// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. /** * @fileoverview Low level usb cruft to talk gnubby. */ 'use strict'; // Global Gnubby instance counter. var gnubbyId = 0; /** * Creates a worker Gnubby instance. * @constructor * @param {number=} opt_busySeconds to retry an exchange upon a BUSY result. */ function usbGnubby(opt_busySeconds) { this.dev = null; this.cid = (++gnubbyId) & 0x00ffffff; // Pick unique channel. this.rxframes = []; this.synccnt = 0; this.rxcb = null; this.closed = false; this.commandPending = false; this.notifyOnClose = []; this.busyMillis = (opt_busySeconds ? opt_busySeconds * 1000 : 2500); } /** * Sets usbGnubby's Gnubbies singleton. * @param {Gnubbies} gnubbies Gnubbies singleton instance */ usbGnubby.setGnubbies = function(gnubbies) { /** @private {Gnubbies} */ usbGnubby.gnubbies_ = gnubbies; }; /** * @param {function(number, Array.)} cb Called back with the * result of enumerating. */ usbGnubby.prototype.enumerate = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (this.closed) { cb(-llGnubby.NODEVICE); return; } if (!usbGnubby.gnubbies_) { cb(-llGnubby.NODEVICE); return; } usbGnubby.gnubbies_.enumerate(cb); }; /** * Opens the gnubby with the given index, or the first found gnubby if no * index is specified. * @param {llGnubbyDeviceId} which The device to open. If null, the first * gnubby found is opened. * @param {function(number)|undefined} opt_cb Called with result of opening the * gnubby. */ usbGnubby.prototype.open = function(which, opt_cb) { var cb = opt_cb ? opt_cb : usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (this.closed) { cb(-llGnubby.NODEVICE); return; } this.closingWhenIdle = false; if (document.location.href.indexOf('_generated_') == -1) { // Not background page. // Pick more random cid to tell things apart on the usb bus. var rnd = UTIL_getRandom(2); this.cid ^= (rnd[0] << 16) | (rnd[1] << 8); } var self = this; function setCid(which) { self.cid &= 0x00ffffff; self.cid |= ((which.device + 1) << 24); // For debugging. } var enumerateRetriesRemaining = 3; function enumerated(rc, devs) { if (!devs.length) rc = -llGnubby.NODEVICE; if (rc) { cb(rc); return; } which = devs[0]; setCid(which); usbGnubby.gnubbies_.addClient(which, self, function(rc, device) { if (rc == -llGnubby.NODEVICE && enumerateRetriesRemaining-- > 0) { // We were trying to open the first device, but now it's not there? // Do over. usbGnubby.gnubbies_.enumerate(enumerated); return; } self.dev = device; cb(rc); }); } if (which) { setCid(which); usbGnubby.gnubbies_.addClient(which, self, function(rc, device) { self.dev = device; cb(rc); }); } else { usbGnubby.gnubbies_.enumerate(enumerated); } }; /** * @return {boolean} Whether this gnubby has any command outstanding. * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.inUse_ = function() { return this.commandPending; }; /** Closes this gnubby. */ usbGnubby.prototype.close = function() { this.closed = true; if (this.dev) { console.log(UTIL_fmt('usbGnubby.close()')); this.rxframes = []; this.rxcb = null; var dev = this.dev; this.dev = null; var self = this; // Wait a bit in case simpleton client tries open next gnubby. // Without delay, gnubbies would drop all idle devices, before client // gets to the next one. window.setTimeout( function() { usbGnubby.gnubbies_.removeClient(dev, self); }, 300); } }; /** * Asks this gnubby to close when it gets a chance. * @param {Function=} cb called back when closed. */ usbGnubby.prototype.closeWhenIdle = function(cb) { if (!this.inUse_()) { this.close(); if (cb) cb(); return; } this.closingWhenIdle = true; if (cb) this.notifyOnClose.push(cb); }; /** * Close and notify every caller that it is now closed. * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.idleClose_ = function() { this.close(); while (this.notifyOnClose.length != 0) { var cb = this.notifyOnClose.shift(); cb(); } }; /** * Notify callback for every frame received. * @param {function()} cb Callback * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.notifyFrame_ = function(cb) { if (this.rxframes.length != 0) { // Already have frames; continue. if (cb) window.setTimeout(cb, 0); } else { this.rxcb = cb; } }; /** * Called by low level driver with a frame. * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} frame Data frame * @return {boolean} Whether this client is still interested in receiving * frames from its device. */ usbGnubby.prototype.receivedFrame = function(frame) { if (this.closed) return false; // No longer interested. if (!this.checkCID_(frame)) { // Not for me, ignore. return true; } this.rxframes.push(frame); // Callback self in case we were waiting. Once. var cb = this.rxcb; this.rxcb = null; if (cb) window.setTimeout(cb, 0); return true; }; /** * @return {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} oldest received frame. Throw if none. * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.readFrame_ = function() { if (this.rxframes.length == 0) throw 'rxframes empty!'; var frame = this.rxframes.shift(); return frame; }; /** Poll from rxframes[]. * @param {number} cmd Command * @param {number} timeout timeout in seconds. * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.read_ = function(cmd, timeout, cb) { if (this.closed) { cb(-llGnubby.GONE); return; } if (!this.dev) { cb(-llGnubby.GONE); return; } var tid = null; // timeout timer id. var callback = cb; var self = this; var msg = null; var seqno = 0; var count = 0; /** * Schedule call to cb if not called yet. * @param {number} a Return code. * @param {Object=} b