// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <windows.h>

#include <string>

#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "chrome/browser/render_view_host.h"

class InterstitialPage;
class NavigationController;
class NavigationEntry;
class Profile;
class RenderViewHostDelegate;
class RenderViewHostFactory;
class RenderWidgetHostView;
class SiteInstance;

// Manages RenderViewHosts for a WebContents. Normally there is only one and
// it is easy to do. But we can also have interstitial pages and transitions
// of processes (and hence RenderViewHosts) that can get very complex.
class RenderViewHostManager {
  // Functions implemented by our owner that we need.
  // TODO(brettw) Clean this up! These are all the functions in WebContents that
  // are required to run this class. The design should probably be better such
  // that these are more clear.
  // There is additional complexity that some of the functions we need in
  // WebContents are inherited and non-virtual. These are named with
  // "RenderManager" so that the duplicate implementation of them will be clear.
  class Delegate {
    // See web_contents.h's implementation for more.
    virtual bool CreateRenderViewForRenderManager(
        RenderViewHost* render_view_host) = 0;
    virtual void BeforeUnloadFiredFromRenderManager(
        bool proceed, bool* proceed_to_fire_unload) = 0;
    virtual void DidStartLoadingFromRenderManager(
        RenderViewHost* render_view_host, int32 page_id) = 0;
    virtual void RendererGoneFromRenderManager(
        RenderViewHost* render_view_host) = 0;
    virtual void UpdateRenderViewSizeForRenderManager() = 0;
    virtual void NotifySwappedFromRenderManager() = 0;
    virtual NavigationController* GetControllerForRenderManager() = 0;

  // The factory is optional. It is used by unit tests to supply custom render
  // view hosts. When NULL, the regular RenderViewHost will be created.
  // Both delegate pointers must be non-NULL and are not owned by this class.
  // They must outlive this class. The RenderViewHostDelegate is what will be
  // installed into all RenderViewHosts that are created.
  // You must call Init() before using this class and Shutdown() before
  // deleting it.
  RenderViewHostManager(RenderViewHostFactory* render_view_factory,
                        RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate,
                        Delegate* delegate);

  // For arguments, see WebContents constructor.
  void Init(Profile* profile,
            SiteInstance* site_instance,
            int routing_id,
            HANDLE modal_dialog_event);

  // Schedules all RenderViewHosts for destruction.
  void Shutdown();

  // Returns the currently actuive RenderViewHost.
  // This will be non-NULL between Init() and Shutdown(). You may want to NULL
  // check it in many cases, however. Windows can send us messages during the
  // destruction process after it has been shut down.
  RenderViewHost* current_host() const {
    return render_view_host_;

  // Returns the view associated with the current RenderViewHost, or NULL if
  // there is no current one.
  RenderWidgetHostView* current_view() const {
    if (!render_view_host_)
      return NULL;
    return render_view_host_->view();

  // Called when we want to instruct the renderer to navigate to the given
  // navigation entry. It may create a new RenderViewHost or re-use an existing
  // one. The RenderViewHost to navigate will be returned. Returns NULL if one
  // could not be created.
  RenderViewHost* Navigate(const NavigationEntry& entry);

  // Instructs the various live views to stop. Called when the user directed the
  // page to stop loading.
  void Stop();

  // Notifies all RenderViewHosts (regular, interstitials, etc.) that a load is
  // or is not happening. Even though the message is only for one of them, we
  // don't know which one so we tell them all.
  void SetIsLoading(bool is_loading);

  // Whether to close the tab or not when there is a hang during an unload
  // handler. If we are mid-crosssite navigation, then we should proceed
  // with the navigation instead of closing the tab.
  bool ShouldCloseTabOnUnresponsiveRenderer();

  // Called when a renderer's main frame navigates. This handles all the logic
  // associated with interstitial management.
  void DidNavigateMainFrame(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);

