// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/net/network_stats.h" #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback_old.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/threading/platform_thread.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/tuple.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h" #include "net/base/sys_addrinfo.h" #include "net/base/test_completion_callback.h" #include "net/socket/tcp_client_socket.h" #include "net/udp/udp_client_socket.h" #include "net/udp/udp_server_socket.h" using content::BrowserThread; namespace chrome_browser_net { // This specifies the number of bytes to be sent to the TCP/UDP servers as part // of small packet size test. static const uint32 kSmallTestBytesToSend = 100; // This specifies the number of bytes to be sent to the TCP/UDP servers as part // of large packet size test. static const uint32 kLargeTestBytesToSend = 1200; // This specifies the maximum message (payload) size. static const uint32 kMaxMessage = 2048; // This specifies starting position of the <version> and length of the // <version> in "echo request" and "echo response". static const uint32 kVersionNumber = 1; static const uint32 kVersionStart = 0; static const uint32 kVersionLength = 2; static const uint32 kVersionEnd = kVersionStart + kVersionLength; // This specifies the starting position of the <checksum> and length of the // <checksum> in "echo request" and "echo response". Maximum value for the // <checksum> is less than (2 ** 31 - 1). static const uint32 kChecksumStart = kVersionEnd; static const uint32 kChecksumLength = 10; static const uint32 kChecksumEnd = kChecksumStart + kChecksumLength; // This specifies the starting position of the <payload_size> and length of the // <payload_size> in "echo request" and "echo response". Maximum number of bytes // that can be sent in the <payload> is 9,999,999. static const uint32 kPayloadSizeStart = kChecksumEnd; static const uint32 kPayloadSizeLength = 7; static const uint32 kPayloadSizeEnd = kPayloadSizeStart + kPayloadSizeLength; // This specifies the starting position of the <key> and length of the <key> in // "echo response". static const uint32 kKeyStart = kPayloadSizeEnd; static const uint32 kKeyLength = 6; static const uint32 kKeyEnd = kKeyStart + kKeyLength; static const int32 kKeyMinValue = 0; static const int32 kKeyMaxValue = 999999; // This specifies the starting position of the <payload> in "echo request". static const uint32 kPayloadStart = kPayloadSizeEnd; // This specifies the starting position of the <encoded_payload> and length of // the <encoded_payload> in "echo response". static const uint32 kEncodedPayloadStart = kKeyEnd; // NetworkStats methods and members. NetworkStats::NetworkStats() : load_size_(0), bytes_to_read_(0), bytes_to_send_(0), encoded_message_(""), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( read_callback_(this, &NetworkStats::OnReadComplete)), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( write_callback_(this, &NetworkStats::OnWriteComplete)), finished_callback_(NULL), start_time_(base::TimeTicks::Now()), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST(weak_factory_(this)) { } NetworkStats::~NetworkStats() { socket_.reset(); } bool NetworkStats::Start(net::HostResolver* host_resolver, const net::HostPortPair& server_host_port_pair, uint32 bytes_to_send, net::OldCompletionCallback* finished_callback) { DCHECK(bytes_to_send); // We should have data to send. Initialize(bytes_to_send, finished_callback); net::HostResolver::RequestInfo request(server_host_port_pair); int rv = host_resolver->Resolve( request, &addresses_, base::Bind(&NetworkStats::OnResolveComplete, base::Unretained(this)), NULL, net::BoundNetLog()); if (rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) return true; return DoConnect(rv); } void NetworkStats::Initialize(uint32 bytes_to_send, net::OldCompletionCallback* finished_callback) { DCHECK(bytes_to_send); // We should have data to send. load_size_ = bytes_to_send; bytes_to_send_ = kVersionLength + kChecksumLength + kPayloadSizeLength + load_size_; bytes_to_read_ = kVersionLength + kChecksumLength + kPayloadSizeLength + kKeyLength + load_size_; finished_callback_ = finished_callback; } bool NetworkStats::ConnectComplete(int result) { if (result < 0) { Finish(CONNECT_FAILED, result); return false; } DCHECK(bytes_to_send_); // We should have data to