// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/prefs/pref_model_associator.h" #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/json/json_reader.h" #include "base/json/json_string_value_serializer.h" #include "base/location.h" #include "base/logging.h" #include "base/utf_string_conversions.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/sync/api/sync_change.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_notification_types.h" #include "chrome/common/pref_names.h" #include "sync/protocol/preference_specifics.pb.h" #include "sync/protocol/sync.pb.h" using syncable::PREFERENCES; PrefModelAssociator::PrefModelAssociator() : models_associated_(false), processing_syncer_changes_(false), pref_service_(NULL) { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); } PrefModelAssociator::~PrefModelAssociator() { DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); pref_service_ = NULL; } void PrefModelAssociator::InitPrefAndAssociate( const SyncData& sync_pref, const std::string& pref_name, SyncChangeList* sync_changes) { const PrefService::Preference* pref = pref_service_->FindPreference(pref_name.c_str()); DCHECK(pref); VLOG(1) << "Associating preference " << pref_name; base::JSONReader reader; if (sync_pref.IsValid()) { // The server has a value for the preference, we have to reconcile it with // ours. const sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics& preference = sync_pref.GetSpecifics().preference(); DCHECK_EQ(pref->name(), preference.name()); scoped_ptr value( reader.JsonToValue(preference.value(), false, false)); if (!value.get()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to deserialize preference value: " << reader.GetErrorMessage(); return; } // Merge the server value of this preference with the local value. scoped_ptr new_value(MergePreference(*pref, *value)); // Update the local preference based on what we got from the // sync server. Note: this only updates the user value store, which is // ignored if the preference is policy controlled. if (new_value->IsType(Value::TYPE_NULL)) { pref_service_->ClearPref(pref_name.c_str()); } else if (!new_value->IsType(pref->GetType())) { LOG(WARNING) << "Synced value for " << preference.name() << " is of type " << new_value->GetType() << " which doesn't match pref type " << pref->GetType(); } else if (!pref->GetValue()->Equals(new_value.get())) { pref_service_->Set(pref_name.c_str(), *new_value); } // If the merge resulted in an updated value, inform the syncer. if (!value->Equals(new_value.get())) { SyncData sync_data; if (!CreatePrefSyncData(pref->name(), *new_value, &sync_data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update preference."; return; } sync_changes->push_back(SyncChange(SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE, sync_data)); } } else if (pref->IsUserControlled()) { // The server does not know about this preference and should be added // to the syncer's database. SyncData sync_data; if (!CreatePrefSyncData(pref->name(), *pref->GetValue(), &sync_data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update preference."; return; } sync_changes->push_back(SyncChange(SyncChange::ACTION_ADD, sync_data)); } else { // This pref does not have a sync value but also does not have a user // controlled value (either it's a default value or it's policy controlled, // either way it's not interesting). We can ignore it. Once it gets changed, // we'll send the new user controlled value to the syncer. return; } // Make sure we add it to our list of synced preferences so we know what // the server is aware of. synced_preferences_.insert(pref_name); return; } SyncError PrefModelAssociator::MergeDataAndStartSyncing( syncable::ModelType type, const SyncDataList& initial_sync_data, scoped_ptr sync_processor) { DCHECK_EQ(type, PREFERENCES); DCHECK(CalledOnValidThread()); DCHECK(pref_service_); DCHECK(!sync_processor_.get()); DCHECK(sync_processor.get()); sync_processor_ = sync_processor.Pass(); SyncChangeList new_changes; std::set remaining_preferences = registered_preferences_; // Go through and check for all preferences we care about that sync already // knows about. for (SyncDataList::const_iterator sync_iter = initial_sync_data.begin(); sync_iter != initial_sync_data.end(); ++sync_iter) { DCHECK_EQ(PREFERENCES, sync_iter->GetDataType()); std::string sync_pref_name = sync_iter->GetSpecifics().preference().name(); if (remaining_preferences.count(sync_pref_name) == 0) { // We're not syncing this preference locally, ignore the sync data. // TODO(zea): Eventually we want to be able to have the syncable service // reconstruct all sync data for it's datatype (therefore having // GetAllSyncData be a complete representation). We should store this data // somewhere, even if we don't use