// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_AUDIO_STREAM_MONITOR_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_AUDIO_STREAM_MONITOR_H_ #include #include "base/callback_forward.h" #include "base/threading/thread_checker.h" #include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "base/timer/timer.h" #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h" namespace base { class TickClock; } // Repeatedly polls audio streams for their power levels, and "debounces" the // information into a simple, binary "was recently audible" result for the audio // indicators in the tab UI. The debouncing logic is to: 1) Turn on immediately // when sound is audible; and 2) Hold on for X amount of time after sound has // gone silent, then turn off. Said another way, we don't want tab indicators // to turn on/off repeatedly and annoy the user. AudioStreamMonitor sends UI // update notifications only when needed, but may be queried at any time. // // There are zero or one instances of AudioStreamMonitor per // content::WebContents instance (referred to as "the tab" in comments below). // AudioStreamMonitor is created on-demand, and automatically destroyed when its // associated WebContents is destroyed. See content::WebContentsUserData for // usage. class AudioStreamMonitor : public content::WebContentsUserData { public: // Returns true if audio has recently been audible from the tab. This is // usually called whenever the tab data model is refreshed; but there are // other use cases as well (e.g., the OOM killer uses this to de-prioritize // the killing of tabs making sounds). bool WasRecentlyAudible() const; // Starts polling the stream for audio stream power levels using |callback|. typedef base::Callback()> ReadPowerAndClipCallback; void StartMonitoringStream(int stream_id, const ReadPowerAndClipCallback& callback); // Stops polling the stream, discarding the internal copy of the |callback| // provided in the call to StartMonitoringStream(). void StopMonitoringStream(int stream_id); private: friend class content::WebContentsUserData; friend class AudioStreamMonitorTest; enum { // Desired polling frequency. Note: If this is set too low, short-duration // "blip" sounds won't be detected. http://crbug.com/339133#c4 kPowerMeasurementsPerSecond = 15, // Amount of time to hold a tab indicator on after its last blurt. kHoldOnMilliseconds = 2000 }; // Invoked by content::WebContentsUserData only. explicit AudioStreamMonitor(content::WebContents* contents); virtual ~AudioStreamMonitor(); // Called by |poll_timer_| to sample the power levels from each of the streams // playing in the tab. void Poll(); // Compares last known indicator state with what it should be, and triggers UI // updates through |web_contents_| if needed. When the indicator is turned // on, |off_timer_| is started to re-invoke this method in the future. void MaybeToggle(); // The WebContents instance instance to receive indicator toggle // notifications. This pointer should be valid for the lifetime of // AudioStreamMonitor. content::WebContents* const web_contents_; // Note: |clock_| is always |&default_tick_clock_|, except during unit // testing. base::DefaultTickClock default_tick_clock_; base::TickClock* const clock_; // Confirms single-threaded access in debug builds. base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_; // The callbacks to read power levels for each stream. Only playing (i.e., // not paused) streams will have an entry in this map. typedef std::map StreamPollCallbackMap; StreamPollCallbackMap poll_callbacks_; // Records the last time at which sound was audible from any stream. base::TimeTicks last_blurt_time_; // Set to true if the last call to MaybeToggle() determined the indicator // should be turned on. bool was_recently_audible_; // Calls Poll() at regular intervals while |poll_callbacks_| is non-empty. base::RepeatingTimer poll_timer_; // Started only when an indicator is toggled on, to turn it off again in the // future. base::OneShotTimer off_timer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(AudioStreamMonitor); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_AUDIO_STREAM_MONITOR_H_