// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_network_data_saving_metrics.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_service.h" #include "base/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) namespace { // The number of days of history stored in the content lengths prefs. const size_t kNumDaysInHistory = 60; // Increments an int64, stored as a string, in a ListPref at the specified // index. The value must already exist and be a string representation of a // number. void AddInt64ToListPref(size_t index, int64 length, base::ListValue* list_update) { int64 value = 0; std::string old_string_value; bool rv = list_update->GetString(index, &old_string_value); DCHECK(rv); if (rv) { rv = base::StringToInt64(old_string_value, &value); DCHECK(rv); } value += length; list_update->Set(index, Value::CreateStringValue(base::Int64ToString(value))); } int64 ListPrefInt64Value(const base::ListValue& list_update, size_t index) { std::string string_value; if (!list_update.GetString(index, &string_value)) { NOTREACHED(); return 0; } int64 value = 0; bool rv = base::StringToInt64(string_value, &value); DCHECK(rv); return value; } // Report UMA metrics for daily data reductions. void RecordDailyContentLengthHistograms( int64 original_length, int64 received_length, int64 original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled, int64 received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled, int64 original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy, int64 received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy) { // Report daily UMA only for days having received content. if (original_length <= 0 || received_length <= 0) return; // Record metrics in KB. UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyOriginalContentLength", original_length >> 10); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyContentLength", received_length >> 10); int percent = 0; // UMA percentage cannot be negative. if (original_length > received_length) { percent = (100 * (original_length - received_length)) / original_length; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE("Net.DailyContentSavingPercent", percent); if (original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled <= 0 || received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled <= 0) { return; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyOriginalContentLength_DataReductionProxyEnabled", original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled >> 10); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyContentLength_DataReductionProxyEnabled", received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled >> 10); int percent_data_reduction_proxy_enabled = 0; // UMA percentage cannot be negative. if (original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled > received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled) { percent_data_reduction_proxy_enabled = 100 * (original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled - received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled) / original_length_with_data_reduction_enabled; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE( "Net.DailyContentSavingPercent_DataReductionProxyEnabled", percent_data_reduction_proxy_enabled); UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE( "Net.DailyContentPercent_DataReductionProxyEnabled", (100 * received_length_with_data_reduction_enabled) / received_length); if (original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy <= 0 || received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy <= 0) { return; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyOriginalContentLength_ViaDataReductionProxy", original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy >> 10); UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( "Net.DailyContentLength_ViaDataReductionProxy", received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy >> 10); int percent_via_data_reduction_proxy = 0; if (original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy > received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy) { percent_via_data_reduction_proxy = 100 * (original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy - received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy) / original_length_via_data_reduction_proxy; } UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE( "Net.DailyContentSavingPercent_ViaDataReductionProxy", percent_via_data_reduction_proxy); UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE( "Net.DailyContentPercent_ViaDataReductionProxy", (100 * received_length_via_data_reduction_proxy) / received_length); } // Ensure list has exactly |length| elements, either by truncating at the // front, or appending "0"'s to the back. void MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(base::ListValue* list, size_t length) { // Remove data for old days from the front. while (list->GetSize() > length) list->Remove(0, NULL); // Newly added lists are empty. Add entries to back to fill the window, // each initialized to zero. while (list->GetSize() < length) list->AppendString(base::Int64ToString(0)); DCHECK_EQ(length, list->GetSize()); } // Update list for date change and ensure list has exactly |length| elements. // The last entry in each list will be for the current day after the update. void MaintainContentLengthPrefsForDateChange( base::ListValue* original_update, base::ListValue* received_update, int days_since_last_update) { if (days_since_last_update == -1) { // The system may go backwards in time by up to a day for legitimate // reasons, such as with changes to the time zone. In such cases, we // keep adding to the current day. // Note: we accept the fact that some reported data is shifted to // the adjacent day if users travel back and forth across time zones. days_since_last_update = 0; } else if (days_since_last_update < -1) { // Erase all entries if the system went backwards in time by more than // a day. original_update->Clear(); received_update->Clear(); days_since_last_update = kNumDaysInHistory; } DCHECK_GE(days_since_last_update, 0); // Add entries for days since last update event. This will make the // lists longer than kNumDaysInHistory. The additional items will be cut off // from the head of the lists by |MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow|, below. for (int i = 0; i < days_since_last_update && i < static_cast<int>(kNumDaysInHistory); ++i) { original_update->AppendString(base::Int64ToString(0)); received_update->AppendString(base::Int64ToString(0)); } // Entries for new days may have been appended. Maintain the invariant that // there should be exactly |kNumDaysInHistory| days in the