send. start_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now(); int rv = SendData(); if (rv < 0) { if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { Finish(WRITE_FAILED, rv); return false; } } stream_.Reset(); // Timeout if we don't get response back from echo servers in 60 secs. const int kReadDataTimeoutMs = 60000; StartReadDataTimer(kReadDataTimeoutMs); ReadData(); return true; } void NetworkStats::DoFinishCallback(int result) { if (finished_callback_ != NULL) { net::OldCompletionCallback* callback = finished_callback_; finished_callback_ = NULL; callback->Run(result); } } void NetworkStats::set_socket(net::Socket* socket) { DCHECK(socket); DCHECK(!socket_.get()); socket_.reset(socket); } bool NetworkStats::ReadComplete(int result) { DCHECK(socket_.get()); DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result < 0) { Finish(READ_FAILED, result); return true; } encoded_message_.append(read_buffer_->data(), result); read_buffer_ = NULL; bytes_to_read_ -= result; // No more data to read. if (!bytes_to_read_ || result == 0) { if (VerifyBytes()) Finish(SUCCESS, net::OK); else Finish(READ_VERIFY_FAILED, net::ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE); return true; } return false; } void NetworkStats::OnResolveComplete(int result) { DoConnect(result); } void NetworkStats::OnReadComplete(int result) { if (!ReadComplete(result)) { // Called ReadData() via PostDelayedTask() to avoid recursion. Added a delay // of 1ms so that the time-out will fire before we have time to really hog // the CPU too extensively (waiting for the time-out) in case of an infinite // loop. const int kReadDataDelayMs = 1; MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&NetworkStats::ReadData, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), kReadDataDelayMs); } } void NetworkStats::OnWriteComplete(int result) { DCHECK(socket_.get()); DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result < 0) { Finish(WRITE_FAILED, result); return; } write_buffer_->DidConsume(result); bytes_to_send_ -= result; if (!write_buffer_->BytesRemaining()) write_buffer_ = NULL; if (bytes_to_send_) { int rv = SendData(); if (rv < 0) { if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) { Finish(WRITE_FAILED, rv); return; } } } } void NetworkStats::ReadData() { int rv; do { if (!socket_.get()) return; DCHECK(!read_buffer_.get()); // We release the read_buffer_ in the destructor if there is an error. read_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(kMaxMessage); rv = socket_->Read(read_buffer_, kMaxMessage, &read_callback_); if (rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) return; // If we have read all the data then return. if (ReadComplete(rv)) return; } while (rv > 0); } int NetworkStats::SendData() { DCHECK(bytes_to_send_); // We should have data to send. do { if (!write_buffer_.get()) { scoped_refptr<net::IOBuffer> buffer(new net::IOBuffer(bytes_to_send_)); GetEchoRequest(buffer); write_buffer_ = new net::DrainableIOBuffer(buffer, bytes_to_send_); } if (!socket_.get()) return net::ERR_UNEXPECTED; int rv = socket_->Write(write_buffer_, write_buffer_->BytesRemaining(), &write_callback_); if (rv < 0) return rv; write_buffer_->DidConsume(rv); bytes_to_send_ -= rv; if (!write_buffer_->BytesRemaining()) write_buffer_ = NULL; } while (bytes_to_send_); return net::OK; } void NetworkStats::StartReadDataTimer(int milliseconds) { MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&NetworkStats::OnReadDataTimeout, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr()), milliseconds); } void NetworkStats::OnReadDataTimeout() { Finish(READ_TIMED_OUT, net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); } void NetworkStats::GetEchoRequest(net::IOBuffer* io_buffer) { // Copy the <version> into the io_buffer starting from the kVersionStart // position. std::string version = base::StringPrintf("%02d", kVersionNumber); char* buffer = io_buffer->data() + kVersionStart; DCHECK(kVersionLength == version.length()); memcpy(buffer, version.c_str(), kVersionLength); // Get the <payload> from the |stream_| and copy it into io_buffer starting // from the kPayloadStart position. buffer = io_buffer->data() + kPayloadStart; stream_.GetBytes(buffer, load_size_); // Calculate the <checksum> of the <payload>. uint32 sum = 0; for (uint32 i = 0; i < load_size_; ++i) sum += buffer[i]; // Copy the <checksum> into the io_buffer starting from the kChecksumStart // position. std::string checksum = base::StringPrintf("%010d", sum); buffer = io_buffer->data() + kChecksumStart; DCHECK(kChecksumLength == checksum.length()); memcpy(buffer, checksum.c_str(), kChecksumLength); // Copy the size of the <payload> into the io_buffer starting from the // kPayloadSizeStart position. buffer = io_buffer->data() + kPayloadSizeStart; std::string payload_size = base::StringPrintf("%07d", load_size_); DCHECK(kPayloadSizeLength == payload_size.length()); memcpy(buffer, payload_size.c_str(), kPayloadSizeLength); } bool NetworkStats::VerifyBytes() { // If the "echo response" doesn't have enough bytes, then return false. if (encoded_message_.length() < kEncodedPayloadStart) return false; // Extract the |key| from the "echo response". std::string key_string = encoded_message_.substr(kKeyStart, kKeyLength); const char* key = key_string.c_str(); int key_value = atoi(key); if (key_value < kKeyMinValue || key_value > kKeyMaxValue) return false; std::string encoded_payload = encoded_message_.substr(kEncodedPayloadStart); const char* encoded_data = encoded_payload.c_str(); uint32 message_length = encoded_payload.length(); message_length = std::min(message_length, kMaxMessage); // We should get back all the data we had sent. if (message_length != load_size_) return false; // Decrypt the data by looping through the |encoded_data| and XOR each byte // with the |key| to get the decoded byte. Append the decoded byte to the // |decoded_data|. char decoded_data[kMaxMessage + 1]; for (uint32 data_index = 0, key_index = 0; data_index < message_length; ++data_index) { char encoded_byte = encoded_data[data_index]; char key_byte = key[key_index]; char decoded_byte = encoded_byte ^ key_byte; decoded_data[data_index] = decoded_byte; key_index = (key_index + 1) % kKeyLength; } return stream_.VerifyBytes(decoded_data, message_length); } // UDPStatsClient methods and members. UDPStatsClient::UDPStatsClient() : NetworkStats() { } UDPStatsClient::~UDPStatsClient() { } bool UDPStatsClient::DoConnect(int result) { if (result != net::OK) { Finish(RESOLVE_FAILED, result); return false; } net::UDPClientSocket* udp_socket = new net::UDPClientSocket(net::DatagramSocket::DEFAULT_BIND, net::RandIntCallback(), NULL, net::NetLog::Source()); if (!udp_socket) { Finish(SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED, net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return false; } set_socket(udp_socket); const addrinfo* address = GetAddressList().head(); if (!address) { Finish(RESOLVE_FAILED, net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return false; } net::IPEndPoint endpoint; endpoint.FromSockAddr(address->ai_addr, address->ai_addrlen); int rv = udp_socket->Connect(endpoint); if (rv < 0) { Finish(CONNECT_FAILED, rv); return false; } return NetworkStats::ConnectComplete(rv); } bool UDPStatsClient::ReadComplete(int result) { DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result <= 0) { Finish(READ_FAILED, result); return true; } return NetworkStats::ReadComplete(result); } void UDPStatsClient::Finish(Status status, int result) { base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time(); if (load_size() == kSmallTestBytesToSend) { if (result == net::OK) UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.UDP.Success.100B.RTT", duration); else UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.UDP.Fail.100B.RTT", duration); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "NetConnectivity.UDP.Status.100B", status, STATUS_MAX); } else { if (result == net::OK) UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.UDP.Success.1K.RTT", duration); else UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.UDP.Fail.1K.RTT", duration); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "NetConnectivity.UDP.Status.1K", status, STATUS_MAX); } DoFinishCallback(result); // Close the socket so that there are no more IO operations. net::UDPClientSocket* udp_socket = static_cast<net::UDPClientSocket*>(socket()); if (udp_socket) udp_socket->Close(); delete this; } // TCPStatsClient methods and members. TCPStatsClient::TCPStatsClient() : NetworkStats(), ALLOW_THIS_IN_INITIALIZER_LIST( connect_callback_(this, &TCPStatsClient::OnConnectComplete)) { } TCPStatsClient::~TCPStatsClient() { } bool TCPStatsClient::DoConnect(int result) { if (result != net::OK) { Finish(RESOLVE_FAILED, result); return false; } net::TCPClientSocket* tcp_socket = new net::TCPClientSocket(GetAddressList(), NULL, net::NetLog::Source()); if (!tcp_socket) { Finish(SOCKET_CREATE_FAILED, net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); return false; } set_socket(tcp_socket); int rv = tcp_socket->Connect(&connect_callback_); if (rv == net::ERR_IO_PENDING) return true; return NetworkStats::ConnectComplete(rv); } void TCPStatsClient::OnConnectComplete(int result) { NetworkStats::ConnectComplete(result); } bool TCPStatsClient::ReadComplete(int result) { DCHECK_NE(net::ERR_IO_PENDING, result); if (result < 0) { Finish(READ_FAILED, result); return true; } return NetworkStats::ReadComplete(result); } void TCPStatsClient::Finish(Status status, int result) { base::TimeDelta duration = base::TimeTicks::Now() - start_time(); if (load_size() == kSmallTestBytesToSend) { if (result == net::OK) UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.TCP.Success.100B.RTT", duration); else UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.TCP.Fail.100B.RTT", duration); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "NetConnectivity.TCP.Status.100B", status, STATUS_MAX); } else { if (result == net::OK) UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.TCP.Success.1K.RTT", duration); else UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("NetConnectivity.TCP.Fail.1K.RTT", duration); UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "NetConnectivity.TCP.Status.1K", status, STATUS_MAX); } DoFinishCallback(result); // Disconnect the socket so that there are no more IO operations. net::TCPClientSocket* tcp_socket = static_cast<net::TCPClientSocket*>(socket()); if (tcp_socket) tcp_socket->Disconnect(); delete this; } // static void CollectNetworkStats(const std::string& network_stats_server, IOThread* io_thread) { if (network_stats_server.empty()) return; // If we are not on IO Thread, then post a task to call CollectNetworkStats on // IO Thread. if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)) { BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::IO, FROM_HERE, base::Bind( &CollectNetworkStats, network_stats_server, io_thread)); return; } DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::IO)); // Check that there is a network connection. We get called only if UMA upload // to the server has succeeded. DCHECK(!net::NetworkChangeNotifier::IsOffline()); CR_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(scoped_refptr<base::FieldTrial>, trial, ()); static bool collect_stats = false; if (!trial.get()) { // Set up a field trial to collect network stats for UDP and TCP. base::FieldTrial::Probability kDivisor = 1000; // Enable the connectivity testing for 0.5% of the users. base::FieldTrial::Probability kProbabilityPerGroup = 5; // After October 30, 2011 builds, it will always be in default group // (disable_network_stats). trial = new base::FieldTrial("NetworkConnectivity", kDivisor, "disable_network_stats", 2011, 10, 30); // Add option to collect_stats for NetworkConnectivity. int collect_stats_group = trial->AppendGroup("collect_stats", kProbabilityPerGroup); if (trial->group() == collect_stats_group) collect_stats = true; } if (!collect_stats) return; // Run test kMaxNumberOfTests times. const size_t kMaxNumberOfTests = INT_MAX; static size_t number_of_tests_done = 0; if (number_of_tests_done > kMaxNumberOfTests) return; ++number_of_tests_done; // Use SPDY's UDP port per http://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers. // |network_stats_server| echo TCP and UDP servers listen on the following // ports. uint32 kTCPTestingPort = 8081; uint32 kUDPTestingPort = 6121; net::HostResolver* host_resolver = io_thread->globals()->host_resolver.get(); DCHECK(host_resolver); net::HostPortPair udp_server_address(network_stats_server, kUDPTestingPort); UDPStatsClient* small_udp_stats = new UDPStatsClient(); small_udp_stats->Start( host_resolver, udp_server_address, kSmallTestBytesToSend, NULL); UDPStatsClient* large_udp_stats = new UDPStatsClient(); large_udp_stats->Start( host_resolver, udp_server_address, kLargeTestBytesToSend, NULL); net::HostPortPair tcp_server_address(network_stats_server, kTCPTestingPort); TCPStatsClient* small_tcp_client = new TCPStatsClient(); small_tcp_client->Start( host_resolver, tcp_server_address, kSmallTestBytesToSend, NULL); TCPStatsClient* large_tcp_client = new TCPStatsClient(); large_tcp_client->Start( host_resolver, tcp_server_address, kLargeTestBytesToSend, NULL); } } // namespace chrome_browser_net