// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/buffered_resource_handler.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "net/base/mime_sniffer.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/download_throttling_resource_handler.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/resource_dispatcher_host.h" #include "net/base/mime_sniffer.h" #include "net/base/io_buffer.h" #include "net/http/http_response_headers.h" namespace { const int kMaxBytesToSniff = 512; void RecordSnifferMetrics(bool sniffing_blocked, bool we_would_like_to_sniff, const std::string& mime_type) { static BooleanHistogram nosniff_usage("nosniff.usage"); nosniff_usage.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); nosniff_usage.AddBoolean(sniffing_blocked); if (sniffing_blocked) { static BooleanHistogram nosniff_otherwise("nosniff.otherwise"); nosniff_otherwise.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); nosniff_otherwise.AddBoolean(we_would_like_to_sniff); static BooleanHistogram nosniff_empty_mime_type("nosniff.empty_mime_type"); nosniff_empty_mime_type.SetFlags(kUmaTargetedHistogramFlag); nosniff_empty_mime_type.AddBoolean(mime_type.empty()); } } } // namespace BufferedResourceHandler::BufferedResourceHandler(ResourceHandler* handler, ResourceDispatcherHost* host, URLRequest* request) : real_handler_(handler), host_(host), request_(request), bytes_read_(0), sniff_content_(false), should_buffer_(false), buffering_(false), finished_(false) { } bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnUploadProgress(int request_id, uint64 position, uint64 size) { return real_handler_->OnUploadProgress(request_id, position, size); } bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnRequestRedirected(int request_id, const GURL& new_url) { return real_handler_->OnRequestRedirected(request_id, new_url); } bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnResponseStarted(int request_id, ResourceResponse* response) { response_ = response; if (!DelayResponse()) return CompleteResponseStarted(request_id, false); return true; } bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnResponseCompleted( int request_id, const URLRequestStatus& status) { return real_handler_->OnResponseCompleted(request_id, status); } // We'll let the original event handler provide a buffer, and reuse it for // subsequent reads until we're done buffering. bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnWillRead(int request_id, net::IOBuffer** buf, int* buf_size, int min_size) { if (buffering_) { DCHECK(!my_buffer_.get()); my_buffer_ = new net::IOBuffer(kMaxBytesToSniff); *buf = my_buffer_.get(); *buf_size = kMaxBytesToSniff; return true; } if (finished_) return false; bool ret = real_handler_->OnWillRead(request_id, buf, buf_size, min_size); read_buffer_ = *buf; read_buffer_size_ = *buf_size; DCHECK(read_buffer_size_ >= kMaxBytesToSniff * 2); bytes_read_ = 0; return ret; } bool BufferedResourceHandler::OnReadCompleted(int request_id, int* bytes_read) { if (sniff_content_ || should_buffer_) { if (KeepBuffering(*bytes_read)) return true; LOG(INFO) << "Finished buffering " << request_->url().spec(); sniff_content_ = should_buffer_ = false; *bytes_read = bytes_read_; // Done buffering, send the pending ResponseStarted event. if (!CompleteResponseStarted(request_id, true)) return false; } // Release the reference that we acquired at OnWillRead. read_buffer_ = NULL; return real_handler_->OnReadCompleted(request_id, bytes_read); } bool BufferedResourceHandler::DelayResponse() { std::string mime_type; request_->GetMimeType(&mime_type); std::string content_type_options; request_->GetResponseHeaderByName("x-content-type-options", &content_type_options); const bool sniffing_blocked = LowerCaseEqualsASCII(content_type_options, "nosniff"); const bool we_would_like_to_sniff = net::ShouldSniffMimeType(request_->url(), mime_type); RecordSnifferMetrics(sniffing_blocked, we_would_like_to_sniff, mime_type); if (!sniffing_blocked && we_would_like_to_sniff) { // We're going to look at the data before deciding what the content type // is. That means we need to delay sending the ResponseStarted message // over the IPC channel. sniff_content_ = true; LOG(INFO) << "To buffer: " << request_->url().spec(); return true; } if (sniffing_blocked && mime_type.empty()) { // Ugg. The server told us not to sniff the content but didn't give us a // mime type. What's a browser to do? Turns out, we're supposed to treat // the response as "text/plain". This is the most secure