// Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host.h" #include "base/auto_reset.h" #include "base/command_line.h" #include "base/histogram.h" #include "base/keyboard_codes.h" #include "base/message_loop.h" #include "chrome/browser/chrome_thread.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/backing_store.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/backing_store_manager.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_process_host.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_helper.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_painting_observer.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/render_widget_host_view.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/video_layer.h" #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" #include "chrome/common/native_web_keyboard_event.h" #include "chrome/common/notification_service.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebCompositionUnderline.h" #include "webkit/glue/plugins/webplugin.h" #include "webkit/glue/webcursor.h" #if defined(TOOLKIT_VIEWS) #include "views/view.h" #endif #if defined (OS_MACOSX) #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/WebScreenInfo.h" #include "third_party/WebKit/WebKit/chromium/public/mac/WebScreenInfoFactory.h" #endif using base::Time; using base::TimeDelta; using base::TimeTicks; using WebKit::WebInputEvent; using WebKit::WebKeyboardEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseEvent; using WebKit::WebMouseWheelEvent; using WebKit::WebTextDirection; #if defined (OS_MACOSX) using WebKit::WebScreenInfo; using WebKit::WebScreenInfoFactory; #endif // How long to (synchronously) wait for the renderer to respond with a // PaintRect message, when our backing-store is invalid, before giving up and // returning a null or incorrectly sized backing-store from GetBackingStore. // This timeout impacts the "choppiness" of our window resize perf. static const int kPaintMsgTimeoutMS = 40; // How long to wait before we consider a renderer hung. static const int kHungRendererDelayMs = 20000; // The maximum time between wheel messages while coalescing. This trades off // smoothness of scrolling with a risk of falling behind the events, resulting // in trailing scrolls after the user ends their input. static const int kMaxTimeBetweenWheelMessagesMs = 250; // static bool RenderWidgetHost::renderer_accessible_ = false; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // RenderWidgetHost RenderWidgetHost::RenderWidgetHost(RenderProcessHost* process, int routing_id) : renderer_initialized_(false), view_(NULL), process_(process), painting_observer_(NULL), routing_id_(routing_id), is_loading_(false), is_hidden_(false), is_gpu_rendering_active_(false), repaint_ack_pending_(false), resize_ack_pending_(false), mouse_move_pending_(false), mouse_wheel_pending_(false), needs_repainting_on_restore_(false), is_unresponsive_(false), in_get_backing_store_(false), view_being_painted_(false), ignore_input_events_(false), text_direction_updated_(false), text_direction_(WebKit::WebTextDirectionLeftToRight), text_direction_canceled_(false), suppress_next_char_events_(false) { if (routing_id_ == MSG_ROUTING_NONE) routing_id_ = process_->GetNextRoutingID(); process_->Attach(this, routing_id_); // Because the widget initializes as is_hidden_ == false, // tell the process host that we're alive. process_->WidgetRestored(); } RenderWidgetHost::~RenderWidgetHost() { // Clear our current or cached backing store if either remains. BackingStoreManager::RemoveBackingStore(this); process_->Release(routing_id_); } gfx::NativeViewId RenderWidgetHost::GetNativeViewId() { if (view_) return gfx::IdFromNativeView(view_->GetNativeView()); return 0; } void RenderWidgetHost::Init() { DCHECK(process_->HasConnection()); renderer_initialized_ = true; // Send the ack along with the information on placement. Send(new ViewMsg_CreatingNew_ACK(routing_id_, GetNativeViewId())); WasResized(); } void RenderWidgetHost::Shutdown() { if (process_->HasConnection()) { // Tell the renderer object to close. process_->ReportExpectingClose(routing_id_); bool rv = Send(new ViewMsg_Close(routing_id_)); DCHECK(rv); } Destroy(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMessageReceived(const IPC::Message &msg) { bool msg_is_ok = true; IPC_BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP_EX(RenderWidgetHost, msg, msg_is_ok) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_RenderViewReady, OnMsgRenderViewReady) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_RenderViewGone, OnMsgRenderViewGone) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_Close, OnMsgClose) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_RequestMove, OnMsgRequestMove) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_PaintAtSize_ACK, OnMsgPaintAtSizeAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect, OnMsgUpdateRect) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_CreateVideo, OnMsgCreateVideo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_UpdateVideo, OnMsgUpdateVideo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_DestroyVideo, OnMsgDestroyVideo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_HandleInputEvent_ACK, OnMsgInputEventAck) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_Focus, OnMsgFocus) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_Blur, OnMsgBlur) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_SetCursor, OnMsgSetCursor) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_ImeUpdateTextInputState, OnMsgImeUpdateTextInputState) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_ImeCancelComposition, OnMsgImeCancelComposition) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_GpuRenderingActivated, OnMsgGpuRenderingActivated) #if defined(OS_MACOSX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup, OnMsgShowPopup) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_GetScreenInfo, OnMsgGetScreenInfo) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_GetWindowRect, OnMsgGetWindowRect) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_GetRootWindowRect, OnMsgGetRootWindowRect) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle, OnAllocateFakePluginWindowHandle) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle, OnDestroyFakePluginWindowHandle) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface, OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB, OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped, OnAcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped) #elif defined(OS_POSIX) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_CreatePluginContainer, OnMsgCreatePluginContainer) IPC_MESSAGE_HANDLER(ViewHostMsg_DestroyPluginContainer, OnMsgDestroyPluginContainer) #endif IPC_MESSAGE_UNHANDLED_ERROR() IPC_END_MESSAGE_MAP_EX() if (!msg_is_ok) { // The message de-serialization failed. Kill the renderer process. process()->ReceivedBadMessage(msg.type()); } } bool RenderWidgetHost::Send(IPC::Message* msg) { return process_->Send(msg); } void RenderWidgetHost::WasHidden() { is_hidden_ = true; // Don't bother reporting hung state when we aren't the active tab. StopHangMonitorTimeout(); // If we have a renderer, then inform it that we are being hidden so it can // reduce its resource utilization. Send(new ViewMsg_WasHidden(routing_id_)); // TODO(darin): what about constrained windows? it doesn't look like they // see a message when their parent is hidden. maybe there is something more // generic we can do at the TabContents API level instead of relying on // Windows messages. // Tell the RenderProcessHost we were hidden. process_->WidgetHidden(); bool is_visible = false; NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::RENDER_WIDGET_VISIBILITY_CHANGED, Source(this), Details(&is_visible)); } void RenderWidgetHost::WasRestored() { // When we create the widget, it is created as *not* hidden. if (!is_hidden_) return; is_hidden_ = false; BackingStore* backing_store = BackingStoreManager::Lookup(this); // If we already have a backing store for this widget, then we don't need to // repaint on restore _unless_ we know that our backing store is invalid. // When accelerated compositing is on, we must always repaint, even when // the backing store exists. bool needs_repainting; if (needs_repainting_on_restore_ || !backing_store || is_gpu_rendering_active()) { needs_repainting = true; needs_repainting_on_restore_ = false; } else { needs_repainting = false; } Send(new ViewMsg_WasRestored(routing_id_, needs_repainting)); process_->WidgetRestored(); bool is_visible = true; NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::RENDER_WIDGET_VISIBILITY_CHANGED, Source(this), Details(&is_visible)); } void RenderWidgetHost::WasResized() { if (resize_ack_pending_ || !process_->HasConnection() || !view_ || !renderer_initialized_) { return; } gfx::Rect view_bounds = view_->GetViewBounds(); gfx::Size new_size(view_bounds.width(), view_bounds.height()); // Avoid asking the RenderWidget to resize to its current size, since it // won't send us a PaintRect message in that case. if (new_size == current_size_) return; if (in_flight_size_ != gfx::Size() && new_size == in_flight_size_) return; // We don't expect to receive an ACK when the requested size is empty. if (!new_size.IsEmpty()) resize_ack_pending_ = true; if (!Send(new ViewMsg_Resize(routing_id_, new_size, GetRootWindowResizerRect()))) resize_ack_pending_ = false; else in_flight_size_ = new_size; } void RenderWidgetHost::GotFocus() { Focus(); } void RenderWidgetHost::Focus() { Send(new ViewMsg_SetFocus(routing_id_, true)); } void RenderWidgetHost::Blur() { Send(new