// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/net/view_net_internals_job_factory.h" #include #include "base/format_macros.h" #include "base/stl_util-inl.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_net_log.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/chrome_url_request_context.h" #include "chrome/browser/net/passive_log_collector.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "net/base/escape.h" #include "net/base/host_resolver_impl.h" #include "net/base/net_errors.h" #include "net/base/net_log_util.h" #include "net/base/net_util.h" #include "net/base/sys_addrinfo.h" #include "net/proxy/proxy_service.h" #include "net/socket_stream/socket_stream.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_context.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_simple_job.h" #include "net/url_request/view_cache_helper.h" namespace { const char kViewHttpCacheSubPath[] = "view-cache"; PassiveLogCollector* GetPassiveLogCollector(URLRequestContext* context) { // Really this is the same as: // g_browser_process->io_thread()->globals()-> // net_log.get() // (But we can't access g_browser_process from the IO thread). ChromeNetLog* chrome_net_log = static_cast( static_cast(context)->net_log()); return chrome_net_log->passive_collector(); } PassiveLogCollector::RequestTracker* GetURLRequestTracker( URLRequestContext* context) { return GetPassiveLogCollector(context)->url_request_tracker(); } PassiveLogCollector::RequestTracker* GetSocketStreamTracker( URLRequestContext* context) { return GetPassiveLogCollector(context)->socket_stream_tracker(); } PassiveLogCollector::InitProxyResolverTracker* GetInitProxyResolverTracker( URLRequestContext* context) { return GetPassiveLogCollector(context)->init_proxy_resolver_tracker(); } std::string GetDetails(const GURL& url) { DCHECK(ViewNetInternalsJobFactory::IsSupportedURL(url)); size_t start = strlen(chrome::kNetworkViewInternalsURL); if (start >= url.spec().size()) return std::string(); return url.spec().substr(start); } GURL MakeURL(const std::string& details) { return GURL(std::string(chrome::kNetworkViewInternalsURL) + details); } // A job subclass that implements a protocol to inspect the internal // state of the network stack. class ViewNetInternalsJob : public URLRequestSimpleJob { public: explicit ViewNetInternalsJob(URLRequest* request) : URLRequestSimpleJob(request) {} // URLRequestSimpleJob methods: virtual bool GetData(std::string* mime_type, std::string* charset, std::string* data) const; // Overridden methods from URLRequestJob: virtual bool IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code); private: ~ViewNetInternalsJob() {} // Returns true if the current request is for a "view-cache" URL. // If it is, then |key| is assigned the particular cache URL of the request. bool GetViewCacheKeyForRequest(std::string* key) const; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Format helpers. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void OutputTextInPre(const std::string& text, std::string* out) { out->append("
"); } // Appends an input button to |data| with text |title| that sends the command // string |command| back to the browser, and then refreshes the page. void DrawCommandButton(const std::string& title, const std::string& command, std::string* data) { StringAppendF(data, "", title.c_str(), command.c_str()); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // URLRequestContext helpers. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ net::HostResolverImpl* GetHostResolverImpl(URLRequestContext* context) { return context->host_resolver()->GetAsHostResolverImpl(); } net::HostCache* GetHostCache(URLRequestContext* context) { if (GetHostResolverImpl(context)) return GetHostResolverImpl(context)->cache(); return NULL; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Subsection definitions. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SubSection { public: // |name| is the URL path component for this subsection. // |title| is the textual description. SubSection(SubSection* parent, const char* name, const char* title) : parent_(parent), name_(name), title_(title) { } virtual ~SubSection() { STLDeleteContainerPointers(children_.begin(), children_.end()); } // Outputs the subsection's contents to |out|. virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) {} // Outputs this subsection, and all of its children. void OutputRecursive(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { if (!is_root()) { // Canonicalizing the URL escapes characters which cause problems in HTML. std::string section_url = MakeURL(GetFullyQualifiedName()).spec(); // Print the heading. StringAppendF( out, "
