// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
top: 0,
left: 0,
width: 1237,
height: 514
top: 194,
left: 370,
width: 498,
height: 142
'SHIFT': 'modifier-shift',
'CTRL': 'modifier-ctrl',
'ALT': 'modifier-alt'
'2A': 'is-shift',
'1D': 'is-ctrl',
'38': 'is-alt'
'search': 'E0 5B',
'ctrl': '1D',
'alt': '38',
'caps lock': '3A',
'disabled': 'DISABLED'
var keyboardOverlayId = 'en_US';
var identifierMap = {};
* Returns layouts data.
function getLayouts() {
return keyboardOverlayData['layouts'];
* Returns shortcut data.
function getShortcutData() {
return keyboardOverlayData['shortcut'];
* Returns the keyboard overlay ID.
function getKeyboardOverlayId() {
return keyboardOverlayId;
* Returns keyboard glyph data.
function getKeyboardGlyphData() {
return keyboardOverlayData['keyboardGlyph'][getKeyboardOverlayId()];
* Converts a single hex number to a character.
function hex2char(hex) {
if (!hex) {
return '';
var result = '';
var n = parseInt(hex, 16);
if (n <= 0xFFFF) {
result += String.fromCharCode(n);
} else if (n <= 0x10FFFF) {
n -= 0x10000;
result += (String.fromCharCode(0xD800 | (n >> 10)) +
String.fromCharCode(0xDC00 | (n & 0x3FF)));
} else {
console.error('hex2Char error: Code point out of range :' + hex);
return result;
* Returns a list of modifiers from the key event.
function getModifiers(e) {
if (!e) {
return [];
var isKeyDown = (e.type == 'keydown');
var keyCodeToModifier = {
16: 'SHIFT',
17: 'CTRL',
18: 'ALT',
91: 'ALT', // left ALT pressed with SHIFT
92: 'ALT', // right ALT pressed with SHIFT
var modifierWithKeyCode = keyCodeToModifier[e.keyCode];
var isPressed = {'SHIFT': e.shiftKey, 'CTRL': e.ctrlKey, 'ALT': e.altKey};
// if e.keyCode is one of Shift, Ctrl and Alt, isPressed should
// be changed because the key currently pressed
// does not affect the values of e.shiftKey, e.ctrlKey and e.altKey
isPressed[modifierWithKeyCode] = isKeyDown;
// make the result array
return ['SHIFT', 'CTRL', 'ALT'].filter(
function(modifier) {
return isPressed[modifier];
* Returns an ID of the key.
function keyId(identifier, i) {
return identifier + '-key-' + i;
* Returns an ID of the text on the key.
function keyTextId(identifier, i) {
return identifier + '-key-text-' + i;
* Returns an ID of the shortcut text.
function shortcutTextId(identifier, i) {
return identifier + '-shortcut-text-' + i;
* Returns true if |list| contains |e|.
function contains(list, e) {
return list.indexOf(e) != -1;
* Returns a list of the class names corresponding to the identifier and
* modifiers.
function getKeyClasses(identifier, modifiers) {
var classes = ['keyboard-overlay-key'];
for (var i = 0; i < modifiers.length; ++i) {
if ((identifier == '2A' && contains(modifiers, 'SHIFT')) ||
(identifier == '1D' && contains(modifiers, 'CTRL')) ||
(identifier == '38' && contains(modifiers, 'ALT'))) {
return classes;
* Returns true if a character is a ASCII character.
function isAscii(c) {
var charCode = c.charCodeAt(0);
return 0x00 <= charCode && charCode <= 0x7F;
* Returns a remapped identiifer based on the preference.
function remapIdentifier(identifier) {
return identifierMap[identifier] || identifier;
* Returns a label of the key.
function getKeyLabel(keyData, modifiers) {
if (!keyData) {
return '';
if (keyData.label) {
return keyData.label;
var keyLabel = '';
for (var j = 1; j <= 9; j++) {
var pos = keyData['p' + j];
if (!pos) {
keyLabel = hex2char(pos);
if (!keyLabel) {
if (isAscii(keyLabel) &&
getShortcutData()[getAction(keyLabel, modifiers)]) {
return keyLabel;
* Returns a normalized string used for a key of shortcutData.
