// Copyright (c) 2006-2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // A Predictor object is instantiated once in the browser process, and manages // both preresolution of hostnames, as well as TCP/IP preconnection to expected // subresources. // Most hostname lists are provided by the renderer processes, and include URLs // that *might* be used in the near future by the browsing user. One goal of // this class is to cause the underlying DNS structure to lookup a hostname // before it is really needed, and hence reduce latency in the standard lookup // paths. // Subresource relationships are usually acquired from the referrer field in a // navigation. A subresource URL may be associated with a referrer URL. Later // navigations may, if the likelihood of needing the subresource is high enough, // cause this module to speculatively create a TCP/IP connection. If there is // only a low likelihood, then a DNS pre-resolution operation may be performed. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_NET_PREDICTOR_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_NET_PREDICTOR_H_ #pragma once #include <map> #include <queue> #include <set> #include <string> #include "base/gtest_prod_util.h" #include "base/ref_counted.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/url_info.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/referrer.h" #include "chrome/common/net/predictor_common.h" #include "net/base/host_port_pair.h" class ListValue; namespace net { class HostResolver; } // namespace net namespace chrome_browser_net { typedef chrome_common_net::UrlList UrlList; typedef chrome_common_net::NameList NameList; typedef std::map<GURL, UrlInfo> Results; // Note that Predictor is not thread safe, and must only be called from // the IO thread. Failure to do so will result in a DCHECK at runtime. class Predictor : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Predictor> { public: // A version number for prefs that are saved. This should be incremented when // we change the format so that we discard old data. enum { PREDICTOR_REFERRER_VERSION = 2 }; // Depending on the expected_subresource_use_, we may either make a TCP/IP // preconnection, or merely pre-resolve the hostname via DNS (or even do // nothing). The following are the threasholds for taking those actions. static const double kPreconnectWorthyExpectedValue; static const double kDNSPreresolutionWorthyExpectedValue; // Values of expected_subresource_use_ that are less than the following // threshold will be discarded when we Trim() the values, such as is done when // the process ends, and some values are persisted. static const double kPersistWorthyExpectedValue; // |max_concurrent| specifies how many concurrent (parallel) prefetches will // be performed. Host lookups will be issued through |host_resolver|. Predictor(net::HostResolver* host_resolver, base::TimeDelta max_queue_delay_ms, size_t max_concurrent, bool preconnect_enabled); // Cancel pending requests and prevent new ones from being made. void Shutdown(); // In some circumstances, for privacy reasons, all results should be // discarded. This method gracefully handles that activity. // Destroy all our internal state, which shows what names we've looked up, and // how long each has taken, etc. etc. We also destroy records of suggesses // (cache hits etc.). void DiscardAllResults(); // Add hostname(s) to the queue for processing. void ResolveList(const UrlList& urls, UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation); void Resolve(const GURL& url, UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation); // Instigate pre-connection to any URLs, or pre-resolution of related host, // that we predict will be needed after this navigation (typically // more-embedded resources on a page). This method will actually post a task // to do the actual work, so as not to jump ahead of the frame navigation that // instigated this activity. void PredictFrameSubresources(const GURL& url); // The Omnibox has proposed a given url to the user, and if it is a search // URL, then it also indicates that this is preconnectable (i.e., we could // preconnect to the search server). void AnticipateOmniboxUrl(const GURL& url, bool preconnectable); // Preconnect a URL and all of its subresource domains. void PreconnectUrlAndSubresources(const GURL& url); // Record details of a navigation so that we can preresolve the host name // ahead of time the next time the users navigates to the indicated host. // Should only be called when urls are distinct, and they should already be // canonicalized to not have a path. void LearnFromNavigation(const GURL& referring_url, const GURL& target_url); // Dump HTML table containing list of referrers for about:dns. void GetHtmlReferrerLists(std::string* output); // Dump the list of currently known referrer domains and related prefetchable // domains. void GetHtmlInfo(std::string* output); // Discard any referrer for which all the suggested host names are currently // annotated with no user latency reduction. Also scale down (diminish) the // total benefit of those that did help, so that their reported contribution // wll go done by a factor of 2 each time we trim (moving the referrer closer // to being discarded at a future Trim). void TrimReferrers(); // Construct a ListValue object that contains all the data in the referrers_ // so that it can be persisted in a pref. void SerializeReferrers(ListValue* referral_list); // Process a ListValue that contains all the data from a previous reference // list, as constructed by SerializeReferrers(), and add all the identified // values into the current referrer list. void DeserializeReferrers(const ListValue& referral_list); void DeserializeReferrersThenDelete(ListValue* referral_list); // For unit test code only. size_t max_concurrent_dns_lookups() const { return max_concurrent_dns_lookups_; } // Flag setting to use preconnection instead of just DNS pre-fetching. bool preconnect_enabled() const { return preconnect_enabled_; } // Put URL in canonical form, including a scheme, host, and port. // Returns GURL::EmptyGURL() if the scheme is not http/https or if the url // cannot be otherwise canonicalized. static GURL CanonicalizeUrl(const