// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_MEDIA_STREAM_DEVICES_CONTROLLER_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_MEDIA_STREAM_DEVICES_CONTROLLER_H_ #include #include "content/public/browser/web_contents_delegate.h" class Profile; class MediaStreamDevicesController { public: // TODO(xians): Use const content::MediaStreamRequest& instead of *. MediaStreamDevicesController(Profile* profile, const content::MediaStreamRequest* request, const content::MediaResponseCallback& callback); virtual ~MediaStreamDevicesController(); // Public method to be called before creating the MediaStreamInfoBarDelegate. // This function will check the content settings exceptions and take the // corresponding action on exception which matches the request. bool DismissInfoBarAndTakeActionOnSettings(); // Public methods to be called by MediaStreamInfoBarDelegate; bool has_audio() const { return has_audio_; } bool has_video() const { return has_video_; } const std::string& GetSecurityOriginSpec() const; content::MediaStreamDevices GetAudioDevices() const; content::MediaStreamDevices GetVideoDevices() const; bool IsSafeToAlwaysAllowAudio() const; bool IsSafeToAlwaysAllowVideo() const; void Accept(const std::string& audio_id, const std::string& video_id, bool always_allow); void Deny(); private: // Used by the various helper methods below to filter an operation on devices // of a particular type. typedef bool (*FilterByDeviceTypeFunc)(content::MediaStreamDeviceType); // Returns true if a secure scheme is being used by the origin AND only // devices of the given physical |device_type| are present in the subset of // devices selected by the |is_included| function. bool IsSafeToAlwaysAllow(FilterByDeviceTypeFunc is_included, content::MediaStreamDeviceType device_type) const; // Returns true if the media section in content settings is set to // |CONTENT_SETTING_BLOCK|, otherwise returns false. bool IsMediaDeviceBlocked(); // NOTE on AlwaysAllowOrigin functionality: The rules only apply to physical // capture devices, and not tab mirroring (or other "virtual device" types). // Virtual devices are always denied an AlwaysAllowOrigin status because they // refer to internal objects whose "IDs" might be re-used for different // objects across browser sessions. // Returns true if request's origin is from internal objects like // chrome://URLs, otherwise returns false. bool ShouldAlwaysAllowOrigin(); // Grants "always allow" exception for the origin to use the selected devices. void AlwaysAllowOriginAndDevices(const std::string& audio_device, const std::string& video_device); // Gets the respective "always allowed" devices for the origin in |request_|. // |audio_id| and |video_id| will be empty if there is no "always allowed" // device for the origin, or any of the devices is not listed on the devices // list in |request_|. void GetAlwaysAllowedDevices(std::string* audio_id, std::string* video_id); std::string GetDeviceIdByName(content::MediaStreamDeviceType type, const std::string& name); std::string GetFirstDeviceId(content::MediaStreamDeviceType type); // Copies all devices passing the |is_included| predicate to the given output // container. void FindSubsetOfDevices(FilterByDeviceTypeFunc is_included, content::MediaStreamDevices* out) const; // Finds the first device with the given |device_id| within the subset of // devices passing the |is_included| predicate, or return NULL. const content::MediaStreamDevice* FindFirstDeviceWithIdInSubset( FilterByDeviceTypeFunc is_included, const std::string& device_id) const; bool has_audio_; bool has_video_; // The owner of this class needs to make sure it does not outlive the profile. Profile* profile_; // The original request for access to devices. const content::MediaStreamRequest request_; // The callback that needs to be Run to notify WebRTC of whether access to // audio/video devices was granted or not. content::MediaResponseCallback callback_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(MediaStreamDevicesController); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_MEDIA_MEDIA_STREAM_DEVICES_CONTROLLER_H_