ViewMsg_SetFocus(routing_id_, false)); } void RenderWidgetHost::LostCapture() { Send(new ViewMsg_MouseCaptureLost(routing_id_)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ViewDestroyed() { // TODO(evanm): tracking this may no longer be necessary; // eliminate this function if so. view_ = NULL; } void RenderWidgetHost::SetIsLoading(bool is_loading) { is_loading_ = is_loading; if (!view_) return; view_->SetIsLoading(is_loading); } void RenderWidgetHost::PaintAtSize(TransportDIB::Handle dib_handle, int tag, const gfx::Size& page_size, const gfx::Size& desired_size) { // Ask the renderer to create a bitmap regardless of whether it's // hidden, being resized, redrawn, etc. It resizes the web widget // to the page_size and then scales it to the desired_size. Send(new ViewMsg_PaintAtSize(routing_id_, dib_handle, tag, page_size, desired_size)); } BackingStore* RenderWidgetHost::GetBackingStore(bool force_create) { // We should not be asked to paint while we are hidden. If we are hidden, // then it means that our consumer failed to call WasRestored. If we're not // force creating the backing store, it's OK since we can feel free to give // out our cached one if we have it. DCHECK(!is_hidden_ || !force_create) << "GetBackingStore called while hidden!"; // We should never be called recursively; this can theoretically lead to // infinite recursion and almost certainly leads to lower performance. DCHECK(!in_get_backing_store_) << "GetBackingStore called recursively!"; AutoReset auto_reset_in_get_backing_store(&in_get_backing_store_, true); // We might have a cached backing store that we can reuse! BackingStore* backing_store = BackingStoreManager::GetBackingStore(this, current_size_); if (!force_create) return backing_store; // If we fail to find a backing store in the cache, send out a request // to the renderer to paint the view if required. if (!backing_store && !repaint_ack_pending_ && !resize_ack_pending_ && !view_being_painted_) { repaint_start_time_ = TimeTicks::Now(); repaint_ack_pending_ = true; Send(new ViewMsg_Repaint(routing_id_, current_size_)); } // When we have asked the RenderWidget to resize, and we are still waiting on // a response, block for a little while to see if we can't get a response // before returning the old (incorrectly sized) backing store. if (resize_ack_pending_ || !backing_store) { IPC::Message msg; TimeDelta max_delay = TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kPaintMsgTimeoutMS); if (process_->WaitForUpdateMsg(routing_id_, max_delay, &msg)) { ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect::Dispatch( &msg, this, &RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgUpdateRect); backing_store = BackingStoreManager::GetBackingStore(this, current_size_); } } return backing_store; } BackingStore* RenderWidgetHost::AllocBackingStore(const gfx::Size& size) { if (!view_) return NULL; return view_->AllocBackingStore(size); } void RenderWidgetHost::DonePaintingToBackingStore() { Send(new ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK(routing_id())); } void RenderWidgetHost::StartHangMonitorTimeout(TimeDelta delay) { // If we already have a timer that will expire at or before the given delay, // then we have nothing more to do now. If we have set our end time to null // by calling StopHangMonitorTimeout, though, we will need to restart the // timer. if (hung_renderer_timer_.IsRunning() && hung_renderer_timer_.GetCurrentDelay() <= delay && !time_when_considered_hung_.is_null()) { return; } // Either the timer is not yet running, or we need to adjust the timer to // fire sooner. time_when_considered_hung_ = Time::Now() + delay; hung_renderer_timer_.Stop(); hung_renderer_timer_.Start(delay, this, &RenderWidgetHost::CheckRendererIsUnresponsive); } void RenderWidgetHost::RestartHangMonitorTimeout() { // Setting to null will cause StartHangMonitorTimeout to restart the timer. time_when_considered_hung_ = Time(); StartHangMonitorTimeout(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kHungRendererDelayMs)); } void RenderWidgetHost::StopHangMonitorTimeout() { time_when_considered_hung_ = Time(); RendererIsResponsive(); // We do not bother to stop the hung_renderer_timer_ here in case it will be // started again shortly, which happens to be the common use case. } void RenderWidgetHost::SystemThemeChanged() { Send(new ViewMsg_ThemeChanged(routing_id_)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardMouseEvent(const WebMouseEvent& mouse_event) { if (ignore_input_events_ || process_->ignore_input_events()) return; // Avoid spamming the renderer with mouse move events. It is important // to note that WM_MOUSEMOVE events are anyways synthetic, but since our // thread is able to rapidly consume WM_MOUSEMOVE events, we may get way // more WM_MOUSEMOVE events than we wish to send to the