GURL& url); private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<Predictor>; FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, BenefitLookupTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, ShutdownWhenResolutionIsPendingTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, SingleLookupTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, ConcurrentLookupTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, MassiveConcurrentLookupTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, PriorityQueuePushPopTest); FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(PredictorTest, PriorityQueueReorderTest); friend class WaitForResolutionHelper; // For testing. class LookupRequest; // A simple priority queue for handling host names. // Some names that are queued up have |motivation| that requires very rapid // handling. For example, a sub-resource name lookup MUST be done before the // actual sub-resource is fetched. In contrast, a name that was speculatively // noted in a page has to be resolved before the user "gets around to" // clicking on a link. By tagging (with a motivation) each push we make into // this FIFO queue, the queue can re-order the more important names to service // them sooner (relative to some low priority background resolutions). class HostNameQueue { public: HostNameQueue(); ~HostNameQueue(); void Push(const GURL& url, UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation); bool IsEmpty() const; GURL Pop(); private: // The names in the queue that should be serviced (popped) ASAP. std::queue<GURL> rush_queue_; // The names in the queue that should only be serviced when rush_queue is // empty. std::queue<GURL> background_queue_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(HostNameQueue); }; // A map that is keyed with the host/port that we've learned were the cause // of loading additional URLs. The list of additional targets is held // in a Referrer instance, which is a value in this map. typedef std::map<GURL, Referrer> Referrers; ~Predictor(); // Perform actual resolution or preconnection to subresources now. This is // an internal worker method that is reached via a post task from // PredictFrameSubresources(). void PrepareFrameSubresources(const GURL& url); // Only for testing. Returns true if hostname has been successfully resolved // (name found). bool WasFound(const GURL& url) const { Results::const_iterator it(results_.find(url)); return (it != results_.end()) && it->second.was_found(); } // Only for testing. Return how long was the resolution // or UrlInfo::kNullDuration if it hasn't been resolved yet. base::TimeDelta GetResolutionDuration(const GURL& url) { if (results_.find(url) == results_.end()) return UrlInfo::kNullDuration; return results_[url].resolve_duration(); } // Only for testing; size_t peak_pending_lookups() const { return peak_pending_lookups_; } // Access method for use by async lookup request to pass resolution result. void OnLookupFinished(LookupRequest* request, const GURL& url, bool found); // Underlying method for both async and synchronous lookup to update state. void LookupFinished(LookupRequest* request, const GURL& url, bool found); // Queue hostname for resolution. If queueing was done, return the pointer // to the queued instance, otherwise return NULL. UrlInfo* AppendToResolutionQueue(const GURL& url, UrlInfo::ResolutionMotivation motivation); // Check to see if too much queuing delay has been noted for the given info, // which indicates that there is "congestion" or growing delay in handling the // resolution of names. Rather than letting this congestion potentially grow // without bounds, we abandon our queued efforts at pre-resolutions in such a // case. // To do this, we will recycle |info|, as well as all queued items, back to // the state they had before they were queued up. We can't do anything about // the resolutions we've already sent off for processing on another thread, so // we just let them complete. On a slow system, subject to congestion, this // will greatly reduce the number of resolutions done, but it will assure that // any resolutions that are done, are in a timely and hence potentially // helpful manner. bool CongestionControlPerformed(UrlInfo* info); // Take lookup requests from work_queue_ and tell HostResolver to look them up // asynchronously, provided we don't exceed concurrent resolution limit. void StartSomeQueuedResolutions(); // work_queue_ holds a list of names we need to look up. HostNameQueue work_queue_; // results_ contains information for existing/prior prefetches. Results results_; // For each URL that we might navigate to (that we've "learned about") // we have a Referrer list. Each Referrer list has all hostnames we need to // pre-resolve when there is a navigation to the orginial hostname. Referrers referrers_; std::set<LookupRequest*> pending_lookups_; // For testing, to verify that we don't exceed the limit. size_t peak_pending_lookups_; // When true, we don't make new lookup requests. bool shutdown_; // The number of concurrent speculative lookups currently allowed to be sent // to the resolver. Any additional lookups will be queued to avoid exceeding // this value. The queue is a priority queue that will accelerate // sub-resource speculation, and retard resolutions suggested by page scans. const size_t max_concurrent_dns_lookups_; // The maximum queueing delay that is acceptable before we enter congestion // reduction mode, and discard all queued (but not yet assigned) resolutions. const base::TimeDelta max_dns_queue_delay_; // The host resolver we warm DNS entries for. net::HostResolver* const host_resolver_; // Are we currently using preconnection, rather than just DNS resolution, for // subresources and omni-box search URLs. bool preconnect_enabled_; // Most recent suggestion from Omnibox provided via AnticipateOmniboxUrl(). std::string last_omnibox_host_; // The time when the last preresolve was done for last_omnibox_host_. base::TimeTicks last_omnibox_preresolve_; // The number of consecutive requests to AnticipateOmniboxUrl() that suggested // preconnecting (because it was to a search service). int consecutive_omnibox_preconnect_count_; // The time when the last preconnection was requested to a search service. base::TimeTicks last_omnibox_preconnect_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Predictor); }; } // namespace chrome_browser_net #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_NET_PREDICTOR_H_