// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. #include "app/gfx/chrome_canvas.h" #include "base/basictypes.h" #include "base/keyboard_codes.h" #include "base/scoped_ptr.h" #include "base/shared_memory.h" #include "build/build_config.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/backing_store.h" #include "chrome/browser/renderer_host/test_render_view_host.h" #include "chrome/common/render_messages.h" #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" using WebKit::WebInputEvent; // RenderWidgetHostProcess ----------------------------------------------------- class RenderWidgetHostProcess : public MockRenderProcessHost { public: explicit RenderWidgetHostProcess(Profile* profile) : MockRenderProcessHost(profile), current_paint_buf_(NULL), paint_msg_should_reply_(false), paint_msg_reply_flags_(0) { // DANGER! This is a hack. The RenderWidgetHost checks the channel to see // if the process is still alive, but it doesn't actually dereference it. // An IPC::SyncChannel is nontrivial, so we just fake it here. If you end up // crashing by dereferencing 1, then you'll have to make a real channel. channel_.reset(reinterpret_cast(0x1)); } ~RenderWidgetHostProcess() { // We don't want to actually delete the channel, since it's not a real // pointer. channel_.release(); if (current_paint_buf_) delete current_paint_buf_; } void set_paint_msg_should_reply(bool reply) { paint_msg_should_reply_ = reply; } void set_paint_msg_reply_flags(int flags) { paint_msg_reply_flags_ = flags; } // Fills the given paint parameters with resonable default values. void InitPaintRectParams(ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Params* params); protected: virtual bool WaitForPaintMsg(int render_widget_id, const base::TimeDelta& max_delay, IPC::Message* msg); TransportDIB* current_paint_buf_; // Set to true when WaitForPaintMsg should return a successful paint messaage // reply. False implies timeout. bool paint_msg_should_reply_; // Indicates the flags that should be sent with a the repaint request. This // only has an effect when paint_msg_should_reply_ is true. int paint_msg_reply_flags_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderWidgetHostProcess); }; void RenderWidgetHostProcess::InitPaintRectParams( ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Params* params) { // Create the shared backing store. const int w = 100, h = 100; const size_t pixel_size = w * h * 4; if (!current_paint_buf_) current_paint_buf_ = TransportDIB::Create(pixel_size, 0); params->bitmap = current_paint_buf_->id(); params->bitmap_rect = gfx::Rect(0, 0, w, h); params->view_size = gfx::Size(w, h); params->flags = paint_msg_reply_flags_; } bool RenderWidgetHostProcess::WaitForPaintMsg(int render_widget_id, const base::TimeDelta& max_delay, IPC::Message* msg) { if (!paint_msg_should_reply_) return false; // Construct a fake paint reply. ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Params params; InitPaintRectParams(¶ms); ViewHostMsg_PaintRect message(render_widget_id, params); *msg = message; return true; } // TestView -------------------------------------------------------------------- // This test view allows us to specify the size. class TestView : public TestRenderWidgetHostView { public: TestView() {} // Sets the bounds returned by GetViewBounds. void set_bounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds) { bounds_ = bounds; } // RenderWidgetHostView override. virtual gfx::Rect GetViewBounds() const { return bounds_; } BackingStore* AllocBackingStore(const gfx::Size& size) { return new BackingStore(size); } protected: gfx::Rect bounds_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(TestView); }; // MockRenderWidgetHostTest ---------------------------------------------------- class MockRenderWidgetHost : public RenderWidgetHost { public: MockRenderWidgetHost(RenderProcessHost* process, int routing_id) : RenderWidgetHost(process, routing_id), unhandled_keyboard_event_called_(false) { } // Tests that make sure we ignore keyboard event acknowledgments to events we // didn't send work by making sure we didn't call UnhandledKeyboardEvent(). bool unhandled_keyboard_event_called() const { return unhandled_keyboard_event_called_; } protected: virtual void UnhandledKeyboardEvent(const NativeWebKeyboardEvent& event) { unhandled_keyboard_event_called_ = true; } private: bool unhandled_keyboard_event_called_; }; // RenderWidgetHostTest -------------------------------------------------------- class RenderWidgetHostTest : public testing::Test { public: RenderWidgetHostTest() : process_(NULL) { } ~RenderWidgetHostTest() { } protected: // testing::Test void SetUp() { profile_.reset(new TestingProfile()); process_ = new RenderWidgetHostProcess(profile_.get()); host_.reset(new MockRenderWidgetHost(process_, 1)); view_.reset(new