// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/labs.h" #include #include #include #include #include "app/l10n_util.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/platform_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "chrome/browser/profile.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "grit/generated_resources.h" namespace about_labs { enum { kOsMac = 1 << 0, kOsWin = 1 << 1, kOsLinux = 1 << 2 }; unsigned kOsAll = kOsMac | kOsWin | kOsLinux; struct Experiment { // The internal name of the experiment. This is never shown to the user. // It _is_ however stored in the prefs file, so you shouldn't change the // name of existing labs. const char* internal_name; // String id of the message containing the experiment's name. int visible_name_id; // String id of the message containing the experiment's description. int visible_description_id; // The platforms the experiment is available on // Needs to be more than a compile-time #ifdef because of profile sync. unsigned supported_platforms; // bitmask // The commandline parameter that's added when this lab is active. This is // different from |internal_name| so that the commandline flag can be // renamed without breaking the prefs file. const char* command_line; }; const Experiment kExperiments[] = { { "expose-for-tabs", // Do not change; see above. IDS_LABS_TABPOSE_NAME, IDS_LABS_TABPOSE_DESCRIPTION, kOsMac, #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // The switch exists only on OS X. switches::kEnableExposeForTabs #else "" #endif }, { "vertical-tabs", // Do not change; see above. IDS_LABS_SIDE_TABS_NAME, IDS_LABS_SIDE_TABS_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin, switches::kEnableVerticalTabs }, { "tabbed-options", // Do not change; see above. IDS_LABS_TABBED_OPTIONS_NAME, IDS_LABS_TABBED_OPTIONS_DESCRIPTION, kOsAll, switches::kEnableTabbedOptions }, { "match-preview", // Do not change; see above. IDS_LABS_INSTANT_NAME, IDS_LABS_INSTANT_DESCRIPTION, kOsWin, switches::kEnableMatchPreview }, { "remoting", // Do not change; see above. IDS_LABS_REMOTING_NAME, #if defined(OS_WIN) // Windows only supports host functionality at the moment. IDS_LABS_REMOTING_HOST_DESCRIPTION, #elif defined(OS_LINUX) // Linux only supports client functionality at the moment. IDS_LABS_REMOTING_CLIENT_DESCRIPTION, #else // On other platforms, this lab isn't available at all. 0, #endif kOsWin | kOsLinux, switches::kEnableRemoting }, }; // Extracts the list of enabled lab experiments from a profile and stores them // in a set. void GetEnabledLabs(const PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { const ListValue* enabled_experiments = prefs->GetList( prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments); if (!enabled_experiments) return; for (ListValue::const_iterator it = enabled_experiments->begin(); it != enabled_experiments->end(); ++it) { std::string experiment_name; if (!(*it)->GetAsString(&experiment_name)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Invalid entry in " << prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments; continue; } result->insert(experiment_name); } } // Takes a set of enabled lab experiments void SetEnabledLabs( PrefService* prefs, const std::set& enabled_experiments) { ListValue* experiments_list = prefs->GetMutableList( prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments); if (!experiments_list) return; experiments_list->Clear(); for (std::set::const_iterator it = enabled_experiments.begin(); it != enabled_experiments.end(); ++it) { experiments_list->Append(new StringValue(*it)); } } // Removes all experiments from prefs::kEnabledLabsExperiments that are // unknown, to prevent this list to become very long as experiments are added // and removed. void SanitizeList(PrefService* prefs) { std::set known_experiments; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExperiments); ++i) known_experiments.insert(kExperiments[i].internal_name); std::set enabled_experiments; GetEnabledLabs(prefs, &enabled_experiments); std::set new_enabled_experiments; std::set_intersection( known_experiments.begin(), known_experiments.end(), enabled_experiments.begin(), enabled_experiments.end(), std::inserter(new_enabled_experiments, new_enabled_experiments.begin())); SetEnabledLabs(prefs, new_enabled_experiments); } void GetSanitizedEnabledLabs( PrefService* prefs, std::set* result) { SanitizeList(prefs); GetEnabledLabs(prefs, result); } int GetCurrentPlatform() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) return kOsMac; #elif defined(OS_WIN) return kOsWin; #elif defined(OS_LINUX) return kOsLinux; #else #error Unknown platform #endif } bool IsEnabled() { #if defined(OS_CHROMEOS) // ChromeOS uses a different mechanism for about:labs; integrated with their // dom ui options. return false; #elif defined(GOOGLE_CHROME_BUILD) // Don't enable this on the stable channel. return !platform_util::GetVersionStringModifier().empty(); #else return true; #endif } void ConvertLabsToSwitches(Profile* profile, CommandLine* command_line) { // Do not activate labs features on the stable channel. if (!IsEnabled()) return; std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledLabs(profile->GetPrefs(), &enabled_experiments); std::map experiments; for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExperiments); ++i) experiments[kExperiments[i].internal_name] = &kExperiments[i]; for (std::set::iterator it = enabled_experiments.begin(); it != enabled_experiments.end(); ++it) { const std::string& experiment_name = *it; std::map::iterator experiment = experiments.find(experiment_name); DCHECK(experiment != experiments.end()); if (experiment == experiments.end()) continue; command_line->AppendSwitch(experiment->second->command_line); } } ListValue* GetLabsExperimentsData(Profile* profile) { std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledLabs(profile->GetPrefs(), &enabled_experiments); int current_platform = GetCurrentPlatform(); ListValue* experiments_data = new ListValue(); for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kExperiments); ++i) { const Experiment& experiment = kExperiments[i]; if (!(experiment.supported_platforms & current_platform)) continue; DictionaryValue* data = new DictionaryValue(); data->SetString("internal_name", experiment.internal_name); data->SetString("name", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(experiment.visible_name_id)); data->SetString("description", l10n_util::GetStringUTF16( experiment.visible_description_id)); data->SetBoolean("enabled", enabled_experiments.count(experiment.internal_name) > 0); experiments_data->Append(data); } return experiments_data; } static bool needs_restart_ = false; bool IsRestartNeededToCommitChanges() { return needs_restart_; } void SetExperimentEnabled( Profile* profile, const std::string& internal_name, bool enable) { needs_restart_ = true; std::set enabled_experiments; GetSanitizedEnabledLabs(profile->GetPrefs(), &enabled_experiments); if (enable) enabled_experiments.insert(internal_name); else enabled_experiments.erase(internal_name); SetEnabledLabs(profile->GetPrefs(), enabled_experiments); } } // namespace Labs