// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/audio_renderer_host.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/lock.h" #include "base/process.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "base/sys_info.h" #include "base/waitable_event.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/audio_sync_reader.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "ipc/ipc_logging.h" // The minimum number of samples in a hardware packet. // This value is selected so that we can handle down to 5khz sample rate. static const int kMinSamplesPerHardwarePacket = 1024; // The maximum number of samples in a hardware packet. // This value is selected so that we can handle up to 192khz sample rate. static const int kMaxSamplesPerHardwarePacket = 64 * 1024; // This constant governs the hardware audio buffer size, this value should be // chosen carefully. // This value is selected so that we have 8192 samples for 48khz streams. static const int kMillisecondsPerHardwarePacket = 170; // We allow at most 50 concurrent audio streams in most case. This is a // rather high limit that is practically hard to reach. static const size_t kMaxStreams = 50; // By experiment the maximum number of audio streams allowed in Leopard // is 18. But we put a slightly smaller number just to be safe. static const size_t kMaxStreamsLeopard = 15; // Returns the number of audio streams allowed. This is a practical limit to // prevent failure caused by too many audio streams opened. static size_t GetMaxAudioStreamsAllowed() { #if defined(OS_MACOSX) // We are hitting a bug in Leopard where too many audio streams will cause // a deadlock in the AudioQueue API when starting the stream. Unfortunately // there's no way to detect it within the AudioQueue API, so we put a // special hard limit only for Leopard. // See bug: http://crbug.com/30242 int32 major, minor, bugfix; base::SysInfo::OperatingSystemVersionNumbers(&major, &minor, &bugfix); if (major < 10 || (major == 10 && minor <= 5)) return kMaxStreamsLeopard; #endif // In OS other than OSX Leopard, the number of audio streams allowed is a // lot more so we return a separate number. return kMaxStreams; } static uint32 SelectHardwarePacketSize(int channels, int sample_rate, int bits_per_sample) { // Select the number of samples that can provide at least // |kMillisecondsPerHardwarePacket| worth of audio data. int samples = kMinSamplesPerHardwarePacket; while (samples <= kMaxSamplesPerHardwarePacket && samples * base::Time::kMillisecondsPerSecond < sample_rate * kMillisecondsPerHardwarePacket) { samples *= 2; } return channels * samples * bits_per_sample / 8; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // AudioRendererHost implementations. AudioRendererHost::AudioRendererHost() : process_handle_(0), ipc_sender_(NULL) { // Increase the ref count of this object so it is active until we do // Release(). AddRef(); } AudioRendererHost::~AudioRendererHost() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(audio_entries_.empty()); // Make sure we received IPCChannelClosing() signal. DCHECK(!ipc_sender_); DCHECK(!process_handle_); } void AudioRendererHost::Destroy() { // Post a message to the thread where this object should live and do the // actual operations there. ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoDestroy)); } // Event received when IPC channel is connected to the renderer process. void AudioRendererHost::IPCChannelConnected(int process_id, base::ProcessHandle process_handle, IPC::Message::Sender* ipc_sender) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); process_handle_ = process_handle; ipc_sender_ = ipc_sender; } // Event received when IPC channel is closing. void AudioRendererHost::IPCChannelClosing() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Reset IPC related member variables. ipc_sender_ = NULL; process_handle_ = 0; // Since the IPC channel is gone, close all requested audio streams. DeleteEntries(); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // media::AudioController::EventHandler implementations. void AudioRendererHost::OnCreated(media::AudioController* controller) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoCompleteCreation, controller)); } void AudioRendererHost::OnPlaying(media::AudioController* controller) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoSendPlayingMessage, controller)); } void AudioRendererHost::OnPaused(media::AudioController* controller) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoSendPausedMessage, controller)); } void AudioRendererHost::OnError(media::AudioController* controller, int error_code) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoHandleError, controller, error_code)); } void AudioRendererHost::OnMoreData(media::AudioController* controller, base::Time timestamp, uint32 pending_bytes) { ChromeThread::PostTask( ChromeThread::IO, FROM_HERE, NewRunnableMethod(this, &AudioRendererHost::DoRequestMoreData, controller, timestamp, pending_bytes)); } void AudioRendererHost::DoCompleteCreation(media::AudioController* controller) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupByController(controller); if (!entry) return; if (!process_handle_) { NOTREACHED() << "Renderer process handle is invalid."; DeleteEntryOnError(entry); return; } // Once the audio stream is created then complete the creation process by // mapping shared memory and sharing with the renderer process. base::SharedMemoryHandle foreign_memory_handle; if (!entry->shared_memory.ShareToProcess(process_handle_, &foreign_memory_handle)) { // If we failed to map and share the shared memory then close the audio // stream and send an error message. DeleteEntryOnError(entry); return; } if (entry->controller->LowLatencyMode()) { AudioSyncReader* reader = static_cast<AudioSyncReader*>(entry->reader.get()); #if defined(OS_WIN) base::SyncSocket::Handle foreign_socket_handle; #else base::FileDescriptor foreign_socket_handle; #endif // If we failed to prepare the sync socket for the renderer then we fail // the construction of audio stream. if (!reader->PrepareForeignSocketHandle(process_handle_, &foreign_socket_handle)) { DeleteEntryOnError(entry); return; } SendMessage(new ViewMsg_NotifyLowLatencyAudioStreamCreated( entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id, foreign_memory_handle, foreign_socket_handle, entry->shared_memory.max_size())); return; } // The normal audio stream has created, send a message to the renderer // process. SendMessage(new ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamCreated( entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id, foreign_memory_handle, entry->shared_memory.max_size())); } void AudioRendererHost::DoSendPlayingMessage( media::AudioController* controller) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupByController(controller); if (!entry) return; ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params params; params.state = ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params::kPlaying; SendMessage(new ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamStateChanged( entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id, params)); } void AudioRendererHost::DoSendPausedMessage( media::AudioController* controller) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupByController(controller); if (!entry) return; ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params params; params.state = ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params::kPaused; SendMessage(new ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamStateChanged( entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id, params)); } void AudioRendererHost::DoRequestMoreData(media::AudioController* controller, base::Time timestamp, uint32 pending_bytes) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // If we already have a pending request then return. AudioEntry* entry = LookupByController(controller); if (!entry || entry->pending_buffer_request) return; DCHECK(!entry->controller->LowLatencyMode()); entry->pending_buffer_request = true; SendMessage( new ViewMsg_RequestAudioPacket( entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id, pending_bytes, timestamp.ToInternalValue())); } void AudioRendererHost::DoHandleError(media::AudioController* controller, int error_code) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupByController(controller); if (!entry) return; DeleteEntryOnError(entry); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // IPC Messages handler bool AudioRendererHost::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message& message, bool* message_was_ok) { if (!IsAudioRendererHostMessage(message)) return false; *message_was_ok = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(AudioRendererHost, message, *message_was_ok) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_CreateAudioStream, OnCreateStream) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_PlayAudioStream, OnPlayStream) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_PauseAudioStream, OnPauseStream) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_FlushAudioStream, OnFlushStream) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_CloseAudioStream, OnCloseStream) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_NotifyAudioPacketReady, OnNotifyPacketReady) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_GetAudioVolume, OnGetVolume) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_SetAudioVolume, OnSetVolume) IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX() return true; } bool AudioRendererHost::IsAudioRendererHostMessage( const IPC::Message& message) { switch (message.type()) { case ViewHostMsg_CreateAudioStream::ID: case ViewHostMsg_PlayAudioStream::ID: case ViewHostMsg_PauseAudioStream::ID: case ViewHostMsg_FlushAudioStream::ID: case ViewHostMsg_CloseAudioStream::ID: case ViewHostMsg_NotifyAudioPacketReady::ID: case ViewHostMsg_GetAudioVolume::ID: case ViewHostMsg_SetAudioVolume::ID: return true; default: break; } return false; } void AudioRendererHost::OnCreateStream( const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id, const ViewHostMsg_Audio_CreateStream_Params& params, bool low_latency) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); DCHECK(LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id) == NULL); // Limit the number of audio streams opened. This is to prevent using // excessive resources for a large number of audio streams. More // importantly it prevents instability on certain systems. // See bug: http://crbug.com/30242 if (audio_entries_.size() >= GetMaxAudioStreamsAllowed()) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } // Select the hardwaer packet size if not specified. uint32 hardware_packet_size = params.packet_size; if (!hardware_packet_size) { hardware_packet_size = SelectHardwarePacketSize(params.channels, params.sample_rate, params.bits_per_sample); } scoped_ptr<AudioEntry> entry(new AudioEntry()); scoped_refptr<media::AudioController> controller = NULL; if (low_latency) { // If this is the low latency mode, we need to construct a SyncReader first. scoped_ptr<AudioSyncReader> reader( new AudioSyncReader(&entry->shared_memory)); // Then try to initialize the sync reader. if (!reader->Init()) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } // If we have successfully created the SyncReader then assign it to the // entry and construct an AudioController. entry->reader.reset(reader.release()); controller = media::AudioController::CreateLowLatency( this, params.format, params.channels, params.sample_rate, params.bits_per_sample, hardware_packet_size, entry->reader.get()); } else { // The choice of buffer capacity is based on experiment. controller = media::AudioController::Create(this, params.format, params.channels, params.sample_rate, params.bits_per_sample, hardware_packet_size, 3 * hardware_packet_size); } if (!controller) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } // If we have created the controller successfully create a entry and add it // to the map. entry->controller = controller; entry->render_view_id = msg.routing_id(); entry->stream_id = stream_id; // Create the shared memory and share with the renderer process. if (!entry->shared_memory.Create(L"", false, false, hardware_packet_size) || !entry->shared_memory.Map(entry->shared_memory.max_size())) { // If creation of shared memory failed then close the controller and // sends an error message. controller->Close(); SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } // If everything is successful then add it to the map. audio_entries_.insert(std::make_pair( AudioEntryId(msg.routing_id(), stream_id), entry.release())); } void AudioRendererHost::OnPlayStream(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); if (!entry) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } entry->controller->Play(); } void AudioRendererHost::OnPauseStream(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); if (!entry) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } entry->controller->Pause(); } void AudioRendererHost::OnFlushStream(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); if (!entry) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } entry->controller->Flush(); } void AudioRendererHost::OnCloseStream(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); // Note that closing an audio stream is a blocking operation. This call may // block the IO thread for up to 100ms. if (entry) DeleteEntry(entry); } void AudioRendererHost::OnSetVolume(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id, double volume) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); if (!entry) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } // Make sure the volume is valid. CHECK(volume >= 0 && volume <= 1.0); entry->controller->SetVolume(volume); } void AudioRendererHost::OnGetVolume(const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); NOTREACHED() << "This message shouldn't be received"; } void AudioRendererHost::OnNotifyPacketReady( const IPC::Message& msg, int stream_id, uint32 packet_size) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntry* entry = LookupById(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); if (!entry) { SendErrorMessage(msg.routing_id(), stream_id); return; } DCHECK(!entry->controller->LowLatencyMode()); CHECK(packet_size <= entry->shared_memory.max_size()); if (!entry->pending_buffer_request) { NOTREACHED() << "Buffer received but no such pending request"; } entry->pending_buffer_request = false; // If the audio packet is empty then don't enqueue to controller. This will // avoid excessive communication between browser and renderer when audio // data is depleted. if (!packet_size) return; // Enqueue the data to media::AudioController. entry->controller->EnqueueData( reinterpret_cast<uint8*>(entry->shared_memory.memory()), packet_size); } void AudioRendererHost::DoDestroy() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Reset IPC releated members. ipc_sender_ = NULL; process_handle_ = 0; // Close all audio streams. DeleteEntries(); // Decrease the reference to this object, which may lead to self-destruction. Release(); } void AudioRendererHost::SendMessage(IPC::Message* message) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); if (ipc_sender_) ipc_sender_->Send(message); } void AudioRendererHost::SendErrorMessage(int32 render_view_id, int32 stream_id) { ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params state; state.state = ViewMsg_AudioStreamState_Params::kError; SendMessage(new ViewMsg_NotifyAudioStreamStateChanged( render_view_id, stream_id, state)); } void AudioRendererHost::DeleteEntries() { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); while (!audio_entries_.empty()) { DeleteEntry(audio_entries_.begin()->second); } DCHECK(audio_entries_.empty()); } void AudioRendererHost::DeleteEntry(AudioEntry* entry) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Delete the entry when this method goes out of scope. scoped_ptr<AudioEntry> entry_deleter(entry); // Close the audio stream then remove the entry. entry->controller->Close(); // Entry the entry from the map. audio_entries_.erase( AudioEntryId(entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id)); } void AudioRendererHost::DeleteEntryOnError(AudioEntry* entry) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Sends the error message first before we close the stream because // |entry| is destroyed in DeleteEntry(). SendErrorMessage(entry->render_view_id, entry->stream_id); DeleteEntry(entry); } AudioRendererHost::AudioEntry* AudioRendererHost::LookupById( int route_id, int stream_id) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); AudioEntryMap::iterator i = audio_entries_.find( AudioEntryId(route_id, stream_id)); if (i != audio_entries_.end()) return i->second; return NULL; } AudioRendererHost::AudioEntry* AudioRendererHost::LookupByController( media::AudioController* controller) { DCHECK(ChromeThread::CurrentlyOn(ChromeThread::IO)); // Iterate the map of entries. // TODO(hclam): Implement a faster look up method. for (AudioEntryMap::iterator i = audio_entries_.begin(); i != audio_entries_.end(); ++i) { if (controller == i->second->controller.get()) return i->second; } return NULL; }