// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // A DnsHostInfo object is used to store status of a Dns lookup of a specific // hostname. // It includes progress, from placement in the DnsMaster's queue, to resolution // by the DNS service as either FOUND or NO_SUCH_NAME. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_NET_DNS_HOST_INFO_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_NET_DNS_HOST_INFO_H_ #include <string> #include <vector> #include "base/time.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" namespace chrome_browser_net { // Use command line switch to enable detailed logging. void EnableDnsDetailedLog(bool enable); enum DnsBenefit { PREFETCH_NO_BENEFIT, // Prefetch never hit the network. Name was pre-cached. PREFETCH_CACHE_EVICTION, // Prefetch used network, but so did HTTP stack. PREFETCH_NAME_NONEXISTANT, // Valuable prefetch of "name not found" was used. PREFETCH_NAME_FOUND, // Valuable prefetch was used. PREFETCH_OBLIVIOUS // No prefetch attempt was even made. }; class DnsHostInfo { public: // Reasons for a domain to be resolved. enum ResolutionMotivation { MOUSE_OVER_MOTIVATED, // Mouse-over link induced resolution. PAGE_SCAN_MOTIVATED, // Scan of rendered page induced resolution. UNIT_TEST_MOTIVATED, LINKED_MAX_MOTIVATED, // enum demarkation above motivation from links. OMNIBOX_MOTIVATED, // Omni-box suggested resolving this. STARTUP_LIST_MOTIVATED, // Startup list caused this resolution. NO_PREFETCH_MOTIVATION, // Browser navigation info (not prefetch related). // The following involve predictive prefetching, triggered by a navigation. // The referring_hostname_ is also set when these are used. // TODO(jar): Support STATIC_REFERAL_MOTIVATED API and integration. STATIC_REFERAL_MOTIVATED, // External database suggested this resolution. LEARNED_REFERAL_MOTIVATED, // Prior navigation taught us this resolution. }; enum DnsProcessingState { // When processed by our prefetching system, the states are: PENDING, // Constructor has completed. QUEUED, // In name queue but not yet being resolved. ASSIGNED, // Being resolved (or being reset to earlier state) ASSIGNED_BUT_MARKED, // Needs to be deleted as soon as it's resolved. FOUND, // DNS resolution completed. NO_SUCH_NAME, // DNS resolution completed. // When processed by the network stack during navigation, the states are: STARTED, // Resolution has begun for a navigation. FINISHED, // Resolution has completed for a navigation. FINISHED_UNRESOLVED}; // No resolution found, so navigation will fail. static const base::TimeDelta kMaxNonNetworkDnsLookupDuration; // The number of OS cache entries we can guarantee(?) before cache eviction // might likely take place. static const int kMaxGuaranteedCacheSize = 50; typedef std::vector<DnsHostInfo> DnsInfoTable; static const base::TimeDelta kNullDuration; // DnsHostInfo are usually made by the default constructor during // initializing of the DnsMaster's map (of info for Hostnames). DnsHostInfo() : state_(PENDING), old_prequeue_state_(state_), resolve_duration_(kNullDuration), queue_duration_(kNullDuration), benefits_remaining_(), sequence_number_(0), motivation_(NO_PREFETCH_MOTIVATION), was_linked_(false) { } ~DnsHostInfo() {} // NeedDnsUpdate decides, based on our internal info, // if it would be valuable to attempt to update (prefectch) // DNS data for hostname. This decision is based // on how recently we've done DNS prefetching for hostname. bool NeedsDnsUpdate(const std::string& hostname); static void set_cache_expiration(base::TimeDelta time); // The prefetching lifecycle. void SetQueuedState(ResolutionMotivation motivation); void SetAssignedState(); void RemoveFromQueue(); void SetPendingDeleteState(); void SetFoundState(); void SetNoSuchNameState(); // The actual browsing resolution lifecycle. void SetStartedState(); void SetFinishedState(bool was_resolved); // Finish initialization. Must only be called once. void SetHostname(const std::string& hostname); bool was_linked() const { return was_linked_; } std::string referring_hostname() const { return referring_hostname_; } void SetReferringHostname(const std::string& hostname) { referring_hostname_ = hostname; } bool was_found() const { return FOUND == state_; } bool was_nonexistant() const { return NO_SUCH_NAME == state_; } bool is_assigned() const { return ASSIGNED == state_ || ASSIGNED_BUT_MARKED == state_; } bool is_marked_to_delete() const { return ASSIGNED_BUT_MARKED == state_; } const std::string hostname() const { return hostname_; } bool HasHostname(const std::string& hostname) const { return (hostname == hostname_); } base::TimeDelta resolve_duration() const { return resolve_duration_;} base::TimeDelta queue_duration() const { return queue_duration_;} base::TimeDelta benefits_remaining() const { return benefits_remaining_; } DnsBenefit AccruePrefetchBenefits(DnsHostInfo* navigation_info); void DLogResultsStats(const char* message) const; static void GetHtmlTable(const DnsInfoTable host_infos, const char* description, const bool brief, std::string* output); private: base::TimeDelta GetDuration() { base::TimeTicks old_time = time_; time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); return time_ - old_time; } // IsStillCached() guesses if the DNS cache still has IP data. bool IsStillCached() const; // Record why we created, or have updated (reqested pre-resolution) of this // instance. void SetMotivation(ResolutionMotivation motivation); // Helper function for about:dns printing. std::string GetAsciiMotivation() const; // The next declaration is non-const to facilitate testing. static base::TimeDelta kCacheExpirationDuration; // The current state of this instance. DnsProcessingState state_; // Record the state prior to going to a queued state, in case we have to back // out of the queue. DnsProcessingState old_prequeue_state_; std::string hostname_; // Hostname for this info. // When was last state changed (usually lookup completed). base::TimeTicks time_; // Time needed for DNS to resolve. base::TimeDelta resolve_duration_; // Time spent in queue. base::TimeDelta queue_duration_; // Unused potential benefits of a prefetch. base::TimeDelta benefits_remaining_; int sequence_number_; // Used to calculate potential of cache eviction. static int sequence_counter; // Used to allocate sequence_number_'s. // Motivation for creation of this instance. ResolutionMotivation motivation_; // Record if the motivation for prefetching was ever a page-link-scan. bool was_linked_; // If this instance holds data about a navigation, we store the referrer. // If this instance hold data about a prefetch, and the prefetch was // instigated by a referrer, we store it here (for use in about:dns). std::string referring_hostname_; // We put these objects into a std::map, and hence we // need some "evil" constructors. // DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DnsHostInfo); }; } // namespace chrome_browser_net #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_NET_DNS_HOST_INFO_H_