrent() const { return !IsOutOfDate() && GetPreviewContents() && loader_->supports_instant() && last_match_was_search_; } void InstantController::CommitCurrentPreview(InstantCommitType type) { TabContents* preview = loader_->ReleasePreviewContents(type, last_full_text_); // If the preview page has navigated since the last Update(), we need to add // the navigation to history ourselves. Else, the page will navigate after // commit, and it will be added to history in the usual manner. const history::HistoryAddPageArgs& last_navigation = loader_->last_navigation(); if (!last_navigation.url.is_empty()) { content::NavigationEntry* entry = preview->web_contents()->GetController().GetActiveEntry(); DCHECK_EQ(last_navigation.url, entry->GetURL()); // Add the page to history. HistoryTabHelper* history_tab_helper = HistoryTabHelper::FromWebContents(preview->web_contents()); history_tab_helper->UpdateHistoryForNavigation(last_navigation); // Update the page title. history_tab_helper->UpdateHistoryPageTitle(*entry); // Update the favicon. FaviconService* favicon_service = FaviconServiceFactory::GetForProfile( preview->profile(), Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS); if (favicon_service && entry->GetFavicon().valid && entry->GetFavicon().image.IsEmpty()) { favicon_service->SetFavicons(entry->GetURL(), entry->GetFavicon().url, history::FAVICON, entry->GetFavicon().image); } } // Add a fake history entry with a non-Instant search URL, so that search // terms extraction (for autocomplete history matches) works. if (HistoryService* history = HistoryServiceFactory::GetForProfile( preview->profile(), Profile::EXPLICIT_ACCESS)) { history->AddPage(url_for_history_, base::Time::Now(), NULL, 0, GURL(), history::RedirectList(), last_transition_type_, history::SOURCE_BROWSED, false); } AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_COMMITTED); // We may have gotten here from CommitInstant(), which means the loader may // still be on the stack. So, schedule a destruction for later. MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, loader_.release()); // This call is here to reset view state. It won't actually delete |loader_| // because it was just released to DeleteSoon(). DeleteLoader(); preview->web_contents()->GetController().PruneAllButActive(); if (type != INSTANT_COMMIT_PRESSED_ALT_ENTER) { const TabContents* active_tab = delegate_->GetActiveTabContents(); AddSessionStorageHistogram(mode_, active_tab, preview); preview->web_contents()->GetController().CopyStateFromAndPrune( &active_tab->web_contents()->GetController()); } // Delegate takes ownership of the preview. delegate_->CommitInstant(preview, type == INSTANT_COMMIT_PRESSED_ALT_ENTER); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_COMMITTED, content::Source(preview), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); // Try to create another loader immediately so that it is ready for the next // user interaction. CreateDefaultLoader(); } void InstantController::OnAutocompleteLostFocus( gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus) { is_omnibox_focused_ = false; // If there is no preview, nothing to do. if (!GetPreviewContents()) return; loader_->OnAutocompleteLostFocus(); // If the preview is not showing, only need to check for loader staleness. if (!is_showing_) { MaybeOnStaleLoader(); return; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) if (!loader_->IsPointerDownFromActivate()) { Hide(); MaybeOnStaleLoader(); } #else content::RenderWidgetHostView* rwhv = GetPreviewContents()->web_contents()->GetRenderWidgetHostView(); if (!view_gaining_focus || !rwhv) { Hide(); MaybeOnStaleLoader(); return; } #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) // For views the top level widget is always focused. If the focus change // originated in views determine the child Widget from the view that is being // focused. views::Widget* widget = views::Widget::GetWidgetForNativeView(view_gaining_focus); if (widget) { views::FocusManager* focus_manager = widget->GetFocusManager(); if (focus_manager && focus_manager->is_changing_focus() && focus_manager->GetFocusedView() && focus_manager->GetFocusedView()->GetWidget()) { view_gaining_focus = focus_manager->GetFocusedView()->GetWidget()->GetNativeView(); } } #endif gfx::NativeView tab_view = GetPreviewContents()->web_contents()->GetNativeView(); // Focus is going to the renderer. if (rwhv->GetNativeView() == view_gaining_focus || tab_view == view_gaining_focus) { // If the mouse is not down, focus is not going to the renderer. Someone // else moved focus and we shouldn't commit. if (!loader_->IsPointerDownFromActivate()) { Hide(); MaybeOnStaleLoader(); } return; } // Walk up the view hierarchy. If the view gaining focus is a subview of the // WebContents view (such as a windowed plugin or http auth dialog), we want // to keep the preview contents. Otherwise, focus has gone somewhere else, // such as the JS inspector, and we want to cancel the preview. gfx::NativeView view_gaining_focus_ancestor = view_gaining_focus; while (view_gaining_focus_ancestor && view_gaining_focus_ancestor != tab_view) { view_gaining_focus_ancestor = platform_util::GetParent(view_gaining_focus_ancestor); } if (view_gaining_focus_ancestor) { CommitCurrentPreview(INSTANT_COMMIT_FOCUS_LOST); return; } Hide(); MaybeOnStaleLoader(); #endif } void InstantController::OnAutocompleteGotFocus() { is_omnibox_focused_ = true; if (GetPreviewContents()) loader_->OnAutocompleteGotFocus(); CreateDefaultLoader(); } bool InstantController::commit_on_pointer_release() const { return GetPreviewContents() && loader_->IsPointerDownFromActivate(); } void InstantController::SetSuggestions( InstantLoader* loader, const std::vector& suggestions) { if (loader_ != loader || IsOutOfDate() || mode_ == SILENT || mode_ == HIDDEN) return; loader_processed_last_update_ = true; InstantSuggestion suggestion; if (!suggestions.empty()) suggestion = suggestions[0]; if (suggestion.behavior == INSTANT_COMPLETE_REPLACE) { // We don't get an Update() when changing the omnibox due to a REPLACE // suggestion (so that we don't inadvertently cause the preview to change // what it's showing, as the user arrows up/down through the page-provided // suggestions). So, update these state variables here. last_full_text_ = suggestion.text; last_user_text_.clear(); last_verbatim_ = true; last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion(); last_match_was_search_ = suggestion.type == INSTANT_SUGGESTION_SEARCH; delegate_->SetSuggestedText(suggestion.text, suggestion.behavior); } else { // Match case-sensitively first, to preserve suggestion case if possible. // If that fails, match case-insensitively. http://crbug.com/150728 if (last_user_text_.size() < suggestion.text.size() && !suggestion.text.compare(0, last_user_text_.size(), last_user_text_)) { suggestion.text.erase(0, last_user_text_.size()); } else { string16 suggestion_lower = base::i18n::ToLower(suggestion.text); string16 user_text_lower = base::i18n::ToLower(last_user_text_); if (user_text_lower.size() < suggestion_lower.size() && !suggestion_lower.compare(0, user_text_lower.size(), user_text_lower)) { suggestion.text.assign(suggestion_lower, user_text_lower.size(), suggestion_lower.size() - user_text_lower.size()); } else { suggestion.text.clear(); } } last_suggestion_ = suggestion; if (!last_verbatim_) delegate_->SetSuggestedText(suggestion.text, suggestion.behavior); } if (mode_ != SUGGEST) Show(100, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT); } void InstantController::CommitInstantLoader(InstantLoader* loader) { if (loader_ != loader || !is_showing_ || IsOutOfDate()) return; CommitCurrentPreview(INSTANT_COMMIT_FOCUS_LOST); } void InstantController::SetInstantPreviewHeight(InstantLoader* loader, int height, InstantSizeUnits units) { // TODO(samarth): we need to relax the IsOutOfDate() check to support cases // where we may want to show the overlay even if the overlay does not reflect // what the user has typed (e.g. doodle). if (loader_ != loader || mode_ != EXTENDED || IsOutOfDate()) return; Show(height, units); } void InstantController::InstantLoaderPreviewLoaded(InstantLoader* loader) { AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_LOADED); } void InstantController::InstantSupportDetermined(InstantLoader* loader, bool supports_instant) { if (supports_instant) { blacklisted_urls_.erase(loader->instant_url()); } else { ++blacklisted_urls_[loader->instant_url()]; if (loader_ == loader) { if (GetPreviewContents()) AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_DELETED); // Because of the state of the stack, we can't destroy the loader now. MessageLoop::current()->DeleteSoon(FROM_HERE, loader_.release()); DeleteLoader(); } } content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_SUPPORT_DETERMINED, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } void InstantController::SwappedTabContents(InstantLoader* loader) { if (loader_ == loader && is_showing_) delegate_->ShowInstant(100, INSTANT_SIZE_PERCENT); } void InstantController::InstantLoaderContentsFocused(InstantLoader* loader) { #if defined(USE_AURA) // On aura the omnibox only receives a focus lost if we initiate the focus // change. This does that. if (is_showing_ && !IsOutOfDate()) delegate_->InstantPreviewFocused(); #endif } InstantController::InstantController(InstantControllerDelegate* delegate, Mode mode) : delegate_(delegate), mode_(mode), last_active_tab_(NULL), last_verbatim_(false), last_transition_type_(content::PAGE_TRANSITION_LINK), last_match_was_search_(false), is_showing_(false), loader_processed_last_update_(false), is_omnibox_focused_(false) { } void InstantController::ResetLoader(const std::string& instant_url, const TabContents* active_tab) { if (GetPreviewContents() && loader_->instant_url() != instant_url) DeleteLoader(); if (!GetPreviewContents()) { loader_.reset(new InstantLoader(this, instant_url, active_tab)); loader_->Init(); // Ensure the searchbox API has the correct focus state. if (is_omnibox_focused_) loader_->OnAutocompleteGotFocus(); else loader_->OnAutocompleteLostFocus(); AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_CREATED); // Reset the loader timer. stale_loader_timer_.Stop(); stale_loader_timer_.Start( FROM_HERE, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kStaleLoaderTimeoutMS), this, &InstantController::OnStaleLoader); } } bool