" "%s " "(%s)" "
", EscapeForHTML(title_).c_str(), section_url.c_str(), EscapeForHTML(section_url).c_str()); out->append("
"); } OutputBody(context, out); for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) children_[i]->OutputRecursive(context, out); if (!is_root()) out->append("
"); } // Returns the SubSection contained by |this| with fully qualified name // |dotted_name|, or NULL if none was found. SubSection* FindSubSectionByName(const std::string& dotted_name) { if (dotted_name == "") return this; std::string child_name; std::string child_sub_name; size_t split_pos = dotted_name.find('.'); if (split_pos == std::string::npos) { child_name = dotted_name; child_sub_name = std::string(); } else { child_name = dotted_name.substr(0, split_pos); child_sub_name = dotted_name.substr(split_pos + 1); } for (size_t i = 0; i < children_.size(); ++i) { if (children_[i]->name_ == child_name) return children_[i]->FindSubSectionByName(child_sub_name); } return NULL; // Not found. } std::string GetFullyQualifiedName() { if (!parent_) return name_; std::string parent_name = parent_->GetFullyQualifiedName(); if (parent_name.empty()) return name_; return parent_name + "." + name_; } bool is_root() const { return parent_ == NULL; } protected: typedef std::vector SubSectionList; void AddSubSection(SubSection* subsection) { children_.push_back(subsection); } SubSection* parent_; std::string name_; std::string title_; SubSectionList children_; }; class ProxyServiceCurrentConfigSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit ProxyServiceCurrentConfigSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "config", "Current configuration") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { DrawCommandButton("Force reload", "reload-proxy-config", out); net::ProxyService* proxy_service = context->proxy_service(); if (proxy_service->config_has_been_initialized()) { // net::ProxyConfig defines an operator<<. std::ostringstream stream; stream << proxy_service->config(); OutputTextInPre(stream.str(), out); } else { out->append("Not yet initialized"); } } }; class ProxyServiceLastInitLogSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit ProxyServiceLastInitLogSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "init_log", "Last initialized load log") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { OutputTextInPre(net::NetLogUtil::PrettyPrintAsEventTree( GetInitProxyResolverTracker(context)->entries(), 0), out); } }; class ProxyServiceBadProxiesSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit ProxyServiceBadProxiesSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "bad_proxies", "Bad Proxies") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { net::ProxyService* proxy_service = context->proxy_service(); const net::ProxyRetryInfoMap& bad_proxies_map = proxy_service->proxy_retry_info(); DrawCommandButton("Clear", "clear-badproxies", out); out->append(""); out->append("" ""); for (net::ProxyRetryInfoMap::const_iterator it = bad_proxies_map.begin(); it != bad_proxies_map.end(); ++it) { const std::string& proxy_uri = it->first; const net::ProxyRetryInfo& retry_info = it->second; // Note that ttl_ms may be negative, for the cases where entries have // expired but not been garbage collected yet. int ttl_ms = static_cast( (retry_info.bad_until - base::TimeTicks::Now()).InMilliseconds()); // Color expired entries blue. if (ttl_ms > 0) out->append(""); else out->append(""); StringAppendF(out, "", EscapeForHTML(proxy_uri).c_str(), ttl_ms); out->append(""); } out->append("
Bad proxy serverRemaining time until retry (ms)
