// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_POLICY_USER_POLICY_CACHE_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_POLICY_USER_POLICY_CACHE_H_ #pragma once #include <string> #include "base/memory/ref_counted.h" #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/policy/cloud_policy_cache_base.h" #include "chrome/browser/policy/user_policy_disk_cache.h" class FilePath; namespace enterprise_management { class CachedCloudPolicyResponse; // <Old-style policy support> (see comment below) class GenericValue; // </Old-style policy support> } // namespace enterprise_management namespace policy { namespace em = enterprise_management; class PolicyMap; // CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation that persists policy information // into the file specified by the c'tor parameter |backing_file_path|. class UserPolicyCache : public CloudPolicyCacheBase, public UserPolicyDiskCache::Delegate { public: // |backing_file_path| is the path to the cache file. // |wait_for_policy_fetch| is true if the cache should be ready only after // an attempt was made to fetch user policy. UserPolicyCache(const FilePath& backing_file_path, bool wait_for_policy_fetch); virtual ~UserPolicyCache(); // CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation: virtual void Load() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetPolicy(const em::PolicyFetchResponse& policy) OVERRIDE; virtual void SetUnmanaged() OVERRIDE; virtual void SetFetchingDone() OVERRIDE; private: class DiskCache; // UserPolicyDiskCache::Delegate implementation: virtual void OnDiskCacheLoaded( UserPolicyDiskCache::LoadResult result, const em::CachedCloudPolicyResponse& cached_response) OVERRIDE; // CloudPolicyCacheBase implementation: virtual bool DecodePolicyData(const em::PolicyData& policy_data, PolicyMap* mandatory, PolicyMap* recommended) OVERRIDE; // Checks if this cache is ready, and invokes SetReady() if so. void CheckIfReady(); // <Old-style policy support> // The following member functions are needed to support old-style policy and // can be removed once all server-side components (CPanel, D3) have been // migrated to providing the new policy format. // If |mandatory| and |recommended| are both empty, and |policy_data| // contains a field named "repeated GenericNamedValue named_value = 2;", // this field is decoded into |mandatory|. void MaybeDecodeOldstylePolicy(const std::string& policy_data, PolicyMap* mandatory, PolicyMap* recommended); Value* DecodeIntegerValue(google::protobuf::int64 value) const; Value* DecodeValue(const em::GenericValue& value) const; // </Old-style policy support> // Manages the cache file. scoped_refptr<UserPolicyDiskCache> disk_cache_; // Used for constructing the weak ptr passed to |disk_cache_|. base::WeakPtrFactory<UserPolicyDiskCache::Delegate> weak_ptr_factory_; // True if the disk cache has been loaded. bool disk_cache_ready_; // True if at least one attempt was made to refresh the cache with a freshly // fetched policy, or if there is no need to wait for that. bool fetch_ready_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(UserPolicyCache); }; } // namespace policy #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_POLICY_USER_POLICY_CACHE_H_