// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview A class for walking one character at a time. */ goog.provide('cvox.CharacterWalker'); goog.require('cvox.AbstractSelectionWalker'); goog.require('cvox.TraverseContent'); /** * @constructor * @extends {cvox.AbstractSelectionWalker} */ cvox.CharacterWalker = function() { cvox.AbstractSelectionWalker.call(this); this.grain = cvox.TraverseContent.kCharacter; }; goog.inherits(cvox.CharacterWalker, cvox.AbstractSelectionWalker); /** * @override */ cvox.CharacterWalker.prototype.getDescription = function(prevSel, sel) { var desc = goog.base(this, 'getDescription', prevSel, sel); desc.forEach(function(item) { if (!item.personality) { item.personality = {}; } item.personality['phoneticCharacters'] = true; }); return desc; }; /** * @override */ cvox.CharacterWalker.prototype.getGranularityMsg = function() { return cvox.ChromeVox.msgs.getMsg('character_granularity'); };