renderer. if (mouse_event.type == WebInputEvent::MouseMove) { if (mouse_move_pending_) { next_mouse_move_.reset(new WebMouseEvent(mouse_event)); return; } mouse_move_pending_ = true; } else if (mouse_event.type == WebInputEvent::MouseDown) { OnUserGesture(); } ForwardInputEvent(mouse_event, sizeof(WebMouseEvent), false); } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardWheelEvent( const WebMouseWheelEvent& wheel_event) { if (ignore_input_events_ || process_->ignore_input_events()) return; // If there's already a mouse wheel event waiting to be sent to the renderer, // add the new deltas to that event. Not doing so (e.g., by dropping the old // event, as for mouse moves) results in very slow scrolling on the Mac (on // which many, very small wheel events are sent). if (mouse_wheel_pending_) { if (coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.empty() || coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.back().modifiers != wheel_event.modifiers || coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.back().scrollByPage != wheel_event.scrollByPage) { coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.push_back(wheel_event); } else { WebMouseWheelEvent* last_wheel_event = &coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.back(); last_wheel_event->deltaX += wheel_event.deltaX; last_wheel_event->deltaY += wheel_event.deltaY; DCHECK_GE(wheel_event.timeStampSeconds, last_wheel_event->timeStampSeconds); last_wheel_event->timeStampSeconds = wheel_event.timeStampSeconds; } return; } mouse_wheel_pending_ = true; HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("MPArch.RWH_WheelQueueSize", coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.size()); ForwardInputEvent(wheel_event, sizeof(WebMouseWheelEvent), false); } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardKeyboardEvent( const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& key_event) { if (ignore_input_events_ || process_->ignore_input_events()) return; if (key_event.type == WebKeyboardEvent::Char && (key_event.windowsKeyCode == base::VKEY_RETURN || key_event.windowsKeyCode == base::VKEY_SPACE)) { OnUserGesture(); } // Double check the type to make sure caller hasn't sent us nonsense that // will mess up our key queue. if (WebInputEvent::isKeyboardEventType(key_event.type)) { if (suppress_next_char_events_) { // If preceding RawKeyDown event was handled by the browser, then we need // suppress all Char events generated by it. Please note that, one // RawKeyDown event may generate multiple Char events, so we can't reset // |suppress_next_char_events_| until we get a KeyUp or a RawKeyDown. if (key_event.type == WebKeyboardEvent::Char) return; // We get a KeyUp or a RawKeyDown event. suppress_next_char_events_ = false; } // We need to set |suppress_next_char_events_| to true if // PreHandleKeyboardEvent() returns true, but |this| may already be // destroyed at that time. So set |suppress_next_char_events_| true here, // then revert it afterwards when necessary. if (key_event.type == WebKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown) suppress_next_char_events_ = true; bool is_keyboard_shortcut = false; // Tab switching/closing accelerators aren't sent to the renderer to avoid a // hung/malicious renderer from interfering. if (PreHandleKeyboardEvent(key_event, &is_keyboard_shortcut)) return; if (key_event.type == WebKeyboardEvent::RawKeyDown) suppress_next_char_events_ = false; // Don't add this key to the queue if we have no way to send the message... if (!process_->HasConnection()) return; // Put all WebKeyboardEvent objects in a queue since we can't trust the // renderer and we need to give something to the UnhandledInputEvent // handler. key_queue_.push_back(key_event); HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_100("Renderer.KeyboardQueueSize", key_queue_.size()); // Only forward the non-native portions of our event. ForwardInputEvent(key_event, sizeof(WebKeyboardEvent), is_keyboard_shortcut); } } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardInputEvent(const WebInputEvent& input_event, int event_size, bool is_keyboard_shortcut) { if (!process_->HasConnection()) return; DCHECK(!process_->ignore_input_events()); IPC::Message* message = new ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent(routing_id_); message->WriteData( reinterpret_cast(&input_event), event_size); // |is_keyboard_shortcut| only makes sense for RawKeyDown events. if (input_event.type == WebInputEvent::RawKeyDown) message->WriteBool(is_keyboard_shortcut); input_event_start_time_ = TimeTicks::Now(); Send(message); // Any non-wheel input event cancels pending wheel events. if (input_event.type != WebInputEvent::MouseWheel) coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.clear(); // Any input event cancels a pending mouse move event. Note