"); } }; class ProxyServiceSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit ProxyServiceSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "proxyservice", "ProxyService") { AddSubSection(new ProxyServiceCurrentConfigSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new ProxyServiceLastInitLogSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new ProxyServiceBadProxiesSubSection(this)); } }; class HostResolverCacheSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit HostResolverCacheSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "hostcache", "HostCache") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { const net::HostCache* host_cache = GetHostCache(context); if (!host_cache || host_cache->caching_is_disabled()) { out->append("Caching is disabled."); return; } DrawCommandButton("Clear", "clear-hostcache", out); StringAppendF( out, "
  • Size: %" PRIuS "
  • " "
  • Capacity: %" PRIuS "
  • " "
  • Time to live (ms) for success entries: %" PRId64"
  • " "
  • Time to live (ms) for failure entries: %" PRId64"
", host_cache->size(), host_cache->max_entries(), host_cache->success_entry_ttl().InMilliseconds(), host_cache->failure_entry_ttl().InMilliseconds()); out->append("" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); for (net::HostCache::EntryMap::const_iterator it = host_cache->entries().begin(); it != host_cache->entries().end(); ++it) { const net::HostCache::Key& key = it->first; const net::HostCache::Entry* entry = it->second.get(); std::string address_family_str = AddressFamilyToString(key.address_family); // Note that ttl_ms may be negative, for the cases where entries have // expired but not been garbage collected yet. int ttl_ms = static_cast( (entry->expiration - base::TimeTicks::Now()).InMilliseconds()); // Color expired entries blue. if (ttl_ms > 0) { out->append(""); } else { out->append(""); } // Stringify all of the addresses in the address list, separated // by newlines (br). std::string address_list_html; std::string canonical_name_html; if (entry->error != net::OK) { address_list_html = "" + EscapeForHTML(net::ErrorToString(entry->error)) + ""; } else { const struct addrinfo* current_address = entry->addrlist.head(); while (current_address) { if (!address_list_html.empty()) address_list_html += "
"; address_list_html += EscapeForHTML( net::NetAddressToString(current_address)); current_address = current_address->ai_next; } std::string canonical_name; if (entry->addrlist.GetCanonicalName(&canonical_name)) { canonical_name_html = EscapeForHTML(canonical_name); } } StringAppendF(out, "" "", EscapeForHTML(key.hostname).c_str(), EscapeForHTML(address_family_str).c_str(), address_list_html.c_str(), canonical_name_html.c_str(), ttl_ms); } out->append("
HostAddress familyAddress listCanonical nameTime to live (ms)
"); } static std::string AddressFamilyToString(net::AddressFamily address_family) { switch (address_family) { case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV4: return "IPV4"; case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_IPV6: return "IPV6"; case net::ADDRESS_FAMILY_UNSPECIFIED: return "UNSPECIFIED"; default: NOTREACHED(); return "???"; } } }; class HostResolverTraceSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit HostResolverTraceSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "trace", "Trace of requests") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { net::HostResolverImpl* resolver = GetHostResolverImpl(context); if (!resolver) { out->append("Tracing is not supported by this resolver."); return; } DrawCommandButton("Clear", "clear-hostresolver-trace", out); if (resolver->IsRequestsTracingEnabled()) { DrawCommandButton("Disable tracing", "hostresolver-trace-disable", out); } else { DrawCommandButton("Enable tracing", "hostresolver-trace-enable", out); } std::vector entries; if (resolver->GetRequestsTrace(&entries)) { out->append( "

To make sense of this trace, process it with the Python script " "formatter.py at " "net/tools/dns_trace_formatter

"); OutputTextInPre(net::NetLogUtil::PrettyPrintAsEventTree(entries, 0), out); } else { out->append("

No trace information, must enable tracing.

