// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_sandbox_host_linux.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/eintr_wrapper.h" #include "base/linux_util.h" #include "base/pickle.h" #include "base/process_util.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "base/string_number_conversions.h" #include "base/string_util.h" #include "base/unix_domain_socket_posix.h" #include "chrome/common/sandbox_methods_linux.h" #include "third_party/npapi/bindings/npapi_extensions.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/gtk/WebFontInfo.h" #include "SkFontHost_fontconfig_direct.h" #include "SkFontHost_fontconfig_ipc.h" using WebKit::WebCString; using WebKit::WebFontInfo; using WebKit::WebUChar; // http://code.google.com/p/chromium/wiki/LinuxSandboxIPC // BEWARE: code in this file run across *processes* (not just threads). // This code runs in a child process class SandboxIPCProcess { public: // lifeline_fd: this is the read end of a pipe which the browser process // holds the other end of. If the browser process dies, its descriptors are // closed and we will noticed an EOF on the pipe. That's our signal to exit. // browser_socket: the browser's end of the sandbox IPC socketpair. From the // point of view of the renderer, it's talking to the browser but this // object actually services the requests. // sandbox_cmd: the path of the sandbox executable SandboxIPCProcess(int lifeline_fd, int browser_socket, std::string sandbox_cmd) : lifeline_fd_(lifeline_fd), browser_socket_(browser_socket), font_config_(new FontConfigDirect()) { base::InjectiveMultimap multimap; multimap.push_back(base::InjectionArc(0, lifeline_fd, false)); multimap.push_back(base::InjectionArc(0, browser_socket, false)); base::CloseSuperfluousFds(multimap); if (!sandbox_cmd.empty()) { sandbox_cmd_.push_back(sandbox_cmd); sandbox_cmd_.push_back(base::kFindInodeSwitch); } } void Run() { struct pollfd pfds[2]; pfds[0].fd = lifeline_fd_; pfds[0].events = POLLIN; pfds[1].fd = browser_socket_; pfds[1].events = POLLIN; int failed_polls = 0; for (;;) { const int r = HANDLE_EINTR(poll(pfds, 2, -1)); if (r < 1) { LOG(WARNING) << "poll errno:" << errno; if (failed_polls++ == 3) { LOG(FATAL) << "poll failing. Sandbox host aborting."; return; } continue; } failed_polls = 0; if (pfds[0].revents) { // our parent died so we should too. _exit(0); } if (pfds[1].revents) { HandleRequestFromRenderer(browser_socket_); } } } private: // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Requests from the renderer... void HandleRequestFromRenderer(int fd) { std::vector fds; // A FontConfigIPC::METHOD_MATCH message could be kMaxFontFamilyLength // bytes long (this is the largest message type). // 128 bytes padding are necessary so recvmsg() does not return MSG_TRUNC // error for a maximum length message. char buf[FontConfigInterface::kMaxFontFamilyLength + 128]; const ssize_t len = base::RecvMsg(fd, buf, sizeof(buf), &fds); if (len == -1) { // TODO: should send an error reply, or the sender might block forever. NOTREACHED() << "Sandbox host message is larger than kMaxFontFamilyLength"; return; } if (fds.size() == 0) return; Pickle pickle(buf, len); void* iter = NULL; int kind; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &kind)) goto error; if (kind == FontConfigIPC::METHOD_MATCH) { HandleFontMatchRequest(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == FontConfigIPC::METHOD_OPEN) { HandleFontOpenRequest(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_GET_FONT_FAMILY_FOR_CHARS) { HandleGetFontFamilyForChars(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_LOCALTIME) { HandleLocaltime(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_GET_CHILD_WITH_INODE) { HandleGetChildWithInode(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_GET_STYLE_FOR_STRIKE) { HandleGetStyleForStrike(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_MAKE_SHARED_MEMORY_SEGMENT) { HandleMakeSharedMemorySegment(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } else if (kind == LinuxSandbox::METHOD_MATCH_WITH_FALLBACK) { HandleMatchWithFallback(fd, pickle, iter, fds); } error: for (std::vector::const_iterator i = fds.begin(); i != fds.end(); ++i) { close(*i); } } void HandleFontMatchRequest(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { bool filefaceid_valid; uint32_t filefaceid; if (!pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &filefaceid_valid)) return; if (filefaceid_valid) { if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &filefaceid)) return; } bool is_bold, is_italic; if (!pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &is_bold) || !pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &is_italic)) { return; } uint32_t characters_bytes; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &characters_bytes)) return; const char* characters = NULL; if (characters_bytes > 0) { const uint32_t kMaxCharactersBytes = 1 << 10; if (characters_bytes % 2 != 0 || // We expect UTF-16. characters_bytes > kMaxCharactersBytes || !pickle.ReadBytes(&iter, &characters, characters_bytes)) return; } std::string family; if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &family)) return; std::string result_family; unsigned result_filefaceid; const bool r = font_config_->Match( &result_family, &result_filefaceid, filefaceid_valid, filefaceid, family, characters, characters_bytes, &is_bold, &is_italic); Pickle reply; if (!r) { reply.WriteBool(false); } else { reply.WriteBool(true); reply.WriteUInt32(result_filefaceid); reply.WriteString(result_family); reply.WriteBool(is_bold); reply.WriteBool(is_italic); } SendRendererReply(fds, reply, -1); } void HandleFontOpenRequest(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { uint32_t filefaceid; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &filefaceid)) return; const int result_fd = font_config_->Open(filefaceid); Pickle reply; if (result_fd == -1) { reply.WriteBool(false); } else { reply.WriteBool(true); } SendRendererReply(fds, reply, result_fd); if (result_fd >= 0) close(result_fd); } void HandleGetFontFamilyForChars(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { // The other side of this call is // chrome/renderer/renderer_sandbox_support_linux.cc int num_chars; if (!pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &num_chars)) return; // We don't want a corrupt renderer asking too much of us, it might // overflow later in the code. static const int kMaxChars = 4096; if (num_chars < 1 || num_chars > kMaxChars) { LOG(WARNING) << "HandleGetFontFamilyForChars: too many chars: " << num_chars; return; } scoped_array chars(new WebUChar[num_chars]); for (int i = 0; i < num_chars; ++i) { uint32_t c; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &c)) { return; } chars[i] = c; } WebCString family = WebFontInfo::familyForChars(chars.get(), num_chars); Pickle reply; if (family.data()) { reply.WriteString(family.data()); } else { reply.WriteString(""); } SendRendererReply(fds, reply, -1); } void HandleGetStyleForStrike(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { std::string family; int sizeAndStyle; if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &family) || !pickle.ReadInt(&iter, &sizeAndStyle)) { return; } WebKit::WebFontRenderStyle style; WebFontInfo::renderStyleForStrike(family.c_str(), sizeAndStyle, &style); Pickle reply; reply.WriteInt(style.useBitmaps); reply.WriteInt(style.useAutoHint); reply.WriteInt(style.useHinting); reply.WriteInt(style.hintStyle); reply.WriteInt(style.useAntiAlias); reply.WriteInt(style.useSubpixel); SendRendererReply(fds, reply, -1); } void HandleLocaltime(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { // The other side of this call is in zygote_main_linux.cc std::string time_string; if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &time_string) || time_string.size() != sizeof(time_t)) { return; } time_t time; memcpy(&time, time_string.data(), sizeof(time)); // We use localtime here because we need the tm_zone field to be filled // out. Since we are a single-threaded process, this is safe. const struct tm* expanded_time = localtime(&time); std::string result_string; const char* time_zone_string = ""; if (expanded_time != NULL) { result_string = std::string(reinterpret_cast(expanded_time), sizeof(struct tm)); time_zone_string = expanded_time->tm_zone; } Pickle reply; reply.WriteString(result_string); reply.WriteString(time_zone_string); SendRendererReply(fds, reply, -1); } void HandleGetChildWithInode(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { // The other side of this call is in zygote_main_linux.cc if (sandbox_cmd_.empty()) { LOG(ERROR) << "Not in the sandbox, this should not be called"; return; } uint64_t inode; if (!pickle.ReadUInt64(&iter, &inode)) return; base::ProcessId pid = 0; std::string inode_output; std::vector sandbox_cmd = sandbox_cmd_; sandbox_cmd.push_back(base::Int64ToString(inode)); CommandLine get_inode_cmd(sandbox_cmd); if (base::GetAppOutput(get_inode_cmd, &inode_output)) base::StringToInt(inode_output, &pid); if (!pid) { // Even though the pid is invalid, we still need to reply to the zygote // and not just return here. LOG(ERROR) << "Could not get pid"; } Pickle reply; reply.WriteInt(pid); SendRendererReply(fds, reply, -1); } void HandleMakeSharedMemorySegment(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { uint32_t shm_size; if (!pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &shm_size)) return; int shm_fd = -1; base::SharedMemory shm; if (shm.CreateAnonymous(shm_size)) shm_fd = shm.handle().fd; Pickle reply; SendRendererReply(fds, reply, shm_fd); } void HandleMatchWithFallback(int fd, const