// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/evicted_domain_cookie_counter.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h" #include "net/cookies/cookie_monster.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" namespace chrome_browser_net { using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; namespace { const char* google_url1 = "http://www.google.com"; const char* google_url2 = "http://mail.google.com"; const char* other_url1 = "http://www.example.com"; const char* other_url2 = "http://www.example.co.uk"; class EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest : public testing::Test { protected: class MockDelegate : public EvictedDomainCookieCounter::Delegate { public: explicit MockDelegate(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest* tester); // EvictedDomainCookieCounter::Delegate implementation. virtual void Report( const EvictedDomainCookieCounter::EvictedCookie& evicted_cookie, const Time& reinstatement_time) OVERRIDE; virtual Time CurrentTime() const OVERRIDE; private: EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest* tester_; }; EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest(); virtual ~EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest(); // testing::Test implementation. virtual void SetUp() OVERRIDE; virtual void TearDown() OVERRIDE; // Initialization that allows parameters to be specified. void InitCounter(size_t max_size, size_t purge_count); // Wrapper to allocate new cookie and store it in |cookies_|. // If |max_age| == 0, then the cookie does not expire. void CreateNewCookie( const char* url, const std::string& cookie_line, int64 max_age); // Clears |cookies_| and creates common cookies for multiple tests. void InitStockCookies(); // Sets simulation time to |rel_time|. void GotoTime(int64 rel_time); // Simulates time-passage by |delta_second|. void StepTime(int64 delta_second); // Simulates cookie addition or update. void Add(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie); // Simulates cookie removal. void Remove(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie); // Simulates cookie eviction. void Evict(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie); // For semi-realism, time considered are relative to |mock_time_base_|. Time mock_time_base_; Time mock_time_; // To store allocated cookies for reuse. ScopedVector cookies_; scoped_refptr cookie_counter_; // Statistics as comma-separated string of duration (in seconds) between // eviction and reinstatement for each cookie, in the order of eviction. std::string google_stat_; std::string other_stat_; }; EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::MockDelegate::MockDelegate( EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest* tester) : tester_(tester) {} void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::MockDelegate::Report( const EvictedDomainCookieCounter::EvictedCookie& evicted_cookie, const Time& reinstatement_time) { std::string& dest = evicted_cookie.is_google ? tester_->google_stat_ : tester_->other_stat_; if (!dest.empty()) dest.append(","); TimeDelta delta(reinstatement_time - evicted_cookie.eviction_time); dest.append(base::Int64ToString(delta.InSeconds())); } Time EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::MockDelegate::CurrentTime() const { return tester_->mock_time_; } EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest() {} EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::~EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest() {} void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::SetUp() { mock_time_base_ = Time::Now() - TimeDelta::FromHours(1); mock_time_ = mock_time_base_; } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::TearDown() { } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::InitCounter(size_t max_size, size_t purge_count) { scoped_ptr cookie_counter_delegate(new MockDelegate(this)); cookie_counter_ = new EvictedDomainCookieCounter( NULL, cookie_counter_delegate.PassAs(), max_size, purge_count); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::CreateNewCookie( const char* url, const std::string& cookie_line, int64 max_age) { std::string line(cookie_line); if (max_age) line.append(";max-age=" + base::Int64ToString(max_age)); net::CanonicalCookie* cookie = net::CanonicalCookie::Create( GURL(url), line, mock_time_, net::CookieOptions()); DCHECK(cookie); cookies_.push_back(cookie); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::InitStockCookies() { cookies_.clear(); CreateNewCookie(google_url1, "a1=1", 3000); // cookies_[0]. CreateNewCookie(google_url2, "a2=1", 2000); // cookies_[1]. CreateNewCookie(other_url1, "a1=1", 1000); // cookies_[2]. CreateNewCookie(other_url1, "a2=1", 1001); // cookies_[3]. CreateNewCookie(google_url1, "a1=1;Path=/sub", 999); // cookies_[4]. CreateNewCookie(other_url2, "a2=1", 0); // cookies_[5]. } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::GotoTime(int64 rel_time) { mock_time_ = mock_time_base_ + TimeDelta::FromSeconds(rel_time); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::StepTime(int64 delta_second) { mock_time_ += TimeDelta::FromSeconds(delta_second); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::Add(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie) { cookie_counter_->OnCookieChanged( *cookie, false, net::CookieMonster::Delegate::CHANGE_COOKIE_EXPLICIT); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::Remove(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie) { cookie_counter_->OnCookieChanged( *cookie, true, net::CookieMonster::Delegate::CHANGE_COOKIE_EXPLICIT); } void EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest::Evict(net::CanonicalCookie* cookie) { cookie_counter_->OnCookieChanged( *cookie, true, net::CookieMonster::Delegate::CHANGE_COOKIE_EVICTED); } // EvictedDomainCookieCounter takes (and owns) a CookieMonster::Delegate for // chaining. To ensure that the chaining indeed occurs, we implement a // dummy CookieMonster::Delegate to increment an integer. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestChain) { int result = 0; class ChangedDelegateDummy : public net::CookieMonster::Delegate { public: explicit ChangedDelegateDummy(int* result) : result_(result) {} virtual void OnCookieChanged(const net::CanonicalCookie& cookie, bool removed, ChangeCause cause) OVERRIDE { ++(*result_); } private: virtual ~ChangedDelegateDummy() {} int* result_; }; scoped_ptr cookie_counter_delegate(new MockDelegate(this)); cookie_counter_ = new EvictedDomainCookieCounter( new ChangedDelegateDummy(&result), cookie_counter_delegate.PassAs(), 10, 5); InitStockCookies(); // Perform 6 cookie transactions. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { Add(cookies_[i]); StepTime(1); Evict(cookies_[i]); StepTime(1); Remove(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(18, result); // 6 cookies x 3 operations each. } // Basic flow: add cookies, evict, then reinstate. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestBasicFlow) { InitCounter(10, 4); InitStockCookies(); // Add all cookies at (relative time) t = 0. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // No activities on add. EXPECT_EQ(";", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); // Evict cookies at t = [1,3,6,10,15,21]. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { StepTime(i + 1); Evict(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(6u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Storing all evictions. EXPECT_EQ(";", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); // Reinstate cookies at t = [22,23,24,25,26,27]. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { StepTime(1); Add(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Everything is removed. // Expected reinstatement delays: [21,20,18,15,11,6]. EXPECT_EQ("21,20,11;18,15,6", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } // Removed cookies are ignored by EvictedDomainCookieCounter. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestRemove) { InitCounter(10, 4); InitStockCookies(); // Add all cookies at (relative time) t = 0. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); // Remove cookies at t = [1,3,6,10,15,21]. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { StepTime(i + 1); Remove(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Add cookies again at t = [22,23,24,25,26,27]. for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { StepTime(1); Add(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // No cookies were evicted, so no reinstatement take place. EXPECT_EQ(";", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } // Expired cookies should not be counted by EvictedDomainCookieCounter. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestExpired) { InitCounter(10, 4); InitStockCookies(); // Add all cookies at (relative time) t = 0. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); // Evict cookies at t = [1,3,6,10,15,21]. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { StepTime(i + 1); Evict(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(6u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); GotoTime(1000); // t = 1000, so cookies_[2,4] expire. // Reinstate cookies at t = [1000,1000,(1000),1000,(1000),1000]. InitStockCookies(); // Refresh cookies, so new cookies expire in the future. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reinstatement delays: [999,997,(994),990,(985),979]. EXPECT_EQ("999,997;990,979", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } // Garbage collection should remove the oldest evicted cookies. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestGarbageCollection) { InitCounter(4, 2); // Reduced capacity. InitStockCookies(); // Add all cookies at (relative time) t = 0. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); // Evict cookies at t = [1,3,6,10]. for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { StepTime(i + 1); Evict(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(4u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reached capacity. StepTime(5); Evict(cookies_[4]); // Evict at t = 15, garbage collection takes place. EXPECT_EQ(2u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); StepTime(6); Evict(cookies_[5]); // Evict at t = 21. EXPECT_EQ(3u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); EXPECT_EQ(";", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); // Reinstate cookies at t = [(100),(100),(100),100,100,100]. GotoTime(100); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); // Expected reinstatement delays: [(99),(97),(94),90,85,79] EXPECT_EQ("85;90,79", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } // Garbage collection should remove the specified number of evicted cookies // even when there are ties amongst oldest evicted cookies. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestGarbageCollectionTie) { InitCounter(9, 3); // Add 10 cookies at time [0,1,3,6,...,45] for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { StepTime(i); CreateNewCookie(google_url1, "a" + base::IntToString(i) + "=1", 3000); Add(cookies_[i]); } // Evict 6 cookies at t = [100,...,100]. GotoTime(100); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Evict(cookies_[i]); EXPECT_EQ(6u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Evict 3 cookies at t = [210,220,230]. GotoTime(200); for (int i = 6; i < 9; ++i) { StepTime(10); Evict(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(9u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reached capacity. // Evict 1 cookie at t = 300, and garbage collection takes place. GotoTime(300); Evict(cookies_[9]); // Some arbitrary 4 out of 6 cookies evicted at t = 100 are gone from storage. EXPECT_EQ(6u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // 10 - 4. // Reinstate cookies at t = [400,...,400]. GotoTime(400); for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Expected reinstatement delays: // [300,300,300,300,300,300 <= keeping 2 only,190,180,170,100]. EXPECT_EQ("300,300,190,180,170,100;", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } // Garbage collection prioritize removal of expired cookies. TEST_F(EvictedDomainCookieCounterTest, TestGarbageCollectionWithExpiry) { InitCounter(5, 1); InitStockCookies(); // Add all cookies at (relative time) t = 0. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); // Evict cookies at t = [1,3,6,10,15]. for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { StepTime(i + 1); Evict(cookies_[i]); } EXPECT_EQ(5u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reached capacity. GotoTime(1200); // t = 1200, so cookies_[2,3,4] expire. // Evict cookies_[5] (not expired) at t = 1200. Evict(cookies_[5]); // Garbage collection would have taken place, removing 3 expired cookies, // so that there's no need to remove more. EXPECT_EQ(3u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reinstate cookies at t = [1500,1500,(1500),(1500),(1500),1500]. GotoTime(1500); InitStockCookies(); // Refresh cookies, so new cookies expire in the future. for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) Add(cookies_[i]); EXPECT_EQ(0u, cookie_counter_->GetStorageSize()); // Reinstatement delays: [1499,1497,(1494),(1490),(1485),300]. EXPECT_EQ("1499,1497;300", google_stat_ + ";" + other_stat_); } } // namespace } // namespace chrome_browser_net