// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include #include #include "base/bind.h" #include "base/callback.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/scoped_temp_dir.h" #include "base/stl_util.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/test/thread_test_helper.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/clear_on_exit_policy.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/sqlite_persistent_cookie_store.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_constants.h" #include "content/public/test/test_browser_thread.h" #include "googleurl/src/gurl.h" #include "net/cookies/canonical_cookie.h" #include "sql/connection.h" #include "sql/meta_table.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" #include "webkit/quota/mock_special_storage_policy.h" using content::BrowserThread; typedef std::vector CanonicalCookieVector; class SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest : public testing::Test { public: SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest() : ui_thread_(BrowserThread::UI), db_thread_(BrowserThread::DB), io_thread_(BrowserThread::IO), loaded_event_(false, false), key_loaded_event_(false, false), db_thread_event_(false, false) { } void OnLoaded(const CanonicalCookieVector& cookies) { cookies_ = cookies; loaded_event_.Signal(); } void OnKeyLoaded(const CanonicalCookieVector& cookies) { cookies_ = cookies; key_loaded_event_.Signal(); } void Load(CanonicalCookieVector* cookies) { store_->Load(base::Bind(&SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest::OnLoaded, base::Unretained(this))); loaded_event_.Wait(); *cookies = cookies_; } void DestroyStore() { store_ = NULL; // Make sure we wait until the destructor has run by waiting for all pending // tasks on the DB thread to run. scoped_refptr helper( new base::ThreadTestHelper( BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(BrowserThread::DB))); ASSERT_TRUE(helper->Run()); } void CreateAndLoad(bool restore_old_session_cookies, CanonicalCookieVector* cookies) { store_ = new SQLitePersistentCookieStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename), restore_old_session_cookies, NULL); Load(cookies); } void InitializeStore(bool restore_old_session_cookies) { CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(restore_old_session_cookies, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); } // We have to create this method to wrap WaitableEvent::Wait, since we cannot // bind a non-void returning method as a Closure. void WaitOnDBEvent() { db_thread_event_.Wait(); } // Adds a persistent cookie to store_. void AddCookie(const std::string& name, const std::string& value, const std::string& domain, const std::string& path, const base::Time& creation) { store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie(GURL(), name, value, domain, path, std::string(), std::string(), creation, creation, creation, false, false)); } virtual void SetUp() { ui_thread_.Start(); db_thread_.Start(); io_thread_.Start(); ASSERT_TRUE(temp_dir_.CreateUniqueTempDir()); } protected: content::TestBrowserThread ui_thread_; content::TestBrowserThread db_thread_; content::TestBrowserThread io_thread_; base::WaitableEvent loaded_event_; base::WaitableEvent key_loaded_event_; base::WaitableEvent db_thread_event_; CanonicalCookieVector cookies_; ScopedTempDir temp_dir_; scoped_refptr store_; }; TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestInvalidMetaTableRecovery) { InitializeStore(false); AddCookie("A", "B", "foo.bar", "/", base::Time::Now()); DestroyStore(); // Load up the store and verify that it has good data in it. CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(1U, cookies.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("foo.bar", cookies[0]->Domain().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("A", cookies[0]->Name().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("B", cookies[0]->Value().c_str()); DestroyStore(); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); // Now corrupt the meta table. { sql::Connection db; ASSERT_TRUE(db.Open(temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename))); sql::MetaTable meta_table_; meta_table_.Init(&db, 1, 1); ASSERT_TRUE(db.Execute("DELETE FROM meta")); db.Close(); } // Upon loading, the database should be reset to a good, blank state. CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); // Verify that, after, recovery, the database persists properly. AddCookie("X", "Y", "foo.bar", "/", base::Time::Now()); DestroyStore(); CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(1U, cookies.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("foo.bar", cookies[0]->Domain().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("X", cookies[0]->Name().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("Y", cookies[0]->Value().c_str()); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); } // Test if data is stored as expected in the SQLite database. TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestPersistance) { InitializeStore(false); AddCookie("A", "B", "foo.bar", "/", base::Time::Now()); // Replace the store effectively destroying the current one and forcing it // to write its data to disk. Then we can see if after loading it again it // is still there. DestroyStore(); // Reload and test for persistence CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(1U, cookies.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("foo.bar", cookies[0]->Domain().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("A", cookies[0]->Name().