Pickle& pickle, void* iter, std::vector& fds) { // Unlike the other calls, for which we are an indirection in front of // WebKit or Skia, this call is always made via this sandbox helper // process. Therefore the fontconfig code goes in here directly. std::string face; bool is_bold, is_italic; uint32 charset; if (!pickle.ReadString(&iter, &face) || face.empty() || !pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &is_bold) || !pickle.ReadBool(&iter, &is_italic) || !pickle.ReadUInt32(&iter, &charset)) { return; } FcLangSet* langset = FcLangSetCreate(); MSCharSetToFontconfig(langset, charset); FcPattern* pattern = FcPatternCreate(); // TODO(agl): FC_FAMILy needs to change FcPatternAddString(pattern, FC_FAMILY, (FcChar8*) face.c_str()); if (is_bold) FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_WEIGHT, FC_WEIGHT_BOLD); if (is_italic) FcPatternAddInteger(pattern, FC_SLANT, FC_SLANT_ITALIC); FcPatternAddLangSet(pattern, FC_LANG, langset); FcPatternAddBool(pattern, FC_SCALABLE, FcTrue); FcConfigSubstitute(NULL, pattern, FcMatchPattern); FcDefaultSubstitute(pattern); FcResult result; FcFontSet* font_set = FcFontSort(0, pattern, 0, 0, &result); int font_fd = -1; int good_enough_index = -1; bool good_enough_index_set = false; if (font_set) { for (int i = 0; i < font_set->nfont; ++i) { FcPattern* current = font_set->fonts[i]; // Older versions of fontconfig have a bug where they cannot select // only scalable fonts so we have to manually filter the results. FcBool is_scalable; if (FcPatternGetBool(current, FC_SCALABLE, 0, &is_scalable) != FcResultMatch || !is_scalable) { continue; } FcChar8* c_filename; if (FcPatternGetString(current, FC_FILE, 0, &c_filename) != FcResultMatch) { continue; } // We only want to return sfnt (TrueType) based fonts. We don't have a // very good way of detecting this so we'll filter based on the // filename. bool is_sfnt = false; static const char kSFNTExtensions[][5] = { ".ttf", ".otc", ".TTF", ".ttc", "" }; const size_t filename_len = strlen(reinterpret_cast(c_filename)); for (unsigned j = 0; ; j++) { if (kSFNTExtensions[j][0] == 0) { // None of the extensions matched. break; } const size_t ext_len = strlen(kSFNTExtensions[j]); if (filename_len > ext_len && memcmp(c_filename + filename_len - ext_len, kSFNTExtensions[j], ext_len) == 0) { is_sfnt = true; break; } } if (!is_sfnt) continue; // This font is good enough to pass muster, but we might be able to do // better with subsequent ones. if (!good_enough_index_set) { good_enough_index = i; good_enough_index_set = true; } FcValue matrix; bool have_matrix = FcPatternGet(current, FC_MATRIX, 0, &matrix) == 0; if (is_italic && have_matrix) { // we asked for an italic font, but fontconfig is giving us a // non-italic font with a transformation matrix. continue; } FcValue embolden; const bool have_embolden = FcPatternGet(current, FC_EMBOLDEN, 0, &embolden) == 0; if (is_bold && have_embolden) { // we asked for a bold font, but fontconfig gave us a non-bold font // and asked us to apply fake bolding. continue; } font_fd = open(reinterpret_cast(c_filename), O_RDONLY); if (font_fd >= 0) break; } } if (font_fd == -1 && good_enough_index_set) { // We didn't find a font that we liked, so we fallback to something // acceptable. FcPattern* current = font_set->fonts[good_enough_index]; FcChar8* c_filename; FcPatternGetString(current, FC_FILE, 0, &c_filename); font_fd = open(reinterpret_cast(c_filename), O_RDONLY); } if (font_set) FcFontSetDestroy(font_set); FcPatternDestroy(pattern); Pickle reply; SendRendererReply(fds, reply, font_fd); if (font_fd >= 0) { if (HANDLE_EINTR(close(font_fd)) < 0) PLOG(ERROR) << "close"; } } // MSCharSetToFontconfig translates a Microsoft charset identifier to a // fontconfig language set by appending to |langset|. static void MSCharSetToFontconfig(FcLangSet* langset, unsigned fdwCharSet) { // We have need to translate raw fdwCharSet values into terms that // fontconfig can understand. (See the description of fdwCharSet in the MSDN // documentation for CreateFont: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd183499(VS.85).aspx ) // // Although the argument is /called/ 'charset', the actual values conflate // character sets (which are sets of Unicode code points) and character // encodings (which are algorithms for turning a series of bits into a // series of code points.) Sometimes the values will name a language, // sometimes they'll name an encoding. In the latter case I'm assuming that // they mean the set of code points in the domain of that encoding. // // fontconfig deals with ISO 639-1 language codes: // http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_ISO_639-1_codes // // So, for each of the documented fdwCharSet values I've had to take a // guess at the set of ISO 639-1 languages intended. switch (fdwCharSet) { case NPCharsetAnsi: // These