// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #ifndef CHROME_BROWSER_PRERENDER_PRERENDER_CONTENTS_H_ #define CHROME_BROWSER_PRERENDER_PRERENDER_CONTENTS_H_ #pragma once #include #include #include #include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/values.h" #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_final_status.h" #include "content/browser/tab_contents/tab_contents_observer.h" #include "content/public/browser/notification_registrar.h" #include "content/public/common/referrer.h" class Profile; class RenderViewHost; class RenderViewHostDelegate; class SessionStorageNamespace; class TabContents; class TabContentsWrapper; struct FaviconURL; namespace base { class ProcessMetrics; } namespace prerender { class PrerenderManager; class PrerenderRenderViewHostObserver; class PrerenderTracker; // This class is a peer of TabContents. It can host a renderer, but does not // have any visible display. Its navigation is not managed by a // NavigationController because is has no facility for navigating (other than // programatically view window.location.href) or RenderViewHostManager because // it is never allowed to navigate across a SiteInstance boundary. class PrerenderContents : public content::NotificationObserver, public TabContentsObserver { public: // PrerenderContents::Create uses the currently registered Factory to create // the PrerenderContents. Factory is intended for testing. class Factory { public: Factory() {} virtual ~Factory() {} // Ownership is not transfered through this interface as prerender_manager, // prerender_tracker, and profile are stored as weak pointers. virtual PrerenderContents* CreatePrerenderContents( PrerenderManager* prerender_manager, PrerenderTracker* prerender_tracker, Profile* profile, const GURL& url, const content::Referrer& referrer, Origin origin, uint8 experiment_id) = 0; private: DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Factory); }; // Information on pages that the prerendered page has tried to prerender. struct PendingPrerenderData { PendingPrerenderData(Origin origin, const GURL& url, const content::Referrer& referrer); Origin origin; GURL url; content::Referrer referrer; }; typedef std::list PendingPrerenderList; virtual ~PrerenderContents(); bool Init(); static Factory* CreateFactory(); // |source_render_view_host| is the RenderViewHost that initiated // prerendering. virtual void StartPrerendering( const RenderViewHost* source_render_view_host, SessionStorageNamespace* session_storage_namespace); // Verifies that the prerendering is not using too many resources, and kills // it if not. void DestroyWhenUsingTooManyResources(); RenderViewHost* render_view_host_mutable(); const RenderViewHost* render_view_host() const; string16 title() const { return title_; } int32 page_id() const { return page_id_; } GURL icon_url() const { return icon_url_; } const GURL& prerender_url() const { return prerender_url_; } const content::Referrer& referrer() const { return referrer_; } bool has_stopped_loading() const { return has_stopped_loading_; } bool prerendering_has_started() const { return prerendering_has_started_; } // Sets the parameter to the value of the associated RenderViewHost's child id // and returns a boolean indicating the validity of that id. virtual bool GetChildId(int* child_id) const; // Sets the parameter to the value of the associated RenderViewHost's route id // and returns a boolean indicating the validity of that id. virtual bool GetRouteId(int* route_id) const; // Set the final status for how the PrerenderContents was used. This // should only be called once, and should be called before the prerender // contents are destroyed. void set_final_status(FinalStatus final_status); FinalStatus final_status() const { return final_status_; } Origin origin() const { return origin_; } uint8 experiment_id() const { return experiment_id_; } base::TimeTicks load_start_time() const { return load_start_time_; } // Indicates whether this prerendered page can be used for the provided // URL, i.e. whether there is a match. |matching_url| is optional and will be // set to the URL that is found as a match if it is provided. bool MatchesURL(const GURL& url, GURL* matching_url) const; void OnJSOutOfMemory(); bool ShouldSuppressDialogs(); // TabContentsObserver implementation. virtual void DidStopLoading() OVERRIDE; virtual void DidStartProvisionalLoadForFrame( int64 frame_id, bool is_main_frame, const GURL& validated_url, bool is_error_page, RenderViewHost* render_view_host) OVERRIDE; virtual void RenderViewGone(base::TerminationStatus status) OVERRIDE; // content::NotificationObserver virtual void Observe(int type, const content::NotificationSource& source, const content::NotificationDetails& details) OVERRIDE; // Adds an alias URL, for one of the many redirections. If the URL can not // be prerendered - for example, it's an ftp URL - |this| will be destroyed // and false is returned. Otherwise, true