// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. <include src="../uber/uber_utils.js"></include> <include src="extension_code.js"></include> <include src="extension_commands_overlay.js"></include> <include src="extension_focus_manager.js"></include> <include src="extension_list.js"></include> <include src="pack_extension_overlay.js"></include> <include src="extension_error_overlay.js"></include> <include src="extension_loader.js"></include> <if expr="chromeos"> <include src="chromeos/kiosk_apps.js"></include> </if> // Used for observing function of the backend datasource for this page by // tests. var webuiResponded = false; cr.define('extensions', function() { var ExtensionsList = options.ExtensionsList; // Implements the DragWrapper handler interface. var dragWrapperHandler = { /** @override */ shouldAcceptDrag: function(e) { // We can't access filenames during the 'dragenter' event, so we have to // wait until 'drop' to decide whether to do something with the file or // not. // See: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-html5-20110113/dnd.html#concept-dnd-p return (e.dataTransfer.types && e.dataTransfer.types.indexOf('Files') > -1); }, /** @override */ doDragEnter: function() { chrome.send('startDrag'); ExtensionSettings.showOverlay(null); ExtensionSettings.showOverlay($('drop-target-overlay')); }, /** @override */ doDragLeave: function() { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay(null); chrome.send('stopDrag'); }, /** @override */ doDragOver: function(e) { e.preventDefault(); }, /** @override */ doDrop: function(e) { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay(null); if (e.dataTransfer.files.length != 1) return; var toSend = null; // Files lack a check if they're a directory, but we can find out through // its item entry. for (var i = 0; i < e.dataTransfer.items.length; ++i) { if (e.dataTransfer.items[i].kind == 'file' && e.dataTransfer.items[i].webkitGetAsEntry().isDirectory) { toSend = 'installDroppedDirectory'; break; } } // Only process files that look like extensions. Other files should // navigate the browser normally. if (!toSend && /\.(crx|user\.js)$/i.test(e.dataTransfer.files[0].name)) toSend = 'installDroppedFile'; if (toSend) { e.preventDefault(); chrome.send(toSend); } } }; /** * ExtensionSettings class * @class */ function ExtensionSettings() {} cr.addSingletonGetter(ExtensionSettings); ExtensionSettings.prototype = { __proto__: HTMLDivElement.prototype, /** * Whether or not to try to display the Apps Developer Tools promotion. * @type {boolean} * @private */ displayPromo_: false, /** * Perform initial setup. */ initialize: function() { uber.onContentFrameLoaded(); cr.ui.FocusOutlineManager.forDocument(document); measureCheckboxStrings(); // Set the title. uber.setTitle(loadTimeData.getString('extensionSettings')); // This will request the data to show on the page and will get a response // back in returnExtensionsData. chrome.send('extensionSettingsRequestExtensionsData'); var extensionLoader = extensions.ExtensionLoader.getInstance(); $('toggle-dev-on').addEventListener('change', this.handleToggleDevMode_.bind(this)); $('dev-controls').addEventListener('webkitTransitionEnd', this.handleDevControlsTransitionEnd_.bind(this)); // Set up the three dev mode buttons (load unpacked, pack and update). $('load-unpacked').addEventListener('click', function(e) { extensionLoader.loadUnpacked(); }); $('pack-extension').addEventListener('click', this.handlePackExtension_.bind(this)); $('update-extensions-now').addEventListener('click', this.handleUpdateExtensionNow_.bind(this)); // Set up the close dialog for the apps developer tools promo. $('apps-developer-tools-promo').querySelector('.close-button'). addEventListener('click', function(e) { this.displayPromo_ = false; this.updatePromoVisibility_(); chrome.send('extensionSettingsDismissADTPromo'); }.bind(this)); if (!loadTimeData.getBoolean('offStoreInstallEnabled')) { this.dragWrapper_ = new cr.ui.DragWrapper(document.documentElement, dragWrapperHandler); } extensions.PackExtensionOverlay.getInstance().initializePage(); // Hook up the configure commands link to the overlay. var link = document.querySelector('.extension-commands-config'); link.addEventListener('click', this.handleExtensionCommandsConfig_.bind(this)); // Initialize