// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/intents/web_intents_registry.h" #include <algorithm> #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/bind_helpers.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/string16.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "chrome/browser/intents/default_web_intent_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/intents/web_intents_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/webdata/web_data_service.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension.h" #include "chrome/common/extensions/extension_set.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/base/mime_util.h" using extensions::Extension; using net::IsMimeType; namespace { // TODO(hshi): Temporary workaround for http://crbug.com/134197. // If no user-set default service is found, use built-in QuickOffice Viewer as // default for MS office files. Remove this once full defaults is in place. const char* kQuickOfficeViewerMimeType[] = { "application/msword", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "application/vnd.ms-excel", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation", "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet" }; typedef base::Callback<void(const WDTypedResult* result)> ResultsHandler; typedef WebIntentsRegistry::IntentServiceList IntentServiceList; // Compares two web intents type specifiers to see if there is a match. // First checks if both are MIME types. If so, uses MatchesMimeType. // If not, uses exact string equality. bool WebIntentsTypesMatch(const string16& type1, const string16& type2) { return (IsMimeType(UTF16ToUTF8(type1)) && IsMimeType(UTF16ToUTF8(type2))) ? web_intents::MimeTypesMatch(type1, type2) : type1 == type2; } // Adds any intent services of |extension| that match |action| to // |matching_services|. void AddMatchingServicesForExtension(const Extension& extension, const string16& action, IntentServiceList* matching_services) { const IntentServiceList& services = extension.intents_services(); for (IntentServiceList::const_iterator i = services.begin(); i != services.end(); ++i) { if (action.empty() || action == i->action) matching_services->push_back(*i); } } // Removes all services from |matching_services| that do not match |type|. // Wildcards are supported, of the form '<type>/*' or '*'. void FilterServicesByType(const string16& type, IntentServiceList* matching_services) { // Filter out all services not matching the query type. IntentServiceList::iterator iter(matching_services->begin()); while (iter != matching_services->end()) { if (WebIntentsTypesMatch(iter->type, type)) ++iter; else iter = matching_services->erase(iter); } } // Callback for existence checks. Converts a callback for a list of services // into a callback that returns true if the list contains a specific service. void ExistenceCallback(const webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData& service, const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback, const WDTypedResult* result) { WebIntentsRegistry::IntentServiceList list = static_cast< const WDResult<IntentServiceList>*>(result)->GetValue(); for (WebIntentsRegistry::IntentServiceList::const_iterator i = list.begin(); i != list.end(); ++i) { if (*i == service) { callback.Run(true); return; } } callback.Run(false); } // Functor object for intent ordering. struct IntentOrdering { // Implements StrictWeakOrdering for intents, based on intent-equivalence. // Order by |service_url|, |action|, |title|, and |disposition| in order. bool operator()(const webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData& lhs, const webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData& rhs) { if (lhs.service_url != rhs.service_url) return lhs.service_url < rhs.service_url; if (lhs.action != rhs.action) return lhs.action < rhs.action; if (lhs.title != rhs.title) return lhs.title < rhs.title; if (lhs.disposition != rhs.disposition) return lhs.disposition < rhs.disposition; // At this point, we consider intents to be equal, even if |type| differs. return false; } }; // Two intents are equivalent iff all fields except |type| are equal. bool IntentsAreEquivalent(const webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData& lhs, const webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData& rhs) { return !((lhs.service_url != rhs.service_url) || (lhs.action != rhs.action) || (lhs.title != rhs.title) || (lhs.disposition != rhs.disposition)); } } // namespace using webkit_glue::WebIntentServiceData; // Internal object containing arguments to be used in post processing // WDS results. struct WebIntentsRegistry::QueryParams { // The particular action to filter for while searching through extensions. // If |action_| is empty, return all extension-provided services. string16 action_; // The MIME type that was requested for this service query. // Suppports wild cards. string16 type_; // The url of the invoking page. GURL url_; // Create a new QueryParams for all intent services or for existence checks. QueryParams() : type_(ASCIIToUTF16("*")) {} QueryParams(const string16& action, const string16& type) : action_(action), type_(type) {} // Create a new QueryParams for default services. QueryParams(const string16& action, const