histories. MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(original_update, kNumDaysInHistory); MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(received_update, kNumDaysInHistory); } // DailyDataSavingUpdate maintains a pair of data saving prefs, original_update_ // and received_update_. pref_original is a list of |kNumDaysInHistory| elements // of daily total original content lengths for the past |kNumDaysInHistory| // days. pref_received is the corresponding list of the daily total received // content lengths. class DailyDataSavingUpdate { public: DailyDataSavingUpdate( const char* pref_original, const char* pref_received, PrefService* pref_service) : pref_original_(pref_original), pref_received_(pref_received), original_update_(pref_service, pref_original_), received_update_(pref_service, pref_received_) { } void UpdateForDataChange(int days_since_last_update) { // New empty lists may have been created. Maintain the invariant that // there should be exactly |kNumDaysInHistory| days in the histories. MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(original_update_.Get(), kNumDaysInHistory); MaintainContentLengthPrefsWindow(received_update_.Get(), kNumDaysInHistory); if (days_since_last_update) { MaintainContentLengthPrefsForDateChange( original_update_.Get(), received_update_.Get(), days_since_last_update); } } // Update the lengths for the current day. void Add(int original_content_length, int received_content_length) { AddInt64ToListPref( kNumDaysInHistory - 1, original_content_length, original_update_.Get()); AddInt64ToListPref( kNumDaysInHistory - 1, received_content_length, received_update_.Get()); } int64 GetOriginalListPrefValue(size_t index) { return ListPrefInt64Value(*original_update_, index); } int64 GetReceivedListPrefValue(size_t index) { return ListPrefInt64Value(*received_update_, index); } private: const char* pref_original_; const char* pref_received_; ListPrefUpdate original_update_; ListPrefUpdate received_update_; }; } // namespace #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) namespace chrome_browser_net { #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) void UpdateContentLengthPrefsForDataReductionProxy( int received_content_length, int original_content_length, bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled, bool via_data_reduction_proxy, base::Time now, PrefService* prefs) { // TODO(bengr): Remove this check once the underlying cause of // http://crbug.com/287821 is fixed. For now, only continue if the current // year is reported as being between 1972 and 2970. base::TimeDelta time_since_unix_epoch = now - base::Time::UnixEpoch(); const int kMinDaysSinceUnixEpoch = 365 * 2; // 2 years. const int kMaxDaysSinceUnixEpoch = 365 * 1000; // 1000 years. if (time_since_unix_epoch.InDays() < kMinDaysSinceUnixEpoch || time_since_unix_epoch.InDays() > kMaxDaysSinceUnixEpoch) { return; } // Determine how many days it has been since the last update. int64 then_internal = prefs->GetInt64( prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate); // Local midnight could have been shifted due to time zone change. base::Time then_midnight = base::Time::FromInternalValue(then_internal).LocalMidnight(); base::Time midnight = now.LocalMidnight(); int days_since_last_update = (midnight - then_midnight).InDays(); // Each day, we calculate the total number of bytes received and the total // size of all corresponding resources before any data-reducing recompression // is applied. These values are used to compute the data savings realized // by applying our compression techniques. Totals for the last // |kNumDaysInHistory| days are maintained. DailyDataSavingUpdate total( prefs::kDailyHttpOriginalContentLength, prefs::kDailyHttpReceivedContentLength, prefs); total.UpdateForDataChange(days_since_last_update); DailyDataSavingUpdate proxy_enabled( prefs::kDailyOriginalContentLengthWithDataReductionProxyEnabled, prefs::kDailyContentLengthWithDataReductionProxyEnabled, prefs); proxy_enabled.UpdateForDataChange(days_since_last_update); DailyDataSavingUpdate via_proxy( prefs::kDailyOriginalContentLengthViaDataReductionProxy, prefs::kDailyContentLengthViaDataReductionProxy, prefs); via_proxy.UpdateForDataChange(days_since_last_update); total.Add(original_content_length, received_content_length); if (with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled) { proxy_enabled.Add(original_content_length, received_content_length); // Ignore cases, if exist, when // "with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled == false", and // "via_data_reduction_proxy == true" if (via_data_reduction_proxy) { via_proxy.Add(original_content_length, received_content_length); } } if (days_since_last_update) { // Record the last update time in microseconds in UTC. prefs->SetInt64(prefs::kDailyHttpContentLengthLastUpdateDate, midnight.ToInternalValue()); // A new day. Report the previous day's data if exists. We'll lose usage // data if the last time Chrome was run was more than a day ago. // Here, we prefer collecting less data but the collected data is // associated with an accurate date. if (days_since_last_update == 1) { // The previous day's data point is the second one from the tail. RecordDailyContentLengthHistograms( total.GetOriginalListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2), total.GetReceivedListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2), proxy_enabled.GetOriginalListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2), proxy_enabled.GetReceivedListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2), via_proxy.GetOriginalListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2), via_proxy.GetReceivedListPrefValue(kNumDaysInHistory - 2)); } } } #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) void UpdateContentLengthPrefs( int received_content_length, int original_content_length, bool with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled, bool via_data_reduction_proxy, PrefService* prefs) { int64 total_received = prefs->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength); int64 total_original = prefs->GetInt64(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength); total_received += received_content_length; total_original += original_content_length; prefs->SetInt64(prefs::kHttpReceivedContentLength, total_received); prefs->SetInt64(prefs::kHttpOriginalContentLength, total_original); #if defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) UpdateContentLengthPrefsForDataReductionProxy( received_content_length, original_content_length, with_data_reduction_proxy_enabled, via_data_reduction_proxy, base::Time::Now(), prefs); #endif // defined(OS_ANDROID) || defined(OS_IOS) } } // namespace chrome_browser_net