// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/intents/web_intents_registry.h" #include "chrome/browser/webdata/web_data_service.h" // Internal object representing all data associated with a single query. struct WebIntentsRegistry::IntentsQuery { // Unique query identifier. QueryID query_id_; // Underlying data query. WebDataService::Handle pending_query_; // the consumer for this particular query. Consumer* consumer_; // TODO(groby): Additional filter data will go here - filtering is handled // per query. }; WebIntentsRegistry::WebIntentsRegistry() : next_query_id_(0) {} WebIntentsRegistry::~WebIntentsRegistry() { // Cancel all pending queries, since we can't handle them any more. for (QueryMap::iterator it(queries_.begin()); it != queries_.end(); ++it) { wds_->CancelRequest(it->first); delete it->second; } } void WebIntentsRegistry::Initialize(scoped_refptr wds) { wds_ = wds; } void WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebDataServiceRequestDone( WebDataService::Handle h, const WDTypedResult* result) { DCHECK(result); DCHECK(result->GetType() == WEB_INTENTS_RESULT); QueryMap::iterator it = queries_.find(h); DCHECK(it != queries_.end()); IntentsQuery* query(it->second); DCHECK(query); queries_.erase(it); // TODO(groby): Filtering goes here. std::vector intents = static_cast< const WDResult >*>(result)->GetValue(); query->consumer_->OnIntentsQueryDone(query->query_id_, intents); delete query; } WebIntentsRegistry::QueryID WebIntentsRegistry::GetIntentProviders( const string16& action, Consumer* consumer) { DCHECK(consumer); DCHECK(wds_.get()); IntentsQuery* query = new IntentsQuery; query->query_id_ = next_query_id_++; query->consumer_ = consumer; query->pending_query_ = wds_->GetWebIntents(action, this); queries_[query->pending_query_] = query; return query->query_id_; } void WebIntentsRegistry::RegisterIntentProvider(const WebIntentData& intent) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->AddWebIntent(intent); } void WebIntentsRegistry::UnregisterIntentProvider(const WebIntentData& intent) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->RemoveWebIntent(intent); }