string16& type, const GURL& url) : action_(action), type_(type), url_(url) {} }; // Internal object adapting the WDS consumer interface to base::Bind // callback way of doing business. class WebIntentsRegistry::QueryAdapter : public WebDataServiceConsumer { public: // Underlying data query. WebDataService::Handle query_handle_; // Create a new QueryAdapter that delegates results to |handler|. QueryAdapter(WebIntentsRegistry* registry, const ResultsHandler& handler) : registry_(registry), handler_(handler) { registry_->TrackQuery(this); } void OnWebDataServiceRequestDone( WebDataService::Handle h, const WDTypedResult* result) OVERRIDE { handler_.Run(result); registry_->ReleaseQuery(this); } private: // Handle so we can call back into the WebIntentsRegistry when // processing query results. The registry is guaranteed to be // valid for the life of this object. We do not own this object. WebIntentsRegistry* registry_; // The callback for this particular query. ResultsHandler handler_; }; WebIntentsRegistry::WebIntentsRegistry() {} WebIntentsRegistry::~WebIntentsRegistry() { // Cancel all pending queries, since we can't handle them any more. for (QueryVector::iterator it = pending_queries_.begin(); it != pending_queries_.end(); ++it) { QueryAdapter* query = *it; wds_->CancelRequest(query->query_handle_); delete query; } } void WebIntentsRegistry::Initialize( scoped_refptr<WebDataService> wds, ExtensionServiceInterface* extension_service) { wds_ = wds; extension_service_ = extension_service; } void WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebIntentsResultReceived( const QueryParams& params, const QueryCallback& callback, const WDTypedResult* result) { DCHECK(result); DCHECK(result->GetType() == WEB_INTENTS_RESULT); IntentServiceList matching_services = static_cast< const WDResult<IntentServiceList>*>(result)->GetValue(); // Loop over all services in all extensions, collect ones // matching the query. if (extension_service_) { const ExtensionSet* extensions = extension_service_->extensions(); if (extensions) { for (ExtensionSet::const_iterator i(extensions->begin()); i != extensions->end(); ++i) { AddMatchingServicesForExtension(**i, params.action_, &matching_services); } } } // Filter out all services not matching the query type. FilterServicesByType(params.type_, &matching_services); // Collapse intents that are equivalent for all but |type|. CollapseIntents(&matching_services); callback.Run(matching_services); } void WebIntentsRegistry::OnAllDefaultIntentServicesReceived( const DefaultIntentServicesCallback& callback, const WDTypedResult* result) { DCHECK(result); DCHECK(result->GetType() == WEB_INTENTS_DEFAULTS_RESULT); const std::vector<DefaultWebIntentService> services = static_cast< const WDResult<std::vector<DefaultWebIntentService> >*>(result)-> GetValue(); callback.Run(services); } void WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebIntentsDefaultsResultReceived( const QueryParams& params, const DefaultQueryCallback& callback, const WDTypedResult* result) { DCHECK(result); DCHECK(result->GetType() == WEB_INTENTS_DEFAULTS_RESULT); std::vector<DefaultWebIntentService> services = static_cast< const WDResult<std::vector<DefaultWebIntentService> >*>(result)-> GetValue(); DefaultWebIntentService default_service; std::vector<DefaultWebIntentService>::iterator iter(services.begin()); for (; iter != services.end(); ++iter) { if (!WebIntentsTypesMatch(iter->type, params.type_)) { continue; } if (!iter->url_pattern.MatchesURL(params.url_)) { continue; } const Extension* extension = ExtensionForURL(iter->service_url); if (extension != NULL && !extension_service_->IsExtensionEnabled(extension->id())) { continue; } // Found a match. If it is better than default_service, use it. // Currently the metric is that if the new value is user-set, // prefer it. If the new value has a more specific pattern, prefer it. // If the new value has a more recent date, prefer it. if (default_service.user_date <= 0 && iter->user_date >= 0) { default_service = *iter; } else if (default_service.url_pattern.match_all_urls() && !iter->url_pattern.match_all_urls()) { default_service = *iter; } else if (iter->url_pattern < default_service.url_pattern) { default_service = *iter; } else if (default_service.user_date < iter->user_date) { default_service = *iter; } } // TODO(hshi): Temporary workaround for http://crbug.com/134197. // If no user-set default service is found, use built-in QuickOffice Viewer as // default for MS office files. Remove this once full defaults is in place. if (default_service.user_date <= 0) { for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kQuickOfficeViewerMimeType) / sizeof(char*); ++i) { DefaultWebIntentService qoviewer_service; qoviewer_service.action = ASCIIToUTF16(web_intents::kActionView); qoviewer_service.type = ASCIIToUTF16(kQuickOfficeViewerMimeType[i]); qoviewer_service.service_url = web_intents::kQuickOfficeViewerServiceURL; if (WebIntentsTypesMatch(qoviewer_service.type, params.type_)) { default_service = qoviewer_service; break; } } } callback.Run(default_service); } void WebIntentsRegistry::GetIntentServices( const string16& action, const string16& type, const QueryCallback& callback) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); const