that // |next_mouse_move_| possibly owns |input_event|, so don't use |input_event| // after this line. next_mouse_move_.reset(); StartHangMonitorTimeout(TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(kHungRendererDelayMs)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardEditCommand(const std::string& name, const std::string& value) { // We don't need an implementation of this function here since the // only place we use this is for the case of dropdown menus and other // edge cases for which edit commands don't make sense. } void RenderWidgetHost::ForwardEditCommandsForNextKeyEvent( const EditCommands& edit_commands) { // We don't need an implementation of this function here since this message is // only handled by RenderView. } void RenderWidgetHost::RendererExited() { // Clearing this flag causes us to re-create the renderer when recovering // from a crashed renderer. renderer_initialized_ = false; // Must reset these to ensure that mouse move/wheel events work with a new // renderer. mouse_move_pending_ = false; next_mouse_move_.reset(); mouse_wheel_pending_ = false; coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.clear(); // Must reset these to ensure that keyboard events work with a new renderer. key_queue_.clear(); suppress_next_char_events_ = false; // Reset some fields in preparation for recovering from a crash. resize_ack_pending_ = false; repaint_ack_pending_ = false; in_flight_size_.SetSize(0, 0); current_size_.SetSize(0, 0); is_hidden_ = false; if (view_) { view_->RenderViewGone(); view_ = NULL; // The View should be deleted by RenderViewGone. } BackingStoreManager::RemoveBackingStore(this); } void RenderWidgetHost::UpdateTextDirection(WebTextDirection direction) { text_direction_updated_ = true; text_direction_ = direction; } void RenderWidgetHost::CancelUpdateTextDirection() { if (text_direction_updated_) text_direction_canceled_ = true; } void RenderWidgetHost::NotifyTextDirection() { if (text_direction_updated_) { if (!text_direction_canceled_) Send(new ViewMsg_SetTextDirection(routing_id(), text_direction_)); text_direction_updated_ = false; text_direction_canceled_ = false; } } void RenderWidgetHost::SetInputMethodActive(bool activate) { Send(new ViewMsg_SetInputMethodActive(routing_id(), activate)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ImeSetComposition( const string16& text, const std::vector& underlines, int selection_start, int selection_end) { Send(new ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition( routing_id(), text, underlines, selection_start, selection_end)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ImeConfirmComposition(const string16& text) { Send(new ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition(routing_id(), text, std::vector(), 0, 0)); Send(new ViewMsg_ImeConfirmComposition(routing_id())); } void RenderWidgetHost::ImeConfirmComposition() { Send(new ViewMsg_ImeConfirmComposition(routing_id())); } void RenderWidgetHost::ImeCancelComposition() { Send(new ViewMsg_ImeSetComposition(routing_id(), string16(), std::vector(), 0, 0)); } gfx::Rect RenderWidgetHost::GetRootWindowResizerRect() const { return gfx::Rect(); } void RenderWidgetHost::SetActive(bool active) { Send(new ViewMsg_SetActive(routing_id(), active)); } void RenderWidgetHost::Destroy() { NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::RENDER_WIDGET_HOST_DESTROYED, Source(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); // Tell the view to die. // Note that in the process of the view shutting down, it can call a ton // of other messages on us. So if you do any other deinitialization here, // do it after this call to view_->Destroy(). if (view_) view_->Destroy(); delete this; } void RenderWidgetHost::CheckRendererIsUnresponsive() { // If we received a call to StopHangMonitorTimeout. if (time_when_considered_hung_.is_null()) return; // If we have not waited long enough, then wait some more. Time now = Time::Now(); if (now < time_when_considered_hung_) { StartHangMonitorTimeout(time_when_considered_hung_ - now); return; } // OK, looks like we have a hung renderer! NotificationService::current()->Notify( NotificationType::RENDERER_PROCESS_HANG, Source(this), NotificationService::NoDetails()); is_unresponsive_ = true; NotifyRendererUnresponsive(); } void RenderWidgetHost::RendererIsResponsive() { if (is_unresponsive_) { is_unresponsive_ = false; NotifyRendererResponsive(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgRenderViewReady() { WasResized(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgRenderViewGone() { // TODO(evanm): This synchronously ends up calling "delete this". // Is that really what we want in response to this message? I'm matching // previous behavior of the code here. Destroy(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgClose() { Shutdown(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgRequestMove(const