  // Allows the WebContents to react when a cross-site response is ready to be
  // delivered to a pending RenderViewHost.  We must first run the onunload
  // handler of the old RenderViewHost before we can allow it to proceed.
  void OnCrossSiteResponse(int new_render_process_host_id,
                           int new_request_id);

  // Called when a provisional load on the given renderer is aborted.
  void RendererAbortedProvisionalLoad(RenderViewHost* render_view_host);

  // Actually implements this RenderViewHostDelegate function for the
  // WebContents.
  void ShouldClosePage(bool proceed);

  // Displays an interstitial page in the current page. This method can be used
  // to show temporary pages (such as security error pages).  It can be hidden
  // by calling HideInterstitialPage, in which case the original page is
  // restored.  The passed InterstitialPage is owned by the caller and must
  // remain valid while the interstitial page is shown.
  void ShowInterstitialPage(InterstitialPage* interstitial_page);

  // Reverts from the interstitial page to the original page.
  // If |wait_for_navigation| is true, the interstitial page is removed when
  // the original page has transitioned to the new contents.  This is useful
  // when you want to hide the interstitial page as you navigate to a new page.
  // Hiding the interstitial page right away would show the previous displayed
  // page.  If |proceed| is true, the WebContents will expect the navigation
  // to complete.  If not, it will revert to the last shown page.
  void HideInterstitialPage(bool wait_for_navigation,
                            bool proceed);

  // Returns true if the given render view host is an interstitial.
  bool IsRenderViewInterstitial(const RenderViewHost* render_view_host) const;

  // Forwards the message to the RenderViewHost, which is the original one,
  // not any interstitial that may be showing.
  void OnJavaScriptMessageBoxClosed(IPC::Message* reply_msg,
                                    bool success,
                                    const std::wstring& prompt);

  // Are we showing the POST interstitial page?
  // NOTE: the POST interstitial does NOT result in a separate RenderViewHost.
  bool showing_repost_interstitial() const {
    return showing_repost_interstitial_;
  void set_showing_repost_interstitial(bool showing) {
    showing_repost_interstitial_ = showing;

  // Returns whether we are currently showing an interstitial page.
  bool showing_interstitial_page() const {
    return (renderer_state_ == INTERSTITIAL) ||
        (renderer_state_ == LEAVING_INTERSTITIAL);

  // Accessors to the the interstitial page.
  InterstitialPage* interstitial_page() const {
    return interstitial_page_;

  friend class TestWebContents;

  // RenderViewHost states. These states represent whether a cross-site
  // request is pending (in the new process model) and whether an interstitial
  // page is being shown. These are public to give easy access to unit tests.
  enum RendererState {
    // NORMAL: just showing a page normally.
    // render_view_host_ is showing a page.
    // pending_render_view_host_ is NULL.
    // original_render_view_host_ is NULL.
    // interstitial_render_view_host_ is NULL.
    NORMAL = 0,

    // PENDING: creating a new RenderViewHost for a cross-site navigation.
    // Never used when --process-per-tab is specified.
    // render_view_host_ is showing a page.
    // pending_render_view_host_ is loading a page in the background.
    // original_render_view_host_ is NULL.
    // interstitial_render_view_host_ is NULL.

    // ENTERING_INTERSTITIAL: an interstitial RenderViewHost has been created.
    // and will be shown as soon as it calls DidNavigate.
    // render_view_host_ is showing a page.
    // pending_render_view_host_ is either NULL or suspended in the background.
    // original_render_view_host_ is NULL.
    // interstitial_render_view_host_ is loading in the background.

    // INTERSTITIAL: Showing an interstitial page.
    // render_view_host_ is showing the interstitial.
    // pending_render_view_host_ is either NULL or suspended in the background.
    // original_render_view_host_ is the hidden original page.
    // interstitial_render_view_host_ is NULL.