Optional data. */ function schedule_cb(a, b) { self.commandPending = false; if (tid) { // Cancel timeout timer. window.clearTimeout(tid); tid = null; } var c = callback; if (c) { callback = null; window.setTimeout(function() { c(a, b); }, 0); } if (self.closingWhenIdle) self.idleClose_(); }; function read_timeout() { if (!callback || !tid) return; // Already done. console.error(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] timeout!')); if (self.dev) { self.dev.destroy(); // Stop pretending this thing works. } tid = null; schedule_cb(-llGnubby.TIMEOUT); }; function cont_frame() { if (!callback || !tid) return; // Already done. var f = new Uint8Array(self.readFrame_()); var rcmd = f[4]; var totalLen = (f[5] << 8) + f[6]; if (rcmd == llGnubby.CMD_ERROR && totalLen == 1) { // Error from device; forward. console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] error frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); if (f[7] == llGnubby.GONE) { self.closed = true; } schedule_cb(-f[7]); return; } if ((rcmd & 0x80)) { // Not an CONT frame, ignore. console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] ignoring non-cont frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); self.notifyFrame_(cont_frame); return; } var seq = (rcmd & 0x7f); if (seq != seqno++) { console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] bad cont frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); schedule_cb(-llGnubby.INVALID_SEQ); return; } // Copy payload. for (var i = 5; i < f.length && count < msg.length; ++i) { msg[count++] = f[i]; } if (count == msg.length) { // Done. schedule_cb(-llGnubby.OK, msg.buffer); } else { // Need more CONT frame(s). self.notifyFrame_(cont_frame); } } function init_frame() { if (!callback || !tid) return; // Already done. var f = new Uint8Array(self.readFrame_()); var rcmd = f[4]; var totalLen = (f[5] << 8) + f[6]; if (rcmd == llGnubby.CMD_ERROR && totalLen == 1) { // Error from device; forward. // Don't log busy frames, they're "normal". if (f[7] != llGnubby.BUSY) { console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] error frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); } if (f[7] == llGnubby.GONE) { self.closed = true; } schedule_cb(-f[7]); return; } if (!(rcmd & 0x80)) { // Not an init frame, ignore. console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] ignoring non-init frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); self.notifyFrame_(init_frame); return; } if (rcmd != cmd) { // Not expected ack, read more. console.log(UTIL_fmt( '[' + self.cid.toString(16) + '] ignoring non-ack frame ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(f))); self.notifyFrame_(init_frame); return; } // Copy payload. msg = new Uint8Array(totalLen); for (var i = 7; i < f.length && count < msg.length; ++i) { msg[count++] = f[i]; } if (count == msg.length) { // Done. schedule_cb(-llGnubby.OK, msg.buffer); } else { // Need more CONT frame(s). self.notifyFrame_(cont_frame); } } // Start timeout timer. tid = window.setTimeout(read_timeout, 1000.0 * timeout); // Schedule read of first frame. self.notifyFrame_(init_frame); }; /** * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} frame Data frame * @return {boolean} Whether frame is for my channel. * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.checkCID_ = function(frame) { var f = new Uint8Array(frame); var c = (f[0] << 24) | (f[1] << 16) | (f[2] << 8) | (f[3]); return c === this.cid || c === 0; // Generic notification. }; /** * Queue command for sending. * @param {number} cmd The command to send. * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.write_ = function(cmd, data) { if (this.closed) return; if (!this.dev) return; this.commandPending = true; this.dev.queueCommand(this.cid, cmd, data); }; /** * Writes the command, and calls back when the command's reply is received. * @param {number} cmd The command to send. * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @param {number} timeout Timeout in seconds. * @param {function(number, ArrayBuffer=)} cb Callback * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.exchange_ = function(cmd, data, timeout, cb) { var busyWait = new CountdownTimer(this.busyMillis); var self = this; function retryBusy(rc, rc_data) { if (rc == -llGnubby.BUSY && !busyWait.expired()) { if (usbGnubby.gnubbies_) { usbGnubby.gnubbies_.resetInactivityTimer(timeout * 1000); } self.write_(cmd, data); self.read_(cmd, timeout, retryBusy); } else { busyWait.clearTimeout(); cb(rc, rc_data); } } retryBusy(-llGnubby.BUSY, undefined); // Start work. }; /** Default callback for commands. Simply logs to console. * @param {number} rc Result status code * @param {(ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array|Array.