// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/password_manager/native_backend_gnome_x.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/strings/string_piece.h" #include "base/strings/string_util.h" #include "base/strings/stringprintf.h" #include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/synchronization/waitable_event.h" #include "base/time/time.h" #include "components/autofill/core/common/password_form.h" #include "components/password_manager/core/browser/psl_matching_helper.h" #include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h" using autofill::PasswordForm; using base::UTF8ToUTF16; using base::UTF16ToUTF8; using content::BrowserThread; #define GNOME_KEYRING_DEFINE_POINTER(name) \ typeof(&::gnome_keyring_##name) GnomeKeyringLoader::gnome_keyring_##name; GNOME_KEYRING_FOR_EACH_FUNC(GNOME_KEYRING_DEFINE_POINTER) #undef GNOME_KEYRING_DEFINE_POINTER bool GnomeKeyringLoader::keyring_loaded = false; #if defined(DLOPEN_GNOME_KEYRING) #define GNOME_KEYRING_FUNCTION_INFO(name) \ {"gnome_keyring_"#name, reinterpret_cast(&gnome_keyring_##name)}, const GnomeKeyringLoader::FunctionInfo GnomeKeyringLoader::functions[] = { GNOME_KEYRING_FOR_EACH_FUNC(GNOME_KEYRING_FUNCTION_INFO) {NULL, NULL} }; #undef GNOME_KEYRING_FUNCTION_INFO /* Load the library and initialize the function pointers. */ bool GnomeKeyringLoader::LoadGnomeKeyring() { if (keyring_loaded) return true; void* handle = dlopen("libgnome-keyring.so.0", RTLD_NOW | RTLD_GLOBAL); if (!handle) { // We wanted to use GNOME Keyring, but we couldn't load it. Warn, because // either the user asked for this, or we autodetected it incorrectly. (Or // the system has broken libraries, which is also good to warn about.) LOG(WARNING) << "Could not load libgnome-keyring.so.0: " << dlerror(); return false; } for (size_t i = 0; functions[i].name; ++i) { dlerror(); *functions[i].pointer = dlsym(handle, functions[i].name); const char* error = dlerror(); if (error) { LOG(ERROR) << "Unable to load symbol " << functions[i].name << ": " << error; dlclose(handle); return false; } } keyring_loaded = true; // We leak the library handle. That's OK: this function is called only once. return true; } #else // defined(DLOPEN_GNOME_KEYRING) bool GnomeKeyringLoader::LoadGnomeKeyring() { if (keyring_loaded) return true; #define GNOME_KEYRING_ASSIGN_POINTER(name) \ gnome_keyring_##name = &::gnome_keyring_##name; GNOME_KEYRING_FOR_EACH_FUNC(GNOME_KEYRING_ASSIGN_POINTER) #undef GNOME_KEYRING_ASSIGN_POINTER keyring_loaded = true; return true; } #endif // defined(DLOPEN_GNOME_KEYRING) namespace { const char kGnomeKeyringAppString[] = "chrome"; // Convert the attributes of a given keyring entry into a new PasswordForm. // Note: does *not* get the actual password, as that is not a key attribute! // Returns NULL if the attributes are for the wrong application. scoped_ptr FormFromAttributes(GnomeKeyringAttributeList* attrs) { // Read the string and int attributes into the appropriate map. std::map string_attr_map; std::map uint_attr_map; for (guint i = 0; i < attrs->len; ++i) { GnomeKeyringAttribute attr = gnome_keyring_attribute_list_index(attrs, i); if (attr.type == GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING) string_attr_map[attr.name] = attr.value.string; else if (attr.type == GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32) uint_attr_map[attr.name] = attr.value.integer; } // Check to make sure this is a password we care about. const std::string& app_value = string_attr_map["application"]; if (!base::StringPiece(app_value).starts_with(kGnomeKeyringAppString)) return scoped_ptr(); scoped_ptr form(new PasswordForm()); form->origin = GURL(string_attr_map["origin_url"]); form->action = GURL(string_attr_map["action_url"]); form->username_element = UTF8ToUTF16(string_attr_map["username_element"]); form->username_value = UTF8ToUTF16(string_attr_map["username_value"]); form->password_element = UTF8ToUTF16(string_attr_map["password_element"]); form->submit_element = UTF8ToUTF16(string_attr_map["submit_element"]); form->signon_realm = string_attr_map["signon_realm"]; form->ssl_valid = uint_attr_map["ssl_valid"]; form->preferred = uint_attr_map["preferred"]; int64 date_created = 0; bool date_ok = base::StringToInt64(string_attr_map["date_created"], &date_created); DCHECK(date_ok); form->date_created = base::Time::FromTimeT(date_created); form->blacklisted_by_user = uint_attr_map["blacklisted_by_user"]; form->scheme = static_cast(uint_attr_map["scheme"]); return form.Pass(); } // Parse all the results from the given GList into a PasswordFormList, and free // the GList. PasswordForms are allocated on the heap, and should be deleted by // the consumer. If not empty, |filter_by_signon_realm| is used to filter out // results -- only credentials with signon realms passing the PSL matching // (done by |helper|) against |filter_by_signon_realm| will be kept. void ConvertFormList(GList* found, const std::string& filter_by_signon_realm, const PSLMatchingHelper& helper, NativeBackendGnome::PasswordFormList* forms) { PSLMatchingHelper::PSLDomainMatchMetric psl_domain_match_metric = PSLMatchingHelper::PSL_DOMAIN_MATCH_NONE; for (GList* element = g_list_first(found); element != NULL; element = g_list_next(element)) { GnomeKeyringFound* data = static_cast(element->data); GnomeKeyringAttributeList* attrs = data->attributes; scoped_ptr form(FormFromAttributes(attrs)); if (form) { if (!filter_by_signon_realm.empty() && form->signon_realm != filter_by_signon_realm) { // This is not an exact match, we try PSL matching. if (!