    // LEAVING_INTERSTITIAL: interstitial is still showing, but we are
    // navigating to a new page that will replace it.
    // render_view_host_ is showing the interstitial.
    // pending_render_view_host_ is either NULL or loading a page.
    // original_render_view_host_ is hidden and possibly loading a page.
    // interstitial_render_view_host_ is NULL.

  // Returns whether this tab should transition to a new renderer for
  // cross-site URLs.  Enabled unless we see the --process-per-tab command line
  // switch.  Can be overridden in unit tests.
  bool ShouldTransitionCrossSite();

  // Returns an appropriate SiteInstance object for the given NavigationEntry,
  // possibly reusing the current SiteInstance.
  // Never called if --process-per-tab is used.
  SiteInstance* GetSiteInstanceForEntry(const NavigationEntry& entry,
                                        SiteInstance* curr_instance);

  // Helper method to create a pending RenderViewHost for a cross-site
  // navigation.
  bool CreatePendingRenderView(SiteInstance* instance);

  // Creates a RenderViewHost using render_view_factory_ (or directly, if the
  // factory is NULL).
  RenderViewHost* CreateRenderViewHost(SiteInstance* instance,
                                       int routing_id,
                                       HANDLE modal_dialog_event);

  // Replaces the currently shown render_view_host_ with the RenderViewHost in
  // the field pointed to by |new_render_view_host|, and then NULLs the field.
  // Callers should only pass pointers to the pending_render_view_host_,
  // interstitial_render_view_host_, or original_render_view_host_ fields of
  // this object.  If |destroy_after|, this method will call
  // ScheduleDeferredDestroy on the previous render_view_host_.
  void SwapToRenderView(RenderViewHost** new_render_view_host,
                        bool destroy_after);

  RenderViewHost* UpdateRendererStateNavigate(const NavigationEntry& entry);

  // Prevent the interstitial page from proceeding after we start navigating
  // away from it.  If |stop_request| is true, abort the pending requests
  // immediately, because we are navigating away.
  void DisableInterstitialProceed(bool stop_request);

  // Cleans up after an interstitial page is hidden.
  void InterstitialPageGone();

  // Our delegate, not owned by us. Guaranteed non-NULL.
  Delegate* delegate_;

  // See RendererState definition above.
  RendererState renderer_state_;

  // Allows tests to create their own render view host types.
  RenderViewHostFactory* render_view_factory_;

  // Implemented by the owner of this class, this delegate is installed into all
  // the RenderViewHosts that we create.
  RenderViewHostDelegate* render_view_delegate_;

  // Our RenderView host. This object is responsible for all communication with
  // a child RenderView instance.  Note that this can be the page render view
  // host or the interstitial RenderViewHost if the RendererState is
  RenderViewHost* render_view_host_;

  // This var holds the original RenderViewHost when the interstitial page is
  // showing (the RendererState is INTERSTITIAL or LEAVING_INTERSTITIAL).  It
  // is NULL otherwise.
  RenderViewHost* original_render_view_host_;

  // The RenderViewHost of the interstitial page.  This is non NULL when the
  // the RendererState is ENTERING_INTERSTITIAL.
  RenderViewHost* interstitial_render_view_host_;

  // A RenderViewHost used to load a cross-site page.  This remains hidden
  // during the PENDING RendererState until it calls DidNavigate.  It can also
  // exist if an interstitial page is shown.
  RenderViewHost* pending_render_view_host_;

  // The intersitial page currently shown if any, not own by this class
  // (the InterstitialPage is self-owned, it deletes itself when hidden).
  InterstitialPage* interstitial_page_;

  // See comment above showing_repost_interstitial().
  bool showing_repost_interstitial_;


// The "details" for a NOTIFY_RENDER_VIEW_HOST_CHANGED notification. The old
// host can be NULL when the first RenderViewHost is set.
struct RenderViewHostSwitchedDetails {
  RenderViewHost* old_host;
  RenderViewHost* new_host;