* Examples:
* keycode: 'd', modifiers: ['CTRL', 'SHIFT'] => 'd<>CTRL<>SHIFT'
* keycode: 'alt', modifiers: ['ALT', 'SHIFT'] => 'ALT<>SHIFT'
function getAction(keycode, modifiers) {
const SEPARATOR = '<>';
if (keycode.toUpperCase() in MODIFIER_TO_CLASS) {
keycode = keycode.toUpperCase();
if (keycode in modifiers) {
return modifiers.join(SEPARATOR);
} else {
var action = [keycode].concat(modifiers)
return action.join(SEPARATOR);
return [keycode].concat(modifiers).join(SEPARATOR);
* Returns a text which displayed on a key.
function getKeyTextValue(keyData) {
if (keyData.label) {
// Do not show text on the space key.
if (keyData.label == 'space') {
return '';
return keyData.label;
var chars = [];
for (var j = 1; j <= 9; ++j) {
var pos = keyData['p' + j];
if (pos && pos.length > 0) {
return chars.join(' ');
* Updates the whole keyboard.
function update(modifiers) {
var instructions = document.getElementById('instructions');
if (modifiers.length == 0) {
instructions.style.visibility = 'visible';
} else {
instructions.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var keyboardGlyphData = getKeyboardGlyphData();
var shortcutData = getShortcutData();
var layout = getLayouts()[keyboardGlyphData.layoutName];
for (var i = 0; i < layout.length; ++i) {
var identifier = remapIdentifier(layout[i][0]);
var keyData = keyboardGlyphData.keys[identifier];
var classes = getKeyClasses(identifier, modifiers, keyData);
var keyLabel = getKeyLabel(keyData, modifiers);
var shortcutId = shortcutData[getAction(keyLabel, modifiers)];
if (modifiers.length == 1 && modifiers[0] == 'SHIFT' &&
identifier == '2A') {
// Currently there is no way to identify whether the left shift or the
// right shift is preesed from the key event, so I assume the left shift
// key is pressed here and do not show keyboard shortcut description for
// 'Shift - Shift' (Toggle caps lock) on the left shift key, the
// identifier of which is '2A'.
// TODO(mazda): Remove this workaround (http://crosbug.com/18047)
shortcutId = null;
if (shortcutId) {
var key = document.getElementById(keyId(identifier, i));
key.className = classes.join(' ');
if (!keyData) {
var keyText = document.getElementById(keyTextId(identifier, i));
var keyTextValue = getKeyTextValue(keyData);
if (keyTextValue) {
keyText.style.visibility = 'visible';
} else {
keyText.style.visibility = 'hidden';
keyText.textContent = keyTextValue;
var shortcutText = document.getElementById(shortcutTextId(identifier, i));
if (shortcutId) {
shortcutText.style.visibility = 'visible';
shortcutText.textContent = templateData[shortcutId];
} else {
shortcutText.style.visibility = 'hidden';
if (keyData.format) {
var format = keyData.format;
if (format == 'left' || format == 'right') {
shortcutText.style.textAlign = format;
keyText.style.textAlign = format;
* A callback function for onkeydown and onkeyup events.
function handleKeyEvent(e){
var modifiers = getModifiers(e);
if (!getKeyboardOverlayId()) {
* Initializes the layout of the keys.