InstantController::CreateDefaultLoader() { const TabContents* active_tab = delegate_->GetActiveTabContents(); // We could get here with no active tab if the Browser is closing. if (!active_tab) return false; const TemplateURL* template_url = TemplateURLServiceFactory::GetForProfile(active_tab->profile())-> GetDefaultSearchProvider(); const GURL& tab_url = active_tab->web_contents()->GetURL(); std::string instant_url; if (!GetInstantURL(template_url, tab_url, &instant_url)) return false; ResetLoader(instant_url, active_tab); return true; } void InstantController::OnStaleLoader() { // If the loader is showing, do not delete it. It will get deleted the next // time the autocomplete loses focus. if (is_showing_) return; DeleteLoader(); CreateDefaultLoader(); } void InstantController::MaybeOnStaleLoader() { if (!stale_loader_timer_.IsRunning()) OnStaleLoader(); } void InstantController::DeleteLoader() { last_active_tab_ = NULL; last_full_text_.clear(); last_user_text_.clear(); last_verbatim_ = false; last_suggestion_ = InstantSuggestion(); last_match_was_search_ = false; is_showing_ = false; loader_processed_last_update_ = false; last_omnibox_bounds_ = gfx::Rect(); url_for_history_ = GURL(); if (GetPreviewContents()) AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_DELETED); loader_.reset(); } void InstantController::Show(int height, InstantSizeUnits units) { // Call even if showing in case height changed. delegate_->ShowInstant(height, units); if (!is_showing_) { is_showing_ = true; AddPreviewUsageForHistogram(mode_, PREVIEW_SHOWED); content::NotificationService::current()->Notify( chrome::NOTIFICATION_INSTANT_CONTROLLER_SHOWN, content::Source(this), content::NotificationService::NoDetails()); } } void InstantController::SendBoundsToPage() { if (last_omnibox_bounds_ == omnibox_bounds_ || IsOutOfDate() || !GetPreviewContents() || loader_->IsPointerDownFromActivate()) return; last_omnibox_bounds_ = omnibox_bounds_; gfx::Rect preview_bounds = delegate_->GetInstantBounds(); gfx::Rect intersection = omnibox_bounds_.Intersect(preview_bounds); // Translate into window coordinates. if (!intersection.IsEmpty()) { intersection.Offset(-preview_bounds.origin().x(), -preview_bounds.origin().y()); } // In the current Chrome UI, these must always be true so they sanity check // the above operations. In a future UI, these may be removed or adjusted. // There is no point in sanity-checking |intersection.y()| because the omnibox // can be placed anywhere vertically relative to the preview (for example, in // Mac fullscreen mode, the omnibox is fully enclosed by the preview bounds). DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.x()); DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.width()); DCHECK_LE(0, intersection.height()); loader_->SetOmniboxBounds(intersection); } bool InstantController::GetInstantURL(const TemplateURL* template_url, const GURL& tab_url, std::string* instant_url) const { CommandLine* command_line = CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess(); if (command_line->HasSwitch(switches::kInstantURL)) { *instant_url = command_line->GetSwitchValueASCII(switches::kInstantURL); MaybeSetRefFromURL(tab_url, instant_url); return template_url != NULL; } if (!template_url) return false; const TemplateURLRef& instant_url_ref = template_url->instant_url_ref(); if (!instant_url_ref.IsValid()) return false; // Even if the URL template doesn't have search terms, it may have other // components (such as {google:baseURL}) that need to be replaced. *instant_url = instant_url_ref.ReplaceSearchTerms( TemplateURLRef::SearchTermsArgs(string16())); // Extended mode should always use HTTPS. TODO(sreeram): This section can be // removed if TemplateURLs supported "https://{google:host}/..." instead of // only supporting "{google:baseURL}...". if (mode_ == EXTENDED) { GURL url_obj(*instant_url); if (!url_obj.is_valid()) return false; if (!url_obj.SchemeIsSecure()) { const std::string new_scheme = "https"; const std::string new_port = "443"; GURL::Replacements secure; secure.SetSchemeStr(new_scheme); secure.SetPortStr(new_port); url_obj = url_obj.ReplaceComponents(secure); if (!url_obj.is_valid()) return false; *instant_url = url_obj.spec(); } } std::map::const_iterator iter = blacklisted_urls_.find(*instant_url); if (iter != blacklisted_urls_.end() && iter->second > kMaxInstantSupportFailures) return false; MaybeSetRefFromURL(tab_url, instant_url); return true; } void InstantController::MaybeSetRefFromURL(const GURL& tab_url, std::string* instant_url) const { if (mode_ == EXTENDED) { GURL url_obj(*instant_url); if (!url_obj.is_valid()) return; // Copy hash state so that search modes persist for query refinements. if (tab_url.has_ref() && tab_url.host() == url_obj.host() && tab_url.path() == url_obj.path()) { const std::string new_ref = tab_url.ref(); GURL::Replacements hash; hash.SetRefStr(new_ref); url_obj = url_obj.ReplaceComponents(hash); DCHECK(url_obj.is_valid()); *instant_url = url_obj.spec(); } } } bool InstantController::IsOutOfDate() const { return !last_active_tab_ || last_active_tab_ != delegate_->GetActiveTabContents(); }