gfx::Rect& pos) { // Note that we ignore the position. if (view_) { view_->SetSize(pos.size()); Send(new ViewMsg_Move_ACK(routing_id_)); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgPaintAtSizeAck(int tag, const gfx::Size& size) { if (painting_observer_) { painting_observer_->WidgetDidReceivePaintAtSizeAck(this, tag, size); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgUpdateRect( const ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Params& params) { TimeTicks paint_start = TimeTicks::Now(); if (paint_observer_.get()) paint_observer_->RenderWidgetHostWillPaint(this); // Update our knowledge of the RenderWidget's size. current_size_ = params.view_size; bool is_resize_ack = ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::is_resize_ack(params.flags); // resize_ack_pending_ needs to be cleared before we call DidPaintRect, since // that will end up reaching GetBackingStore. if (is_resize_ack) { DCHECK(resize_ack_pending_); resize_ack_pending_ = false; in_flight_size_.SetSize(0, 0); } bool is_repaint_ack = ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect_Flags::is_repaint_ack(params.flags); if (is_repaint_ack) { repaint_ack_pending_ = false; TimeDelta delta = TimeTicks::Now() - repaint_start_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("MPArch.RWH_RepaintDelta", delta); } DCHECK(!params.bitmap_rect.IsEmpty()); DCHECK(!params.view_size.IsEmpty()); const size_t size = params.bitmap_rect.height() * params.bitmap_rect.width() * 4; TransportDIB* dib = process_->GetTransportDIB(params.bitmap); bool painted_synchronously = true; // Default to sending a paint ACK below. if (dib) { if (dib->size() < size) { DLOG(WARNING) << "Transport DIB too small for given rectangle"; process()->ReceivedBadMessage(ViewHostMsg_UpdateRect__ID); } else { // Scroll the backing store. if (!params.scroll_rect.IsEmpty()) { ScrollBackingStoreRect(params.dx, params.dy, params.scroll_rect, params.view_size); } // Paint the backing store. This will update it with the renderer-supplied // bits. The view will read out of the backing store later to actually // draw to the screen. PaintBackingStoreRect(params.bitmap, params.bitmap_rect, params.copy_rects, params.view_size, &painted_synchronously); } } // ACK early so we can prefetch the next PaintRect if there is a next one. // This must be done AFTER we're done painting with the bitmap supplied by the // renderer. This ACK is a signal to the renderer that the backing store can // be re-used, so the bitmap may be invalid after this call. If the backing // store is painting asynchronously, it will manage issuing this IPC. if (painted_synchronously) Send(new ViewMsg_UpdateRect_ACK(routing_id_)); // We don't need to update the view if the view is hidden. We must do this // early return after the ACK is sent, however, or the renderer will not send // us more data. if (is_hidden_) return; // Now paint the view. Watch out: it might be destroyed already. if (view_) { view_->MovePluginWindows(params.plugin_window_moves); // The view_ pointer could be destroyed in the context of MovePluginWindows // which attempts to move the plugin windows and in the process could // dispatch other window messages which could cause the view to be // destroyed. if (view_) { view_being_painted_ = true; view_->DidUpdateBackingStore(params.scroll_rect, params.dx, params.dy, params.copy_rects); view_being_painted_ = false; } } if (paint_observer_.get()) paint_observer_->RenderWidgetHostDidPaint(this); // If we got a resize ack, then perhaps we have another resize to send? if (is_resize_ack && view_) { gfx::Rect view_bounds = view_->GetViewBounds(); if (current_size_.width() != view_bounds.width() || current_size_.height() != view_bounds.height()) { WasResized(); } } if (painting_observer_) painting_observer_->WidgetDidUpdateBackingStore(this); // Log the time delta for processing a paint message. TimeDelta delta = TimeTicks::Now() - paint_start; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("MPArch.RWH_OnMsgUpdateRect", delta); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreateVideo(const gfx::Size& size) { DCHECK(!video_layer_.get()); video_layer_.reset(view_->AllocVideoLayer(size)); // TODO(scherkus): support actual video ids! Send(new ViewMsg_CreateVideo_ACK(routing_id_, -1)); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgUpdateVideo(TransportDIB::Id bitmap, const gfx::Rect& bitmap_rect) { PaintVideoLayer(bitmap, bitmap_rect); // TODO(scherkus): support actual video ids! Send(new ViewMsg_UpdateVideo_ACK(routing_id_, -1)); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgDestroyVideo() { video_layer_.reset(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgInputEventAck(const IPC::Message& message) { // Log the time