(PSLMatchingHelper::IsPublicSuffixDomainMatch( filter_by_signon_realm, form->signon_realm))) { continue; } psl_domain_match_metric = PSLMatchingHelper::PSL_DOMAIN_MATCH_FOUND; form->original_signon_realm = form->signon_realm; } if (data->secret) { form->password_value = UTF8ToUTF16(data->secret); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Unable to access password from list element!"; } forms->push_back(form.release()); } else { LOG(WARNING) << "Could not initialize PasswordForm from attributes!"; } } if (!filter_by_signon_realm.empty()) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION( "PasswordManager.PslDomainMatchTriggering", helper.IsMatchingEnabled() ? psl_domain_match_metric : PSLMatchingHelper::PSL_DOMAIN_MATCH_DISABLED, PSLMatchingHelper::PSL_DOMAIN_MATCH_COUNT); } } // Schema is analagous to the fields in PasswordForm. const GnomeKeyringPasswordSchema kGnomeSchema = { GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, { { "origin_url", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "action_url", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "username_element", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "username_value", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "password_element", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "submit_element", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "signon_realm", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "ssl_valid", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32 }, { "preferred", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32 }, { "date_created", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { "blacklisted_by_user", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32 }, { "scheme", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_UINT32 }, // This field is always "chrome" so that we can search for it. { "application", GNOME_KEYRING_ATTRIBUTE_TYPE_STRING }, { NULL } } }; // Sadly, PasswordStore goes to great lengths to switch from the originally // calling thread to the DB thread, and to provide an asynchronous API to // callers while using a synchronous (virtual) API provided by subclasses like // PasswordStoreX -- but GNOME Keyring really wants to be on the GLib main // thread, which is the UI thread to us. So we end up having to switch threads // again, possibly back to the very same thread (in case the UI thread is the // caller, e.g. in the password management UI), and *block* the DB thread // waiting for a response from the UI thread to provide the synchronous API // PasswordStore expects of us. (It will then in turn switch back to the // original caller to send the asynchronous reply to the original request.) // This class represents a call to a GNOME Keyring method. A RunnableMethod // should be posted to the UI thread to call one of its action methods, and then // a WaitResult() method should be called to wait for the result. Each instance // supports only one outstanding method at a time, though multiple instances may // be used in parallel. class GKRMethod : public GnomeKeyringLoader { public: typedef NativeBackendGnome::PasswordFormList PasswordFormList; GKRMethod() : event_(false, false), result_(GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_CANCELLED) {} // Action methods. These call gnome_keyring_* functions. Call from UI thread. // See GetProfileSpecificAppString() for more information on the app string. void AddLogin(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string); void AddLoginSearch(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string); void UpdateLoginSearch(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string); void RemoveLogin(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string); void GetLogins(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string); void GetLoginsList(uint32_t blacklisted_by_user, const char* app_string); void GetAllLogins(const char* app_string); // Use after AddLogin, RemoveLogin. GnomeKeyringResult WaitResult(); // Use after AddLoginSearch, UpdateLoginSearch, GetLogins, GetLoginsList, // GetAllLogins. GnomeKeyringResult