// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <set>
#include <string>

#include "app/surface/transport_dib.h"
#include "base/id_map.h"
#include "base/process.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/time.h"
#include "chrome/common/visitedlink_common.h"
#include "ipc/ipc_sync_channel.h"

class Profile;
class URLRequestContextGetter;
struct ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params;

namespace base {
class SharedMemory;

// Virtual interface that represents the browser side of the browser <->
// renderer communication channel. There will generally be one
// RenderProcessHost per renderer process.
// The concrete implementation of this class for normal use is the
// BrowserRenderProcessHost. It may also be implemented by a testing interface
// for mocking purposes.
class RenderProcessHost : public IPC::Channel::Sender,
                          public IPC::Channel::Listener {
  typedef IDMap<RenderProcessHost>::iterator iterator;

  // We classify renderers according to their highest privilege, and try
  // to group pages into renderers with similar privileges.
  // Note: it may be possible for a renderer to have multiple privileges,
  // in which case we call it an "extension" renderer.
  enum Type {
    TYPE_NORMAL,     // Normal renderer, no extra privileges.
    TYPE_DOMUI,      // Renderer with DOMUI privileges, like New Tab.
    TYPE_EXTENSION,  // Renderer with extension privileges.

  // Details for RENDERER_PROCESS_CLOSED notifications.
  struct RendererClosedDetails {
    RendererClosedDetails(bool did_crash, bool was_extension_renderer) {
      this->did_crash = did_crash;
      this->was_extension_renderer = was_extension_renderer;
    bool did_crash;
    bool was_extension_renderer;

  explicit RenderProcessHost(Profile* profile);
  virtual ~RenderProcessHost();

  // Returns the user profile associated with this renderer process.
  Profile* profile() const { return profile_; }

  // Returns the unique ID for this child process. This can be used later in
  // a call to FromID() to get back to this object (this is used to avoid
  // sending non-threadsafe pointers to other threads).
  // This ID will be unique for all child processes, including workers, plugins,
  // etc. It is generated by ChildProcessInfo.
  int id() const { return id_; }

  // Returns true iff channel_ has been set to non-NULL. Use this for checking
  // if there is connection or not.
  bool HasConnection() { return channel_.get() != NULL; }

  bool sudden_termination_allowed() const {
    return sudden_termination_allowed_;
  void set_sudden_termination_allowed(bool enabled) {
    sudden_termination_allowed_ = enabled;

  // Used for refcounting, each holder of this object must Attach and Release
  // just like it would for a COM object. This object should be allocated on
  // the heap; when no listeners own it any more, it will delete itself.
  void Attach(IPC::Channel::Listener* listener, int routing_id);

  // See Attach()
  void Release(int listener_id);

  // Listeners should call this when they've sent a "Close" message and
  // they're waiting for a "Close_ACK", so that if the renderer process
  // goes away we'll know that it was intentional rather than a crash.
  void ReportExpectingClose(int32 listener_id);

  // Allows iteration over this RenderProcessHost's RenderViewHost listeners.
  // Use from UI thread only.
  typedef IDMap<IPC::Channel::Listener>::const_iterator listeners_iterator;

  listeners_iterator ListenersIterator() {
    return listeners_iterator(&listeners_);

  IPC::Channel::Listener* GetListenerByID(int routing_id) {
    return listeners_.Lookup(routing_id);

  // Called to inform the render process host of a new "max page id" for a
  // render view host.  The render process host computes the largest page id
  // across all render view hosts and uses the value when it needs to
  // initialize a new renderer in place of the current one.
  void UpdateMaxPageID(int32 page_id);

  void set_ignore_input_events(bool ignore_input_events) {
    ignore_input_events_ = ignore_input_events;
  bool ignore_input_events() {
    return ignore_input_events_;

  // Returns how long the child has been idle. The definition of idle
  // depends on when a derived class calls mark_child_process_activity_time().
  // This is a rough indicator and its resolution should not be better than
  // 10 milliseconds.
  base::TimeDelta get_child_process_idle_time() const {
    return base::TimeTicks::Now() - child_process_activity_time_;

  // Call this function when it is evident that the child process is actively
  // performing some operation, for example if we just received an IPC message.
  void mark_child_process_activity_time() {
    child_process_activity_time_ = base::TimeTicks::Now();

  // Try to shutdown the associated render process as fast as possible, but
  // only if |count| matches the number of render widgets that this process
  // controls.
  bool FastShutdownForPageCount(size_t count);

  bool fast_shutdown_started() {
    return fast_shutdown_started_;

  // Virtual interface ---------------------------------------------------------

  // Initialize the new renderer process, returning true on success. This must
  // be called once before the object can be used, but can be called after
  // that with no effect. Therefore, if the caller isn't sure about whether
  // the process has been created, it should just call Init().
  virtual bool Init(bool is_extensions_process,
                    URLRequestContextGetter* request_context) = 0;

  // Gets the next available routing id.
  virtual int GetNextRoutingID() = 0;

  // Called on the UI thread to cancel any outstanding resource requests for
  // the specified render widget.
  virtual void CancelResourceRequests(int render_widget_id) = 0;

  // Called on the UI thread to simulate a ClosePage_ACK message to the
  // ResourceDispatcherHost.  Necessary for a cross-site request, in the case
  // that the original RenderViewHost is not live and thus cannot run an
  // onunload handler.
  virtual void CrossSiteClosePageACK(
      const ViewMsg_ClosePage_Params& params) = 0;