delta for processing an input event. TimeDelta delta = TimeTicks::Now() - input_event_start_time_; UMA_HISTOGRAM_TIMES("MPArch.RWH_InputEventDelta", delta); // Cancel pending hung renderer checks since the renderer is responsive. StopHangMonitorTimeout(); void* iter = NULL; int type = 0; if (!message.ReadInt(&iter, &type) || (type < WebInputEvent::Undefined)) { process()->ReceivedBadMessage(message.type()); } else if (type == WebInputEvent::MouseMove) { mouse_move_pending_ = false; // now, we can send the next mouse move event if (next_mouse_move_.get()) { DCHECK(next_mouse_move_->type == WebInputEvent::MouseMove); ForwardMouseEvent(*next_mouse_move_); } } else if (type == WebInputEvent::MouseWheel) { ProcessWheelAck(); } else if (WebInputEvent::isKeyboardEventType(type)) { bool processed = false; if (!message.ReadBool(&iter, &processed)) process()->ReceivedBadMessage(message.type()); ProcessKeyboardEventAck(type, processed); } } void RenderWidgetHost::ProcessWheelAck() { mouse_wheel_pending_ = false; // Now send the next (coalesced) mouse wheel event. if (!coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.empty()) { WebMouseWheelEvent next_wheel_event = coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.front(); coalesced_mouse_wheel_events_.pop_front(); ForwardWheelEvent(next_wheel_event); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgFocus() { // Only RenderViewHost can deal with that message. process()->ReceivedBadMessage(ViewHostMsg_Focus__ID); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgBlur() { // Only RenderViewHost can deal with that message. process()->ReceivedBadMessage(ViewHostMsg_Blur__ID); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgSetCursor(const WebCursor& cursor) { if (!view_) { return; } view_->UpdateCursor(cursor); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgImeUpdateTextInputState( WebKit::WebTextInputType type, const gfx::Rect& caret_rect) { if (view_) view_->ImeUpdateTextInputState(type, caret_rect); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgImeCancelComposition() { if (view_) view_->ImeCancelComposition(); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgGpuRenderingActivated(bool activated) { is_gpu_rendering_active_ = activated; } #if defined(OS_MACOSX) void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgShowPopup( const ViewHostMsg_ShowPopup_Params& params) { view_->ShowPopupWithItems(params.bounds, params.item_height, params.item_font_size, params.selected_item, params.popup_items, params.right_aligned); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgGetScreenInfo(gfx::NativeViewId view, WebScreenInfo* results) { gfx::NativeView native_view = view_ ? view_->GetNativeView() : NULL; *results = WebScreenInfoFactory::screenInfo(native_view); } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgGetWindowRect(gfx::NativeViewId window_id, gfx::Rect* results) { if (view_) { *results = view_->GetWindowRect(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgGetRootWindowRect(gfx::NativeViewId window_id, gfx::Rect* results) { if (view_) { *results = view_->GetRootWindowRect(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnAllocateFakePluginWindowHandle( bool opaque, bool root, gfx::PluginWindowHandle* id) { // TODO(kbr): similar potential issue here as in OnMsgCreatePluginContainer. // Possibly less of an issue because this is only used for the GPU plugin. if (view_) { *id = view_->AllocateFakePluginWindowHandle(opaque, root); } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnDestroyFakePluginWindowHandle( gfx::PluginWindowHandle id) { if (view_) { view_->DestroyFakePluginWindowHandle(id); } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, int32 width, int32 height, uint64 mach_port) { if (view_) { view_->AcceleratedSurfaceSetIOSurface(window, width, height, mach_port); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnAcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window, int32 width, int32 height, TransportDIB::Handle transport_dib) { if (view_) { view_->AcceleratedSurfaceSetTransportDIB(window, width, height, transport_dib); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnAcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped( gfx::PluginWindowHandle window) { if (view_) { view_->AcceleratedSurfaceBuffersSwapped(window); } } #elif defined(OS_POSIX) void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgCreatePluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle id) { // TODO(piman): view_ can only be NULL with delayed view creation in // extensions (see ExtensionHost::CreateRenderViewSoon). Figure out how to // support plugins in that case. if (view_) { view_->CreatePluginContainer(id); } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } } void RenderWidgetHost::OnMsgDestroyPluginContainer(gfx::PluginWindowHandle