// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/printing/print_job_worker.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/printing/print_job.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "printing/printed_document.h" #include "printing/printed_page.h" namespace printing { class PrintJobWorker::NotificationTask : public Task { public: NotificationTask() : print_job_(NULL), details_(NULL) { } ~NotificationTask() { } // Initializes the object. This object can't be initialized in the constructor // since it is not created directly. void Init(PrintJobWorkerOwner* print_job, JobEventDetails::Type detail_type, PrintedDocument* document, PrintedPage* page) { DCHECK(!print_job_); DCHECK(!details_); print_job_ = print_job; details_ = new JobEventDetails(detail_type, document, page); } virtual void Run() { // Send the notification in the right thread. NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::PRINT_JOB_EVENT, // We know that is is a PrintJob object in this circumstance. Source<PrintJob>(static_cast<PrintJob*>(print_job_.get())), Details<JobEventDetails>(details_)); } // The job which originates this notification. scoped_refptr<PrintJobWorkerOwner> print_job_; scoped_refptr<JobEventDetails> details_; }; PrintJobWorker::PrintJobWorker(PrintJobWorkerOwner* owner) : Thread("Printing_Worker"), owner_(owner) { // The object is created in the IO thread. DCHECK_EQ(owner_->message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); } PrintJobWorker::~PrintJobWorker() { // The object is deleted in the UI thread. DCHECK_EQ(owner_->message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); } void PrintJobWorker::SetNewOwner(PrintJobWorkerOwner* new_owner) { DCHECK(page_number_ == PageNumber::npos()); owner_ = new_owner; } void PrintJobWorker::GetSettings(bool ask_user_for_settings, gfx::NativeView parent_view, int document_page_count, bool has_selection, bool use_overlays) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); DCHECK_EQ(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); // Recursive task processing is needed for the dialog in case it needs to be // destroyed by a task. MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(true); printing_context_.SetUseOverlays(use_overlays); if (ask_user_for_settings) { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::UI, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PrintJobWorker::GetSettingsWithUI, parent_view, document_page_count, has_selection)); #else PrintingContext::Result result = printing_context_.AskUserForSettings( parent_view, document_page_count, has_selection); GetSettingsDone(result); #endif } else { PrintingContext::Result result = printing_context_.UseDefaultSettings(); GetSettingsDone(result); } } void PrintJobWorker::GetSettingsDone(PrintingContext::Result result) { // Most PrintingContext functions may start a message loop and process // message recursively, so disable recursive task processing. MessageLoop::current()->SetNestableTasksAllowed(false); // We can't use OnFailure() here since owner_ may not support notifications. // PrintJob will create the new PrintedDocument. owner_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( owner_, &PrintJobWorkerOwner::GetSettingsDone, printing_context_.settings(), result)); } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void PrintJobWorker::GetSettingsWithUI(gfx::NativeView parent_view, int document_page_count, bool has_selection) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::UI)); PrintingContext::Result result = printing_context_.AskUserForSettings( parent_view, document_page_count, has_selection); message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod( this, &PrintJobWorker::GetSettingsDone, result)); } #endif void PrintJobWorker::StartPrinting(PrintedDocument* new_document) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); DCHECK_EQ(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); DCHECK_EQ(document_, new_document); DCHECK(document_.get()); DCHECK(new_document->settings().Equals(printing_context_.settings())); #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); #endif if (!document_.get() || page_number_ != PageNumber::npos() || document_ != new_document) { return; } PrintingContext::Result result = printing_context_.NewDocument(document_->name()); if (result != PrintingContext::OK) { OnFailure(); return; } // Try to print already cached data. It may already have been generated for // the print preview. OnNewPage(); // Don't touch this anymore since the instance could be destroyed. It happens // if all the pages are printed a one sweep and the client doesn't have a // handle to us