// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/memory_details.h" #include <psapi.h> #include "base/file_version_info.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/navigation_entry.h" #include "chrome/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents.h" #include "chrome/common/child_process_host.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" class RenderViewHostDelegate; // Template of static data we use for finding browser process information. // These entries must match the ordering for MemoryDetails::BrowserProcess. static ProcessData g_process_template[MemoryDetails::MAX_BROWSERS] = { { L"Chromium", L"chrome.exe", }, { L"IE", L"iexplore.exe", }, { L"Firefox", L"firefox.exe", }, { L"Opera", L"opera.exe", }, { L"Safari", L"safari.exe", }, { L"IE (64bit)", L"iexplore.exe", }, { L"Konqueror", L"konqueror.exe", }, }; // About threading: // // This operation will hit no fewer than 3 threads. // // The ChildProcessInfo::Iterator can only be accessed from the IO thread. // // The RenderProcessHostIterator can only be accessed from the UI thread. // // This operation can take 30-100ms to complete. We never want to have // one task run for that long on the UI or IO threads. So, we run the // expensive parts of this operation over on the file thread. // MemoryDetails::MemoryDetails() : ui_loop_(NULL) { for (int index = 0; index < arraysize(g_process_template); ++index) { process_data_[index].name = g_process_template[index].name; process_data_[index].process_name = g_process_template[index].process_name; } } void MemoryDetails::StartFetch() { ui_loop_ = MessageLoop::current(); DCHECK(ui_loop_ != g_browser_process->io_thread()->message_loop()); DCHECK(ui_loop_ != g_browser_process->file_thread()->message_loop()); // In order to process this request, we need to use the plugin information. // However, plugin process information is only available from the IO thread. g_browser_process->io_thread()->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &MemoryDetails::CollectChildInfoOnIOThread)); } void MemoryDetails::CollectChildInfoOnIOThread() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ChromeThread::GetMessageLoop(ChromeThread::IO)); std::vector<ProcessMemoryInformation> child_info; // Collect the list of child processes. for (ChildProcessHost::Iterator iter; !iter.Done(); ++iter) { ProcessMemoryInformation info; info.pid = iter->GetProcessId(); if (!info.pid) continue; info.type = iter->type(); info.titles.push_back(iter->name()); child_info.push_back(info); } // Now go do expensive memory lookups from the file thread. ChromeThread::GetMessageLoop(ChromeThread::FILE)->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &MemoryDetails::CollectProcessData, child_info)); } void MemoryDetails::CollectProcessData( std::vector<ProcessMemoryInformation> child_info) { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ChromeThread::GetMessageLoop(ChromeThread::FILE)); // Clear old data. for (int index = 0; index < arraysize(g_process_template); index++) process_data_[index].processes.clear(); SYSTEM_INFO system_info; GetNativeSystemInfo(&system_info); bool is_64bit_os = system_info.wProcessorArchitecture == PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64; ScopedHandle snapshot(::CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0)); PROCESSENTRY32 process_entry = {sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32)}; if (!snapshot.Get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "CreateToolhelp32Snaphot failed: " << GetLastError(); return; } if (!::Process32First(snapshot, &process_entry)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Process32First failed: " << GetLastError(); return; } do { int pid = process_entry.th32ProcessID; ScopedHandle handle(::OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, pid)); if (!handle.Get()) continue; bool is_64bit_process = false; // IsWow64Process() returns FALSE for a 32bit process on a 32bit OS. // We need to check if the real OS is 64bit. if (is_64bit_os) { BOOL is_wow64 = FALSE; // IsWow64Process() is supported by Windows XP SP2 or later. IsWow64Process(handle, &is_wow64); is_64bit_process = !is_wow64; } for (int index2 = 0; index2 < arraysize(g_process_template); index2++) { if (_wcsicmp(process_data_[index2].process_name, process_entry.szExeFile) != 0) continue; if (index2 == IE_BROWSER && is_64bit_process) continue; // Should use IE_64BIT_BROWSER // Get Memory Information. ProcessMemoryInformation info; info.pid = pid; if (info.pid == GetCurrentProcessId()) info.type = ChildProcessInfo::BROWSER_PROCESS; else info.type = ChildProcessInfo::UNKNOWN_PROCESS; scoped_ptr<base::ProcessMetrics> metrics; metrics.reset(base::ProcessMetrics::CreateProcessMetrics(handle)); metrics->GetCommittedKBytes(&info.committed); metrics->GetWorkingSetKBytes(&info.working_set); // Get Version Information. TCHAR name[MAX_PATH]; if (index2 == CHROME_BROWSER) { scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfoForCurrentModule()); if (version_info != NULL) info.version = version_info->file_version(); // Check if this is one of the child processes whose data we collected // on the IO thread, and if so copy over that data. for (size_t child = 0; child < child_info.size(); child++) { if (child_info[child].pid != info.pid) continue; info.titles = child_info[child].titles; info.type = child_info[child].type; break; } } else