it. continue; } remaining_preferences.erase(sync_pref_name); InitPrefAndAssociate(*sync_iter, sync_pref_name, &new_changes); } // Go through and build sync data for any remaining preferences. for (std::set::iterator pref_name_iter = remaining_preferences.begin(); pref_name_iter != remaining_preferences.end(); ++pref_name_iter) { InitPrefAndAssociate(SyncData(), *pref_name_iter, &new_changes); } // Push updates to sync. SyncError error = sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, new_changes); if (error.IsSet()) { return error; } models_associated_ = true; return SyncError(); } void PrefModelAssociator::StopSyncing(syncable::ModelType type) { DCHECK_EQ(type, PREFERENCES); models_associated_ = false; sync_processor_.reset(); } Value* PrefModelAssociator::MergePreference( const PrefService::Preference& local_pref, const Value& server_value) { const std::string& name(local_pref.name()); if (name == prefs::kURLsToRestoreOnStartup || name == prefs::kDesktopNotificationAllowedOrigins || name == prefs::kDesktopNotificationDeniedOrigins) { return MergeListValues(*local_pref.GetValue(), server_value); } if (name == prefs::kContentSettingsPatterns || name == prefs::kGeolocationContentSettings || name == prefs::kContentSettingsPatternPairs) { return MergeDictionaryValues(*local_pref.GetValue(), server_value); } // If this is not a specially handled preference, server wins. return server_value.DeepCopy(); } bool PrefModelAssociator::CreatePrefSyncData( const std::string& name, const Value& value, SyncData* sync_data) { std::string serialized; // TODO(zea): consider JSONWriter::Write since you don't have to check // failures to deserialize. JSONStringValueSerializer json(&serialized); if (!json.Serialize(value)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to serialize preference value."; return false; } sync_pb::EntitySpecifics specifics; sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics* pref_specifics = specifics.mutable_preference(); pref_specifics->set_name(name); pref_specifics->set_value(serialized); *sync_data = SyncData::CreateLocalData(name, name, specifics); return true; } Value* PrefModelAssociator::MergeListValues(const Value& from_value, const Value& to_value) { if (from_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return to_value.DeepCopy(); if (to_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return from_value.DeepCopy(); DCHECK(from_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_LIST); DCHECK(to_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_LIST); const ListValue& from_list_value = static_cast(from_value); const ListValue& to_list_value = static_cast(to_value); ListValue* result = to_list_value.DeepCopy(); for (ListValue::const_iterator i = from_list_value.begin(); i != from_list_value.end(); ++i) { Value* value = (*i)->DeepCopy(); result->AppendIfNotPresent(value); } return result; } Value* PrefModelAssociator::MergeDictionaryValues( const Value& from_value, const Value& to_value) { if (from_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return to_value.DeepCopy(); if (to_value.GetType() == Value::TYPE_NULL) return from_value.DeepCopy(); DCHECK_EQ(from_value.GetType(), Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY); DCHECK_EQ(to_value.GetType(), Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY); const DictionaryValue& from_dict_value = static_cast(from_value); const DictionaryValue& to_dict_value = static_cast(to_value); DictionaryValue* result = to_dict_value.DeepCopy(); for (DictionaryValue::key_iterator key = from_dict_value.begin_keys(); key != from_dict_value.end_keys(); ++key) { Value* from_value; bool success = from_dict_value.GetWithoutPathExpansion(*key, &from_value); DCHECK(success); Value* to_key_value; if (result->GetWithoutPathExpansion(*key, &to_key_value)) { if (to_key_value->GetType() == Value::TYPE_DICTIONARY) { Value* merged_value = MergeDictionaryValues(*from_value, *to_key_value); result->SetWithoutPathExpansion(*key, merged_value); } // Note that for all other types we want to preserve the "to" // values so we do nothing here. } else { result->SetWithoutPathExpansion(*key, from_value->DeepCopy()); } } return result; } // Note: This will build a model of all preferences registered as syncable // with user controlled data. We do not track any information for preferences // not registered locally as syncable and do not inform the syncer of // non-user controlled preferences. SyncDataList PrefModelAssociator::GetAllSyncData(syncable::ModelType type) const { DCHECK_EQ(PREFERENCES, type); SyncDataList current_data; for (PreferenceSet::const_iterator iter = synced_preferences_.begin(); iter != synced_preferences_.end(); ++iter) { std::string name = *iter; const PrefService::Preference* pref = pref_service_->FindPreference(name.c_str()); DCHECK(pref); if (!pref->IsUserControlled() || pref->IsDefaultValue()) continue; // This is not data we care about. // TODO(zea): plumb a way to read the user controlled value. SyncData sync_data; if (!CreatePrefSyncData(name, *pref->GetValue(), &sync_data)) continue; current_data.push_back(sync_data); } return current_data; } SyncError PrefModelAssociator::ProcessSyncChanges( const tracked_objects::Location& from_here, const SyncChangeList& change_list) { if (!models_associated_) { SyncError error(FROM_HERE, "Models not yet associated.", PREFERENCES); return error; } AutoReset processing_changes(&processing_syncer_changes_, true); SyncChangeList::const_iterator iter; for (iter = change_list.begin(); iter != change_list.end(); ++iter) { DCHECK_EQ(PREFERENCES, iter->sync_data().GetDataType()); std::string name; sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics pref_specifics = iter->sync_data().GetSpecifics().preference(); scoped_ptr value(ReadPreferenceSpecifics(pref_specifics, &name)); if (iter->change_type() == SyncChange::ACTION_DELETE) { // We never delete preferences. NOTREACHED() << "Attempted to process sync delete change for " << name << ". Skipping."; continue; } // Skip values we can't deserialize. // TODO(zea): consider taking some further action such as erasing the bad // data. if (!value.get()) continue; // It is possible that we may receive a change to a preference we do not // want to sync. For example if the user is syncing a Mac client and a // Windows client, the Windows client does not support // kConfirmToQuitEnabled. Ignore updates from these preferences. const char* pref_name = name.c_str(); if (!IsPrefRegistered(pref_name)) continue; const PrefService::Preference* pref = pref_service_->FindPreference(pref_name); DCHECK(pref); // This will only modify the user controlled value store, which takes // priority over the default value but is ignored if the preference is // policy controlled. pref_service_->Set(pref_name, *value); // Keep track of any newly synced preferences. if (iter->change_type() == SyncChange::ACTION_ADD) { synced_preferences_.insert(name); } } return SyncError(); } Value* PrefModelAssociator::ReadPreferenceSpecifics( const sync_pb::PreferenceSpecifics& preference, std::string* name) { base::JSONReader reader; scoped_ptr value(reader.JsonToValue(preference.value(), false, false)); if (!value.get()) { std::string err = "Failed to deserialize preference value: " + reader.GetErrorMessage(); LOG(ERROR) << err; return NULL; } *name = preference.name(); return value.release(); } std::set PrefModelAssociator::registered_preferences() const { return registered_preferences_; } void PrefModelAssociator::RegisterPref(const char* name) { DCHECK(!models_associated_ && registered_preferences_.count(name) == 0); registered_preferences_.insert(name); } bool PrefModelAssociator::IsPrefRegistered(const char* name) { return registered_preferences_.count(name) > 0; } void PrefModelAssociator::UnregisterPref(const char* name) { DCHECK(synced_preferences_.count(name) == 0); registered_preferences_.erase(name); } void PrefModelAssociator::ProcessPrefChange(const std::string& name) { if (processing_syncer_changes_) return; // These are changes originating from us, ignore. // We only process changes if we've already associated models. if (!models_associated_) return; const PrefService::Preference* preference = pref_service_->FindPreference(name.c_str()); if (!preference) return; if (!IsPrefRegistered(name.c_str())) return; // We are not syncing this preference. SyncChangeList changes; if (!preference->IsUserModifiable()) { // If the preference is no longer user modifiable, it must now be controlled // by policy, whose values we do not sync. Just return. If the preference // stops being controlled by policy, it will revert back to the user value // (which we continue to update with sync changes). return; } AutoReset processing_changes(&processing_syncer_changes_, true); if (synced_preferences_.count(name) == 0) { // Not in synced_preferences_ means no synced data. InitPrefAndAssociate(..) // will determine if we care about its data (e.g. if it has a default value // and hasn't been changed yet we don't) and take care syncing any new data. InitPrefAndAssociate(SyncData(), name, &changes); } else { // We are already syncing this preference, just update it's sync node. SyncData sync_data; if (!CreatePrefSyncData(name, *preference->GetValue(), &sync_data)) { LOG(ERROR) << "Failed to update preference."; return; } changes.push_back(SyncChange(SyncChange::ACTION_UPDATE, sync_data)); } SyncError error = sync_processor_->ProcessSyncChanges(FROM_HERE, changes); } void PrefModelAssociator::SetPrefService(PrefService* pref_service) { DCHECK(pref_service_ == NULL); pref_service_ = pref_service; }