WaitResult(PasswordFormList* forms); private: struct GnomeKeyringAttributeListFreeDeleter { inline void operator()(void* list) const { gnome_keyring_attribute_list_free( static_cast(list)); } }; typedef scoped_ptr ScopedAttributeList; // Helper methods to abbreviate Gnome Keyring long API names. static void AppendString(ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, const char* value); static void AppendString(ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, const std::string& value); static void AppendUint32(ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, guint32 value); // All these callbacks are called on UI thread. static void OnOperationDone(GnomeKeyringResult result, gpointer data); static void OnOperationGetList(GnomeKeyringResult result, GList* list, gpointer data); base::WaitableEvent event_; GnomeKeyringResult result_; NativeBackendGnome::PasswordFormList forms_; // Two additional arguments to OnOperationGetList: // If the credential search is related to a particular form, // |original_signon_realm_| contains the signon realm of that form. It is used // to filter the relevant results out of all the found ones. std::string original_signon_realm_; const PSLMatchingHelper helper_; }; void GKRMethod::AddLogin(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); time_t date_created = form.date_created.ToTimeT(); // If we are asked to save a password with 0 date, use the current time. // We don't want to actually save passwords as though on January 1, 1970. if (!date_created) date_created = time(NULL); gnome_keyring_store_password( &kGnomeSchema, NULL, // Default keyring. form.origin.spec().c_str(), // Display name. UTF16ToUTF8(form.password_value).c_str(), OnOperationDone, this, // data NULL, // destroy_data "origin_url", form.origin.spec().c_str(), "action_url", form.action.spec().c_str(), "username_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_element).c_str(), "username_value", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_value).c_str(), "password_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.password_element).c_str(), "submit_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.submit_element).c_str(), "signon_realm", form.signon_realm.c_str(), "ssl_valid", form.ssl_valid, "preferred", form.preferred, "date_created", base::Int64ToString(date_created).c_str(), "blacklisted_by_user", form.blacklisted_by_user, "scheme", form.scheme, "application", app_string, NULL); } void GKRMethod::AddLoginSearch(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); original_signon_realm_ = form.signon_realm; // Search GNOME Keyring for matching passwords to update. ScopedAttributeList attrs(gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new()); AppendString(&attrs, "origin_url", form.origin.spec()); AppendString(&attrs, "username_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_element)); AppendString(&attrs, "username_value", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_value)); AppendString(&attrs, "password_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.password_element)); AppendString(&attrs, "submit_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.submit_element)); AppendString(&attrs, "signon_realm", form.signon_realm); AppendString(&attrs, "application", app_string); gnome_keyring_find_items(GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, attrs.get(), OnOperationGetList, /*data=*/this, /*destroy_data=*/NULL); } void GKRMethod::UpdateLoginSearch(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); original_signon_realm_ = form.signon_realm; // Search GNOME Keyring for matching passwords to update. ScopedAttributeList attrs(gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new()); AppendString(&attrs, "origin_url", form.origin.spec()); AppendString(&attrs, "username_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_element)); AppendString(&attrs, "username_value", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_value)); AppendString(&attrs, "password_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.password_element)); AppendString(&attrs, "signon_realm", form.signon_realm); AppendString(&attrs, "application", app_string); gnome_keyring_find_items(GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, attrs.get(), OnOperationGetList, /*data=*/this, /*destroy_data=*/NULL); } void GKRMethod::RemoveLogin(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); // We find forms using the same fields as LoginDatabase::RemoveLogin(). gnome_keyring_delete_password( &kGnomeSchema, OnOperationDone, this, // data NULL, // destroy_data "origin_url", form.origin.spec().c_str(), "action_url", form.action.spec().c_str(), "username_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_element).c_str(), "username_value", UTF16ToUTF8(form.username_value).c_str(), "password_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.password_element).c_str(), "submit_element", UTF16ToUTF8(form.submit_element).c_str(), "signon_realm", form.signon_realm.c_str(), "application", app_string, NULL); } void GKRMethod::GetLogins(const PasswordForm& form, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); original_signon_realm_ = form.signon_realm; // Search GNOME Keyring for matching passwords. ScopedAttributeList attrs(gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new()); if (!helper_.ShouldPSLDomainMatchingApply( PSLMatchingHelper::GetRegistryControlledDomain( GURL(form.signon_realm)))) { AppendString(&attrs, "signon_realm", form.signon_realm); } AppendString(&attrs, "application", app_string); gnome_keyring_find_items(GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, attrs.get(), OnOperationGetList, /*data=*/this, /*destroy_data=*/NULL); } void GKRMethod::GetLoginsList(uint32_t blacklisted_by_user, const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); original_signon_realm_.clear(); // Search GNOME Keyring for matching passwords. ScopedAttributeList attrs(gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new()); AppendUint32(&attrs, "blacklisted_by_user", blacklisted_by_user); AppendString(&attrs, "application", app_string); gnome_keyring_find_items(GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, attrs.get(), OnOperationGetList, /*data=*/this, /*destroy_data=*/NULL); } void GKRMethod::GetAllLogins(const char* app_string) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::UI)); original_signon_realm_.clear(); // We need to search for something, otherwise we get no results - so // we search for the fixed application string. ScopedAttributeList attrs(gnome_keyring_attribute_list_new()); AppendString(&attrs, "application", app_string); gnome_keyring_find_items(GNOME_KEYRING_ITEM_GENERIC_SECRET, attrs.get(), OnOperationGetList, /*data=*/this, /*destroy_data=*/NULL); } GnomeKeyringResult GKRMethod::WaitResult() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); event_.Wait(); return result_; } GnomeKeyringResult GKRMethod::WaitResult(PasswordFormList* forms) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); event_.Wait(); if (forms->empty()) { // Normal case. Avoid extra allocation by swapping. forms->swap(forms_); } else { // Rare case. Append forms_ to *forms. forms->insert(forms->end(), forms_.begin(), forms_.end()); forms_.clear(); } return result_; } // static void GKRMethod::AppendString(GKRMethod::ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, const char* value) { gnome_keyring_attribute_list_append_string(list->get(), name, value); } // static void GKRMethod::AppendString(GKRMethod::ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, const std::string& value) { AppendString(list, name, value.c_str()); } // static void GKRMethod::AppendUint32(GKRMethod::ScopedAttributeList* list, const char* name, guint32 value) { gnome_keyring_attribute_list_append_uint32(list->get(), name, value); } // static void GKRMethod::OnOperationDone(GnomeKeyringResult result, gpointer data) { GKRMethod* method = static_cast(data); method->result_ = result; method->event_.Signal(); } // static void GKRMethod::OnOperationGetList(GnomeKeyringResult result, GList* list, gpointer data) { GKRMethod* method = static_cast(data); method->result_ = result; method->forms_.clear(); // |list| will be freed after this callback returns, so convert it now. ConvertFormList( list, method->original_signon_realm_, method->helper_, &method->forms_); method->original_signon_realm_.clear(); method->event_.Signal(); } } // namespace NativeBackendGnome::NativeBackendGnome(LocalProfileId id, PrefService* prefs) : profile_id_(id), prefs_(prefs) { // TODO(mdm): after a few more releases, remove the code which is now dead due // to the true || here, and simplify this code. We don't do it yet to make it // easier to revert if necessary. if (true || PasswordStoreX::PasswordsUseLocalProfileId(prefs)) { app_string_ = GetProfileSpecificAppString(); // We already did the migration previously. Don't try again. migrate_tried_ = true; } else { app_string_ = kGnomeKeyringAppString; migrate_tried_ = false; } } NativeBackendGnome::~NativeBackendGnome() { } bool NativeBackendGnome::Init() { return LoadGnomeKeyring() && gnome_keyring_is_available(); } bool NativeBackendGnome::RawAddLogin(const PasswordForm& form) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::AddLogin, base::Unretained(&method), form, app_string_.c_str())); GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(); if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring save failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // Successful write. Try migration if necessary. if (!migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); return