QueryParams params(action, type); const ResultsHandler handler = base::Bind( &WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebIntentsResultReceived, base::Unretained(this), params, callback); QueryAdapter* query = new QueryAdapter(this, handler); query->query_handle_ = wds_->GetWebIntentServices(action, query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::GetAllIntentServices( const QueryCallback& callback) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); const QueryParams params; const ResultsHandler handler = base::Bind( &WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebIntentsResultReceived, base::Unretained(this), params, callback); QueryAdapter* query = new QueryAdapter(this, handler); query->query_handle_ = wds_->GetAllWebIntentServices(query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::GetAllDefaultIntentServices( const DefaultIntentServicesCallback& callback) { DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); ResultsHandler handler = base::Bind( &WebIntentsRegistry::OnAllDefaultIntentServicesReceived, base::Unretained(this), callback); QueryAdapter* query = new QueryAdapter(this, handler); query->query_handle_ = wds_->GetAllDefaultWebIntentServices(query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::IntentServiceExists( const WebIntentServiceData& service, const base::Callback<void(bool)>& callback) { DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); ResultsHandler handler = base::Bind( &ExistenceCallback, service, callback); QueryAdapter* query = new QueryAdapter(this, handler); query->query_handle_ = wds_->GetWebIntentServicesForURL( UTF8ToUTF16(service.service_url.spec()), query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::GetIntentServicesForExtensionFilter( const string16& action, const string16& type, const std::string& extension_id, IntentServiceList* services) { if (extension_service_) { const Extension* extension = extension_service_->GetExtensionById(extension_id, false); AddMatchingServicesForExtension(*extension, action, services); FilterServicesByType(type, services); } } void WebIntentsRegistry::RegisterDefaultIntentService( const DefaultWebIntentService& default_service) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->AddDefaultWebIntentService(default_service); } void WebIntentsRegistry::UnregisterDefaultIntentService( const DefaultWebIntentService& default_service) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->RemoveDefaultWebIntentService(default_service); } void WebIntentsRegistry::UnregisterServiceDefaults(const GURL& service_url) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->RemoveWebIntentServiceDefaults(service_url); } void WebIntentsRegistry::GetDefaultIntentService( const string16& action, const string16& type, const GURL& invoking_url, const DefaultQueryCallback& callback) { DCHECK(!callback.is_null()); const QueryParams params(action, type); ResultsHandler handler = base::Bind( &WebIntentsRegistry::OnWebIntentsDefaultsResultReceived, base::Unretained(this), params, callback); QueryAdapter* query = new QueryAdapter(this, handler); query->query_handle_ = wds_->GetDefaultWebIntentServicesForAction(action, query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::RegisterIntentService( const WebIntentServiceData& service) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->AddWebIntentService(service); } void WebIntentsRegistry::UnregisterIntentService( const WebIntentServiceData& service) { DCHECK(wds_.get()); wds_->RemoveWebIntentService(service); } void WebIntentsRegistry::CollapseIntents(IntentServiceList* services) { DCHECK(services); // No need to do anything for no services/single service. if (services->size() < 2) return; // Sort so that intents that can be collapsed must be adjacent. std::sort(services->begin(), services->end(), IntentOrdering()); // Combine adjacent services if they are equivalent. IntentServiceList::iterator write_iter = services->begin(); IntentServiceList::iterator read_iter = write_iter + 1; while (read_iter != services->end()) { if (IntentsAreEquivalent(*write_iter, *read_iter)) { // If the two intents are equivalent, join types and collapse. write_iter->type += ASCIIToUTF16(",") + read_iter->type; } else { // Otherwise, keep both intents. ++write_iter; if (write_iter != read_iter) *write_iter = *read_iter; } ++read_iter; } // Cut off everything after the last intent copied to the list. if (++write_iter != services->end()) services->erase(write_iter, services->end()); } const Extension* WebIntentsRegistry::ExtensionForURL(const std::string& url) { const ExtensionSet* extensions = extension_service_->extensions(); if (!extensions) return NULL; // Use the unsafe ExtensionURLInfo constructor: we don't care if the extension // is running or not. GURL gurl(url); ExtensionURLInfo info(gurl); return extensions->GetExtensionOrAppByURL(info); } void WebIntentsRegistry::TrackQuery(QueryAdapter* query) { DCHECK(query); pending_queries_.push_back(query); } void WebIntentsRegistry::ReleaseQuery(QueryAdapter* query) { QueryVector::iterator it = std::find( pending_queries_.begin(), pending_queries_.end(), query); if (it != pending_queries_.end()) { pending_queries_.erase(it); delete query; } else { NOTREACHED(); } }