// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/notifications/message_center_notification_manager.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "ui/message_center/message_center_tray.h" void MessageCenterNotificationManager::DisplayFirstRunBalloon() { // Store for posterity the fact that we've shown the first-run balloon. DCHECK(tray_.get()); first_run_pref_.SetValue(true); tray_->DisplayFirstRunBalloon(); } void MessageCenterNotificationManager::SetFirstRunTimeoutForTest( base::TimeDelta timeout) { first_run_idle_timeout_ = timeout; } bool MessageCenterNotificationManager::FirstRunTimerIsActive() const { return first_run_balloon_timer_.IsRunning(); } void MessageCenterNotificationManager::CheckFirstRunTimer() { // If there is no tray_, we can't display a balloon here anyway. // Also, we only want to display the first run balloon once, so the pref will // store the flag on disk based on whether we ever showed the balloon. DCHECK(tray_.get()); if (first_run_pref_.GetValue()) return; // If there are popups, the message center is visible, or there are no more // notifications, don't continue the timer since it will be annoying or // useless. if (message_center_->HasPopupNotifications() || message_center_->IsMessageCenterVisible() || 0 == message_center_->NotificationCount()) { first_run_balloon_timer_.Stop(); return; } // No need to restart the timer if it's already going. if (first_run_balloon_timer_.IsRunning()) return; first_run_balloon_timer_.Start( FROM_HERE, first_run_idle_timeout_, base::Bind(&MessageCenterNotificationManager::DisplayFirstRunBalloon, weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); }