function initLayout() {
// Add data for the caps lock key
var keys = getKeyboardGlyphData().keys;
if (!('3A' in keys)) {
keys['3A'] = {label: 'caps lock', format: 'left'};
// Add data for the special key representing a disabled key
keys['DISABLED'] = {label: 'disabled', format: 'left'};
var layout = getLayouts()[getKeyboardGlyphData().layoutName];
var keyboard = document.body;
var minX = window.innerWidth;
var maxX = 0;
var minY = window.innerHeight;
var maxY = 0;
var multiplier = 1.38 * window.innerWidth / BASE_KEYBOARD.width;
var keyMargin = 7;
var offsetX = 10;
var offsetY = 7;
for (var i = 0; i < layout.length; i++) {
var array = layout[i];
var identifier = remapIdentifier(array[0]);
var x = Math.round((array[1] + offsetX) * multiplier);
var y = Math.round((array[2] + offsetY) * multiplier);
var w = Math.round((array[3] - keyMargin) * multiplier);
var h = Math.round((array[4] - keyMargin) * multiplier);
var key = document.createElement('div');
key.id = keyId(identifier, i);
key.className = 'keyboard-overlay-key';
key.style.left = x + 'px';
key.style.top = y + 'px';
key.style.width = w + 'px';
key.style.height = h + 'px';
var keyText = document.createElement('div');
keyText.id = keyTextId(identifier, i);
keyText.className = 'keyboard-overlay-key-text';
keyText.style.visibility = 'hidden';
var shortcutText = document.createElement('div');
shortcutText.id = shortcutTextId(identifier, i);
shortcutText.className = 'keyboard-overlay-shortcut-text';
shortcutText.style.visilibity = 'hidden';
minX = Math.min(minX, x);
maxX = Math.max(maxX, x + w);
minY = Math.min(minY, y);
maxY = Math.max(maxY, y + h);
var width = maxX - minX + 1;
var height = maxY - minY + 1;
keyboard.style.width = (width + 2 * (minX + 1)) + 'px';
keyboard.style.height = (height + 2 * (minY + 1)) + 'px';
var instructions = document.createElement('div');
instructions.id = 'instructions';
instructions.className = 'keyboard-overlay-instructions';
instructions.style.left = ((BASE_INSTRUCTIONS.left - BASE_KEYBOARD.left) *
width / BASE_KEYBOARD.width + minX) + 'px';
instructions.style.top = ((BASE_INSTRUCTIONS.top - BASE_KEYBOARD.top) *
height / BASE_KEYBOARD.height + minY) + 'px';
instructions.style.width = (width * BASE_INSTRUCTIONS.width /
BASE_KEYBOARD.width) + 'px';
instructions.style.height = (height * BASE_INSTRUCTIONS.height /
BASE_KEYBOARD.height) + 'px';
var instructionsText = document.createElement('div');
instructionsText.id = 'instructions-text';
instructionsText.className = 'keyboard-overlay-instructions-text';
instructionsText.innerHTML = templateData.keyboardOverlayInstructions;
var instructionsHideText = document.createElement('div');
instructionsHideText.id = 'instructions-hide-text';
instructionsHideText.className = 'keyboard-overlay-instructions-hide-text';
instructionsHideText.innerHTML = templateData.keyboardOverlayInstructionsHide;
var learnMoreLinkText = document.createElement('div');
learnMoreLinkText.id = 'learn-more-text';
learnMoreLinkText.className = 'keyboard-overlay-learn-more-text';
learnMoreLinkText.addEventListener('click', learnMoreClicked);
var learnMoreLinkAnchor = document.createElement('a');
learnMoreLinkAnchor.href = templateData.keyboardOverlayLearnMoreURL;
learnMoreLinkAnchor.textContent = templateData.keyboardOverlayLearnMore;
* A callback function for the onload event of the body element.
function init() {
document.addEventListener('keydown', handleKeyEvent);
document.addEventListener('keyup', handleKeyEvent);
* Initializes the global map for remapping identifiers of modifier keys based
* on the preference.
* Called after sending the 'getLabelMap' message.
function initIdentifierMap(remap) {
for (var key in remap) {
var val = remap[key];
if ((key in LABEL_TO_IDENTIFIER) &&
identifierMap[LABEL_TO_IDENTIFIER[key]] =
} else {
console.error('Invalid label map element: ' + key + ', ' + val);
* Initializes the global keyboad overlay ID and the layout of keys.
* Called after sending the 'getInputMethodId' message.
function initKeyboardOverlayId(inputMethodId) {
// Libcros returns an empty string when it cannot find the keyboard overlay ID
// corresponding to the current input method.
// In such a case, fallback to the default ID (en_US).
var inputMethodIdToOverlayId = keyboardOverlayData['inputMethodIdToOverlayId']
if (inputMethodId) {
keyboardOverlayId = inputMethodIdToOverlayId[inputMethodId];
if (!keyboardOverlayId) {
console.error('No keyboard overlay ID for ' + inputMethodId);
keyboardOverlayId = 'en_US';
while(document.body.firstChild) {
* Handles click events of the learn more link.
function learnMoreClicked(e) {
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', init);