// Copyright (c) 2006-2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <list>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>

#include "base/ref_counted.h"
#include "chrome/browser/cancelable_request.h"
#include "chrome/browser/history/history.h"
#include "chrome/browser/sessions/tab_restore_service.h"

class FilePath;
class Profile;
class PageUsageData;

// Represents a class used for creating an IShellLink object by the utility
// functions in this file.
// This class consists of three strings and a integer.
// * arguments (std::wstring)
//   The arguments for the application.
// * title (std::wstring)
//   The string to be displayed in a JumpList.
// * icon (std::wstring)
//   The absolute path to an icon to be displayed in a JumpList.
// * index (int)
//   The icon index in the icon file. If an icon file consists of two or more
//   icons, set this value to identify the icon. If an icon file consists of
// one icon, this value is 0.
// Even though an IShellLink also needs the absolute path to an application to
// be executed, this class does not have any variables for it because our
// utility functions always use "chrome.exe" as the application and we don't
// need it.
class ShellLinkItem : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ShellLinkItem> {
  ShellLinkItem() : index_(0), favicon_(false) {

  const std::wstring& arguments() const { return arguments_; }
  const std::wstring& title() const { return title_; }
  const std::wstring& icon() const { return icon_; }
  int index() const { return index_; }
  scoped_refptr<RefCountedMemory> data() const { return data_; }

  void SetArguments(const std::wstring& arguments) {
    arguments_ = arguments;

  void SetTitle(const std::wstring& title) {
    title_ = title;

  void SetIcon(const std::wstring& icon, int index, bool favicon) {
    icon_ = icon;
    index_ = index;
    favicon_ = favicon;

  void SetIconData(scoped_refptr<RefCountedMemory> data) {
    data_ = data;

  friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<ShellLinkItem>;

  ~ShellLinkItem() {}

  std::wstring arguments_;
  std::wstring title_;
  std::wstring icon_;
  scoped_refptr<RefCountedMemory> data_;
  int index_;
  bool favicon_;


typedef std::vector<scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> > ShellLinkItemList;

// A class which implements an application JumpList.
// This class encapsulates operations required for updating an application
// JumpList:
// * Retrieving "Most Visited" pages from HistoryService;
// * Retrieving strings from the application resource;
// * Creatng COM objects used by JumpList from PageUsageData objects;
// * Adding COM objects to JumpList, etc.
// This class also implements TabRestoreService::Observer. So, once we call
// AddObserver() and register this class as an observer, it automatically
// updates a JumpList when a tab is added or removed.
// Updating a JumpList requires some file operations and it is not good to
// update it in a UI thread. To solve this problem, this class posts a
// task when it actually updates a JumpList. (This task is implemented in an
// anomynous namespace in "jumplist_win.cc".)
class JumpList : public TabRestoreService::Observer {

  // Registers (or unregisters) this object as an observer.
  // When the TabRestoreService object notifies the tab status is changed, this
  // class automatically updates an application JumpList.
  bool AddObserver(Profile* profile);
  void RemoveObserver();

  // Observer callback for TabRestoreService::Observer to notify when a tab is
  // added or removed.
  // This function sends a query that retrieves "Most Visited" pages to
  // HistoryService. When the query finishes successfully, HistoryService call
  // OnSegmentUsageAvailable().
  virtual void TabRestoreServiceChanged(TabRestoreService* service);

  // Observer callback to notice when our associated TabRestoreService
  // is destroyed.
  virtual void TabRestoreServiceDestroyed(TabRestoreService* service);

  // Returns true if the custom JumpList is enabled.
  // We use the custom JumpList when we satisfy the following conditions:
  // * Chromium is running on Windows 7 and;
  // * Chromium is lauched without a "--disable-custom-jumplist" option.
  // TODO(hbono): to be enabled by default when we finalize the categories and
  // items of our JumpList.
  static bool Enabled();

  // Creates a ShellLinkItem object from a tab (or a window) and add it to the
  // given list.
  // These functions are copied from the RecentlyClosedTabsHandler class for
  // compatibility with the new-tab page.
  bool AddTab(const TabRestoreService::Tab* tab,
              ShellLinkItemList* list,
              size_t max_items);
  bool AddWindow(const TabRestoreService::Window* window,
                 ShellLinkItemList* list,
                 size_t max_items);

  // Starts loading a fav icon for each URL in |icon_urls_|.
  // This function just sends a query to HistoryService.
  bool StartLoadingFavIcon();

  // A callback function for HistoryService that notify when the "Most Visited"
  // list is available.
  // This function updates the ShellLinkItemList objects and send another query
  // that retrieves a fav icon for each URL in the list.
  void OnSegmentUsageAvailable(CancelableRequestProvider::Handle handle,
                               std::vector<PageUsageData*>* data);

  // a callback function for HistoryService that notify when a requested fav
  // icon is available.
  // To avoid file operations, this function just attaches the given data to
  // a ShellLinkItem object.
  // When finishing loading all fav icons, this function posts a task that
  // decompresses collected fav icons and updates a JumpList.
  void OnFavIconDataAvailable(HistoryService::Handle handle,
                              bool know_favicon,
                              scoped_refptr<RefCountedMemory> data,
                              bool expired,
                              GURL icon_url);

  // Our consumers for HistoryService.
  CancelableRequestConsumer most_visited_consumer_;
  CancelableRequestConsumer fav_icon_consumer_;

  // The Profile object used for listening its events.
  Profile* profile_;

  // App id to associate with the jump list.
  std::wstring app_id_;

  // The directory which contains JumpList icons.
  FilePath icon_dir_;

  // Items in the "Most Visited" category of the application JumpList.
  ShellLinkItemList most_visited_pages_;

  // Items in the "Recently Closed" category of the application JumpList.
  ShellLinkItemList recently_closed_pages_;

  // A list of URLs we need to retrieve their fav icons.
  typedef std::pair<std::string, scoped_refptr<ShellLinkItem> > URLPair;
  std::list<URLPair> icon_urls_;