// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/gfx/gdi_util.h" #include "skia/ext/platform_device.h" #include "base/gfx/png_decoder.h" #include "base/gfx/png_encoder.h" #include "base/time.h" #include "base/win_util.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_paths.h" #include "chrome/common/gfx/emf.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/browser_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/tab_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/automation/window_proxy.h" #include "chrome/test/ui/ui_test.h" #include "chrome/browser/printing/printing_test.h" #include "net/url_request/url_request_unittest.h" using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; namespace { const wchar_t* const kGenerateSwitch = L"print-layout-generate"; const wchar_t kDocRoot[] = L"chrome/test/data"; // Lightweight raw-bitmap management. The image, once initialized, is immuable. // It is mainly used for comparison. class Image { public: // Creates the image from the given filename on disk. Image(const std::wstring& filename) : ignore_alpha_(true) { std::string data; file_util::ReadFileToString(filename, &data); EXPECT_TRUE(data.size()); std::wstring ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(filename); if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(ext, "png")) { LoadPng(data); } else if (LowerCaseEqualsASCII(ext, "emf")) { LoadEmf(data); } else { EXPECT_TRUE(false); } } const gfx::Size& size() const { return size_; } // Used to create the initial test files. void SaveToPng(const std::wstring& filename) { ASSERT_FALSE(data_.empty()); std::vector compressed; ASSERT_TRUE(PNGEncoder::Encode(&*data_.begin(), PNGEncoder::FORMAT_BGRA, size_.width(), size_.height(), row_length_, true, &compressed)); ASSERT_TRUE(compressed.size()); ASSERT_EQ(compressed.size(), file_util::WriteFile( filename, reinterpret_cast(&*compressed.begin()), compressed.size())); } double PercentageDifferent(const Image& rhs) const { if (size_.width() == 0 || size_.height() == 0 || rhs.size_.width() == 0 || rhs.size_.height() == 0) return 100.; int width = std::min(size_.width(), rhs.size_.width()); int height = std::min(size_.height(), rhs.size_.height()); // Compute pixels different in the overlap int pixels_different = 0; for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) { uint32 lhs_pixel = pixel_at(x, y); uint32 rhs_pixel = rhs.pixel_at(x, y); if (lhs_pixel != rhs_pixel) ++pixels_different; } // Look for extra right lhs pixels. They should be white. for (int x = width; x < size_.width(); ++x) { uint32 lhs_pixel = pixel_at(x, y); if (lhs_pixel != Color(SK_ColorWHITE)) ++pixels_different; } // Look for extra right rhs pixels. They should be white. for (int x = width; x < rhs.size_.width(); ++x) { uint32 rhs_pixel = rhs.pixel_at(x, y); if (rhs_pixel != Color(SK_ColorWHITE)) ++pixels_different; } } // Look for extra bottom lhs pixels. They should be white. for (int y = height; y < size_.height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < size_.width(); ++x) { uint32 lhs_pixel = pixel_at(x, y); if (lhs_pixel != Color(SK_ColorWHITE)) ++pixels_different; } } // Look for extra bottom rhs pixels. They should be white. for (int y = height; y < rhs.size_.height(); ++y) { for (int x = 0; x < rhs.size_.width(); ++x) { uint32 rhs_pixel = rhs.pixel_at(x, y); if (rhs_pixel != Color(SK_ColorWHITE)) ++pixels_different; } } // Like the WebKit ImageDiff tool, we define percentage different in terms // of the size of the 'actual' bitmap. double total_pixels = static_cast(size_.width()) * static_cast(height); return static_cast(pixels_different) / total_pixels * 100.; } // Returns the 0x0RGB or 0xARGB value of the pixel at the given location, // depending on ignore_alpha_. uint32 Color(uint32 color) const { if (ignore_alpha_) return color & 0xFFFFFF; // Strip out A. else return color; } uint32 pixel_at(int x, int y) const { EXPECT_TRUE(x >= 0 && x < size_.width()); EXPECT_TRUE(y >= 0 && y < size_.height()); const uint32* data = reinterpret_cast(&*data_.begin()); const uint32* data_row = data + y * row_length_ / sizeof(uint32); return Color(data_row[x]); } private: void LoadPng(const std::string& compressed) { int w; int h; EXPECT_TRUE(PNGDecoder::Decode( reinterpret_cast(compressed.c_str()), compressed.size(), PNGDecoder::FORMAT_BGRA, &data_, &w, &h)); size_.SetSize(w, h); row_length_ = size_.width() * sizeof(uint32); } void LoadEmf(const std::string& data) { ASSERT_FALSE(data.empty()); gfx::Emf emf; emf.CreateFromData(data.data(), data.size()); gfx::Rect