the Commands overlay. extensions.ExtensionCommandsOverlay.getInstance().initializePage(); extensions.ExtensionErrorOverlay.getInstance().initializePage( extensions.ExtensionSettings.showOverlay); // Initialize the kiosk overlay. if (cr.isChromeOS) { var kioskOverlay = extensions.KioskAppsOverlay.getInstance(); kioskOverlay.initialize(); $('add-kiosk-app').addEventListener('click', function() { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay($('kiosk-apps-page')); kioskOverlay.didShowPage(); }); extensions.KioskDisableBailoutConfirm.getInstance().initialize(); } cr.ui.overlay.setupOverlay($('drop-target-overlay')); cr.ui.overlay.globalInitialization(); extensions.ExtensionFocusManager.getInstance().initialize(); var path = document.location.pathname; if (path.length > 1) { // Skip starting slash and remove trailing slash (if any). var overlayName = path.slice(1).replace(/\/$/, ''); if (overlayName == 'configureCommands') this.showExtensionCommandsConfigUi_(); } preventDefaultOnPoundLinkClicks(); // From webui/js/util.js. }, /** * Updates the Chrome Apps and Extensions Developer Tools promotion's * visibility. * @private */ updatePromoVisibility_: function() { var extensionSettings = $('extension-settings'); var visible = extensionSettings.classList.contains('dev-mode') && this.displayPromo_; var adtPromo = $('apps-developer-tools-promo'); var controls = adtPromo.querySelectorAll('a, button'); Array.prototype.forEach.call(controls, function(control) { control[visible ? 'removeAttribute' : 'setAttribute']('tabindex', '-1'); }); adtPromo.setAttribute('aria-hidden', !visible); extensionSettings.classList.toggle('adt-promo', visible); }, /** * Handles the Pack Extension button. * @param {Event} e Change event. * @private */ handlePackExtension_: function(e) { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay($('pack-extension-overlay')); chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordAction', ['Options_PackExtension']); }, /** * Shows the Extension Commands configuration UI. * @param {Event} e Change event. * @private */ showExtensionCommandsConfigUi_: function(e) { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay($('extension-commands-overlay')); chrome.send('metricsHandler:recordAction', ['Options_ExtensionCommands']); }, /** * Handles the Configure (Extension) Commands link. * @param {Event} e Change event. * @private */ handleExtensionCommandsConfig_: function(e) { this.showExtensionCommandsConfigUi_(); }, /** * Handles the Update Extension Now button. * @param {Event} e Change event. * @private */ handleUpdateExtensionNow_: function(e) { chrome.send('extensionSettingsAutoupdate'); }, /** * Handles the Toggle Dev Mode button. * @param {Event} e Change event. * @private */ handleToggleDevMode_: function(e) { if ($('toggle-dev-on').checked) { $('dev-controls').hidden = false; window.setTimeout(function() { $('extension-settings').classList.add('dev-mode'); }, 0); } else { $('extension-settings').classList.remove('dev-mode'); } window.setTimeout(this.updatePromoVisibility_.bind(this)); chrome.send('extensionSettingsToggleDeveloperMode'); }, /** * Called when a transition has ended for #dev-controls. * @param {Event} e webkitTransitionEnd event. * @private */ handleDevControlsTransitionEnd_: function(e) { if (e.propertyName == 'height' && !$('extension-settings').classList.contains('dev-mode')) { $('dev-controls').hidden = true; } }, }; /** * Called by the dom_ui_ to re-populate the page with data representing * the current state of installed extensions. */ ExtensionSettings.returnExtensionsData = function(extensionsData) { // We can get called many times in short order, thus we need to // be careful to remove the 'finished loading' timeout. if (this.loadingTimeout_) window.clearTimeout(this.loadingTimeout_); document.documentElement.classList.add('loading'); this.loadingTimeout_ = window.setTimeout(function() { document.documentElement.classList.remove('loading'); }, 0); webuiResponded = true; if (extensionsData.extensions.length > 0) { // Enforce order specified in the data or (if equal) then sort by // extension name (case-insensitive) followed by their ID (in the case // where extensions have the same name). extensionsData.extensions.sort(function(a, b) { function compare(x, y) { return x < y ? -1 : (x > y ? 