|null)} data Result data */ usbGnubby.defaultCallback = function(rc, data) { var msg = 'defaultCallback(' + rc; if (data) { if (typeof data == 'string') msg += ', ' + data; else msg += ', ' + UTIL_BytesToHex(new Uint8Array(data)); } msg += ')'; console.log(UTIL_fmt(msg)); }; /** Send nonce to device, flush read queue until match. * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.sync = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (this.closed) { cb(-llGnubby.GONE); return; } var done = false; var trycount = 6; var tid = null; var self = this; function callback(rc) { done = true; self.commandPending = false; if (tid) { window.clearTimeout(tid); tid = null; } if (rc) console.warn(UTIL_fmt('sync failed: ' + rc)); if (cb) cb(rc); if (self.closingWhenIdle) self.idleClose_(); } function sendSentinel() { var data = new Uint8Array(1); data[0] = ++self.synccnt; self.write_(llGnubby.CMD_SYNC, data.buffer); } function checkSentinel() { var f = new Uint8Array(self.readFrame_()); // Device disappeared on us. if (f[4] == llGnubby.CMD_ERROR && f[5] == 0 && f[6] == 1 && f[7] == llGnubby.GONE) { self.closed = true; callback(-llGnubby.GONE); return; } // Eat everything else but expected sync reply. if (f[4] != llGnubby.CMD_SYNC || (f.length > 7 && /* fw pre-0.2.1 bug: does not echo sentinel */ f[7] != self.synccnt)) { // Read more. self.notifyFrame_(checkSentinel); return; } // Done. callback(-llGnubby.OK); }; function timeoutLoop() { if (done) return; if (trycount == 0) { // Failed. callback(-llGnubby.TIMEOUT); return; } --trycount; // Try another one. sendSentinel(); self.notifyFrame_(checkSentinel); tid = window.setTimeout(timeoutLoop, 500); }; timeoutLoop(); }; /** Short timeout value in seconds */ usbGnubby.SHORT_TIMEOUT = 1; /** Normal timeout value in seconds */ usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT = 3; // Max timeout usb firmware has for smartcard response is 30 seconds. // Make our application level tolerance a little longer. /** Maximum timeout in seconds */ usbGnubby.MAX_TIMEOUT = 31; /** Blink led * @param {number|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data or number * of seconds to blink * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.blink = function(data, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (typeof data == 'number') { var d = new Uint8Array([data]); data = d.buffer; } this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_PROMPT, data, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Lock the gnubby * @param {number|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.lock = function(data, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (typeof data == 'number') { var d = new Uint8Array([data]); data = d.buffer; } this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_LOCK, data, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Unlock the gnubby * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.unlock = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; var data = new Uint8Array([0]); this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_LOCK, data.buffer, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Request system information data. * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.sysinfo = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_SYSINFO, new ArrayBuffer(0), usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Send wink command * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.wink = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_WINK, new ArrayBuffer(0), usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Send DFU (Device firmware upgrade) command * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.dfu = function(data, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_DFU, data, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Ping the gnubby * @param {number|ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.ping = function(data, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; if (typeof data == 'number') { var d = new Uint8Array(data); window.crypto.getRandomValues(d); data = d.buffer; } this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_PING, data, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Send a raw APDU command * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} data Command data * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.apdu = function(data, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_APDU, data, usbGnubby.MAX_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** Reset gnubby * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.reset = function(cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_ATR, new ArrayBuffer(0), usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; // byte args[3] = [delay-in-ms before disabling interrupts, // delay-in-ms before disabling usb (aka remove), // delay-in-ms before reboot (aka insert)] /** Send usb test command * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} args Command data * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback */ usbGnubby.prototype.usb_test = function(args, cb) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; var u8 = new Uint8Array(args); this.exchange_(llGnubby.CMD_USB_TEST, u8.buffer, usbGnubby.NORMAL_TIMEOUT, cb); }; /** APDU command with reply * @param {ArrayBuffer|Uint8Array} request The request * @param {?function(...)} cb Callback * @param {boolean=} opt_nowink Do not wink * @private */ usbGnubby.prototype.apduReply_ = function(request, cb, opt_nowink) { if (!cb) cb = usbGnubby.defaultCallback; var self = this; this.apdu(request, function(rc, data) { if (rc == 0) { var r8 = new Uint8Array(data); if (r8[r8.length - 2] == 0x90 && r8[r8.length - 1] == 0x00) { // strip trailing 9000 var buf = new Uint8Array(r8.subarray(0, r8.length - 2)); cb(-llGnubby.OK, buf.buffer); return; } else { // return non-9000 as rc rc = r8[r8.length - 2] * 256 + r8[r8.length - 1]; // wink gnubby at hand if it needs touching. if (rc == 0x6985 && !opt_nowink) { self.wink(function() { cb(rc); }); return; } } } // Warn on errors other than waiting for touch, wrong data, and // unrecognized command. if (rc != 0x6985 && rc != 0x6a80 && rc != 0x6d00) { console.warn(UTIL_fmt('apduReply_ fail: ' + rc.toString(16))); } cb(rc); }); };