// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/media/webrtc_rtp_dump_writer.h" #include "base/big_endian.h" #include "base/files/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "third_party/zlib/zlib.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace { static const size_t kMinimumGzipOutputBufferSize = 256; // In bytes. const unsigned char kRtpDumpFileHeaderFirstLine[] = "#!rtpplay1.0\n"; static const size_t kRtpDumpFileHeaderSize = 16; // In bytes. // A helper for writing the header of the dump file. void WriteRtpDumpFileHeaderBigEndian(base::TimeTicks start, std::vector* output) { size_t buffer_start_pos = output->size(); output->resize(output->size() + kRtpDumpFileHeaderSize); char* buffer = reinterpret_cast(&(*output)[buffer_start_pos]); base::TimeDelta delta = start - base::TimeTicks(); uint32 start_sec = delta.InSeconds(); base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, start_sec); buffer += sizeof(start_sec); uint32 start_usec = delta.InMilliseconds() * base::Time::kMicrosecondsPerMillisecond; base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, start_usec); buffer += sizeof(start_usec); // Network source, always 0. base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, uint32(0)); buffer += sizeof(uint32); // UDP port, always 0. base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, uint16(0)); buffer += sizeof(uint16); // 2 bytes padding. base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, uint16(0)); } // The header size for each packet dump. static const size_t kPacketDumpHeaderSize = 8; // In bytes. // A helper for writing the header for each packet dump. // |start| is the time when the recording is started. // |dump_length| is the length of the packet dump including this header. // |packet_length| is the length of the RTP packet header. void WritePacketDumpHeaderBigEndian(const base::TimeTicks& start, uint16 dump_length, uint16 packet_length, std::vector* output) { size_t buffer_start_pos = output->size(); output->resize(output->size() + kPacketDumpHeaderSize); char* buffer = reinterpret_cast(&(*output)[buffer_start_pos]); base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, dump_length); buffer += sizeof(dump_length); base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, packet_length); buffer += sizeof(packet_length); uint32 elapsed = static_cast((base::TimeTicks::Now() - start).InMilliseconds()); base::WriteBigEndian(buffer, elapsed); } // Append |src_len| bytes from |src| to |dest|. void AppendToBuffer(const uint8* src, size_t src_len, std::vector* dest) { size_t old_dest_size = dest->size(); dest->resize(old_dest_size + src_len); memcpy(&(*dest)[old_dest_size], src, src_len); } } // namespace // This class is running on the FILE thread for compressing and writing the // dump buffer to disk. class WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::FileThreadWorker { public: explicit FileThreadWorker(const base::FilePath& dump_path) : dump_path_(dump_path) { thread_checker_.DetachFromThread(); memset(&stream_, 0, sizeof(stream_)); int result = deflateInit2(&stream_, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION, Z_DEFLATED, // windowBits = 15 is default, 16 is added to // produce a gzip header + trailer. 15 + 16, 8, // memLevel = 8 is default. Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY); DCHECK_EQ(Z_OK, result); } ~FileThreadWorker() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); // Makes sure all allocations are freed. deflateEnd(&stream_); } // Compresses the data in |buffer| and write to the dump file. If |end_stream| // is true, the compression stream will be ended and the dump file cannot be // written to any more. void CompressAndWriteToFileOnFileThread( scoped_ptr > buffer, bool end_stream, FlushResult* result, size_t* bytes_written) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); // This is called either when the in-memory buffer is full or the dump // should be ended. DCHECK(!buffer->empty() || end_stream); *result = FLUSH_RESULT_SUCCESS; *bytes_written = 0; // There may be nothing to compress/write if there is no RTP packet since // the last flush. if (!buffer->empty()) { *bytes_written = CompressAndWriteBufferToFile(buffer.get(), result); } else if (!base::PathExists(dump_path_)) { // If the dump does not exist, it means there is no RTP packet recorded. // Return FLUSH_RESULT_NO_DATA to indicate no dump file created. *result = FLUSH_RESULT_NO_DATA; } if (end_stream && !EndDumpFile()) *result = FLUSH_RESULT_FAILURE; } private: // Helper for CompressAndWriteToFileOnFileThread to compress and write one // dump. size_t CompressAndWriteBufferToFile(std::vector* buffer, FlushResult* result) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(buffer->size()); *result = FLUSH_RESULT_SUCCESS; std::vector compressed_buffer; if (!Compress(buffer, &compressed_buffer)) { DVLOG(2) << "Compressing buffer failed."; *result = FLUSH_RESULT_FAILURE; return 0; } int bytes_written = -1; if (base::PathExists(dump_path_)) { bytes_written = base::AppendToFile( dump_path_, reinterpret_cast(&compressed_buffer[0]), compressed_buffer.size()); } else { bytes_written = base::WriteFile( dump_path_, reinterpret_cast(&compressed_buffer[0]), compressed_buffer.size()); } if (bytes_written == -1) { DVLOG(2) << "Writing file failed: " << dump_path_.value(); *result = FLUSH_RESULT_FAILURE; return 0; } DCHECK_EQ(static_cast(bytes_written), compressed_buffer.size()); return bytes_written; } // Compresses |input| into |output|. bool Compress(std::vector* input, std::vector* output) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); int result = Z_OK; output->resize(std::max(kMinimumGzipOutputBufferSize, input->size())); stream_.next_in = &(*input)[0]; stream_.avail_in = input->size(); stream_.next_out = &(*output)[0]; stream_.avail_out = output->size(); result = deflate(&stream_, Z_SYNC_FLUSH); DCHECK_EQ(Z_OK, result); DCHECK_EQ(0U, stream_.avail_in); output->resize(output->size() - stream_.avail_out); stream_.next_in = NULL; stream_.next_out = NULL; stream_.avail_out = 0; return true; } // Ends the compression stream and completes the dump file. bool EndDumpFile() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); std::vector output_buffer; output_buffer.resize(kMinimumGzipOutputBufferSize); stream_.next_in = NULL; stream_.avail_in = 0; stream_.next_out = &output_buffer[0]; stream_.avail_out = output_buffer.size(); int result = deflate(&stream_, Z_FINISH); DCHECK_EQ(Z_STREAM_END, result); result = deflateEnd(&stream_); DCHECK_EQ(Z_OK, result); output_buffer.resize(output_buffer.size() - stream_.avail_out); memset(&stream_, 0, sizeof(z_stream)); DCHECK(!output_buffer.empty()); int bytes_written = base::AppendToFile(dump_path_, reinterpret_cast(&output_buffer[0]), output_buffer.size()); return bytes_written > 0; } const base::FilePath dump_path_; z_stream stream_; base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(FileThreadWorker); }; WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::WebRtcRtpDumpWriter( const base::FilePath& incoming_dump_path, const base::FilePath& outgoing_dump_path, size_t max_dump_size, const base::Closure& max_dump_size_reached_callback) : max_dump_size_(max_dump_size), max_dump_size_reached_callback_(max_dump_size_reached_callback), total_dump_size_on_disk_(0), incoming_file_thread_worker_(new FileThreadWorker(incoming_dump_path)), outgoing_file_thread_worker_(new FileThreadWorker(outgoing_dump_path)), weak_ptr_factory_(this) { } WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::~WebRtcRtpDumpWriter() { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); bool success = BrowserThread::DeleteSoon( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, incoming_file_thread_worker_.release()); DCHECK(success); success = BrowserThread::DeleteSoon( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, outgoing_file_thread_worker_.release()); DCHECK(success); } void WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::WriteRtpPacket(const uint8* packet_header, size_t header_length, size_t packet_length, bool incoming) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); static const size_t kMaxInMemoryBufferSize = 65536; std::vector* dest_buffer = incoming ? &incoming_buffer_ : &outgoing_buffer_; // We use the capacity of the buffer to indicate if the buffer has been // initialized and if the dump file header has been created. if (!dest_buffer->capacity()) { dest_buffer->reserve(std::min(kMaxInMemoryBufferSize, max_dump_size_)); start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); // Writes the dump file header. AppendToBuffer(kRtpDumpFileHeaderFirstLine, arraysize(kRtpDumpFileHeaderFirstLine) - 1, dest_buffer); WriteRtpDumpFileHeaderBigEndian(start_time_, dest_buffer); } size_t packet_dump_length = kPacketDumpHeaderSize + header_length; // Flushes the buffer to disk if the buffer is full. if (dest_buffer->size() + packet_dump_length > dest_buffer->capacity()) FlushBuffer(incoming, false, FlushDoneCallback()); WritePacketDumpHeaderBigEndian( start_time_, packet_dump_length, packet_length, dest_buffer); // Writes the actual RTP packet header. AppendToBuffer(packet_header, header_length, dest_buffer); } void WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::EndDump(RtpDumpType type, const EndDumpCallback& finished_callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(type == RTP_DUMP_OUTGOING || incoming_file_thread_worker_ != NULL); DCHECK(type == RTP_DUMP_INCOMING || outgoing_file_thread_worker_ != NULL); bool incoming = (type == RTP_DUMP_BOTH || type == RTP_DUMP_INCOMING); EndDumpContext context(type, finished_callback); // End the incoming dump first if required. OnDumpEnded will continue to end // the outgoing dump if necessary. FlushBuffer(incoming, true, base::Bind(&WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::OnDumpEnded, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), context, incoming)); } size_t WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::max_dump_size() const { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); return max_dump_size_; } WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::EndDumpContext::EndDumpContext( RtpDumpType type, const EndDumpCallback& callback) : type(type), incoming_succeeded(false), outgoing_succeeded(false), callback(callback) { } WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::EndDumpContext::~EndDumpContext() { } void WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::FlushBuffer(bool incoming, bool end_stream, const FlushDoneCallback& callback) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); scoped_ptr > new_buffer(new std::vector()); if (incoming) { new_buffer->reserve(incoming_buffer_.capacity()); new_buffer->swap(incoming_buffer_); } else { new_buffer->reserve(outgoing_buffer_.capacity()); new_buffer->swap(outgoing_buffer_); } scoped_ptr result(new FlushResult(FLUSH_RESULT_FAILURE)); scoped_ptr bytes_written(new size_t(0)); FileThreadWorker* worker = incoming ? incoming_file_thread_worker_.get() : outgoing_file_thread_worker_.get(); // Using "Unretained(worker)" because |worker| is owner by this object and it // guaranteed to be deleted on the FILE thread before this object goes away. base::Closure task = base::Bind(&FileThreadWorker::CompressAndWriteToFileOnFileThread, base::Unretained(worker), Passed(&new_buffer), end_stream, result.get(), bytes_written.get()); // OnFlushDone is necessary to avoid running the callback after this // object is gone. base::Closure reply = base::Bind(&WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::OnFlushDone, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), callback, Passed(&result), Passed(&bytes_written)); // Define the task and reply outside the method call so that getting and // passing the scoped_ptr does not depend on the argument evaluation order. BrowserThread::PostTaskAndReply(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, task, reply); if (end_stream) { bool success = BrowserThread::DeleteSoon( BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, incoming ? incoming_file_thread_worker_.release() : outgoing_file_thread_worker_.release()); DCHECK(success); } } void WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::OnFlushDone(const FlushDoneCallback& callback, const scoped_ptr& result, const scoped_ptr& bytes_written) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); total_dump_size_on_disk_ += *bytes_written; if (total_dump_size_on_disk_ >= max_dump_size_ && !max_dump_size_reached_callback_.is_null()) { max_dump_size_reached_callback_.Run(); } // Returns success for FLUSH_RESULT_MAX_SIZE_REACHED since the dump is still // valid. if (!callback.is_null()) { callback.Run(*result != FLUSH_RESULT_FAILURE && *result != FLUSH_RESULT_NO_DATA); } } void WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::OnDumpEnded(EndDumpContext context, bool incoming, bool success) { DCHECK(thread_checker_.CalledOnValidThread()); DVLOG(2) << "Dump ended, incoming = " << incoming << ", succeeded = " << success; if (incoming) context.incoming_succeeded = success; else context.outgoing_succeeded = success; // End the outgoing dump if needed. if (incoming && context.type == RTP_DUMP_BOTH) { FlushBuffer(false, true, base::Bind(&WebRtcRtpDumpWriter::OnDumpEnded, weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), context, false)); return; } // This object might be deleted after running the callback. context.callback.Run(context.incoming_succeeded, context.outgoing_succeeded); }