// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/privacy_blacklist/blacklist.h" #include #include #include #include "base/file_path.h" #include "base/file_util.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "chrome/browser/privacy_blacklist/blacklist_store.h" #include "chrome/common/url_constants.h" #include "net/http/http_util.h" #define STRINGIZE(s) #s namespace { const char* const cookie_headers[2] = { "cookie", "set-cookie" }; } // namespace const unsigned int Blacklist::kBlockAll = 1; const unsigned int Blacklist::kDontSendCookies = 1 << 1; const unsigned int Blacklist::kDontStoreCookies = 1 << 2; const unsigned int Blacklist::kDontPersistCookies = 1 << 3; const unsigned int Blacklist::kDontSendReferrer = 1 << 4; const unsigned int Blacklist::kDontSendUserAgent = 1 << 5; const unsigned int Blacklist::kBlockByType = 1 << 6; const unsigned int Blacklist::kBlockUnsecure = 1 << 7; const unsigned int Blacklist::kBlockRequest = kBlockAll | kBlockUnsecure; const unsigned int Blacklist::kBlockResponse = kBlockByType; const unsigned int Blacklist::kModifySentHeaders = kDontSendCookies | kDontSendUserAgent | kDontSendReferrer; const unsigned int Blacklist::kModifyReceivedHeaders = kDontPersistCookies | kDontStoreCookies; const unsigned int Blacklist::kFilterByHeaders = kModifyReceivedHeaders | kBlockByType; // Value is not important, here just that the object has an address. const void* const Blacklist::kRequestDataKey = 0; unsigned int Blacklist::String2Attribute(const std::string& s) { if (s == STRINGIZE(kBlockAll)) return kBlockAll; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kDontSendCookies)) return kDontSendCookies; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kDontStoreCookies)) return kDontStoreCookies; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kDontPersistCookies)) return kDontPersistCookies; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kDontSendReferrer)) return kDontSendReferrer; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kDontSendUserAgent)) return kDontSendUserAgent; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kBlockByType)) return kBlockByType; else if (s == STRINGIZE(kBlockUnsecure)) return kBlockUnsecure; return 0; } bool Blacklist::Matches(const std::string& pattern, const std::string& url) { if (pattern.size() > url.size()) return false; std::string::size_type p = 0; std::string::size_type u = 0; while (pattern[p] != '\0' && url[u] != '\0') { if (pattern[p] == '@') { while (pattern[++p] == '@'); // Consecutive @ are redundant. if (pattern[p] == '\0') return true; // Nothing to match after the @. // Look for another wildcard to determine pattern-chunk. std::string::size_type tp = pattern.find_first_of("@", p); // If it must match until the end, compare the last characters. if (tp == std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type ur = url.size() - u; std::string::size_type pr = pattern.size() - p; return (pr <= ur) && (url.compare(url.size() - pr, pr, pattern.c_str() + p) == 0); } // Else find the pattern chunk which is pattern[p:tp] std::string::size_type tu = url.find(pattern.c_str() + p, u, tp - p); if (tu == std::string::npos) return false; // Pattern chunk not found. // Since tp is strictly greater than p, both u and p always increase. u = tu + tp - p; p = tp; continue; } // Match non-wildcard character. if (pattern[p++] != url[u++]) return false; } return pattern[p] == '\0'; } bool Blacklist::Entry::MatchesType(const std::string& type) const { return std::find(types_.begin(), types_.end(), type) != types_.end(); } bool Blacklist::Entry::IsBlocked(const GURL& url) const { return (attributes_ & kBlockAll) || ((attributes_ & kBlockUnsecure) && !url.SchemeIsSecure()); } Blacklist::Entry::Entry(const std::string& pattern, const Provider* provider) : pattern_(pattern), attributes_(0), provider_(provider) {} void Blacklist::Entry::AddAttributes(unsigned int attributes) { attributes_ |= attributes; } void Blacklist::Entry::AddType(const std::string& type) { types_.push_back(type); } void Blacklist::Entry::Merge(const Entry& entry) { attributes_ |= entry.attributes_; std::copy(entry.types_.begin(), entry.types_.end(), std::back_inserter(types_)); } void Blacklist::Entry::SwapTypes(std::vector* types) { DCHECK(types); types->swap(types_); } bool Blacklist::Match::MatchType(const std::string& type) const { for (std::vector::const_iterator i = entries_.begin(); i != entries_.end(); ++i) { if ((*i)->MatchesType(type)) return true; } return false; } bool Blacklist::Match::IsBlocked(const GURL& url) const { return (attributes_ & kBlockAll) || ((attributes_ & kBlockUnsecure) && !url.SchemeIsSecure()); } Blacklist::Match::Match() : attributes_(0) {} void Blacklist::Match::AddEntry(const Entry* entry) { attributes_ |= entry->attributes(); entries_.push_back(entry); } Blacklist::Blacklist() { } Blacklist::~Blacklist() { } void Blacklist::AddEntry(Entry* entry) { DCHECK(entry); blacklist_.push_back(linked_ptr(entry)); } void Blacklist::AddProvider(Provider* provider) { DCHECK(provider); providers_.push_back(linked_ptr(provider)); } // Returns a pointer to the Blacklist-owned entry which matches the given // URL. If no matching Entry is found, returns null. Blacklist::Match* Blacklist::findMatch(const GURL& url) const { // Never match something which is not http, https or ftp. // TODO(idanan): Investigate if this would be an inclusion test instead of an // exclusion test and if there are other schemes to test for. if (!url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpScheme) && !url.SchemeIs(chrome::kHttpsScheme) && !url.SchemeIs(chrome::kFtpScheme)) return 0; Match* match = NULL; for (EntryList::const_iterator i = blacklist_.begin(); i != blacklist_.end(); ++i) { if (Matches((*i)->pattern(), url.host() + url.path())) { if (!match) match = new Match; match->AddEntry(i->get()); } } return match; } std::string Blacklist::StripCookies(const std::string& header) { return net::HttpUtil::StripHeaders(header, cookie_headers, 2); } std::string Blacklist::StripCookieExpiry(const std::string& cookie) { std::string::size_type delim = cookie.find(';'); std::string::size_type start = cookie.find("expires=", delim + 1); if (start != std::string::npos) { std::string::size_type i = start; // Make sure only whitespace precedes the expiry until a delimiter. while (cookie[--i] != ';') if (!IsAsciiWhitespace(cookie[i])) return cookie; std::string session_cookie(cookie, 0, i); std::string::size_type end = cookie.find(';', start + 1); if (end != std::string::npos) session_cookie.append(cookie.substr(end)); return session_cookie; } return cookie; }