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("B", cookies[0]->Value().c_str()); // Now delete the cookie and check persistence again. store_->DeleteCookie(*cookies[0]); DestroyStore(); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); // Reload and check if the cookie has been removed. CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); } // Test that priority load of cookies for a specfic domain key could be // completed before the entire store is loaded TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestLoadCookiesForKey) { InitializeStore(false); base::Time t = base::Time::Now(); AddCookie("A", "B", "foo.bar", "/", t); t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); AddCookie("A", "B", "www.aaa.com", "/", t); t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); AddCookie("A", "B", "travel.aaa.com", "/", t); t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); AddCookie("A", "B", "www.bbb.com", "/", t); DestroyStore(); store_ = new SQLitePersistentCookieStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename), false, NULL); // Posting a blocking task to db_thread_ makes sure that the DB thread waits // until both Load and LoadCookiesForKey have been posted to its task queue. BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest::WaitOnDBEvent, base::Unretained(this))); store_->Load(base::Bind(&SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest::OnLoaded, base::Unretained(this))); store_->LoadCookiesForKey("aaa.com", base::Bind(&SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest::OnKeyLoaded, base::Unretained(this))); BrowserThread::PostTask( BrowserThread::DB, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest::WaitOnDBEvent, base::Unretained(this))); // Now the DB-thread queue contains: // (active:) // 1. Wait (on db_event) // (pending:) // 2. "Init And Chain-Load First Domain" // 3. Priority Load (aaa.com) // 4. Wait (on db_event) db_thread_event_.Signal(); key_loaded_event_.Wait(); ASSERT_EQ(loaded_event_.IsSignaled(), false); std::set cookies_loaded; for (CanonicalCookieVector::const_iterator it = cookies_.begin(); it != cookies_.end(); ++it) { cookies_loaded.insert((*it)->Domain().c_str()); } STLDeleteElements(&cookies_); ASSERT_GT(4U, cookies_loaded.size()); ASSERT_EQ(true, cookies_loaded.find("www.aaa.com") != cookies_loaded.end()); ASSERT_EQ(true, cookies_loaded.find("travel.aaa.com") != cookies_loaded.end()); db_thread_event_.Signal(); loaded_event_.Wait(); for (CanonicalCookieVector::const_iterator it = cookies_.begin(); it != cookies_.end(); ++it) { cookies_loaded.insert((*it)->Domain().c_str()); } ASSERT_EQ(4U, cookies_loaded.size()); ASSERT_EQ(cookies_loaded.find("foo.bar") != cookies_loaded.end(), true); ASSERT_EQ(cookies_loaded.find("www.bbb.com") != cookies_loaded.end(), true); STLDeleteElements(&cookies_); } // Test that we can force the database to be written by calling Flush(). TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestFlush) { InitializeStore(false); // File timestamps don't work well on all platforms, so we'll determine // whether the DB file has been modified by checking its size. FilePath path = temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename); base::PlatformFileInfo info; ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::GetFileInfo(path, &info)); int64 base_size = info.size; // Write some large cookies, so the DB will have to expand by several KB. for (char c = 'a'; c < 'z'; ++c) { // Each cookie needs a unique timestamp for creation_utc (see DB schema). base::Time t = base::Time::Now() + base::TimeDelta::FromMicroseconds(c); std::string name(1, c); std::string value(1000, c); AddCookie(name, value, "foo.bar", "/", t); } // Call Flush() and wait until the DB thread is idle. store_->Flush(base::Closure()); scoped_refptr helper( new base::ThreadTestHelper( BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(BrowserThread::DB))); ASSERT_TRUE(helper->Run()); // We forced a write, so now the file will be bigger. ASSERT_TRUE(file_util::GetFileInfo(path, &info)); ASSERT_GT(info.size, base_size); } // Counts the number of times Callback() has been run. class CallbackCounter : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: CallbackCounter() : callback_count_(0) {} void Callback() { ++callback_count_; } int callback_count() { return callback_count_; } private: friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe; ~CallbackCounter() {} volatile int callback_count_; }; // Test that we can get a completion callback after a Flush(). TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestFlushCompletionCallback) { InitializeStore(false); // Put some data - any data - on disk, so that Flush is not a no-op. AddCookie("A", "B", "foo.bar", "/", base::Time::Now()); scoped_refptr counter(new CallbackCounter()); // Callback shouldn't be invoked until we call Flush(). ASSERT_EQ(0, counter->callback_count()); store_->Flush(base::Bind(&CallbackCounter::Callback, counter.get())); scoped_refptr helper( new base::ThreadTestHelper( BrowserThread::GetMessageLoopProxyForThread(BrowserThread::DB))); ASSERT_TRUE(helper->Run()); ASSERT_EQ(1, counter->callback_count()); } // Test loading old session cookies from the disk. TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestLoadOldSessionCookies) { InitializeStore(true); // Add a session cookie. store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie( GURL(), "C", "D", "sessioncookie.com", "/", std::string(), std::string(), base::Time::Now(), base::Time(), base::Time::Now(), false, false)); // Force the store to write its data to the disk. DestroyStore(); // Create a store that loads session cookies and test that the session cookie // was loaded. CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(true, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(1U, cookies.size()); ASSERT_STREQ("sessioncookie.com", cookies[0]->Domain().