rect(emf.GetBounds()); // Create a temporary HDC and bitmap to retrieve the renderered data. HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); BITMAPV4HEADER hdr; EXPECT_FALSE(rect.x()); EXPECT_FALSE(rect.y()); EXPECT_NE(rect.width(), 0); EXPECT_NE(rect.height(), 0); size_ = rect.size(); gfx::CreateBitmapV4Header(rect.width(), rect.height(), &hdr); void* bits; HBITMAP bitmap = CreateDIBSection(hdc, reinterpret_cast(&hdr), 0, &bits, NULL, 0); EXPECT_TRUE(bitmap); EXPECT_TRUE(SelectObject(hdc, bitmap)); skia::PlatformDeviceWin::InitializeDC(hdc); EXPECT_TRUE(emf.Playback(hdc, NULL)); row_length_ = size_.width() * sizeof(uint32); size_t bytes = row_length_ * size_.height(); ASSERT_TRUE(bytes); data_.resize(bytes); memcpy(&*data_.begin(), bits, bytes); DeleteDC(hdc); DeleteObject(bitmap); } // Pixel dimensions of the image. gfx::Size size_; // Length of a line in bytes. int row_length_; // Actual bitmap data in arrays of RGBAs (so when loaded as uint32, it's // 0xABGR). std::vector data_; // Flag to signal if the comparison functions should ignore the alpha channel. const bool ignore_alpha_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(Image); }; class PrintingLayoutTest : public PrintingTest { public: PrintingLayoutTest() { emf_path_ = browser_directory_; file_util::AppendToPath(&emf_path_, L"emf_dumps"); std::wstring arg(L" --debug-print=\""); arg += emf_path_; arg += L"\""; launch_arguments_.append(arg); show_window_ = true; } virtual void SetUp() { // Make sure there is no left overs. CleanupDumpDirectory(); UITest::SetUp(); } virtual void TearDown() { UITest::TearDown(); file_util::Delete(emf_path_, true); } protected: void PrintNowTab() { scoped_ptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); if (!tab_proxy.get()) return; ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy->PrintNow()); } // Finds the dump for the last print job and compares it to the data named // |verification_name|. Compares the saved printed job pixels with the test // data pixels and returns the percentage of different pixels; 0 for success, // ]0, 100] for failure. double CompareWithResult(const std::wstring& verification_name) { std::wstring test_result(ScanFiles(verification_name)); if (test_result.empty()) { // 100% different, the print job buffer is not there. return 100.; } std::wstring verification_file(test_data_directory_); file_util::AppendToPath(&verification_file, L"printing"); file_util::AppendToPath(&verification_file, verification_name); std::wstring emf(verification_file + L".emf"); std::wstring png(verification_file + L".png"); // Looks for Cleartype override. if (file_util::PathExists(verification_file + L"_cleartype.png") && IsClearTypeEnabled()) { png = verification_file + L"_cleartype.png"; } if (GenerateFiles()) { // Copy the .emf and generate an .png. file_util::CopyFile(test_result, emf); Image emf_content(emf); emf_content.SaveToPng(png); // Saving is always fine. return 0; } else { // File compare between test and result. Image emf_content(emf); Image test_content(test_result); Image png_content(png); double diff_emf = emf_content.PercentageDifferent(test_content); EXPECT_EQ(0., diff_emf) << verification_name << L" original size:" << emf_content.size() << L" result size:" << test_content.size(); if (diff_emf) { // Backup the result emf file. file_util::CopyFile(test_result, verification_file + L"_failed.emf"); } // This verification is only to know that the EMF rendering stays // immutable. double diff_png = emf_content.PercentageDifferent(png_content); EXPECT_EQ(0., diff_png) << verification_name << L" original size:" << emf_content.size() << L" result size:" << test_content.size(); if (diff_png) { // Backup the rendered emf file to detect the rendering difference. emf_content.SaveToPng(verification_file + L"_rendering.png"); } return std::max(diff_png, diff_emf); } } // Makes sure the directory exists and is empty. void CleanupDumpDirectory() { // Tries to delete the dumping directory for around 10 seconds. for (int i = 0; i < 100 && file_util::PathExists(emf_path()); ++i) { // It's fine fail sometimes because of opened left over .PRN file. // Explanation: // When calling PrintNowTab(), it makes sure the page is rendered and // sent to the spooler. It does *not* wait for the spooler to flush the // job. It is completely unnecessary to wait for that. So the printer // may write the file too late. Since the printer holds an exclusive // access to the file, it can't be deleted until the printer is done. if (file_util::Delete(emf_path(), true)) { break; } Sleep(100); } file_util::CreateDirectory(emf_path()); } // Returns if Clear Type is currently enabled. static bool IsClearTypeEnabled() { BOOL ct_enabled = 0; if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCLEARTYPE, 0, &ct_enabled, 0) && ct_enabled) return true; UINT smoothing = 0; if (SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE, 0, &smoothing, 0) && smoothing == FE_FONTSMOOTHINGCLEARTYPE) return true; return false; } private: // Verifies that there is one .emf and one .prn file in the dump directory. // Returns the path of the .emf file and deletes the .prn file. std::wstring ScanFiles(const std::wstring& verification_name) { // Try to 10 seconds. std::wstring emf_file; std::wstring prn_file; bool found_emf = false; bool found_prn = false; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { file_util::FileEnumerator enumerator( FilePath::FromWStringHack(emf_path()), false, file_util::FileEnumerator::FILES); emf_file.clear(); prn_file.clear(); found_emf = false; found_prn = false; std::wstring file; while (!(file = enumerator.Next().ToWStringHack()).empty()) { std::wstring ext = file_util::GetFileExtensionFromPath(file); if (!_wcsicmp(ext.c_str(), L"emf")) { EXPECT_FALSE(found_emf) << "Found a leftover .EMF file: \"" << emf_file << "\" and \"" << file << "\" when looking for \"" << verification_name << "\""; found_emf = true; emf_file = file; continue; } if (!_wcsicmp(ext.c_str(), L"prn")) { EXPECT_FALSE(found_prn) << "Found a leftover .PRN file: \"" << prn_file << "\" and \"" << file << "\" when looking for \"" << verification_name << "\""; prn_file = file; found_prn = true; file_util::Delete(file, false); continue; } EXPECT_TRUE(false); } if (found_emf && found_prn) break; Sleep(100); } EXPECT_TRUE(found_emf) << ".PRN file is: " << prn_file; EXPECT_TRUE(found_prn) << ".EMF file is: " << emf_file; return emf_file; } static bool GenerateFiles() { return CommandLine().HasSwitch(kGenerateSwitch); } const std::wstring& emf_path() const { return emf_path_; } std::wstring emf_path_; DISALLOW_EVIL_CONSTRUCTORS(PrintingLayoutTest); }; // Tests that don't need UI access. class PrintingLayoutTestHidden : public PrintingLayoutTest { public: PrintingLayoutTestHidden() { show_window_ = false; } }; class PrintingLayoutTextTest : public PrintingLayoutTest { typedef PrintingLayoutTest Parent; public: // Returns if the test is disabled. // TODO(maruel): http://b/1157665 Until the issue is fixed, disable the test // if ClearType is enabled. static bool IsTestCaseDisabled() { return Parent::IsTestCaseDisabled() || IsClearTypeEnabled(); } }; // Dismiss the first dialog box child of owner_window by "executing" the // default button. class DismissTheWindow : public base::RefCountedThreadSafe { public: DismissTheWindow(DWORD owner_process) : owner_process_(owner_process), dialog_was_found_(false), dialog_window_(NULL), other_thread_(MessageLoop::current()), start_time_(Time::Now()) { } void Start() { timer_.Start(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(250), this, &DismissTheWindow::DoTimeout); } private: void DoTimeout() { // A bit twisted code that runs in 2 passes or more. First it tries to find // a dialog box, if it finds it, it will execute the default action. If it // still works, it will loop again but then it will try to *not* find the // window. Once this is right, it will stop the timer and unlock the // other_thread_ message loop. if (!timer_.IsRunning()) return; if (!dialog_window_) { HWND dialog_window = NULL; for (;;) { dialog_window = FindWindowEx(NULL, dialog_window, MAKEINTATOM(32770), NULL); if (!dialog_window) break; // In some corner case, the Print... dialog box may not have any owner. // Trap that case. Too bad if the user has a dialog opened. if (Time::Now() - start_time_ > TimeDelta::FromSeconds(3)) break; DWORD process_id = 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(dialog_window, &process_id); if (process_id == owner_process_) break; } if (dialog_window) { LRESULT res = SendMessage(dialog_window, DM_GETDEFID, 0, 0); if (!res) return; EXPECT_EQ(DC_HASDEFID, HIWORD(res)); WORD print_button_id = LOWORD(res); res = SendMessage( dialog_window, WM_COMMAND, print_button_id, reinterpret_cast(GetDlgItem(dialog_window, print_button_id))); // Try again. if (res) return; // Ok it succeeded. dialog_window_ = dialog_window; dialog_was_found_ = true; return; } if (!dialog_was_found_) return; } // Now verify that it indeed closed itself. if (!IsWindow(dialog_window_)) { timer_.Stop(); // Unlock