// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_histograms.h" #include #include "base/metrics/field_trial.h" #include "base/metrics/histogram.h" #include "base/stringprintf.h" #include "chrome/browser/autocomplete/network_action_predictor.h" #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_field_trial.h" #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/prerender/prerender_util.h" namespace prerender { namespace { // Time window for which we will record windowed PLT's from the last // observed link rel=prefetch tag. const int kWindowDurationSeconds = 30; std::string ComposeHistogramName(const std::string& prefix_type, const std::string& name) { if (prefix_type.empty()) return std::string("Prerender.") + name; return std::string("Prerender.") + prefix_type + std::string("_") + name; } std::string GetHistogramName(Origin origin, uint8 experiment_id, bool is_wash, const std::string& name) { if (is_wash) return ComposeHistogramName("wash", name); if (origin == ORIGIN_GWS_PRERENDER) { if (experiment_id == kNoExperiment) return ComposeHistogramName("gws", name); return ComposeHistogramName("exp" + std::string(1, experiment_id + '0'), name); } if (experiment_id != kNoExperiment) return ComposeHistogramName("wash", name); switch (origin) { case ORIGIN_OMNIBOX: return ComposeHistogramName( StringPrintf("omnibox_%.1f", NetworkActionPredictor::get_hit_weight()).c_str(), name); case ORIGIN_LINK_REL_PRERENDER: return ComposeHistogramName("web", name); case ORIGIN_GWS_PRERENDER: // Handled above. default: NOTREACHED(); break; }; // Dummy return value to make the compiler happy. NOTREACHED(); return ComposeHistogramName("wash", name); } bool OriginIsOmnibox(Origin origin) { return origin == ORIGIN_OMNIBOX; } } // namespace // Helper macros for experiment-based and origin-based histogram reporting. // All HISTOGRAM arguments must be UMA_HISTOGRAM... macros that contain an // argument "name" which these macros will eventually substitute for the // actual name used. #define PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM(histogram_name, HISTOGRAM) \ PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_INTERNAL(GetCurrentOrigin(), GetCurrentExperimentId(), \ IsOriginExperimentWash(), HISTOGRAM, \ histogram_name) #define PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_ORIGIN_EXPERIMENT(histogram_name, origin, \ experiment, HISTOGRAM) \ PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_INTERNAL(origin, experiment, false, HISTOGRAM, \ histogram_name) #define PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_INTERNAL(origin, experiment, wash, HISTOGRAM, \ histogram_name) { \ { \ /* Do not rename. HISTOGRAM expects a local variable "name". */ \ std::string name = ComposeHistogramName("", histogram_name); \ HISTOGRAM; \ } \ /* Do not rename. HISTOGRAM expects a local variable "name". */ \ std::string name = GetHistogramName(origin, experiment, wash, \ histogram_name); \ static uint8 recording_experiment = kNoExperiment; \ if (recording_experiment == kNoExperiment && experiment != kNoExperiment) \ recording_experiment = experiment; \ if (wash) { \ HISTOGRAM; \ } else if (experiment != kNoExperiment && \ (origin != ORIGIN_GWS_PRERENDER || \ experiment != recording_experiment)) { \ } else if (origin == ORIGIN_LINK_REL_PRERENDER) { \ HISTOGRAM; \ } else if (origin == ORIGIN_OMNIBOX) { \ HISTOGRAM; \ } else if (experiment != kNoExperiment) { \ HISTOGRAM; \ } else { \ HISTOGRAM; \ } \ } PrerenderHistograms::PrerenderHistograms() : last_experiment_id_(kNoExperiment), last_origin_(ORIGIN_LINK_REL_PRERENDER), origin_experiment_wash_(false), seen_any_pageload_(true), seen_pageload_started_after_prerender_(true) { } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPrerender(Origin origin, const GURL& url) { // Check if we are doing an experiment. uint8 experiment = GetQueryStringBasedExperiment(url); // We need to update last_experiment_id_, last_origin_, and // origin_experiment_wash_. if (!WithinWindow()) { // If we are outside a window, this is a fresh start and we are fine, // and there is no mix. origin_experiment_wash_ = false; } else { // If we are inside the last window, there is a mish mash of origins // and experiments if either there was a mish mash before, or the current // experiment/origin does not match the previous one. if (experiment != last_experiment_id_ || origin != last_origin_) origin_experiment_wash_ = true; } last_origin_ = origin; last_experiment_id_ = experiment; // If we observe multiple tags within the 30 second window, we will still // reset the window to begin at the most recent occurrence, so that we will // always be in a window in the 30 seconds from each occurrence. last_prerender_seen_time_ = GetCurrentTimeTicks(); seen_any_pageload_ = false; seen_pageload_started_after_prerender_ = false; } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPrerenderStarted(Origin origin) const { if (OriginIsOmnibox(origin)) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( StringPrintf("Prerender.OmniboxPrerenderCount_%.1f%s", NetworkActionPredictor::get_hit_weight(), PrerenderManager::GetModeString()).c_str(), 1); } } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordUsedPrerender(Origin origin) const { if (OriginIsOmnibox(origin)) { UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS( StringPrintf("Prerender.OmniboxNavigationsUsedPrerenderCount_%.1f%s", NetworkActionPredictor::get_hit_weight(), PrerenderManager::GetModeString()).c_str(), 1); } } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordTimeSinceLastRecentVisit( base::TimeDelta delta) const { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( "TimeSinceLastRecentVisit", UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, delta)); } base::TimeTicks PrerenderHistograms::GetCurrentTimeTicks() const { return base::TimeTicks::Now(); } // Helper macro for histograms. #define RECORD_PLT(tag, perceived_page_load_time) { \ PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( \ base::FieldTrial::MakeName(tag, "Prerender"), \ UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( \ name, \ perceived_page_load_time, \ base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), \ base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(60), \ 100)); \ } // Summary of all histograms Perceived PLT histograms: // (all prefixed PerceivedPLT) // PerceivedPLT -- Perceived Pageloadtimes (PPLT) for all pages in the group. // ...Windowed -- PPLT for pages in the 30s after a prerender is created. // ...Matched -- A prerendered page that was swapped in. In the NoUse // and Control group cases, while nothing ever gets swapped in, we do keep // track of what would be prerendered and would be swapped in -- and those // cases are what is classified as Match for these groups. // ...MatchedComplete -- A prerendered page that was swapped in + a few // that were not swapped in so that the set of pages lines up more closely with // the control group. // ...FirstAfterMiss -- First page to finish loading after a prerender, which // is different from the page that was prerendered. // ...FirstAfterMissNonOverlapping -- Same as FirstAfterMiss, but only // triggering for the first page to finish after the prerender that also started // after the prerender started. // ...FirstAfterMissBoth -- pages meeting // FirstAfterMiss AND FirstAfterMissNonOverlapping // ...FirstAfterMissAnyOnly -- pages meeting // FirstAfterMiss but NOT FirstAfterMissNonOverlapping // ..FirstAfterMissNonOverlappingOnly -- pages meeting // FirstAfterMissNonOverlapping but NOT FirstAfterMiss void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPerceivedPageLoadTime( base::TimeDelta perceived_page_load_time, bool was_prerender, bool was_complete_prerender, const GURL& url) { if (!IsWebURL(url)) return; bool within_window = WithinWindow(); bool is_google_url = IsGoogleDomain(url); RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLT", perceived_page_load_time); if (within_window) RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTWindowed", perceived_page_load_time); if (was_prerender || was_complete_prerender) { if (was_prerender) RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTMatched", perceived_page_load_time); if (was_complete_prerender) RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTMatchedComplete", perceived_page_load_time); seen_any_pageload_ = true; seen_pageload_started_after_prerender_ = true; } else if (within_window) { RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTWindowNotMatched", perceived_page_load_time); if (!is_google_url) { bool recorded_any = false; bool recorded_non_overlapping = false; if (!seen_any_pageload_) { seen_any_pageload_ = true; RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTFirstAfterMiss", perceived_page_load_time); recorded_any = true; } if (!seen_pageload_started_after_prerender_ && perceived_page_load_time <= GetTimeSinceLastPrerender()) { seen_pageload_started_after_prerender_ = true; RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTFirstAfterMissNonOverlapping", perceived_page_load_time); recorded_non_overlapping = true; } if (recorded_any || recorded_non_overlapping) { if (recorded_any && recorded_non_overlapping) { RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTFirstAfterMissBoth", perceived_page_load_time); } else if (recorded_any) { RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTFirstAfterMissAnyOnly", perceived_page_load_time); } else if (recorded_non_overlapping) { RECORD_PLT("PerceivedPLTFirstAfterMissNonOverlappingOnly", perceived_page_load_time); } } } } } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPageLoadTimeNotSwappedIn( base::TimeDelta page_load_time, const GURL& url) const { // If the URL to be prerendered is not a http[s] URL, or is a Google URL, // do not record. if (!IsWebURL(url) || IsGoogleDomain(url)) return; RECORD_PLT("PrerenderNotSwappedInPLT", page_load_time); } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPercentLoadDoneAtSwapin(double fraction) const { if (fraction < 0.0 || fraction > 1.0) return; int percentage = static_cast(fraction * 100); if (percentage < 0 || percentage > 100) return; PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("PercentLoadDoneAtSwapin", "Prerender"), UMA_HISTOGRAM_PERCENTAGE(name, percentage)); } base::TimeDelta PrerenderHistograms::GetTimeSinceLastPrerender() const { return base::TimeTicks::Now() - last_prerender_seen_time_; } bool PrerenderHistograms::WithinWindow() const { if (last_prerender_seen_time_.is_null()) return false; return GetTimeSinceLastPrerender() <= base::TimeDelta::FromSeconds(kWindowDurationSeconds); } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordTimeUntilUsed( base::TimeDelta time_until_used, base::TimeDelta max_age) const { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( "TimeUntilUsed", UMA_HISTOGRAM_CUSTOM_TIMES( name, time_until_used, base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(10), max_age, 50)); } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordPerSessionCount(int count) const { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( "PrerendersPerSessionCount", UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS(name, count)); } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordTimeBetweenPrerenderRequests( base::TimeDelta time) const { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM( "TimeBetweenPrerenderRequests", UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES(name, time)); } void PrerenderHistograms::RecordFinalStatus( Origin origin, uint8 experiment_id, PrerenderContents::MatchCompleteStatus mc_status, FinalStatus final_status) const { DCHECK(final_status != FINAL_STATUS_MAX); // There are three cases for MatchCompleteStatus: // MATCH_COMPLETE_DEFAULT: // In this case, Match & MatchComplete line up. So we record this in both // histograms. // MATCH_COMPLETE_REPLACED: The actual prerender was replaced by a dummy. // So we only record it in (the actual) FinalStatus, but not MatchComplete. // MATCH_COMPLETE_REPLACEMENT: This is a pseudo element to emulate what // the control group would do. Since it won't actually be swapped in, // it may not go into FinalStatus. Since in the control group it would be // swapped in though, it must go into MatchComplete. if (mc_status != PrerenderContents::MATCH_COMPLETE_REPLACEMENT) { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_ORIGIN_EXPERIMENT( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("FinalStatus", "Prerender"), origin, experiment_id, UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, final_status, FINAL_STATUS_MAX)); } if (mc_status != PrerenderContents::MATCH_COMPLETE_REPLACED) { PREFIXED_HISTOGRAM_ORIGIN_EXPERIMENT( base::FieldTrial::MakeName("FinalStatusMatchComplete", "Prerender"), origin, experiment_id, UMA_HISTOGRAM_ENUMERATION(name, final_status, FINAL_STATUS_MAX)); } } uint8 PrerenderHistograms::GetCurrentExperimentId() const { if (!WithinWindow()) return kNoExperiment; return last_experiment_id_; } Origin PrerenderHistograms::GetCurrentOrigin() const { if (!WithinWindow()) return ORIGIN_LINK_REL_PRERENDER; return last_origin_; } bool PrerenderHistograms::IsOriginExperimentWash() const { if (!WithinWindow()) return false; return origin_experiment_wash_; } } // namespace prerender