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("C", cookies[0]->Name().c_str()); ASSERT_STREQ("D", cookies[0]->Value().c_str()); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); } // Test loading old session cookies from the disk. TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestDontLoadOldSessionCookies) { InitializeStore(true); // Add a session cookie. store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie( GURL(), "C", "D", "sessioncookie.com", "/", std::string(), std::string(), base::Time::Now(), base::Time(), base::Time::Now(), false, false)); // Force the store to write its data to the disk. DestroyStore(); // Create a store that doesn't load old session cookies and test that the // session cookie was not loaded. CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(false, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); // The store should also delete the session cookie. Wait until that has been // done. DestroyStore(); // Create a store that loads old session cookies and test that the session // cookie is gone. CreateAndLoad(true, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); } TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, PersistIsPersistent) { InitializeStore(true); static const char kSessionName[] = "session"; static const char kPersistentName[] = "persistent"; // Add a session cookie. store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie( GURL(), kSessionName, "val", "sessioncookie.com", "/", std::string(), std::string(), base::Time::Now(), base::Time(), base::Time::Now(), false, false)); // Add a persistent cookie. store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie( GURL(), kPersistentName, "val", "sessioncookie.com", "/", std::string(), std::string(), base::Time::Now() - base::TimeDelta::FromDays(1), base::Time::Now(), base::Time::Now(), false, false)); // Create a store that loads session cookie and test that the the IsPersistent // attribute is restored. CanonicalCookieVector cookies; CreateAndLoad(true, &cookies); ASSERT_EQ(2U, cookies.size()); std::map cookie_map; for (CanonicalCookieVector::const_iterator it = cookies.begin(); it != cookies.end(); ++it) { cookie_map[(*it)->Name()] = *it; } std::map::const_iterator it = cookie_map.find(kSessionName); ASSERT_TRUE(it != cookie_map.end()); EXPECT_FALSE(cookie_map[kSessionName]->IsPersistent()); it = cookie_map.find(kPersistentName); ASSERT_TRUE(it != cookie_map.end()); EXPECT_TRUE(cookie_map[kPersistentName]->IsPersistent()); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); } namespace { // True if the given cookie is in the vector. bool IsCookiePresent(const CanonicalCookieVector& cookies, const std::string& domain, const std::string& name, const std::string& value, bool secure) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < cookies.size(); ++i) { if (cookies[i]->Domain() == domain && cookies[i]->Name() == name && cookies[i]->Value() == value && cookies[i]->IsSecure() == secure) { return true; } } return false; } } // namespace // Test deleting cookies as mandated by the clear on exit policy on shutdown. TEST_F(SQLitePersistentCookieStoreTest, TestClearOnExitPolicy) { std::string protected_origin("protected.com"); std::string session_origin("session.com"); std::string other_origin("other.com"); scoped_refptr storage_policy = new quota::MockSpecialStoragePolicy; scoped_refptr clear_policy = new ClearOnExitPolicy(storage_policy.get()); storage_policy->AddProtected(GURL(std::string("http://") + protected_origin)); storage_policy->AddSessionOnly( GURL(std::string("http://") + protected_origin)); storage_policy->AddSessionOnly( GURL(std::string("http://") + session_origin)); CanonicalCookieVector cookies; store_ = new SQLitePersistentCookieStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename), false, clear_policy.get()); Load(&cookies); ASSERT_EQ(0U, cookies.size()); // Add some cookies. base::Time t = base::Time::Now(); AddCookie("A", "1", protected_origin, "/", t); t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); AddCookie("B", "2", session_origin, "/", t); t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); AddCookie("C", "3", other_origin, "/", t); // A secure cookie on session_origin. t += base::TimeDelta::FromInternalValue(10); store_->AddCookie( net::CanonicalCookie(GURL(), "D", "4", session_origin, "/", std::string(), std::string(), t, t, t, true, false)); // First, check that we can override the policy. store_->SetForceKeepSessionState(); // Force the store to write its data to the disk. DestroyStore(); // Create a store test that the cookie on session_origin does not exist. store_ = new SQLitePersistentCookieStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename), false, clear_policy.get()); Load(&cookies); EXPECT_EQ(4U, cookies.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, protected_origin, "A", "1", false)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, session_origin, "B", "2", false)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, other_origin, "C", "3", false)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, session_origin, "D", "4", true)); // This time, the clear on exit policy should be in effect. DestroyStore(); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); // Create a store test that the cookie on session_origin does not exist. store_ = new SQLitePersistentCookieStore( temp_dir_.path().Append(chrome::kCookieFilename), false, clear_policy.get()); Load(&cookies); EXPECT_EQ(3U, cookies.size()); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, protected_origin, "A", "1", false)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, other_origin, "C", "3", false)); EXPECT_TRUE(IsCookiePresent(cookies, session_origin, "D", "4", true)); DestroyStore(); STLDeleteElements(&cookies); }