// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. cr.define('bmm', function() { /** * Whether a node contains another node. * TODO(yosin): Once JavaScript style guide is updated and linter follows * that, we'll remove useless documentations for |parent| and |descendant|. * TODO(yosin): bmm.contains() should be method of BookmarkTreeNode. * @param {!BookmarkTreeNode} parent . * @param {!BookmarkTreeNode} descendant . * @return {boolean} Whether the parent contains the descendant. */ function contains(parent, descendant) { if (descendant.parentId == parent.id) return true; // the bmm.treeLookup contains all folders var parentTreeItem = bmm.treeLookup[descendant.parentId]; if (!parentTreeItem || !parentTreeItem.bookmarkNode) return false; return this.contains(parent, parentTreeItem.bookmarkNode); } /** * @param {!BookmarkTreeNode} node The node to test. * @return {boolean} Whether a bookmark node is a folder. */ function isFolder(node) { return !('url' in node); } var loadingPromises = {}; /** * Promise version of chrome.bookmarkManagerPrivate.getSubtree. * @param {string} id . * @param {boolean} foldersOnly . * @return {!Promise.<!Array.<!BookmarkTreeNode>>} . */ function getSubtreePromise(id, foldersOnly) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { chrome.bookmarkManagerPrivate.getSubtree(id, foldersOnly, resolve); }); } /** * Loads a subtree of the bookmark tree and returns a {@code Promise} that * will be fulfilled when done. This reuses multiple loads so that we do not * load the same subtree more than once at the same time. * @return {!Promise.<!BookmarkTreeNode>} The future promise for the load. */ function loadSubtree(id) { if (!loadingPromises[id]) { loadingPromises[id] = getSubtreePromise(id, false).then(function(nodes) { delete loadingPromises[id]; return nodes && nodes[0]; }); } return loadingPromises[id]; } /** * Loads the entire bookmark tree and returns a {@code Promise} that will * be fulfilled when done. This reuses multiple loads so that we do not load * the same tree more than once at the same time. * @return {!Promise.<Node>} The future promise for the load. */ function loadTree() { return loadSubtree(''); } var bookmarkCache = { /** * Removes the cached item from both the list and tree lookups. */ remove: function(id) { var treeItem = bmm.treeLookup[id]; if (treeItem) { var items = treeItem.items; // is an HTMLCollection for (var i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) { var item = items[i]; var bookmarkNode = item.bookmarkNode; delete bmm.treeLookup[bookmarkNode.id]; } delete bmm.treeLookup[id]; } }, /** * Updates the underlying bookmark node for the tree items and list items by * querying the bookmark backend. * @param {string} id The id of the node to update the children for. * @param {Function=} opt_f A funciton to call when done. */ updateChildren: function(id, opt_f) { function updateItem(bookmarkNode) { var treeItem = bmm.treeLookup[bookmarkNode.id]; if (treeItem) { treeItem.bookmarkNode = bookmarkNode; } } chrome.bookmarks.getChildren(id, function(children) { if (children) children.forEach(updateItem); if (opt_f) opt_f(children); }); } }; /** * Called when the title of a bookmark changes. * @param {string} id The id of changed bookmark node. * @param {!Object} changeInfo The information about how the node changed. */ function handleBookmarkChanged(id, changeInfo) { if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.handleBookmarkChanged(id, changeInfo); if (bmm.list) bmm.list.handleBookmarkChanged(id, changeInfo); } /** * Callback for when the user reorders by title. * @param {string} id The id of the bookmark folder that was reordered. * @param {!Object} reorderInfo The information about how the items where * reordered. */ function handleChildrenReordered(id, reorderInfo) { if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.handleChildrenReordered(id, reorderInfo); if (bmm.list) bmm.list.handleChildrenReordered(id, reorderInfo); bookmarkCache.updateChildren(id); } /** * Callback for when a bookmark node is created. * @param {string} id The id of the newly created bookmark node. * @param {!Object} bookmarkNode The new bookmark node. */ function handleCreated(id, bookmarkNode) { if (bmm.list) bmm.list.handleCreated(id, bookmarkNode); if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.handleCreated(id, bookmarkNode); bookmarkCache.updateChildren(bookmarkNode.parentId); } /** * Callback for when a bookmark node is moved. * @param {string} id The id of the moved bookmark node. * @param {!Object} moveInfo The information about move. */ function handleMoved(id, moveInfo) { if (bmm.list) bmm.list.handleMoved(id, moveInfo); if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.handleMoved(id, moveInfo); bookmarkCache.updateChildren(moveInfo.parentId); if (moveInfo.parentId != moveInfo.oldParentId) bookmarkCache.updateChildren(moveInfo.oldParentId); } /** * Callback for when a bookmark node is removed. * @param {string} id The id of the removed bookmark node. * @param {!Object} bookmarkNode The information about removed. */ function handleRemoved(id, removeInfo) { if (bmm.list) bmm.list.handleRemoved(id, removeInfo); if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.handleRemoved(id, removeInfo); bookmarkCache.updateChildren(removeInfo.parentId); bookmarkCache.remove(id); } /** * Callback for when all bookmark nodes have been deleted. */ function handleRemoveAll() { // Reload the list and the tree. if (bmm.list) bmm.list.reload(); if (bmm.tree) bmm.tree.reload(); } /** * Callback for when importing bookmark is started. */ function handleImportBegan() { chrome.bookmarks.onCreated.removeListener(handleCreated); chrome.bookmarks.onChanged.removeListener(handleBookmarkChanged); } /** * Callback for when importing bookmark node is finished. */ function handleImportEnded() { // When importing is done we reload the tree and the list. function f() { bmm.tree.removeEventListener('load', f); chrome.bookmarks.onCreated.addListener(handleCreated); chrome.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(handleBookmarkChanged); if (!bmm.list) return; // TODO(estade): this should navigate to the newly imported folder, which // may be the bookmark bar if there were no previous bookmarks. bmm.list.reload(); } if (bmm.tree) { bmm.tree.addEventListener('load', f); bmm.tree.reload(); } } /** * Adds the listeners for the bookmark model change events. */ function addBookmarkModelListeners() { chrome.bookmarks.onChanged.addListener(handleBookmarkChanged); chrome.bookmarks.onChildrenReordered.addListener(handleChildrenReordered); chrome.bookmarks.onCreated.addListener(handleCreated); chrome.bookmarks.onMoved.addListener(handleMoved); chrome.bookmarks.onRemoved.addListener(handleRemoved); chrome.bookmarks.onImportBegan.addListener(handleImportBegan); chrome.bookmarks.onImportEnded.addListener(handleImportEnded); }; return { contains: contains, isFolder: isFolder, loadSubtree: loadSubtree, loadTree: loadTree, addBookmarkModelListeners: addBookmarkModelListeners }; });