true; } bool NativeBackendGnome::AddLogin(const PasswordForm& form) { // Based on LoginDatabase::AddLogin(), we search for an existing match based // on origin_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, submit // element, and signon_realm first, remove that, and then add the new entry. // We'd add the new one first, and then delete the original, but then the // delete might actually delete the newly-added entry! DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::AddLoginSearch, base::Unretained(&method), form, app_string_.c_str())); PasswordFormList forms; GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(&forms); if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK && result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_NO_MATCH) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring find failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } if (forms.size() > 0) { if (forms.size() > 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "Adding login when there are " << forms.size() << " matching logins already! Will replace only the first."; } // We try migration before updating the existing logins, since otherwise // we'd do it after making some but not all of the changes below. if (forms.size() > 0 && !migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); RemoveLogin(*forms[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) delete forms[i]; } return RawAddLogin(form); } bool NativeBackendGnome::UpdateLogin(const PasswordForm& form) { // Based on LoginDatabase::UpdateLogin(), we search for forms to update by // origin_url, username_element, username_value, password_element, and // signon_realm. We then compare the result to the updated form. If they // differ in any of the action, password_value, ssl_valid, or preferred // fields, then we remove the original, and then add the new entry. We'd add // the new one first, and then delete the original, but then the delete might // actually delete the newly-added entry! DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::UpdateLoginSearch, base::Unretained(&method), form, app_string_.c_str())); PasswordFormList forms; GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(&forms); if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring find failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // We try migration before updating the existing logins, since otherwise // we'd do it after making some but not all of the changes below. if (forms.size() > 0 && !migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); bool ok = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { if (forms[i]->action != form.action || forms[i]->password_value != form.password_value || forms[i]->ssl_valid != form.ssl_valid || forms[i]->preferred != form.preferred) { RemoveLogin(*forms[i]); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { if (forms[i]->action != form.action || forms[i]->password_value != form.password_value || forms[i]->ssl_valid != form.ssl_valid || forms[i]->preferred != form.preferred) { forms[i]->action = form.action; forms[i]->password_value = form.password_value; forms[i]->ssl_valid = form.ssl_valid; forms[i]->preferred = form.preferred; if (!RawAddLogin(*forms[i])) ok = false; } delete forms[i]; } return ok; } bool NativeBackendGnome::RemoveLogin(const PasswordForm& form) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::RemoveLogin, base::Unretained(&method), form, app_string_.c_str())); GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(); if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { // Warning, not error, because this can sometimes happen due to the user // racing with the daemon to delete the password a second time. LOG(WARNING) << "Keyring delete failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // Successful write. Try migration if necessary. Note that presumably if we've // been asked to delete a login, it's because we returned it previously; thus, // this will probably never happen since we'd have already tried migration. if (!migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); return true; } bool NativeBackendGnome::RemoveLoginsCreatedBetween( const base::Time& delete_begin, const base::Time& delete_end) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); bool ok = true; // We could walk the list and delete items as we find them, but it is much // easier to build the list and use RemoveLogin() to delete them. PasswordFormList forms; if (!GetAllLogins(&forms)) return false; // No need to try migration here: GetAllLogins() does it. for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { if (delete_begin <= forms[i]->date_created && (delete_end.is_null() || forms[i]->date_created < delete_end)) { if (!RemoveLogin(*forms[i])) ok = false; } delete forms[i]; } return