TestView); host_->set_view(view_.get()); host_->Init(); } void TearDown() { view_.reset(); host_.reset(); process_ = NULL; profile_.reset(); // Process all pending tasks to avoid leaks. MessageLoop::current()->RunAllPending(); } MessageLoopForUI message_loop_; scoped_ptr profile_; RenderWidgetHostProcess* process_; // Deleted automatically by the widget. scoped_ptr host_; scoped_ptr view_; DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(RenderWidgetHostTest); }; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, Resize) { // The initial bounds is the empty rect, so setting it to the same thing // should do nothing. view_->set_bounds(gfx::Rect()); host_->WasResized(); EXPECT_FALSE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); // Setting the bounds to a "real" rect should send out the notification. gfx::Rect original_size(0, 0, 100, 100); process_->sink().ClearMessages(); view_->set_bounds(original_size); host_->WasResized(); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); // Send out a paint that's not a resize ack. This should not clean the // resize ack pending flag. ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Params params; process_->InitPaintRectParams(¶ms); host_->OnMsgPaintRect(params); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); // Sending out a new notification should NOT send out a new IPC message since // a resize ACK is pending. gfx::Rect second_size(0, 0, 90, 90); process_->sink().ClearMessages(); view_->set_bounds(second_size); host_->WasResized(); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); // Send a paint that's a resize ack, but for the original_size we sent. Since // this isn't the second_size, the message handler should immediately send // a new resize message for the new size to the renderer. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); params.flags = ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Flags::IS_RESIZE_ACK; params.view_size = original_size.size(); host_->OnMsgPaintRect(params); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); ASSERT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); // Send the resize ack for the latest size. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); params.view_size = second_size.size(); host_->OnMsgPaintRect(params); EXPECT_FALSE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); ASSERT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetFirstMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); // Now clearing the bounds should send out a notification but we shouldn't // expect a resize ack (since the renderer won't ack empty sizes). The message // should contain the new size (0x0) and not the previous one that we skipped process_->sink().ClearMessages(); view_->set_bounds(gfx::Rect()); host_->WasResized(); EXPECT_FALSE(host_->resize_ack_pending_); EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Resize::ID)); } // Tests setting custom background TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, Background) { #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) scoped_ptr view( RenderWidgetHostView::CreateViewForWidget(host_.get())); host_->set_view(view.get()); // Create a checkerboard background to test with. ChromeCanvas canvas(4, 4, true); canvas.FillRectInt(SK_ColorBLACK, 0, 0, 2, 2); canvas.FillRectInt(SK_ColorWHITE, 2, 0, 2, 2); canvas.FillRectInt(SK_ColorWHITE, 0, 2, 2, 2); canvas.FillRectInt(SK_ColorBLACK, 2, 2, 2, 2); const SkBitmap& background = canvas.getDevice()->accessBitmap(false); // Set the background and make sure we get back a copy. view->SetBackground(background); EXPECT_EQ(4, view->background().width()); EXPECT_EQ(4, view->background().height()); EXPECT_EQ(background.getSize(), view->background().getSize()); EXPECT_TRUE(0 == memcmp(background.getPixels(), view->background().getPixels(), background.getSize())); #if defined(OS_WIN) // A message should have been dispatched telling the renderer about the new // background. const IPC::Message* set_background = process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_SetBackground::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(set_background); SkBitmap sent_background; ViewMsg_SetBackground::Read(set_background, &sent_background); EXPECT_EQ(background.getSize(), sent_background.getSize()); EXPECT_TRUE(0 == memcmp(background.getPixels(), sent_background.getPixels(), background.getSize())); #else // TODO(port): When custom backgrounds are implemented for other ports, this // test should work (assuming the background must still be copied into the // renderer -- if not, then maybe the test doesn't apply?). #endif #else // TODO(port): Mac does not have ChromeCanvas. Maybe we can just change this // test to use SkCanvas directly? #endif // TODO(aa): It would be nice to factor out the painting logic so