anymore. There's a timing issue involved between the worker // thread and the UI thread. Take no chance. } void PrintJobWorker::OnDocumentChanged(PrintedDocument* new_document) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); DCHECK_EQ(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); DCHECK(!new_document || new_document->settings().Equals(printing_context_.settings())); #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); #endif if (page_number_ != PageNumber::npos()) return; document_ = new_document; } void PrintJobWorker::OnNewPage() { if (!document_.get()) { // Spurious message. return; } // message_loop() could return NULL when the print job is cancelled. DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); if (!printing_context_.context()) return; #endif if (page_number_ == PageNumber::npos()) { // Find first page to print. int page_count = document_->page_count(); if (!page_count) { // We still don't know how many pages the document contains. We can't // start to print the document yet since the header/footer may refer to // the document's page count. return; } // We have enough information to initialize page_number_. page_number_.Init(document_->settings(), page_count); } DCHECK_NE(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); for (;;) { // Is the page available? scoped_refptr<PrintedPage> page; if (!document_->GetPage(page_number_.ToInt(), &page)) { // We need to wait for the page to be available. MessageLoop::current()->PostDelayedTask( FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &PrintJobWorker::OnNewPage), 500); break; } // The page is there, print it. SpoolPage(*page); ++page_number_; if (page_number_ == PageNumber::npos()) { OnDocumentDone(); // Don't touch this anymore since the instance could be destroyed. break; } } } void PrintJobWorker::Cancel() { // This is the only function that can be called from any thread. printing_context_.Cancel(); // Cannot touch any member variable since we don't know in which thread // context we run. } void PrintJobWorker::DismissDialog() { printing_context_.DismissDialog(); } void PrintJobWorker::OnDocumentDone() { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); DCHECK_EQ(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); DCHECK(document_.get()); #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); #endif if (printing_context_.DocumentDone() != PrintingContext::OK) { OnFailure(); return; } // Tell everyone! NotificationTask* task = new NotificationTask(); task->Init(owner_, JobEventDetails::DOC_DONE, document_.get(), NULL); owner_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); // Makes sure the variables are reinitialized. document_ = NULL; } void PrintJobWorker::SpoolPage(PrintedPage& page) { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); DCHECK_NE(page_number_, PageNumber::npos()); #if !defined(OS_MACOSX) DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); #endif // Signal everyone that the page is about to be printed. NotificationTask* task = new NotificationTask(); task->Init(owner_, JobEventDetails::NEW_PAGE, document_.get(), &page); owner_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); // Preprocess. if (printing_context_.NewPage() != PrintingContext::OK) { OnFailure(); return; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // Context is only valid between NewPage and PageDone, so we only check here. DCHECK(printing_context_.context()); #endif // Actual printing. document_->RenderPrintedPage(page, printing_context_.context()); // Postprocess. if (printing_context_.PageDone() != PrintingContext::OK) { OnFailure(); return; } // Signal everyone that the page is printed. task = new NotificationTask(); task->Init(owner_, JobEventDetails::PAGE_DONE, document_.get(), &page); owner_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); } void PrintJobWorker::OnFailure() { DCHECK_EQ(message_loop(), MessageLoop::current()); // We may loose our last reference by broadcasting the FAILED event. scoped_refptr<PrintJobWorkerOwner> handle(owner_); NotificationTask* task = new NotificationTask(); task->Init(owner_, JobEventDetails::FAILED, document_.get(), NULL); owner_->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, task); Cancel(); // Makes sure the variables are reinitialized. document_ = NULL; page_number_ = PageNumber::npos(); } } // namespace printing void RunnableMethodTraits<printing::PrintJobWorker>::RetainCallee( printing::PrintJobWorker* obj) { DCHECK(!owner_.get()); owner_ = obj->owner_; } void RunnableMethodTraits<printing::PrintJobWorker>::ReleaseCallee( printing::PrintJobWorker* obj) { DCHECK_EQ(owner_, obj->owner_); owner_ = NULL; }