id) { if (view_) { view_->DestroyPluginContainer(id); } else { NOTIMPLEMENTED(); } } #endif void RenderWidgetHost::PaintBackingStoreRect( TransportDIB::Id bitmap, const gfx::Rect& bitmap_rect, const std::vector& copy_rects, const gfx::Size& view_size, bool* painted_synchronously) { // On failure, we need to be sure our caller knows we're done with the // backing store. *painted_synchronously = true; // The view may be destroyed already. if (!view_) return; if (is_hidden_) { // Don't bother updating the backing store when we're hidden. Just mark it // as being totally invalid. This will cause a complete repaint when the // view is restored. needs_repainting_on_restore_ = true; return; } bool needs_full_paint = false; BackingStoreManager::PrepareBackingStore(this, view_size, bitmap, bitmap_rect, copy_rects, &needs_full_paint, painted_synchronously); if (needs_full_paint) { repaint_start_time_ = TimeTicks::Now(); repaint_ack_pending_ = true; Send(new ViewMsg_Repaint(routing_id_, view_size)); } } void RenderWidgetHost::ScrollBackingStoreRect(int dx, int dy, const gfx::Rect& clip_rect, const gfx::Size& view_size) { if (is_hidden_) { // Don't bother updating the backing store when we're hidden. Just mark it // as being totally invalid. This will cause a complete repaint when the // view is restored. needs_repainting_on_restore_ = true; return; } // TODO(darin): do we need to do something else if our backing store is not // the same size as the advertised view? maybe we just assume there is a // full paint on its way? BackingStore* backing_store = BackingStoreManager::Lookup(this); if (!backing_store || (backing_store->size() != view_size)) return; backing_store->ScrollBackingStore(dx, dy, clip_rect, view_size); } void RenderWidgetHost::PaintVideoLayer(TransportDIB::Id bitmap, const gfx::Rect& bitmap_rect) { if (is_hidden_ || !video_layer_.get()) return; video_layer_->CopyTransportDIB(process(), bitmap, bitmap_rect); // Don't update the view if we're hidden or if the view has been destroyed. if (is_hidden_ || !view_) return; // Trigger a paint for the updated video layer bitmap. std::vector copy_rects; copy_rects.push_back(bitmap_rect); view_being_painted_ = true; view_->DidUpdateBackingStore(gfx::Rect(), 0, 0, copy_rects); view_being_painted_ = false; } void RenderWidgetHost::ToggleSpellPanel(bool is_currently_visible) { Send(new ViewMsg_ToggleSpellPanel(routing_id(), is_currently_visible)); } void RenderWidgetHost::Replace(const string16& word) { Send(new ViewMsg_Replace(routing_id_, word)); } void RenderWidgetHost::AdvanceToNextMisspelling() { Send(new ViewMsg_AdvanceToNextMisspelling(routing_id_)); } void RenderWidgetHost::RequestAccessibilityTree() { Send(new ViewMsg_GetAccessibilityTree(routing_id())); } void RenderWidgetHost::SetDocumentLoaded(bool document_loaded) { document_loaded_ = document_loaded; if (!document_loaded_) requested_accessibility_tree_ = false; if (renderer_accessible_ && document_loaded_) { RequestAccessibilityTree(); requested_accessibility_tree_ = true; } } void RenderWidgetHost::EnableRendererAccessibility() { if (renderer_accessible_) return; if (CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess()->HasSwitch( switches::kDisableRendererAccessibility)) { return; } renderer_accessible_ = true; if (document_loaded_ && !requested_accessibility_tree_) { RequestAccessibilityTree(); requested_accessibility_tree_ = true; } } void RenderWidgetHost::SetAccessibilityFocus(int acc_obj_id) { Send(new ViewMsg_SetAccessibilityFocus(routing_id(), acc_obj_id)); } void RenderWidgetHost::AccessibilityDoDefaultAction(int acc_obj_id) { Send(new ViewMsg_AccessibilityDoDefaultAction(routing_id(), acc_obj_id)); } void RenderWidgetHost::ProcessKeyboardEventAck(int type, bool processed) { if (key_queue_.size() == 0) { LOG(ERROR) << "Got a KeyEvent back from the renderer but we " << "don't seem to have sent it to the renderer!"; } else if (key_queue_.front().type != type) { LOG(ERROR) << "We seem to have a different key type sent from " << "the renderer. (" << key_queue_.front().type << " vs. " << type << "). Ignoring event."; // Something must be wrong. Clear the |key_queue_| and // |suppress_next_char_events_| so that we can resume from the error. key_queue_.clear(); suppress_next_char_events_ = false; } else { NativeWebKeyboardEvent front_item = key_queue_.front(); key_queue_.pop_front(); // We only send unprocessed key event upwards if we are not hidden, // because the user has moved away from us and no longer expect any effect // of this key event. if (!processed && !is_hidden_ && !front_item.skip_in_browser) { UnhandledKeyboardEvent(front_item); // WARNING: This RenderWidgetHost can be deallocated at this point // (i.e. in the case of Ctrl+W, where the call to // UnhandledKeyboardEvent destroys this RenderWidgetHost). } } }