the other thread. other_thread_->PostTask(FROM_HERE, new MessageLoop::QuitTask()); } else { // Maybe it's time to try to click it again. Restart from the begining. dialog_window_ = NULL; } } DWORD owner_process_; bool dialog_was_found_; HWND dialog_window_; MessageLoop* other_thread_; base::RepeatingTimer timer_; Time start_time_; }; } // namespace // This test is disable because it fails. See bug 1353559. TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTextTest, DISABLED_Complex) { if (IsTestCaseDisabled()) return; // Print a document, check its output. scoped_refptr server = HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get()); NavigateToURL(server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html")); PrintNowTab(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"test1")); } struct TestPool { const wchar_t* source; const wchar_t* result; }; const TestPool kTestPool[] = { // ImagesB&W L"files/printing/test2.html", L"test2", // ImagesTransparent L"files/printing/test3.html", L"test3", // ImageColor L"files/printing/test4.html", L"test4", // TODO(maruel): http://b/1171450 Transparent overlays are drawn opaque // L"files/printing/test5.html", L"test5", }; TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTestHidden, ManyTimes) { if (IsTestCaseDisabled()) return; scoped_refptr server = HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get()); ASSERT_GT(arraysize(kTestPool), 0u); for (int i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestPool); ++i) { if (i) CleanupDumpDirectory(); const TestPool& test = kTestPool[i % arraysize(kTestPool)]; NavigateToURL(server->TestServerPageW(test.source)); PrintNowTab(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result; CleanupDumpDirectory(); PrintNowTab(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result; CleanupDumpDirectory(); PrintNowTab(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result; CleanupDumpDirectory(); PrintNowTab(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(test.result)) << test.result; } } // Prints a popup and immediately closes it. TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTest, DISABLED_Delayed) { if (IsTestCaseDisabled()) return; // TODO(maruel): This test is failing on Windows 2000. I haven't investigated // why. if (win_util::GetWinVersion() < win_util::WINVERSION_XP) return; scoped_refptr server = HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get()); { scoped_ptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); bool is_timeout = true; GURL url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/popup_delayed_print.htm"); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url)); scoped_ptr worker( new base::Thread("PrintingLayoutTest_worker")); scoped_refptr dismiss_task = new DismissTheWindow(base::GetProcId(process())); // We need to start the thread to be able to set the timer. worker->Start(); worker->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(dismiss_task.get(), &DismissTheWindow::Start)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); worker->Stop(); // Force a navigation elsewhere to verify that it's fine with it. url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html"); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url)); } CloseBrowserAndServer(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"popup_delayed_print")) << L"popup_delayed_print"; } // Prints a popup and immediately closes it. TEST_F(PrintingLayoutTest, DISABLED_IFrame) { if (IsTestCaseDisabled()) return; scoped_refptr server = HTTPTestServer::CreateServer(kDocRoot); ASSERT_TRUE(NULL != server.get()); { scoped_ptr tab_proxy(GetActiveTab()); ASSERT_TRUE(tab_proxy.get()); GURL url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/iframe.htm"); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url)); scoped_ptr worker( new base::Thread("PrintingLayoutTest_worker")); scoped_refptr dismiss_task = new DismissTheWindow(base::GetProcId(process())); // We need to start the thread to be able to set the timer. worker->Start(); worker->message_loop()->PostTask(FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(dismiss_task.get(), &DismissTheWindow::Start)); MessageLoop::current()->Run(); worker->Stop(); // Force a navigation elsewhere to verify that it's fine with it. url = server->TestServerPage("files/printing/test1.html"); EXPECT_EQ(AUTOMATION_MSG_NAVIGATION_SUCCESS, tab_proxy->NavigateToURL(url)); } CloseBrowserAndServer(); EXPECT_EQ(0., CompareWithResult(L"iframe")) << L"iframe"; }