// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_reporting_scheduler.h" #include "base/compiler_specific.h" #include "chrome/browser/metrics/metrics_service.h" using base::TimeDelta; namespace { // The delay, in seconds, after startup before sending the first log message. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) // Sessions are more likely to be short on a mobile device, so handle the // initial log quickly. const int kInitialUploadIntervalSeconds = 15; #else const int kInitialUploadIntervalSeconds = 60; #endif // The delay, in seconds, between uploading when there are queued logs from // previous sessions to send. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) // Sending in a burst is better on a mobile device, since keeping the radio on // is very expensive. const int kUnsentLogsIntervalSeconds = 3; #else const int kUnsentLogsIntervalSeconds = 15; #endif // Standard interval between log uploads, in seconds. #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) const int kStandardUploadIntervalSeconds = 5 * 60; // Five minutes. #else const int kStandardUploadIntervalSeconds = 30 * 60; // Thirty minutes. #endif // When uploading metrics to the server fails, we progressively wait longer and // longer before sending the next log. This backoff process helps reduce load // on a server that is having issues. // The following is the multiplier we use to expand that inter-log duration. const double kBackoffMultiplier = 1.1; // The maximum backoff multiplier. const int kMaxBackoffMultiplier = 10; enum InitSequence { TIMER_FIRED_FIRST, INIT_TASK_COMPLETED_FIRST, INIT_SEQUENCE_ENUM_SIZE, }; void LogMetricsInitSequence(InitSequence sequence) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION("UMA.InitSequence", sequence, INIT_SEQUENCE_ENUM_SIZE); } } // anonymous namespace MetricsReportingScheduler::MetricsReportingScheduler( const base::Closure& upload_callback) : upload_callback_(upload_callback), upload_interval_(TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kInitialUploadIntervalSeconds)), running_(false), callback_pending_(false), init_task_complete_(false), waiting_for_init_task_complete_(false) { } MetricsReportingScheduler::~MetricsReportingScheduler() {} void MetricsReportingScheduler::Start() { running_ = true; ScheduleNextUpload(); } void MetricsReportingScheduler::Stop() { running_ = false; if (upload_timer_.IsRunning()) upload_timer_.Stop(); } // Callback from MetricsService when the startup init task has completed. void MetricsReportingScheduler::InitTaskComplete() { DCHECK(!init_task_complete_); init_task_complete_ = true; if (waiting_for_init_task_complete_) { waiting_for_init_task_complete_ = false; TriggerUpload(); } else { LogMetricsInitSequence(INIT_TASK_COMPLETED_FIRST); } } void MetricsReportingScheduler::UploadFinished(bool server_is_healthy, bool more_logs_remaining) { DCHECK(callback_pending_); callback_pending_ = false; // If the server is having issues, back off. Otherwise, reset to default // (unless there are more logs to send, in which case the next upload should // happen sooner). if (!server_is_healthy) { BackOffUploadInterval(); } else if (more_logs_remaining) { upload_interval_ = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kUnsentLogsIntervalSeconds); } else { upload_interval_ = TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kStandardUploadIntervalSeconds); } if (running_) ScheduleNextUpload(); } void MetricsReportingScheduler::UploadCancelled() { DCHECK(callback_pending_); callback_pending_ = false; if (running_) ScheduleNextUpload(); } void MetricsReportingScheduler::SetUploadIntervalForTesting( base::TimeDelta interval) { upload_interval_ = interval; } void MetricsReportingScheduler::TriggerUpload() { // If the timer fired before the init task has completed, don't trigger the // upload yet - wait for the init task to complete and do it then. if (!init_task_complete_) { LogMetricsInitSequence(TIMER_FIRED_FIRST); waiting_for_init_task_complete_ = true; return; } callback_pending_ = true; upload_callback_.Run(); } void MetricsReportingScheduler::ScheduleNextUpload() { DCHECK(running_); if (upload_timer_.IsRunning() || callback_pending_) return; upload_timer_.Start(FROM_HERE, upload_interval_, this, &MetricsReportingScheduler::TriggerUpload); } void MetricsReportingScheduler::BackOffUploadInterval() { DCHECK_GT(kBackoffMultiplier, 1.0); upload_interval_ = TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds( static_cast(kBackoffMultiplier * upload_interval_.InMicroseconds())); TimeDelta max_interval = kMaxBackoffMultiplier * TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kStandardUploadIntervalSeconds); if (upload_interval_ > max_interval || upload_interval_.InSeconds() < 0) { upload_interval_ = max_interval; } }