if (GetModuleFileNameEx(handle, NULL, name, MAX_PATH - 1)) { std::wstring str_name(name); scoped_ptr<FileVersionInfo> version_info( FileVersionInfo::CreateFileVersionInfo(str_name)); if (version_info != NULL) { info.version = version_info->product_version(); info.product_name = version_info->product_name(); } } // Add the process info to our list. process_data_[index2].processes.push_back(info); break; } } while (::Process32Next(snapshot, &process_entry)); // Finally return to the browser thread. ui_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &MemoryDetails::CollectChildInfoOnUIThread)); } void MemoryDetails::CollectChildInfoOnUIThread() { DCHECK(MessageLoop::current() == ui_loop_); // Get more information about the process. for (size_t index = 0; index < process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes.size(); index++) { // Check if it's a renderer, if so get the list of page titles in it and // check if it's a diagnostics-related process. We skip all diagnostics // pages (e.g. "about:xxx" URLs). Iterate the RenderProcessHosts to find // the tab contents. RenderProcessHost::iterator renderer_iter; for (renderer_iter = RenderProcessHost::begin(); renderer_iter != RenderProcessHost::end(); ++renderer_iter) { DCHECK(renderer_iter->second); ProcessMemoryInformation& process = process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes[index]; if (process.pid != renderer_iter->second->process().pid()) continue; process.type = ChildProcessInfo::RENDER_PROCESS; // The RenderProcessHost may host multiple TabContents. Any // of them which contain diagnostics information make the whole // process be considered a diagnostics process. // // NOTE: This is a bit dangerous. We know that for now, listeners // are always RenderWidgetHosts. But in theory, they don't // have to be. RenderProcessHost::listeners_iterator iter; for (iter = renderer_iter->second->listeners_begin(); iter != renderer_iter->second->listeners_end(); ++iter) { RenderWidgetHost* widget = static_cast<RenderWidgetHost*>(iter->second); DCHECK(widget); if (!widget || !widget->IsRenderView()) continue; RenderViewHost* host = static_cast<RenderViewHost*>(widget); TabContents* contents = NULL; if (host->delegate()) contents = host->delegate()->GetAsTabContents(); if (!contents) continue; std::wstring title = UTF16ToWideHack(contents->GetTitle()); if (!title.length()) title = L"Untitled"; process.titles.push_back(title); // We need to check the pending entry as well as the display_url to // see if it's an about:memory URL (we don't want to count these in the // total memory usage of the browser). // // When we reach here, about:memory will be the pending entry since we // haven't responded with any data such that it would be committed. If // you have another about:memory tab open (which would be committed), // we don't want to count it either, so we also check the last committed // entry. // // Either the pending or last committed entries can be NULL. const NavigationEntry* pending_entry = contents->controller().pending_entry(); const NavigationEntry* last_committed_entry = contents->controller().GetLastCommittedEntry(); if ((last_committed_entry && LowerCaseEqualsASCII(last_committed_entry->display_url().spec(), chrome::kAboutMemoryURL)) || (pending_entry && LowerCaseEqualsASCII(pending_entry->display_url().spec(), chrome::kAboutMemoryURL))) process.is_diagnostics = true; } } } // Get rid of other Chrome processes that are from a different profile. for (size_t index = 0; index < process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes.size(); index++) { if (process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes[index].type == ChildProcessInfo::UNKNOWN_PROCESS) { process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes.erase( process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER].processes.begin() + index); index--; } } UpdateHistograms(); OnDetailsAvailable(); } void MemoryDetails::UpdateHistograms() { // Reports a set of memory metrics to UMA. // Memory is measured in units of 10KB. ProcessData browser = process_data_[CHROME_BROWSER]; size_t aggregate_memory = 0; int plugin_count = 0; int worker_count = 0; for (size_t index = 0; index < browser.processes.size(); index++) { int sample = static_cast<int>(browser.processes[index].working_set.priv); aggregate_memory += sample; switch (browser.processes[index].type) { case ChildProcessInfo::BROWSER_PROCESS: UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Memory.Browser", sample); break; case ChildProcessInfo::RENDER_PROCESS: UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Memory.Renderer", sample); break; case ChildProcessInfo::PLUGIN_PROCESS: UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Memory.Plugin", sample); plugin_count++; break; case ChildProcessInfo::WORKER_PROCESS: UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_KB("Memory.Worker", sample); worker_count++; break; } } UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Memory.ProcessCount", static_cast<int>(browser.processes.size())); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Memory.PluginProcessCount", plugin_count); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Memory.WorkerProcessCount", worker_count); int total_sample = static_cast<int>(aggregate_memory / 1000); UMA_HISTOGRAM_MEMORY_MB("Memory.Total", total_sample); }