1 : 0); } return compare(a.order, b.order) || compare(a.name.toLowerCase(), b.name.toLowerCase()) || compare(a.id, b.id); }); } var pageDiv = $('extension-settings'); var marginTop = 0; if (extensionsData.profileIsManaged) { pageDiv.classList.add('profile-is-managed'); } else { pageDiv.classList.remove('profile-is-managed'); } if (extensionsData.profileIsManaged) { pageDiv.classList.add('showing-banner'); $('toggle-dev-on').disabled = true; marginTop += 45; } else { pageDiv.classList.remove('showing-banner'); $('toggle-dev-on').disabled = false; } pageDiv.style.marginTop = marginTop + 'px'; if (extensionsData.developerMode) { pageDiv.classList.add('dev-mode'); $('toggle-dev-on').checked = true; $('dev-controls').hidden = false; } else { pageDiv.classList.remove('dev-mode'); $('toggle-dev-on').checked = false; } ExtensionSettings.getInstance().displayPromo_ = extensionsData.promoteAppsDevTools; ExtensionSettings.getInstance().updatePromoVisibility_(); $('load-unpacked').disabled = extensionsData.loadUnpackedDisabled; ExtensionsList.prototype.data_ = extensionsData; var extensionList = $('extension-settings-list'); ExtensionsList.decorate(extensionList); } // Indicate that warning |message| has occured for pack of |crx_path| and // |pem_path| files. Ask if user wants override the warning. Send // |overrideFlags| to repeated 'pack' call to accomplish the override. ExtensionSettings.askToOverrideWarning = function(message, crx_path, pem_path, overrideFlags) { var closeAlert = function() { ExtensionSettings.showOverlay(null); }; alertOverlay.setValues( loadTimeData.getString('packExtensionWarningTitle'), message, loadTimeData.getString('packExtensionProceedAnyway'), loadTimeData.getString('cancel'), function() { chrome.send('pack', [crx_path, pem_path, overrideFlags]); closeAlert(); }, closeAlert); ExtensionSettings.showOverlay($('alertOverlay')); } /** * Returns the current overlay or null if one does not exist. * @return {Element} The overlay element. */ ExtensionSettings.getCurrentOverlay = function() { return document.querySelector('#overlay .page.showing'); } /** * Sets the given overlay to show. This hides whatever overlay is currently * showing, if any. * @param {HTMLElement} node The overlay page to show. If falsey, all overlays * are hidden. */ ExtensionSettings.showOverlay = function(node) { var pageDiv = $('extension-settings'); if (node) { pageDiv.style.width = window.getComputedStyle(pageDiv).width; document.body.classList.add('no-scroll'); } else { document.body.classList.remove('no-scroll'); pageDiv.style.width = ''; } var currentlyShowingOverlay = ExtensionSettings.getCurrentOverlay(); if (currentlyShowingOverlay) currentlyShowingOverlay.classList.remove('showing'); if (node) node.classList.add('showing'); var pages = document.querySelectorAll('.page'); for (var i = 0; i < pages.length; i++) { pages[i].setAttribute('aria-hidden', node ? 'true' : 'false'); } overlay.hidden = !node; uber.invokeMethodOnParent(node ? 'beginInterceptingEvents' : 'stopInterceptingEvents'); } /** * Utility function to find the width of various UI strings and synchronize * the width of relevant spans. This is crucial for making sure the * Enable/Enabled checkboxes align, as well as the Developer Mode checkbox. */ function measureCheckboxStrings() { var trashWidth = 30; var measuringDiv = $('font-measuring-div'); measuringDiv.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('extensionSettingsEnabled'); var pxWidth = measuringDiv.clientWidth + trashWidth; measuringDiv.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('extensionSettingsEnable'); pxWidth = Math.max(measuringDiv.clientWidth + trashWidth, pxWidth); measuringDiv.textContent = loadTimeData.getString('extensionSettingsDeveloperMode'); pxWidth = Math.max(measuringDiv.clientWidth, pxWidth); var style = document.createElement('style'); style.type = 'text/css'; style.textContent = '.enable-checkbox-text {' + ' min-width: ' + (pxWidth - trashWidth) + 'px;' + '}' + '#dev-toggle span {' + ' min-width: ' + pxWidth + 'px;' + '}'; document.querySelector('head').appendChild(style); } // Export return { ExtensionSettings: ExtensionSettings }; }); window.addEventListener('load', function(e) { extensions.ExtensionSettings.getInstance().initialize(); });