option. mime_type.assign("text/plain"); response_->response_head.mime_type.assign(mime_type); } if (ShouldBuffer(request_->url(), mime_type)) { // This is a temporary fix for the fact that webkit expects to have // enough data to decode the doctype in order to select the rendering // mode. should_buffer_ = true; LOG(INFO) << "To buffer: " << request_->url().spec(); return true; } return false; } bool BufferedResourceHandler::ShouldBuffer(const GURL& url, const std::string& mime_type) { // We are willing to buffer for HTTP and HTTPS. bool sniffable_scheme = url.is_empty() || url.SchemeIs("http") || url.SchemeIs("https"); if (!sniffable_scheme) return false; // Today, the only reason to buffer the request is to fix the doctype decoding // performed by webkit: if there is not enough data it will go to quirks mode. // We only expect the doctype check to apply to html documents. return mime_type == "text/html"; } bool BufferedResourceHandler::KeepBuffering(int bytes_read) { DCHECK(read_buffer_); if (my_buffer_) { // We are using our own buffer to read, update the main buffer. CHECK(bytes_read + bytes_read_ < read_buffer_size_); memcpy(read_buffer_->data() + bytes_read_, my_buffer_->data(), bytes_read); my_buffer_ = NULL; } bytes_read_ += bytes_read; finished_ = (bytes_read == 0); if (sniff_content_) { std::string type_hint, new_type; request_->GetMimeType(&type_hint); if (!net::SniffMimeType(read_buffer_->data(), bytes_read_, request_->url(), type_hint, &new_type)) { // SniffMimeType() returns false if there is not enough data to determine // the mime type. However, even if it returns false, it returns a new type // that is probably better than the current one. DCHECK(bytes_read_ < kMaxBytesToSniff); if (!finished_) { buffering_ = true; return true; } } sniff_content_ = false; response_->response_head.mime_type.assign(new_type); // We just sniffed the mime type, maybe there is a doctype to process. if (ShouldBuffer(request_->url(), new_type)) should_buffer_ = true; } if (!finished_ && should_buffer_) { if (!DidBufferEnough(bytes_read_)) { buffering_ = true; return true; } } buffering_ = false; return false; } bool BufferedResourceHandler::CompleteResponseStarted(int request_id, bool in_complete) { // Check to see if we should forward the data from this request to the // download thread. // TODO(paulg): Only download if the context from the renderer allows it. std::string content_disposition; request_->GetResponseHeaderByName("content-disposition", &content_disposition); ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraRequestInfo* info = ResourceDispatcherHost::ExtraInfoForRequest(request_); if (info->allow_download && host_->ShouldDownload(response_->response_head.mime_type, content_disposition)) { if (response_->response_head.headers && // Can be NULL if FTP. response_->response_head.headers->response_code() / 100 != 2) { // The response code indicates that this is an error page, but we don't // know how to display the content. We follow Firefox here and show our // own error page instead of triggering a download. // TODO(abarth): We should abstract the response_code test, but this kind // of check is scattered throughout our codebase. request_->CancelWithError(net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return false; } info->is_download = true; scoped_refptr download_handler = new DownloadThrottlingResourceHandler(host_, request_, request_->url(), info->render_process_host_id, info->render_view_id, request_id, in_complete); if (bytes_read_) { // a Read has already occurred and we need to copy the data into the // EventHandler. net::IOBuffer* buf = NULL; int buf_len = 0; download_handler->OnWillRead(request_id, &buf, &buf_len, bytes_read_); CHECK((buf_len >= bytes_read_) && (bytes_read_ >= 0)); memcpy(buf->data(), read_buffer_->data(), bytes_read_); } // Send the renderer a response that indicates that the request will be // handled by an external source (the browser's DownloadManager). real_handler_->OnResponseStarted(info->request_id, response_); URLRequestStatus status(URLRequestStatus::HANDLED_EXTERNALLY, 0); real_handler_->OnResponseCompleted(info->request_id, status); // Ditch the old async handler that talks to the renderer for the new // download handler that talks to the DownloadManager. real_handler_ = download_handler; } return real_handler_->OnResponseStarted(request_id, response_); } bool BufferedResourceHandler::DidBufferEnough(int bytes_read) { const int kRequiredLength = 256; return bytes_read >= kRequiredLength; }