"); } } }; class HostResolverSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit HostResolverSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "hostresolver", "HostResolver") { AddSubSection(new HostResolverCacheSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new HostResolverTraceSubSection(this)); } }; // Helper for the URLRequest "outstanding" and "live" sections. void OutputURLAndLoadLog(const PassiveLogCollector::RequestInfo& request, std::string* out) { out->append("
  • "); out->append(""); out->append(EscapeForHTML(request.url)); out->append(""); OutputTextInPre( net::NetLogUtil::PrettyPrintAsEventTree( request.entries, request.num_entries_truncated), out); out->append("
  • "); } class URLRequestLiveSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit URLRequestLiveSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "outstanding", "Outstanding requests") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { PassiveLogCollector::RequestInfoList requests = GetURLRequestTracker(context)->GetLiveRequests(); out->append("
      "); for (size_t i = 0; i < requests.size(); ++i) { // Reverse the list order, so we dispay from most recent to oldest. size_t index = requests.size() - i - 1; OutputURLAndLoadLog(requests[index], out); } out->append("
    "); } }; class URLRequestRecentSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit URLRequestRecentSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "recent", "Recently completed requests") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { PassiveLogCollector::RequestInfoList recent = GetURLRequestTracker(context)->GetRecentlyDeceased(); DrawCommandButton("Clear", "clear-urlrequest-graveyard", out); out->append("
      "); for (size_t i = 0; i < recent.size(); ++i) { // Reverse the list order, so we dispay from most recent to oldest. size_t index = recent.size() - i - 1; OutputURLAndLoadLog(recent[index], out); } out->append("
    "); } }; class URLRequestSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit URLRequestSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "urlrequest", "URLRequest") { AddSubSection(new URLRequestLiveSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new URLRequestRecentSubSection(this)); } }; class HttpCacheStatsSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit HttpCacheStatsSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "stats", "Statistics") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { ViewCacheHelper::GetStatisticsHTML(context, out); } }; class HttpCacheSection : public SubSection { public: explicit HttpCacheSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "httpcache", "HttpCache") { AddSubSection(new HttpCacheStatsSubSection(this)); } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { // Advertise the view-cache URL (too much data to inline it). out->append("

    View all cache entries

    "); } }; class SocketStreamLiveSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit SocketStreamLiveSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "live", "Live SocketStreams") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { PassiveLogCollector::RequestInfoList sockets = GetSocketStreamTracker(context)->GetLiveRequests(); out->append("
      "); for (size_t i = 0; i < sockets.size(); ++i) { // Reverse the list order, so we dispay from most recent to oldest. size_t index = sockets.size() - i - 1; OutputURLAndLoadLog(sockets[index], out); } out->append("
    "); } }; class SocketStreamRecentSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit SocketStreamRecentSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "recent", "Recently completed SocketStreams") { } virtual void OutputBody(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* out) { PassiveLogCollector::RequestInfoList recent = GetSocketStreamTracker(context)->GetRecentlyDeceased(); DrawCommandButton("Clear", "clear-socketstream-graveyard", out); out->append("
      "); for (size_t i = 0; i < recent.size(); ++i) { // Reverse the list order, so we dispay from most recent to oldest. size_t index = recent.size() - i - 1; OutputURLAndLoadLog(recent[index], out); } out->append("
    "); } }; class SocketStreamSubSection : public SubSection { public: explicit SocketStreamSubSection(SubSection* parent) : SubSection(parent, "socketstream", "SocketStream") { AddSubSection(new SocketStreamLiveSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new SocketStreamRecentSubSection(this)); } }; class AllSubSections : public SubSection { public: AllSubSections() : SubSection(NULL, "", "") { AddSubSection(new ProxyServiceSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new HostResolverSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new URLRequestSubSection(this)); AddSubSection(new HttpCacheSection(this)); AddSubSection(new SocketStreamSubSection(this)); } }; bool HandleCommand(const std::string& command, URLRequestContext* context) { if (StartsWithASCII(command, "full-logging-", true)) { bool enable_full_logging = (command == "full-logging-enable"); GetURLRequestTracker(context)->SetUnbounded(enable_full_logging); GetSocketStreamTracker(context)->SetUnbounded(enable_full_logging); return true; } if (StartsWithASCII(command, "hostresolver-trace-", true)) { bool enable_tracing = (command == "hostresolver-trace-enable"); if (GetHostResolverImpl(context)) { GetHostResolverImpl(context)->EnableRequestsTracing(enable_tracing); } } if (command == "clear-urlrequest-graveyard") { GetURLRequestTracker(context)->ClearRecentlyDeceased(); return true; } if (command == "clear-socketstream-graveyard") { GetSocketStreamTracker(context)->ClearRecentlyDeceased(); return true; } if (command == "clear-hostcache") { net::HostCache* host_cache = GetHostCache(context); if (host_cache) host_cache->clear(); return true; } if (command == "clear-badproxies") { context->proxy_service()->ClearBadProxiesCache(); return true; } if (command == "clear-hostresolver-trace") { if (GetHostResolverImpl(context)) GetHostResolverImpl(context)->ClearRequestsTrace(); } if (command == "reload-proxy-config") { context->proxy_service()->ForceReloadProxyConfig(); return true; } return false; } // Process any query strings in the request (for actions like toggling // full logging. void ProcessQueryStringCommands(URLRequestContext* context, const std::string& query) { if (!StartsWithASCII(query, "commands=", true)) { // Not a recognized format. return; } std::string commands_str = query.substr(strlen("commands=")); commands_str = UnescapeURLComponent(commands_str, UnescapeRule::NORMAL); // The command list is comma-separated. std::vector commands; SplitString(commands_str, ',', &commands); for (size_t i = 0; i < commands.size(); ++i) HandleCommand(commands[i], context); } // Appends some HTML controls to |data| that allow the user to enable full // logging, and clear some of the already logged data. void DrawControlsHeader(URLRequestContext* context, std::string* data) { bool is_full_logging_enabled = GetURLRequestTracker(context)->IsUnbounded() && GetSocketStreamTracker(context)->IsUnbounded(); data->append("
    "); if (is_full_logging_enabled) { DrawCommandButton("Disable full logging", "full-logging-disable", data); } else { DrawCommandButton("Enable full logging", "full-logging-enable", data); } DrawCommandButton("Clear all data", // Send a list of comma separated commands: "clear-badproxies," "clear-hostcache," "clear-urlrequest-graveyard," "clear-socketstream-graveyard," "clear-hostresolver-trace", data); data->append("
    "); } bool ViewNetInternalsJob::GetData(std::string* mime_type, std::string* charset, std::string* data) const { mime_type->assign("text/html"); charset->assign("UTF-8"); URLRequestContext* context = static_cast(request_->context()); data->clear(); // Use a different handler for "view-cache/*" subpaths. std::string cache_key; if (GetViewCacheKeyForRequest(&cache_key)) { GURL url = MakeURL(kViewHttpCacheSubPath + std::string("/")); ViewCacheHelper::GetEntryInfoHTML(cache_key, context, url.spec(), data); return true; } // Handle any query arguments as a command request, then redirect back to // the same URL stripped of query parameters. The redirect happens as part // of IsRedirectResponse(). if (request_->url().has_query()) { ProcessQueryStringCommands(context, request_->url().query()); return true; } std::string details = GetDetails(request_->url()); data->append("" "Network internals" "" "\n" "" "
    " "" "
    " "

    " "Help: how do I use this?

    "); DrawControlsHeader(context, data); SubSection* all = Singleton::get(); SubSection* section = all; // Display only the subsection tree asked for. if (!details.empty()) section = all->FindSubSectionByName(details); if (section) { section->OutputRecursive(context, data); } else { data->append("Nothing found for \""); data->append(EscapeForHTML(details)); data->append("\""); } data->append(""); return true; } bool ViewNetInternalsJob::IsRedirectResponse(GURL* location, int* http_status_code) { if (request_->url().has_query() && !GetViewCacheKeyForRequest(NULL)) { // Strip the query parameters. GURL::Replacements replacements; replacements.ClearQuery(); *location = request_->url().ReplaceComponents(replacements); *http_status_code = 307; return true; } return false; } bool ViewNetInternalsJob::GetViewCacheKeyForRequest( std::string* key) const { std::string path = GetDetails(request_->url()); if (!StartsWithASCII(path, kViewHttpCacheSubPath, true)) return false; if (path.size() > strlen(kViewHttpCacheSubPath) && path[strlen(kViewHttpCacheSubPath)] != '/') return false; if (key && path.size() > strlen(kViewHttpCacheSubPath) + 1) *key = path.substr(strlen(kViewHttpCacheSubPath) + 1); return true; } } // namespace // static bool ViewNetInternalsJobFactory::IsSupportedURL(const GURL& url) { // Note that kNetworkViewInternalsURL is terminated by a '/'. return StartsWithASCII(url.spec(), chrome::kNetworkViewInternalsURL, true /*case_sensitive*/); } // static URLRequestJob* ViewNetInternalsJobFactory::CreateJobForRequest( URLRequest* request) { return new ViewNetInternalsJob(request); }