// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/policy/config_dir_policy_provider.h" #include #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "base/task.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/common/json_value_serializer.h" namespace policy { // Amount of time we wait for the files in the policy directory to settle before // trying to load it. This alleviates the problem of reading partially written // files and allows to batch quasi-simultaneous changes. const int kSettleIntervalSeconds = 5; // The time interval for rechecking policy. This is our fallback in case the // directory watch fails or doesn't report a change. const int kReloadIntervalMinutes = 15; // PolicyDirLoader implementation: PolicyDirLoader::PolicyDirLoader( base::WeakPtr provider, const FilePath& config_dir, int settle_interval_seconds, int reload_interval_minutes) : provider_(provider), origin_loop_(MessageLoop::current()), config_dir_(config_dir), reload_task_(NULL), settle_interval_seconds_(settle_interval_seconds), reload_interval_minutes_(reload_interval_minutes) { // Force an initial load, so GetPolicy() works. policy_.reset(Load()); DCHECK(policy_.get()); } void PolicyDirLoader::Stop() { if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)) { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PolicyDirLoader::Stop)); return; } if (reload_task_) { reload_task_->Cancel(); reload_task_ = NULL; } } void PolicyDirLoader::Reload() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); // Check the directory time in order to see whether a reload is required. base::TimeDelta delay; base::Time now = base::Time::Now(); if (!IsSafeToReloadPolicy(now, &delay)) { ScheduleReloadTask(delay); return; } // Load the policy definitions. scoped_ptr new_policy(Load()); // Check again in case the directory has changed while reading it. if (!IsSafeToReloadPolicy(now, &delay)) { ScheduleReloadTask(delay); return; } // Replace policy definition. bool changed = false; { AutoLock lock(lock_); changed = !policy_->Equals(new_policy.get()); policy_.reset(new_policy.release()); } // There's a change, report it! if (changed) { LOG(INFO) << "Policy reload from " << config_dir_.value() << " succeeded."; origin_loop_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PolicyDirLoader::NotifyPolicyChanged)); } // As a safeguard in case the file watcher fails, schedule a reload task // that'll make us recheck after a reasonable interval. ScheduleReloadTask(base::TimeDelta::FromMinutes(reload_interval_minutes_)); } DictionaryValue* PolicyDirLoader::GetPolicy() { AutoLock lock(lock_); return static_cast(policy_->DeepCopy()); } void PolicyDirLoader::OnFilePathChanged(const FilePath& path) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); Reload(); } void PolicyDirLoader::OnError() { LOG(ERROR) << "FileWatcher on " << config_dir_.value() << " failed."; } DictionaryValue* PolicyDirLoader::Load() { // Enumerate the files and sort them lexicographically. std::set files; file_util::FileEnumerator file_enumerator(config_dir_, false, file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); for (FilePath config_file_path = file_enumerator.Next(); !config_file_path.empty(); config_file_path = file_enumerator.Next()) files.insert(config_file_path); // Start with an empty dictionary and merge the files' contents. DictionaryValue* policy = new DictionaryValue; for (std::set::iterator config_file_iter = files.begin(); config_file_iter != files.end(); ++config_file_iter) { JSONFileValueSerializer deserializer(*config_file_iter); int error_code = 0; std::string error_msg; scoped_ptr value(deserializer.Deserialize(&error_code, &error_msg)); if (!value.get()) { LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to read configuration file " << config_file_iter->value() << ": " << error_msg; continue; } if (!value->IsType(Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY)) { LOG(WARNING) << "Expected JSON dictionary in configuration file " << config_file_iter->value(); continue; } policy->MergeDictionary(static_cast(value.get())); } return policy; } bool PolicyDirLoader::IsSafeToReloadPolicy(const base::Time& now, base::TimeDelta* delay) { DCHECK(delay); base::PlatformFileInfo dir_info; // Reading an empty directory or a file is always safe. if (!file_util::GetFileInfo(config_dir_, &dir_info) || !dir_info.is_directory) { last_modification_file_ = base::Time(); return true; } // If there was a change since the last recorded modification, wait some more. base::TimeDelta settleInterval( base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(settle_interval_seconds_)); if (dir_info.last_modified != last_modification_file_) { last_modification_file_ = dir_info.last_modified; last_modification_clock_ = now; *delay = settleInterval; return false; } // Check whether the settle interval has elapsed. base::TimeDelta age = now - last_modification_clock_; if (age < settleInterval) { *delay = settleInterval - age; return false; } return true; } void PolicyDirLoader::ScheduleReloadTask(const base::TimeDelta& delay) { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); if (reload_task_) reload_task_->Cancel(); reload_task_ = NewRunnableMethod(this, &PolicyDirLoader::ReloadFromTask); BrowserThread::PostDelayedTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, reload_task_, delay.InMilliseconds()); } void PolicyDirLoader::NotifyPolicyChanged() { DCHECK_EQ(origin_loop_, MessageLoop::current()); if (provider_) provider_->NotifyStoreOfPolicyChange(); } void PolicyDirLoader::ReloadFromTask() { DCHECK(BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)); // Drop the reference to the reload task, since the task might be the only // referer that keeps us alive, so we should not Cancel() it. reload_task_ = NULL; Reload(); } // PolicyDirWatcher implementation: void PolicyDirWatcher::Init(PolicyDirLoader* loader) { // Initialization can happen early when the file thread is not yet available. // So post a task to ourselves on the UI thread which will run after threading // is up and schedule watch initialization on the file thread. BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PolicyDirWatcher::InitWatcher, scoped_refptr(loader))); } void PolicyDirWatcher::InitWatcher( const scoped_refptr& loader) { if (!BrowserThread::CurrentlyOn(BrowserThread::FILE)) { BrowserThread::PostTask(BrowserThread::FILE, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PolicyDirWatcher::InitWatcher, loader)); return; } if (!watcher_.Watch(loader->config_dir(), loader.get())) loader->OnError(); // There might have been changes to the directory in the time between // construction of the loader and initialization of the watcher. Call reload // to detect if that is the case. loader->Reload(); } // ConfigDirPolicyProvider implementation: ConfigDirPolicyProvider::ConfigDirPolicyProvider( const ConfigurationPolicyProvider::StaticPolicyValueMap& policy_map, const FilePath& config_dir) : ConfigurationPolicyProvider(policy_map) { loader_ = new PolicyDirLoader(AsWeakPtr(), config_dir, kSettleIntervalSeconds, kReloadIntervalMinutes); watcher_ = new PolicyDirWatcher; watcher_->Init(loader_.get()); } ConfigDirPolicyProvider::~ConfigDirPolicyProvider() { loader_->Stop(); } bool ConfigDirPolicyProvider::Provide(ConfigurationPolicyStore* store) { scoped_ptr policy(loader_->GetPolicy()); DCHECK(policy.get()); DecodePolicyValueTree(policy.get(), store); return true; } void ConfigDirPolicyProvider::DecodePolicyValueTree( DictionaryValue* policies, ConfigurationPolicyStore* store) { const PolicyValueMap& mapping(policy_value_map()); for (PolicyValueMap::const_iterator i = mapping.begin(); i != mapping.end(); ++i) { const PolicyValueMapEntry& entry(*i); Value* value; if (policies->Get(entry.name, &value) && value->IsType(entry.value_type)) store->Apply(entry.policy_type, value->DeepCopy()); } // TODO(mnissler): Handle preference overrides once |ConfigurationPolicyStore| // supports it. } } // namespace policy