is returned and the alias is // remembered. virtual bool AddAliasURL(const GURL& url); // Adds all alias URLs from another prerender. void AddAliasURLsFromOtherPrerenderContents(PrerenderContents* other_pc); // The preview TabContents (may be null). TabContentsWrapper* prerender_contents() const { return prerender_contents_.get(); } TabContentsWrapper* ReleasePrerenderContents(); // Sets the final status, calls OnDestroy and adds |this| to the // PrerenderManager's pending deletes list. void Destroy(FinalStatus reason); // Applies all the URL history encountered during prerendering to the // new tab. void CommitHistory(TabContentsWrapper* tab); int32 starting_page_id() { return starting_page_id_; } base::Value* GetAsValue() const; // Returns whether a pending cross-site navigation is happening. // This could happen with renderer-issued navigations, such as a // MouseEvent being dispatched by a link to a website installed as an app. bool IsCrossSiteNavigationPending() const; // Adds a pending prerender to the list. virtual void AddPendingPrerender(Origin origin, const GURL& url, const content::Referrer& referrer); // Returns true if |url| corresponds to a pending prerender. bool IsPendingEntry(const GURL& url) const; // Reissues any pending prerender requests from the prerendered page. Also // clears the list of pending requests. void StartPendingPrerenders(); protected: PrerenderContents(PrerenderManager* prerender_manager, PrerenderTracker* prerender_tracker, Profile* profile, const GURL& url, const content::Referrer& referrer, Origin origin, uint8 experiment_id); // Called whenever a RenderViewHost is created for prerendering. Only called // once the RenderViewHost has a RenderView and RenderWidgetHostView. virtual void OnRenderViewHostCreated(RenderViewHost* new_render_view_host); content::NotificationRegistrar& notification_registrar() { return notification_registrar_; } const PendingPrerenderList* pending_prerender_list() const { return &pending_prerender_list_; } private: class TabContentsDelegateImpl; // Needs to be able to call the constructor. friend class PrerenderContentsFactoryImpl; friend class PrerenderRenderViewHostObserver; // Message handlers. void OnUpdateFaviconURL(int32 page_id, const std::vector& urls); // Returns the RenderViewHost Delegate for this prerender. RenderViewHostDelegate* GetRenderViewHostDelegate(); // Returns the ProcessMetrics for the render process, if it exists. base::ProcessMetrics* MaybeGetProcessMetrics(); // The prerender manager owning this object. PrerenderManager* prerender_manager_; // The prerender tracker tracking prerenders. PrerenderTracker* prerender_tracker_; // The URL being prerendered. GURL prerender_url_; // The referrer. content::Referrer referrer_; // The profile being used Profile* profile_; // Information about the title and URL of the page that this class as a // RenderViewHostDelegate has received from the RenderView. // Used to apply to the new RenderViewHost delegate that might eventually // own the contained RenderViewHost when the prerendered page is shown // in a TabContents. string16 title_; int32 page_id_; GURL url_; GURL icon_url_; content::NotificationRegistrar notification_registrar_; // A vector of URLs that this prerendered page matches against. // This array can contain more than element as a result of redirects, // such as HTTP redirects or javascript redirects. std::vector alias_urls_; bool has_stopped_loading_; // This must be the same value as the PrerenderTracker has recorded for // |this|, when |this| has a RenderView. FinalStatus final_status_; bool prerendering_has_started_; // Tracks whether or not prerendering has been cancelled by calling Destroy. // Used solely to prevent double deletion. bool prerendering_has_been_cancelled_; // Time at which we started to load the URL. This is used to compute // the time elapsed from initiating a prerender until the time the // (potentially only partially) prerendered page is shown to the user. base::TimeTicks load_start_time_; // Process Metrics of the render process associated with the // RenderViewHost for this object. scoped_ptr process_metrics_; // The prerendered TabContents; may be null. scoped_ptr prerender_contents_; scoped_ptr render_view_host_observer_; scoped_ptr tab_contents_delegate_; // These are -1 before a RenderView is created. int child_id_; int route_id_; // Page ID at which prerendering started. int32 starting_page_id_; // Origin for this prerender. Origin origin_; // Experiment during which this prerender is performed. uint8 experiment_id_; // List of all pages the prerendered page has tried to prerender. PendingPrerenderList pending_prerender_list_; // Offset by which to offset prerendered pages static const int32 kPrerenderPageIdOffset = 10; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(PrerenderContents); }; } // namespace prerender #endif // CHROME_BROWSER_PRERENDER_PRERENDER_CONTENTS_H_