ok; } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetLogins(const PasswordForm& form, PasswordFormList* forms) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::GetLogins, base::Unretained(&method), form, app_string_.c_str())); GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(forms); if (result == GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_NO_MATCH) return true; if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring find failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // Successful read of actual data. Try migration if necessary. if (!migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); return true; } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetLoginsCreatedBetween(const base::Time& get_begin, const base::Time& get_end, PasswordFormList* forms) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); // We could walk the list and add items as we find them, but it is much // easier to build the list and then filter the results. PasswordFormList all_forms; if (!GetAllLogins(&all_forms)) return false; // No need to try migration here: GetAllLogins() does it. forms->reserve(forms->size() + all_forms.size()); for (size_t i = 0; i < all_forms.size(); ++i) { if (get_begin <= all_forms[i]->date_created && (get_end.is_null() || all_forms[i]->date_created < get_end)) { forms->push_back(all_forms[i]); } else { delete all_forms[i]; } } return true; } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetAutofillableLogins(PasswordFormList* forms) { return GetLoginsList(forms, true); } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetBlacklistLogins(PasswordFormList* forms) { return GetLoginsList(forms, false); } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetLoginsList(PasswordFormList* forms, bool autofillable) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); uint32_t blacklisted_by_user = !autofillable; GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::GetLoginsList, base::Unretained(&method), blacklisted_by_user, app_string_.c_str())); GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(forms); if (result == GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_NO_MATCH) return true; if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring find failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // Successful read of actual data. Try migration if necessary. if (!migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); return true; } bool NativeBackendGnome::GetAllLogins(PasswordFormList* forms) { GKRMethod method; BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&GKRMethod::GetAllLogins, base::Unretained(&method), app_string_.c_str())); GnomeKeyringResult result = method.WaitResult(forms); if (result == GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_NO_MATCH) return true; if (result != GNOME_KEYRING_RESULT_OK) { LOG(ERROR) << "Keyring find failed: " << gnome_keyring_result_to_message(result); return false; } // Successful read of actual data. Try migration if necessary. if (!migrate_tried_) MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(); return true; } std::string NativeBackendGnome::GetProfileSpecificAppString() const { // Originally, the application string was always just "chrome" and used only // so that we had *something* to search for since GNOME Keyring won't search // for nothing. Now we use it to distinguish passwords for different profiles. return base::StringPrintf("%s-%d", kGnomeKeyringAppString, profile_id_); } void NativeBackendGnome::MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::DB)); DCHECK(!migrate_tried_); DCHECK_EQ(app_string_, kGnomeKeyringAppString); // Record the fact that we've attempted migration already right away, so that // we don't get recursive calls back to MigrateToProfileSpecificLogins(). migrate_tried_ = true; // First get all the logins, using the old app string. PasswordFormList forms; if (!GetAllLogins(&forms)) return; // Now switch to a profile-specific app string. app_string_ = GetProfileSpecificAppString(); // Try to add all the logins with the new app string. bool ok = true; for (size_t i = 0; i < forms.size(); ++i) { if (!RawAddLogin(*forms[i])) ok = false; delete forms[i]; } if (ok) { // All good! Keep the new app string and set a persistent pref. // NOTE: We explicitly don't delete the old passwords yet. They are // potentially shared with other profiles and other user data dirs! // Each other profile must be able to migrate the shared data as well, // so we must leave it alone. After a few releases, we'll add code to // delete them, and eventually remove this migration code. // TODO(mdm): follow through with the plan above. PasswordStoreX::SetPasswordsUseLocalProfileId(prefs_); } else { // We failed to migrate for some reason. Use the old app string. app_string_ = kGnomeKeyringAppString; } }