  // Called on the UI thread to wait for the next UpdateRect message for the
  // specified render widget.  Returns true if successful, and the msg out-
  // param will contain a copy of the received UpdateRect message.
  virtual bool WaitForUpdateMsg(int render_widget_id,
                                const base::TimeDelta& max_delay,
                                IPC::Message* msg) = 0;

  // Called when a received message cannot be decoded.
  virtual void ReceivedBadMessage(uint32 msg_type) = 0;

  // Track the count of visible widgets. Called by listeners to register and
  // unregister visibility.
  virtual void WidgetRestored() = 0;
  virtual void WidgetHidden() = 0;

  // Called when RenderView is created by a listener.
  virtual void ViewCreated() = 0;

  // Informs the renderer about a new visited link table.
  virtual void SendVisitedLinkTable(base::SharedMemory* table_memory) = 0;

  // Notify the renderer that a link was visited.
  virtual void AddVisitedLinks(
      const VisitedLinkCommon::Fingerprints& links) = 0;

  // Clear internal visited links buffer and ask the renderer to update link
  // coloring state for all of its links.
  virtual void ResetVisitedLinks() = 0;

  // Try to shutdown the associated renderer process as fast as possible.
  // If this renderer has any RenderViews with unload handlers, then this
  // function does nothing.  The current implementation uses TerminateProcess.
  // Returns True if it was able to do fast shutdown.
  virtual bool FastShutdownIfPossible() = 0;

  // Synchronously sends the message, waiting for the specified timeout. The
  // implementor takes ownership of the given Message regardless of whether or
  // not this method succeeds. Returns true on success.
  virtual bool SendWithTimeout(IPC::Message* msg, int timeout_ms) = 0;

  // Returns the process object associated with the child process.  In certain
  // tests or single-process mode, this will actually represent the current
  // process.
  // NOTE: this is not necessarily valid immediately after calling Init, as
  // Init starts the process asynchronously.  It's guaranteed to be valid after
  // the first IPC arrives.
  virtual base::ProcessHandle GetHandle() = 0;

  // Transport DIB functions ---------------------------------------------------

  // Return the TransportDIB for the given id. On Linux, this can involve
  // mapping shared memory. On Mac, the shared memory is created in the browser
  // process and the cached metadata is returned. On Windows, this involves
  // duplicating the handle from the remote process.  The RenderProcessHost
  // still owns the returned DIB.
  virtual TransportDIB* GetTransportDIB(TransportDIB::Id dib_id) = 0;

  // Static management functions -----------------------------------------------

  // Flag to run the renderer in process.  This is primarily
  // for debugging purposes.  When running "in process", the
  // browser maintains a single RenderProcessHost which communicates
  // to a RenderProcess which is instantiated in the same process
  // with the Browser.  All IPC between the Browser and the
  // Renderer is the same, it's just not crossing a process boundary.
  static bool run_renderer_in_process() {
    return run_renderer_in_process_;
  static void set_run_renderer_in_process(bool value) {
    run_renderer_in_process_ = value;

  // Allows iteration over all the RenderProcessHosts in the browser. Note
  // that each host may not be active, and therefore may have NULL channels.
  static iterator AllHostsIterator();

  // Returns the RenderProcessHost given its ID.  Returns NULL if the ID does
  // not correspond to a live RenderProcessHost.
  static RenderProcessHost* FromID(int render_process_id);

  // Returns true if the caller should attempt to use an existing
  // RenderProcessHost rather than creating a new one.
  static bool ShouldTryToUseExistingProcessHost();

  // Get an existing RenderProcessHost associated with the given profile, if
  // possible.  The renderer process is chosen randomly from suitable renderers
  // that share the same profile and type.
  // Returns NULL if no suitable renderer process is available, in which case
  // the caller is free to create a new renderer.
  static RenderProcessHost* GetExistingProcessHost(Profile* profile, Type type);

  // A proxy for our IPC::Channel that lives on the IO thread (see
  // browser_process.h)
  scoped_ptr<IPC::SyncChannel> channel_;

  // The registered listeners. When this list is empty or all NULL, we should
  // delete ourselves
  IDMap<IPC::Channel::Listener> listeners_;

  // The maximum page ID we've ever seen from the renderer process.
  int32 max_page_id_;

  // True if fast shutdown has been performed on this RPH.
  bool fast_shutdown_started_;

  // The globally-unique identifier for this RPH.
  int id_;

  Profile* profile_;

  // set of listeners that expect the renderer process to close
  std::set<int> listeners_expecting_close_;

  // True if the process can be shut down suddenly.  If this is true, then we're
  // sure that all the RenderViews in the process can be shutdown suddenly.  If
  // it's false, then specific RenderViews might still be allowed to be shutdown
  // suddenly by checking their SuddenTerminationAllowed() flag.  This can occur
  // if one tab has an unload event listener but another tab in the same process
  // doesn't.
  bool sudden_termination_allowed_;

  // Set to true if we shouldn't send input events.  We actually do the
  // filtering for this at the render widget level.
  bool ignore_input_events_;

  // See getter above.
  static bool run_renderer_in_process_;

  // Records the last time we regarded the child process active.
  base::TimeTicks child_process_activity_time_;


// Factory object for RenderProcessHosts. Using this factory allows tests to
// swap out a different one to use a TestRenderProcessHost.
class RenderProcessHostFactory {
  virtual ~RenderProcessHostFactory() {}
  virtual RenderProcessHost* CreateRenderProcessHost(
      Profile* profile) const = 0;