// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_NOTIFICATIONS_NOTIFICATION_UI_MANAGER_IMPL_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_NOTIFICATIONS_NOTIFICATION_UI_MANAGER_IMPL_H_ #include #include #include #include "base/id_map.h" #include "base/memory/linked_ptr.h" #include "base/prefs/pref_member.h" #include "base/timer.h" #include "chrome/browser/notifications/notification_ui_manager.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" class Notification; class Profile; class QueuedNotification; // The notification manager manages use of the desktop for notifications. // It maintains a queue of pending notifications when space becomes constrained. // Subclasses manage actual display and UI. class NotificationUIManagerImpl : public NotificationUIManager, public content::NotificationObserver { public: NotificationUIManagerImpl(); virtual ~NotificationUIManagerImpl(); // NotificationUIManager: virtual void Add(const Notification& notification, Profile* profile) OVERRIDE; virtual bool DoesIdExist(const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE; virtual bool CancelById(const std::string& notification_id) OVERRIDE; virtual bool CancelAllBySourceOrigin(const GURL& source_origin) OVERRIDE; virtual bool CancelAllByProfile(Profile* profile) OVERRIDE; virtual void CancelAll() OVERRIDE; void GetQueuedNotificationsForTesting( std::vector* notifications); protected: // Attempts to pass a notification from a waiting queue to the subclass for // presentation. The subclass can return 'false' if it cannot show the // notification right away. In that case it should invoke // CheckAndShowNotificaitons() later. virtual bool ShowNotification(const Notification& notification, Profile* profile) = 0; // Replace an existing notification of the same id with this one if applicable; // subclass returns 'true' if the replacement happened. virtual bool UpdateNotification(const Notification& notification, Profile* profile) = 0; // Attempts to display notifications from the show_queue. Invoked by subclasses // if they previously returned 'false' from ShowNotifications, which may happen // when there is no room to show another notification. When room appears, the // subclass should call this method to cause an attempt to show more // notifications from the waiting queue. void CheckAndShowNotifications(); private: // content::NotificationObserver override. virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // Attempts to display notifications from the show_queue. void ShowNotifications(); // Replace an existing notification with this one if applicable; // returns true if the replacement happened. bool TryReplacement(const Notification& notification, Profile* profile); // Checks the user state to decide if we want to show the notification. void CheckUserState(); // A queue of notifications which are waiting to be shown. typedef std::deque > NotificationDeque; NotificationDeque show_queue_; // Registrar for the other kind of notifications (event signaling). content::NotificationRegistrar registrar_; // Used by screen-saver and full-screen handling support. bool is_user_active_; base::RepeatingTimer user_state_check_timer_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(NotificationUIManagerImpl); }; #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_NOTIFICATIONS_NOTIFICATION_UI_MANAGER_IMPL_H_