values I don't really know what to do with, so I'm going to map // them to English also. case NPCharsetDefault: case NPCharsetMac: case NPCharsetOEM: case NPCharsetSymbol: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("en")); break; case NPCharsetBaltic: // The three baltic languages. FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("et")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("lv")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("lt")); break; // TODO(jungshik): Would we be better off mapping Big5 to zh-tw // and GB2312 to zh-cn? Fontconfig has 4 separate orthography // files (zh-{cn,tw,hk,mo}. case NPCharsetChineseBIG5: case NPCharsetGB2312: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("zh")); break; case NPCharsetEastEurope: // A scattering of eastern European languages. FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("pl")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("cs")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("sk")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("hu")); FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("hr")); break; case NPCharsetGreek: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("el")); break; case NPCharsetHangul: case NPCharsetJohab: // Korean FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("ko")); break; case NPCharsetRussian: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("ru")); break; case NPCharsetShiftJIS: // Japanese FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("ja")); break; case NPCharsetTurkish: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("tr")); break; case NPCharsetVietnamese: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("vi")); break; case NPCharsetArabic: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("ar")); break; case NPCharsetHebrew: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("he")); break; case NPCharsetThai: FcLangSetAdd(langset, reinterpret_cast("th")); break; // default: // Don't add any languages in that case that we don't recognise the // constant. } } void SendRendererReply(const std::vector& fds, const Pickle& reply, int reply_fd) { struct msghdr msg; memset(&msg, 0, sizeof(msg)); struct iovec iov = {const_cast(reply.data()), reply.size()}; msg.msg_iov = &iov; msg.msg_iovlen = 1; char control_buffer[CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int))]; if (reply_fd != -1) { struct stat st; if (fstat(reply_fd, &st) == 0 && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) { LOG(FATAL) << "Tried to send a directory descriptor over sandbox IPC"; // We must never send directory descriptors to a sandboxed process // because they can use openat with ".." elements in the path in order // to escape the sandbox and reach the real filesystem. } struct cmsghdr *cmsg; msg.msg_control = control_buffer; msg.msg_controllen = sizeof(control_buffer); cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg); cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_SOCKET; cmsg->cmsg_type = SCM_RIGHTS; cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(int)); memcpy(CMSG_DATA(cmsg), &reply_fd, sizeof(reply_fd)); msg.msg_controllen = cmsg->cmsg_len; } if (HANDLE_EINTR(sendmsg(fds[0], &msg, MSG_DONTWAIT)) < 0) PLOG(ERROR) << "sendmsg"; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- const int lifeline_fd_; const int browser_socket_; FontConfigDirect* const font_config_; std::vector sandbox_cmd_; }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Runs on the main thread at startup. RenderSandboxHostLinux::RenderSandboxHostLinux() : initialized_(false), renderer_socket_(0), childs_lifeline_fd_(0), pid_(0) { } void RenderSandboxHostLinux::Init(const std::string& sandbox_path) { DCHECK(!initialized_); initialized_ = true; int fds[2]; // We use SOCK_SEQPACKET rather than SOCK_DGRAM to prevent the renderer from // sending datagrams to other sockets on the system. The sandbox may prevent // the renderer from calling socket() to create new sockets, but it'll still // inherit some sockets. With PF_UNIX+SOCK_DGRAM, it can call sendmsg to send // a datagram to any (abstract) socket on the same system. With // SOCK_SEQPACKET, this is prevented. CHECK(socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_SEQPACKET, 0, fds) == 0); renderer_socket_ = fds[0]; const int browser_socket = fds[1]; int pipefds[2]; CHECK(0 == pipe(pipefds)); const int child_lifeline_fd = pipefds[0]; childs_lifeline_fd_ = pipefds[1]; pid_ = fork(); if (pid_ == 0) { SandboxIPCProcess handler(child_lifeline_fd, browser_socket, sandbox_path); handler.Run(); _exit(0); } } RenderSandboxHostLinux::~RenderSandboxHostLinux() { if (initialized_) { if (HANDLE_EINTR(close(renderer_socket_)) < 0) PLOG(ERROR) << "close"; if (HANDLE_EINTR(close(childs_lifeline_fd_)) < 0) PLOG(ERROR) << "close"; } }