that we // could test that, but it appears that would mean painting everything twice // since windows HDC structures are opaque. } // Tests getting the backing store with the renderer not setting repaint ack // flags. TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, GetBackingStore_NoRepaintAck) { // We don't currently have a backing store, and if the renderer doesn't send // one in time, we should get nothing. process_->set_paint_msg_should_reply(false); BackingStore* backing = host_->GetBackingStore(); EXPECT_FALSE(backing); // The widget host should have sent a request for a repaint, and there should // be no paint ACK. EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Repaint::ID)); EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_PaintRect_ACK::ID)); // Allowing the renderer to reply in time should give is a backing store. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); process_->set_paint_msg_should_reply(true); process_->set_paint_msg_reply_flags(0); backing = host_->GetBackingStore(); EXPECT_TRUE(backing); // The widget host should NOT have sent a request for a repaint, since there // was an ACK already pending. EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Repaint::ID)); EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_PaintRect_ACK::ID)); } // Tests getting the backing store with the renderer sending a repaint ack. TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, GetBackingStore_RepaintAck) { // Doing a request request with the paint message allowed should work and // the repaint ack should work. process_->set_paint_msg_should_reply(true); process_->set_paint_msg_reply_flags( ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Flags::IS_REPAINT_ACK); BackingStore* backing = host_->GetBackingStore(); EXPECT_TRUE(backing); // We still should not have sent out a repaint request since the last flags // didn't have the repaint ack set, and the pending flag will still be set. EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Repaint::ID)); EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_PaintRect_ACK::ID)); // Asking again for the backing store should just re-use the existing one // and not send any messagse. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); backing = host_->GetBackingStore(); EXPECT_TRUE(backing); EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_Repaint::ID)); EXPECT_FALSE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_PaintRect_ACK::ID)); } // Test that we don't paint when we're hidden, but we still send the ACK. Most // of the rest of the painting is tested in the GetBackingStore* ones. TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, HiddenPaint) { // Hide the widget, it should have sent out a message to the renderer. EXPECT_FALSE(host_->is_hidden_); host_->WasHidden(); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->is_hidden_); EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching(ViewMsg_WasHidden::ID)); // Send it a paint as from the renderer. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); ViewHostMsg_PaintRect_Params params; process_->InitPaintRectParams(¶ms); host_->OnMsgPaintRect(params); // It should have sent out the ACK. EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_PaintRect_ACK::ID)); // Now unhide. process_->sink().ClearMessages(); host_->WasRestored(); EXPECT_FALSE(host_->is_hidden_); // It should have sent out a restored message with a request to paint. const IPC::Message* restored = process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_WasRestored::ID); ASSERT_TRUE(restored); bool needs_repaint; ViewMsg_WasRestored::Read(restored, &needs_repaint); EXPECT_TRUE(needs_repaint); } TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, HandleKeyEventsWeSent) { NativeWebKeyboardEvent key_event; key_event.type = WebInputEvent::KeyDown; key_event.modifiers = WebInputEvent::ControlKey; key_event.windowsKeyCode = base::VKEY_L; // non-null made up value. host_->ForwardKeyboardEvent(key_event); // Make sure we sent the input event to the renderer. EXPECT_TRUE(process_->sink().GetUniqueMessageMatching( ViewMsg_HandleInputEvent::ID)); process_->sink().ClearMessages(); // Send the simulated response from the renderer back. scoped_ptr response( new ViewHostMsg_HandleInputEvent_ACK(0)); response->WriteInt(key_event.type); response->WriteBool(false); host_->OnMessageReceived(*response); EXPECT_TRUE(host_->unhandled_keyboard_event_called()); } TEST_F(RenderWidgetHostTest, IgnoreKeyEventsWeDidntSend) { // Send a simulated, unrequested key response. We should ignore this. scoped_ptr response( new ViewHostMsg_HandleInputEvent_ACK(0)); response->WriteInt(WebInputEvent::KeyDown); response->WriteBool(false); host_->OnMessageReceived(*response); EXPECT_FALSE(host_->unhandled_keyboard_event_called()); }