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For browsers which use multiple processes, memory reflects aggregate memory used across all browser processes.<p> For Chromium, processes used to to display diagnostics information (such as this "about:memory") are excluded. </p> </div> </div> </h2> <table class='list' id='browserComparison'> <colgroup> <col class='name' /> <col class='number' /> <col class='number' /> </colgroup> <tr class='firstRow doNotFilter'> <th> </th> <th colspan='2'> Memory <div class='help'> <div> <p> <strong>Memory</strong> </p> <p> <strong>Private:</strong> Resident memory size that is not shared with any other process. This is the best indicator of browser memory resource usage. </p> <p> <strong>Proportional:</strong> Accounts for each page of memory as a fraction based on the number of processes that have it mapped. Thus, for each page of memory mapped by two processes, this sum will count half of the bytes towards each. Therefore, this number is greater than the private count. </p> <p><i>(Note that the memory for this tab is not included in the browser totals)</i></p> </div> </div> </th> </tr> <tr class='secondRow doNotFilter'> <th class='name'> Browser </th> <th class='name'> Private </th> <th class='number'> Proportional </th> </tr> <tr jsselect="browsers"> <td class='name'> <div> <strong jscontent="name"></strong> <span jscontent="version"></span> </div> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jscontent="formatNumber(ws_priv)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jscontent="formatNumber(ws_shared)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> </tr> </table> <div class=otherbrowsers jsdisplay="browsers.length == 1"> Note: If other browsers (e.g. IE, Firefox, Safari) are running, I'll show their memory details here. </div> <br /><br /><br /> <h2> Processes <div class='help'> <div> <p> Details of memory usage for each of Chromium's processes. </p> </div> </div> </h2> <table class='list' id='memoryDetails'> <colgroup> <col class='pid' /> <col class='name' /> <col class='number' /> <col class='number' /> </colgroup> <tr class='firstRow doNotFilter'> <th> </th> <th> </th> <th colspan='2'> Memory </th> </tr> <tr class='secondRow doNotFilter'> <th class='pid'> PID </th> <th class='name'> Name </th> <th class='number'> Private </th> <th class='number'> Proportional </th> </tr> <tr jsselect="browzr_data"> <td class='pid'> <span class='th' jscontent="pid"></span> </td> <td class='name'> <div> Browser </div> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jseval="addToSum('tot_ws_priv', $this.ws_priv)" jscontent="formatNumber(ws_priv)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jscontent="formatNumber(ws_shared)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> </tr> <tr jsselect="child_data"> <td class='pid'> <span class='th' jscontent="pid"></span> </td> <td class='name'> <div jscontent="child_name"></div> <div jsselect="titles"> <span jscontent="$this"></span><br> </div> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jseval="addToSum('tot_ws_priv', $this.ws_priv)" jscontent="formatNumber(ws_priv)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' jscontent="formatNumber(ws_shared)"></span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> </tr> <tr class='total doNotFilter'> <td class='pid'> </td> <td class='name'> Σ </td> <td class='number'> <span class='th' id="tot_ws_priv">0</span><span class='k'>k</span> </td> <td class='number'> </td> </tr> <tr class='noResults'> <td colspan='99'> No results found. </td> </tr> </table> </div> </body> <script> enableHelpTooltips(); </script> </html>